ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
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<Starwaster> oh my god why do I have 600+ MB pdf files?
<Starwaster> released Real Active Radiators for latest Real Fuels. This replaces Heat Pump: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/175254-131-real-active-radiators-v100/
<soundnfury> Seeing a certain acronym just caused my brain to note that there's a botanical garden in London named "Kinetic Energy Weapon Gardens"
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<Probus> My ship just exploded for no reason. It said it crashed into colliders??? Any idea what happened?
<Probus> I've been playing KSP for years and have never seen that error.
<Probus> I thought we had banished the Kraken
<rsparkyc> invisible space debris
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<Nightcat> Hi, I was wondering if anyone has a good tutorial link for creating RO config files. I'd like to create a few for some spacex parts and the SSTU shuttle. I do not believe anyone has done this yet, at least as far as I could find?
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<Starwaster> what sstu shuttle?
<Probus> Can you kill a child process with a fork?
<Probus> Sorry Starwaster if I interrupted.
<Starwaster> thats ok but you should read what you just said. its got me giggling like a schoolgirl
<Probus> How about can you terminate a sub-process with a branch?
<Probus> Less murderous
<Nightcat> The part is the SSTU-SC-E-FS-Fuselage... sorry if I'm stepping on toes here.
<Starwaster> probus I'm not sure how you can safely do that. or if. Doesn't seem like you could do that
<Starwaster> nightcat is that a new part?
<Nightcat> It might be? I'm honestly not sure. I only installed SSTU a few days ago, so it may be?
<Starwaster> ok probably is... must be something new he just made
<Nightcat> okay, I'm sorry. I did not mean to seem impatient. I just thought maybe no one was doing it so thought I might take a crack at it. I've never made RO configs and was interested in learning.
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<stratochief> lamont: yeah, I read that. seems like a reasonable explanation. I'd still like to see one tested in space. There was rumour that china was trying one in space, but not like they share their science data.
<rsparkyc> so, what’s the difference between .netkan files and .version files+
<rsparkyc> s/+/?
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<Starwaster> weird I just found a pastebin with some code I wrote ...
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<Pap> Nightcat: that is not a new part, that is part of the Space Shuttle
<Pap> That cannot properly be configured for RO because the wings do not work with FAR
<Nightcat> Pap: Okay thanks! I know the launchers pack parts aren't supported. Is there something similar I should know about them before investing time in learning how to make configs for RO?
<Pap> No, as far as I know there is not. Check with RaiderNick though. I think he has some knowledge about those
<Nightcat> Thank you, will do. Are there any resources I can use to learn syntax for RO configs?
<Nightcat> that is, outside of just taking apart one of the configs from the mod.
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<lamont> stratochief: yeah kind of disappointing
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<wb99999999> oh my, I didn't realize ATK has been launching Antares rockets again\
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<Pap> Not really Nightcat just kinda take them apart. If you use Discord, PhineasPhreak is a great person to ask
<Nightcat> I do, what's the discord server?
<Starwaster> are you trying to start some discord???
<Nightcat> Sorry I'm dumb. It's on the freaking thread. I fail at reading.
<Nightcat> Thank you for the help, Pap.
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