ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
<Bornholio> starwaster lol
<Bornholio> that seems silly
<Starwaster> the problem is probably exacerbated by the fact that I removed specific heat from cryogenic resources but that was practically unavoidable
<Bornholio> I'm really not a fan of parts with integrated RCS for other reasons, you just added one more
<Starwaster> we could really use a system where resources have their own temperature if we're assigning them specific heat
<Bornholio> that starts to get harsh doesn't it?
<Starwaster> how do you mean?
<Bornholio> or is that something that CRP could add
<Starwaster> what?
<Starwaster> oh giving resources actual thermal?
<Starwaster> I don't think it would be appropriate for CRP
<Starwaster> in fact since Real Fuels is pretty much the only mod where this matters it should probably fall on RF
<Bornholio> Kerbal thermochemistry simulator
<Starwaster> no other mod with cryo boiloff even TRIES to integrate it with an actual thermal system let alone the stock system
<Bornholio> sounds like it would add a lot of CPU time too
<Starwaster> everyone else just assigns arbitrary levels of boiloff and some arbitrary 'cooling' system where if you dont have it you get boiloff but if you do then the boiloff just stops
<Starwaster> not really no.
<Starwaster> actual CPU resource usage should be negligible compared to everything else that gets run in the background
<Starwaster> it would need a few class extensions... PartResource and probably Part.
<Starwaster> though I wonder too if it might not be worth it to approach JPLRepo
<Starwaster> and see if he would be interested in adding it to stock
<Bornholio> that sounds like a good call
<Starwaster> or failing that at least give us a few hooks we can use to do it ourself
<Starwaster> in fact that would probably be better
<Bornholio> oh hey thansk for pushing me and jets PRs
<Starwaster> it's almost certainly not going to be used in Stock like ever... so just give me a few fields I can hook into and I'll do it myself
<Starwaster> np
<Starwaster> have you tried the new changes I pushed?
<Bornholio> nope too busy
<Bornholio> can you check these rail car pusher drawings so i can play :P
<Starwaster> they look fine to me
<Starwaster> watching Cargo on Netflix. Have you seen it? Or seen the short video on YouTube it's based on?
<Bornholio> that the one based off the cargo cults?
<Starwaster> no
<Starwaster> the cargo in question is an infant... carried on her fathers back as he wanders the world slowly turning into a zombie. Trying to find somewhere to care for her before he turns completely
<Bornholio> interesting
<Starwaster> the how and why of it weren't fleshed out in the original, we only see him after he gets bit
<Starwaster> in the end of the short video (IIRC) he's tied some note to himself asking someone to care for her and he continues to wander as a zombie with her on his back. He can't get to her to eat her because she's on his BACK
<Bornholio> gnarly
<Starwaster> not sure how this one will end. I had to stop watching it for a while because he jsut got bit and it was stupidity just like how I thought he'd get it
<Starwaster> but it was nderstandable stupidity because it involved his wife and he couldnt let her go even though she was turning
<Starwaster> and she told him to abandon her but idiot that he was he couldnt do it
<Bornholio> understandable, sounds better than other zombie films
<Starwaster> well most of them these days ignore the human factor... just low grade undead horror
<Bornholio> most of them are just nihlist fantasy
<Starwaster> that's why people like The Walking Dead... what's the worst danger in TWD? Other people...
<Starwaster> same as in any disaster scenario
<Bornholio> that one, read a survival guide from a guy who kept his family in a place under seige in kosovo for a year
<Bornholio> better than most fiction
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<Starwaster> Just when I think I've fully grasped the folly of the code that is ModuleActiveRadiators I realize I have not fully plumbed the depths of the folly
<Starwaster> heat transfer isn't scaled by delta time... it's divided by it. (scaled by the inverse of it?)
<Starwaster> So if you would ordinarily be removing 250 watts, at timewarp x5 you are only removing 50 of it...
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<Rokker> Bornholio: can you believe that someone who likes planes would refuse to go see this just to spite me https://i.imgur.com/aRYpsUE.jpg
<Rokker> look at that lineup
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<Starwaster> bornholio I set up the ISRU liquifier to grab boiloff from a tank and turn it back into LH2
<Rokker> what happened to bombing them
<Starwaster> uhm what good will that do?
<ProjectThoth> Starwaster: DON'T QUESTION THE GEOLOGIST
<Bornholio> farg your goddess gonna bomb her
<Starwaster> YOU'RE NOT MY PARENT ProjectThoth!
<Starwaster> ok so like I think I'm just about ready to release my new radiator mod
<Bornholio> Rokker AMC, Handicapable part of USAF
<Rokker> Starwaster: well in 35 the idea was to collapse the lava tubes to dam them up
<Rokker> in 75/76 it was to see if they could redirect flow
<Starwaster> and did they?
<Bornholio> starwaster looks awesome, that has other uses!
<Starwaster> rokker?
<Bornholio> does it need a GH2 tank?
<Rokker> Starwaster: considering bombing volcanoes isnt standard air force practice, im betting no
<Rokker> Bornholio: https://imgur.com/a/cBKAHw4
<Bornholio> very nice album rokker
<Starwaster> bornholio yes, the liquefier needs the resource to actually exist or the resource request fails
<Bornholio> have you psoted it yet?