ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
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<rsparkyc> hello
<Qboid> rsparkyc: NathanKell left a message for you in #RO [16.05.2018 04:04:15]: "no, no details have been released about the game we're working on, sorry. Also, great you're back, hope things are well!"
<rsparkyc> lamont, you on?
<rsparkyc> !tell lamont trying out the MJ builds you suggested, though it seems that in windows, i’m not getting the menu to appear, even though the parts are there
<Qboid> rsparkyc: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<rsparkyc> !tell lamont the weird thing is that in osx those builds work fine
<Qboid> rsparkyc: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<lamont> hrm
<Qboid> lamont: rsparkyc left a message for you in #RO [18.05.2018 02:10:30]: "trying out the MJ builds you suggested, though it seems that in windows, i’m not getting the menu to appear, even though the parts are there"
<Qboid> lamont: rsparkyc left a message for you in #RO [18.05.2018 02:10:45]: "the weird thing is that in osx those builds work fine"
<rsparkyc> i’m going to try doing a recompile myself and see if that fixes it
<rsparkyc> but i’ve never seen an issue like this before (other than with principia, but that’s a whole different story)
<lamont> yeah if you’re using 1.4.3 i think i compiled the 1.4.x version before that was released
<rsparkyc> ahh, pehaps that’s it
<egg> meow
<lamont> not seeing the menus would indicate some kind of DLL issue
<lamont> (a wild egg appears!)
<rsparkyc> yep, makes sense
<egg> lamont!
<egg> !wpn lamont
* Qboid gives lamont a gravitational kmath which vaguely resembles a radiography
<lamont> i would suspect i compiled against the wrong version and made a bad release (due to juggling 1.2/1.3/1.4 builds)
<lamont> !wpn egg
* Qboid gives egg a Coxeter chromatograph
<lamont> but if it works on osx and not win, and you’re running the same KSP versions, then that’s weird
<rsparkyc> yeah, let me see what a recompile does
<lamont> grep the ksp.log for mechjeb
<rsparkyc> i’m actually running modded KSP on nvidia geforce now
<rsparkyc> so that’s why i’m playing with windows versions now
<lamont> <— nvidia geforce + macosx
<rsparkyc> yeah, but you have a physical nvidia card, right?
<rsparkyc> geforce now is their cloud gaming service
<rsparkyc> bunch of mechjeb errors
<rsparkyc> AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'MechJeb2': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.
<lamont> oh hahahaha
<rsparkyc> things like this
<lamont> parsing error
<rsparkyc> System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'MuMech.AttitudeControllers.HybridController' from assembly 'MechJeb2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
<rsparkyc> System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'MuMech.AttitudeControllers.KosAttitudeController' from assembly 'MechJeb2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
<lamont> that does look weird and somewhat compiled wrong
<rsparkyc> i’m going to see what my log on osx says
<rsparkyc> yeah, nothing like that in the Player.log on osx
<rsparkyc> i’m confused about this versioning though
<rsparkyc> i’m seeing at least 2 different versions:
<rsparkyc> MechJeb2 v2.5.1.0 / v / v2.7.2.0
<lamont> i never bump the version on my dev branches
<rsparkyc> hmm, apparently it can’t find “Profiler”
<lamont> that’s sounds like a KSP version mismatch issue
<lamont> or i wonder if there really is something about osx vs win builds on the latest
<rsparkyc> I should hope not...
<lamont> yeah but osx has weird DLLs that windoze doesn’t have, its complicated
<rsparkyc> yeah, i do remember seeing that when i dug into the osx package
<rsparkyc> so…Profiler should be in UnityEngine, right?
<lamont> sure?
<rsparkyc> well when i grep for Profiler i see stuff like this:
<rsparkyc> .//bin/Release/UnityEngine.xml: <member name="T:UnityEngine.Profiler">
<rsparkyc> but i’ve added the UnityEngine.dll from the windows version of KSP, and it doesn’t seem to find it in there
<lamont> so probably you should wipe the MechJeb folders on both your machines, and make sure you’re on the same KSP versions, and extract a fresh zip file on both first
<rsparkyc> that’s what I did before i reached out to you :)
<rsparkyc> but…just to be sure
<lamont> so if you do that, then it looks like my builds for 1.4.3 on OSX don’t load on Windows, but unfortunately i got nothin there...
<lamont> although i think someone was talking about that on irc at some point....
<lamont> that may indeed be a thing, but unfortunately i don’t know the solution
<rsparkyc> getting closer to getting it to build
<rsparkyc> needed to add using UnityEngine.Profiling
<rsparkyc> oh, wait, i’m an idiot
<rsparkyc> i’m on the 131 tag
<rsparkyc> no wonder it doens’t want to build againts 1.4.x
<lamont> `git checkout lcg/PEGAS2` should work
<rsparkyc> ok, let me use that branch
<rsparkyc> ok, let’s try this dll :)
egg is now known as egg|zzz|egg
<rsparkyc> woot!
<rsparkyc> MJ menu shows up now!
<lamont> nice
<rsparkyc> when you build it, did you build againts the dependencies in the osx version of KSP or the win_64 version?
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<lamont> osx
<rsparkyc> i bet that’s the issue then
<lamont> well, so, afaik they’re supposed to be the same, tho ‘cuz unity + mono + stuff
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<lamont> i linked against the dlls in the game on my osx box, which are supposed to be crossplatform
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<lamont> lamont: i linked against the dlls in the game on my osx box, which are supposed to be crossplatform
<rsparkyc> i do remember their managed folders looked totally different
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<rsparkyc> i tried to link to the osx ones once and had nothing but issues
<lamont> there’s the one underneath Launcher.app but i wasn’t using that
<rsparkyc> i never look at the launcher app either
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<rsparkyc> !tell lamont so it looks like building mechjeb against the windows dependencies does the trick. Are you able to do that, or do you want me to help provide you the compiled MechJeb.dll?
<Qboid> rsparkyc: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<rsparkyc> !tell lamont, also, is there a way to disable the lines PEG draws on the screen? They’re still there even after I’ve reached orbit.
<Qboid> rsparkyc: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<lamont> PEG is still running then
<Qboid> lamont: rsparkyc left a message for you in #RO [18.05.2018 17:20:14]: "so it looks like building mechjeb against the windows dependencies does the trick. Are you able to do that, or do you want me to help provide you the compiled MechJeb.dll?"
<Qboid> lamont: rsparkyc left a message for you in #RO [18.05.2018 17:21:21]: "also, is there a way to disable the lines PEG draws on the screen? They’re still there even after I’ve reached orbit."
<lamont> click the disable PEG button and they should go away
<lamont> although that means something else is wrong
<rsparkyc> hmm, thought I tried that
<lamont> there’s no other setting for that though, if PEG is running they’re displayed
<rsparkyc> let me try again
<lamont> unless you somehow wound up on really old code (like typo’d a mchenryXYZ tag and got old code)
<rsparkyc> I used sourcetree, so I just doubleclicked on the branch
<lamont> if the lines aren’t still attached to your ship and are wandering off after PEG is disabled, that smells like you’ve got old code
<rsparkyc> no, they were still attached
<lamont> that smells like PEG never finished then
<lamont> the presence of the “force disable PEG” button means you’ve got reasonbly up to date code
<lamont> note that’s not the disable/enable ascent guidance button in the main ascent menu
<rsparkyc> I see a “Force Disable PEG” button in the “Space Shuttle PEG Pitch Porgram” window
<rsparkyc> that’s the window that opens when I click “edit ascent path"
<lamont> yep that one
<lamont> mash that and see if the lines go away
<rsparkyc> nope, i’m at pre-launch, and i still see a vertical red line
<rsparkyc> i can try with your dll on my osx install too
<lamont> in orbit? or really on the pad?
<rsparkyc> on the pad
<lamont> yeah so for launch there’s no way to turn them off, you need ascent guidance running, and it needs PEG running
<lamont> (and PEG running always draws the lines)
<lamont> its pretty beta code, so i never got around to make that togglable
<rsparkyc> yeah, i can understand that
<rsparkyc> let me launch then and see if i can toggle it
<lamont> if you get to orbit and the ascent autopilot stops, but you still see the lines, *then* you hit the bug where PEG is left running, and that’s when you mash the button to force disable it
<rsparkyc> ok, let me use it to get to orbit
<rsparkyc> ok, upon reaching orbit, a bunch of lines did go away
<rsparkyc> however, there’s still a red line pointing down
<rsparkyc> and a red and blue line pointing prograde
<lamont> whack the button?
<rsparkyc> lines remain
<lamont> that shouldn’t happen
<rsparkyc> perhaps somehow the lines are getting drawn twice?
<rsparkyc> and upon completion it only removes the last set?
<lamont> there’s one routine that draws them and it gets removed when the module is disabled
<rsparkyc> let me try a stock game on osx with your build
<rsparkyc> and work back from there
<lamont> i somewhat doubt it’ll behave differently
<rsparkyc> it wil at least help me see if it’s something i did
<rsparkyc> yep, lines remain
<lamont> oh sure i can see the commented out lines
<lamont> why did i do that?
<rsparkyc> haha
<rsparkyc> i’m just glad it wasn’t me :)
<rsparkyc> earlier today i couldn’t remember how to write JSON…it’s been one of those days
<lamont> okay pull lcg/PEGAS2 and rebuild again, lines will just be gone-gone
<rsparkyc> ok
<rsparkyc> lines are gone :)
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<Starwaster> what is there a new POEG?
<Starwaster> !seen stratochief
<Qboid> Starwaster: I last saw stratochief on [18.05.2018 01:38:57] in #SpaceX saying: "so no "Will the toilets on your tube be like they are at burning man?""
<rsparkyc> lol
<Starwaster> dafuq
<rsparkyc> lamont put a pretty sweet build together, though you need to recompile it if you want it to work with windows
<lamont> no new PEG, i just did a quick patch for rsparkyc to get rid of the debug lines
<rsparkyc> well your shuttle PEG is better than what’s on sarbians dev build
<lamont> yeah but wait until you hit phi = 45 at t = 40s issues and it all goes nuts
<Starwaster> !tell stratochief I've been looking at RealISRU and it's a Real Mess ... I've been doing some work on it but should I bother doing it for anyone but myself? What is its situation? Is there some other ISRU mod out there?
<Qboid> Starwaster: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<rsparkyc> all i know is i’m working on a 1.4.3 RO install, and so far it’s worknig well
<lamont> it looks like they’ve fixed PEG for SLS https://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20180002044.pdf but i still don’t have the current thrust integrals they’re using
<Starwaster> lamont just make some up. Plug some random numbers in there. If nothing else it should be good for shits and giggles
<lamont> oh i’ve tried that
<lamont> thing is that i’ve now got a real trajectory optimizer written in C# which doesn’t have any of PEGs approximations and limitations
<Starwaster> rsparkyc there's a lot of parts in there with issues. RTG trying to replace ModuleResourceConverter that uses plutonium that the part doesn't have. And the RTG was using ModuleGenerator anyway
<rsparkyc> i was talking about mechjeb, not RealISRU
<Starwaster> ah ok
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<Rokker> NathanKell|AFK: i just realized
<Rokker> there is no footage or pics of a snark landing at the skid strip
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<Rokker> google lied to me
<Bornholio> lamont you should ask one of the guys on the report, maybe your algorithm is better :P https://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=20180002044 also see https://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20180002035.pdf
<lamont> Thomas Fill is the guy i’d like to talk to
<Bornholio> good source of contacts is the chairs for the conferencecs
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