ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
<ProjectThoth> The idea is to churn out literally hundreds at a time and do weekly launches. (see: "A Rocket a Day Keeps the High Costs Away").
<Bornholio> can vent it straight to atmosphere so no disposal costs that said lox hybrids are usually not the choice. and back in the days pre sts they did that
<Starwaster> bornholio I think I might have this nailed down soon...
<Bornholio> awesome
<ProjectThoth> Huh, neat.
<ProjectThoth> I don't know how to go about doing an economic study. I'm sure the actual math of putting stuff into orbit that way (say, about 1-2 tons) is totally viable.
<Bornholio> scout did little boxes but OATK has the scale ups
<Bornholio> modern mixes have pretty good ISP ratings
<ProjectThoth> Fastinatin'.
<Bornholio> hell i csn get my sugar rockets above 120
<ProjectThoth> I'd imagine that one could drop costs pretty heavily with the mass-produced rocket approach.
<Bornholio> launch range costs are the real problem when you start thinking of many launches
<ProjectThoth> Do it out in the ocean?
<Bornholio> thats why spacex is pushing for more automation from the FAA/USAF/NOAA/FCC etc
<Bornholio> sure look up the itallian ESA platform off of africa
<Bornholio> or the luanch ship that i am drawing a blank on, or pretty much all USN ships
<ProjectThoth> Funny, I was just reading up about that.
<ProjectThoth> San Marco?
<Starwaster> read that as Scout_(Family_Rocket) and I'm thinking... Robinsons...
<Bornholio> the robinsons are tiny
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<Rokker> Bornholio: Jesus. did you see the new footage of that Air Canada close call last July?
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<Starwaster> bornholio are you on the MLI branch of RF? (for KSP 1.3.1)
<Rokker> Starwaster: did you see the close call?
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<BadRocketsCo> Howdy yall
* schnobs waves
<BadRocketsCo> What's up?
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<schnobs> anything that's not tied down *rimshot*
<BadRocketsCo> Ah yes, very clever
<BadRocketsCo> Ya doing anything in RO?
<BadRocketsCo> I was about to say "ya up to anything" but I saw the danger in that...
<schnobs> RP-1 career has stalled, kinda sorta.
<schnobs> Going the spaceplane way doesn't really work.
<BadRocketsCo> Oh, I see. I'm guessing that manned lunar landing is difficult with that?
<schnobs> Well, EOR should work nicely... but I don't have my eyes on the moon, really.
<BadRocketsCo> Ah, okay
<schnobs> I guess I'll have to look a a few space station packs and see if I can ROify at least one of them.
<BadRocketsCo> I'm trying to do a rocket with recoverable first stage here.
<BadRocketsCo> Sadly it gets a spin when on reentry.
<schnobs> That's something I'd be interested, at least from a technical gameplay POV.
<schnobs> How do you get it back into KCT so you can reuse it?
<schnobs> The spaceplane can be rolled back and put on a new booster, but if the booster was in storage as well...?
<BadRocketsCo> schnobs: can't figure that out sadly. I can just recover it but I am hardly accurate enough to land too near KSC...
<BadRocketsCo> NK33 doesn't have much of a throttle range.
<schnobs> Well, for my scheme it would need to survive splashdown to begin with, but that's details.
<BadRocketsCo> It could survive splashdown luckily.
<BadRocketsCo> Basicaly what it is is a first stage with 3xNK33. They burn until they have around 40s of burn time left
<BadRocketsCo> After second stage sep the middle engine shuts down and 2 NK33s do the boostback burn
<BadRocketsCo> And then the centre engine is for landing.
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<Starwaster> rokker no didnt see
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<Bornholio> starwaster yes but haven't ben able to play int he last couple weeks
<Starwaster> ok
<Starwaster> sucks, need someone to help test new radiators....
<Bornholio> have cryopumps to test?
<Bornholio> i can maybe sunday
<Starwaster> Why oh WHY does this code cause me lag??? https://gist.github.com/Starwaster/354d9dfa205c094ab7fe4b1e8bf426cc
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<Rokker> Bornholio Starwaster https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oF7FR7TjnME
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<Starwaster> anyone know about configuring cylindrical solar panels? And how does their sun collector transform work? I assume it still needs one?
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<AnticlockwisePropeller> Hi, I'm configging an solid rocket that uses "Double Base Propellant" (apparently a combination of nitroglycerin/nitrocellulose). Which of the in-game fuels would be most appropriate to use? At the moment I'm tempted to just go with SolidFuel, and alter the tank capacity/isp to get the mass/burn time right...
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<soundnfury> AnticlockwisePropeller: wouldn't the proper thing be to add the new propellant as a resource, with the proper density?
<AnticlockwisePropeller> I guess so, but it seems a bit much to add a whole propellent for one mildy-obscure rocket engine
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<AnticlockwisePropeller> I am a fool. NGNC already exists as a resource
<AnticlockwisePropeller> I don't know how I didn't see that before
<AnticlockwisePropeller> Thanks anyways, soundnfury :)
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<Starwaster> are there ANY RO parts that use solar panel type cylindrical?
<schnobs> Some of the prefab probes perhaps?
<Starwaster> I figure it would be some probe or sat that was covered all over and since Nathan went to the trouble of implementing it I was sure it was going to get used but I cant find any cases
<Starwaster> what I'm trying to find out is how cylindrical affects the solar panel transform placement. Or if it DOES affect it.
<schnobs> FASA used to have a drum-shaped probe (Pioneer 3?), looking for config...
<Starwaster> you know, looking at the ModuleDeployablePart and at the antenna code... it kind of looks like antennae should have the ability to rotate and orient... there's tracking modes other than sun... there's home... and current. current... target maybe?
<Starwaster> hmmm no that's for the current body.
<Starwaster> lots of unused stuff there that it seems like it probably works
<schnobs> Starwaster: in my config cache I find two instances of "panelType = Spherical", not cylindrical.
<schnobs> Interesting enough, I can't locate that string in the RO folder. I don't have the slightest idead how they're added.
<schnobs> Alright, that setting is already on the original part.
<schnobs> So all I can tell you is that cylindrical panels don't occur on my subset of RO-supported mods. Sorry.
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<Starwaster> schnobs that is bizarre; there is no spherical type in the solar panel code. There's a drag type spherical though...
<schnobs> Do you have FASA?
<wb99999999> hey guys
<schnobs> Starwaster: I guess you'll have to ask Raidernick.
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<wb99999999> why is my Bobcat™ engines have their attachment node offset
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<Raidernick> huh
<Raidernick> the node placement for cylinders is x up
<Raidernick> or the "blue" transform in unity
<Raidernick> with it like that the cylindrical part module will draw power from 360 degrees around the "blue" transform
<Raidernick> so like for something like an intelsat
<Raidernick> which has solar panels all around the sides of it's cylindrical body, you'd place that x axis up
<Raidernick> be aware that the module will only get about 20-25% power at a time, so you'll need to account for that as most published solar panel values assume ALL panels are getting 100% sunlight
<Raidernick> Starwaster
<Bornholio> rokker nice
<Rokker> Bornholio: and thats the first of two near misses air canada has been responsible for at SFO in the last year
<Rokker> air canada needs to learn how to land
<Starwaster> raidernick
<Raidernick> was pinging you because of what you were asking about
<Raidernick> and i was pinged
<Starwaster> I forget, which way does the blue axis usually point?
<Raidernick> by default it points up
<Raidernick> which means around the sides will be the collector
<schnobs> Starwaster: Place Mk1 pod in VAB. Blue axis points straight out of the hatch.
<Starwaster> that's out the side... then...
<wb99999999> guess no one's gonna help me then...
<Raidernick> wb99999999, those engines haven't been updated in 5 years
<wb99999999> it was fine until I got RO for 1.3.1
<schnobs> if you ever want to send a washing machine into space, though...
<wb99999999> I think is something about the scaling
<Raidernick> wb99999999, the configs haven't been updated in 5 years
<Raidernick> it's a personal problem then
<Starwaster> crap I better go verify this
<wb99999999> hmm
<Starwaster> bobcat? wtf? bobcat is abandonware
<Raidernick> Starwaster, you wouldn't believe how many people complain about his stuff being broken
<Raidernick> it's google's fault
<Starwaster> no I totally believe it
<wb99999999> no I meant the soviet engines pack everyone uses in RORP1
<Raidernick> when you type in soviet anything his crap pops up first for ksp
<wb99999999> RP0 I meant
<Raidernick> and it's all broken
<Raidernick> super annoying
<Starwaster> don't crucify me pleez but bobcat is overrated
<wb99999999> I agree actually
<Raidernick> Starwaster, it's not overrated, the parts are not good
<Raidernick> the models are outdated
<Raidernick> and super low poly
<Raidernick> like 16 sides low poly
<Raidernick> and none of them are particularly accurate either
<Raidernick> they were good in 0.18
<Starwaster> uhhh that's the very definition of overrated. People think very highly of bobcat parts and it's overrated
<Raidernick> but not anymore
<wb99999999> well we now that the other one as an alternative
<Raidernick> use the real engines pack
<Raidernick> get rid of bobcat stuff
<Raidernick> ro supports real engines
<wb99999999> just need to find a model to attach RD-270 config to then...
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<Starwaster> yay, successfully imported Mk1-3 into KSP 1.3.1
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