ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
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<Starwaster> awful quiet
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<Bornholio> .poke
NathanKell|AFK is now known as NathanKell
<NathanKell> o/
<Bornholio> hey
<Starwaster> OMG WTF
<Starwaster> NathanKell is ALIVE?
<Starwaster> NathanKell, cryo changes are finally going live
<Bornholio> .clapLoudly
<Starwaster> MLI can be configured at the TANK_DEFINITION level and can be added by players (is cumulative)
<NathanKell> \o/
<Starwaster> TANK nodes can be configured with Dewar tanks and that's done for ServiceModule
<Starwaster> MLI actually modifies the skin-internal conduction and Dewar just changes the heat transfer model from conduction to radiation (and maybe later a little conduction)
<Starwaster> so the effects of both types is also cumulative
<NathanKell> awesome!
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<Starwaster> And it finally behaves somewhat decently with analytic... if anything with MLI it lerps a little too slowly so I added a coefficient that can be edited in RFSETTINGS so it can be tweaked. But it finally doesn't do the runaway heat thing as soon as the time warp is cranked up
<Bornholio> Nathan if you have time way in in the RP-0/RP-1 discussions for release :)
<Bornholio> weight
<NathanKell> ok!
<NathanKell> Ah, yeah, saw those emails
<NathanKell> Will do so
<taniwha> considering I saw NathanKell getting breakfast the other morning, one would hope he's alive :)
<Raidernick> does someone here want to give one last test to the RSS and rss textures masters
<Raidernick> We updated them to fix the issues with the normal maps on ceres and vesta
<Raidernick> had 3 of us test it but want one mroe before final release
<Raidernick> more*
stratochief_ is now known as stratochief
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<xShadowx|2> NathanKell: how was hawaii? ;3
<NathanKell> xShadowx|2: https://imgur.com/a/JgFvju0
<xShadowx|2> mmm unprocessed turtle soup
<xShadowx|2> NathanKell: not gonna kill me for that one? pfft :P
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<BadRocketsCo> Howdy
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<egg|work|egg> oh hey there was a NathanKell|AFK
<egg|work|egg> or rather a NathanKell not AFK
<awang_> soundnfury: Too late, already set up pytest :(
<awang_> It's pretty lightweight so far though
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<schnobs> awang_: what input are you looking for re: proc avionics?
<schnobs> What would make a better part description for the HG-55 Mars capabilities?
<schnobs> If Mars and Eart orbits were circular, you could do a bog-standard hohman transfer, swing into orbit around mars, and have about 4-6 weeks of mission time until it gets out of range.
<schnobs> Probably a moot point as there's now the PA-2 which is good for Mars at any time of year.
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* Rokker stares at F-15, F-18 and F-22
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<schnobs> Atlas-Vega makes no sense.
<schnobs> We've got that Vega Engine in RO, and a sensible rocket stage, using these engine performance stats, would be quite a bit larger than the one shown.
<schnobs> Also, text says "storable propellant", data section says LOX/RP-1.
<Raidernick> hey egg
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<egg> meow?
<soundnfury> hey guess what piece I've had in my head since orchestra rehearsal yesterday?
<soundnfury> overture to Eggmont.
<Raidernick> egg, i released a new rss and the textures
<Raidernick> apparently whoever makes the release, ckan changes to the author
<Raidernick> was accused of stealing the mod from you
<Raidernick> lol
Olympic1_ is now known as Olympic1
<Olympic1> You can set the author in the netkan file
<egg> Raidernick: HAHAHAHAHA
<Raidernick> Olympic1, why is it setting the author based on the release though
<Raidernick> i wasn't aware ckan even did that
<egg> Raidernick: link to the accusation? I want to laugh :-p
<Raidernick> well it started in ksp official
<Raidernick> then i was pmed on the forum
<Raidernick> you can check the backlog to see the guy who asked
<Raidernick> asked if it was offical, didn't get an answer, messages me saying i stole it
<Raidernick> logic
<Raidernick> egg, i told him that i DID steal it
<egg> :D :D :D
<Olympic1> lol
<egg> Raidernick: I'm not in official
<Raidernick> ah ok then
<egg> and neither is Qboid apparently so no logs
<Raidernick> i wasn't even at home
<Raidernick> i was at work got an email about a pm
<Raidernick> i just got home and checked the backlog there
<Raidernick> this community has some reasl morons in it
<Raidernick> real*
<soundnfury> hey, I resemble that remark!
<soundnfury> ;)
<schnobs> soundnfury: you're not the only one.
<schnobs> no worries.
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<xShadowx|2> Raidernick: hate to break it to ya....but it aint the community, the entire rock we live on has the issue