ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
<Bornholio> I hope so, trying to get people to say RP-1 or farg it even RP-0 needs a release but no they all argue about features they don't think are perfect
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<Starwaster> awang_ there might still be updates to it down the road but yes MLI is done
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<awang> \o
<Bornholio> hey
<awang> btw, has anyone tried using roslyn-linq-rewrite or LinqOptimizer?
<awang> Looking to get back into some coding things
<awang> Also, how much should I count on the JIT?
<awang> Trying to change some of my code to be a bit more readable (or so I hope)
<awang> So I end up with quite a few locals
<awang> Is that problematic?
<awang> Wait
<awang> Crap
<awang> The macOS/Windows DLL thing is still a problem, isn't it
<awang> I'm also half tempted to rewrite the KCT formula parser, if only get get something that's slightly easier to read
<awang> OCaml-style "let ___ = ___ in \n let ___ = ___ in \n let ProceduralPartFormula = ___"
<awang> Also, just wondering
<awang> Would it be better or worse to have ModuleTag things track their own multipliers and have KCT use reflection to grab the multipliers?
<awang> I was thinking of sticking the multiplier in the tag description
<awang> So something like "This part contains avionics and doubles your rollout costs"
<awang> But that info is sort of hidden away in KCT
<awang> And I really don't want to copy/paste the multipliers
<Bornholio> it would be nice if the tag costs could display somewhere but i think reflection is better
<awang> Reflection on the RP-0 side or on the KCT side?
<Bornholio> functionally used on the KCT side.
<awang> So KCT grabs the tag info from RP-0 using reflection?
<Bornholio> that i have no idea. pretty sure it does but guessing
<Bornholio> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jqFjaHCo0gdIj5mX61V8D02Ma6v1WfH2Zuv0ddXgG5M/edit#gid=0 Not sure why RN closed your 1.4.1 RSS PR since i'm pretty sure it worked fine awang
<awang> Right now the tag multipliers are given directly to KCT through the KCT settings file
<awang> Built-in knowledge of ModuleTags, I guess
<awang> I guess a more flexible system would be something like IRolloutCostModifier, but that may be a bit invasive
<awang> Maybe it was closed because I hadn't recompiled it for 1.4.3?
<awang> idk
<awang> I can recompile once I get my Windows dev environment set up again
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<Starwaster> type convert -404444444 fahrenheit to kelvin in google
<awang> Starwaster: ?
<Starwaster> awang google returns negative Kelvin values if you feed it ridiculous values
<Starwaster> -404444444 was just an arbitrary negative number
<awang> Ah
<awang> Well
<awang> GIGO
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