ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
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<rsparkyc> hello everyone
<rsparkyc> i’ve updated realheat for 1.4.3
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<BadRocketsCo> Howdy
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<Bornholio> did you kill this one also?
<egg|zzz|egg> Bornholio: FYI Darboux is out
<egg|zzz|egg> so Principia now supports 1.4.3
<egg|zzz|egg> (still need to write the forum post but it's there on github)
<Bornholio> cool and thanks for RH Rsparckyc
<Bornholio> i'll update my list
<Bornholio> many changes egg?
<egg|zzz|egg> we have our own cube root!
<Bornholio> new function? were you able to integrate with what lamont needed for MJ peg stuff?
<lamont> not yet
<Qboid> lamont: egg|nomz|egg left a message for you in #RO [13.05.2018 20:55:34]: "can you tell me about your required endpoints for your new fancy guidance methods?"
<egg|zzz|egg> oh lamont is here
<egg|zzz|egg> !pet lamont
* Qboid pets lamont
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn lamont
* Qboid gives lamont a étale cockatoo
<lamont> lol
<lamont> fancy new guidance should be able to use the same endpoint from Principia that PEG needed
<Bornholio> watch out lamont cockatoos lay eggs
<lamont> !wpn egg|zzz|egg
* Qboid gives egg|zzz|egg a brushless detector
<egg|zzz|egg> lamont: we have what is afaict the best-rounded by far and the second-fastest cbrt https://github.com/mockingbirdnest/Principia/blob/2018051512-Darboux/numerics/cbrt.cpp
<lamont> cbrt?
<egg|zzz|egg> cube root
<egg|zzz|egg> that's the libm name
<lamont> oh cool
<egg|zzz|egg> ("atlas" is Apple's implementation in that graph, because https://twitter.com/chordowl/status/981067384810344449)
<egg|zzz|egg> lamont: prior to that I think Apple's was the most accurate cbrt implementation that you could actually find (the old Kahan paper doesn't seem to have been implemented as is)
<egg|zzz|egg> lamont: admittedly we use our cbrt in a tiny corner to convert Keplerian elements but still :D
<lamont> yeah, that’s the guy who did the crazy fast math implementation on mac?
<egg|zzz|egg> crazy fast *and accurate*
<egg|zzz|egg> (meanwhile glibc is insanely slow and horribly inaccurate)
<lamont> but he’s the one to blame for all the principia tests failing on mac?
<egg|zzz|egg> well, indirectly
<egg|zzz|egg> those tests are libm-dependent
<lamont> (like all good programmers, i don’t care about correctness, i just want green tests…)
<egg|zzz|egg> so they are built to fail until principia has its own libm
<egg|zzz|egg> which starts with cbrt!
<lamont> nice
<egg|zzz|egg> lamont: my implementations are second-fastest behind his (faster than Kahan's but Kahan described those for old processors), and vastly more accurate
<Bornholio> yall are sick in the head :)
<Bornholio> in a good way
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<egg|zzz|egg> lamont: I have ~5 misroundings per million vs. his 8 %, and < 0.50022 ULPs vs. his 0.7something
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<Bornholio> anyone with time PR a CKAN fix for https://github.com/KSP-RO/KerbalRenamer/releases/tag/v1.0.0 please
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