ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
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<xShadowx|2> ferram4: vanila or angelbob :P
<ferram4> Vanilla. Currently going for a lazy bastard run. Which is anything but lazy
<blowfish> love the random combination of "this is a generic thing that's generically labeled" with "this is a specific thing that's generically labeled" with "this is a specific thing that's specifically labeled"
<Bornholio> crayons
<Bornholio> you choose to stay in side the line :)
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<Rokker> Bornholio: wanna know something cool
<Rokker> Bornholio: I've seen that cowling
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<Rokker> Bornholio: thissun https://i.imgur.com/ElOJuzZ.jpg
<Bornholio> excellent
<Rokker> Bornholio: it's on display at the Kalamazoo Air Zoo in their engine gallery, about 25 feet from an F-1 and NERVA
<Bornholio> not NERVA...triggered
<Rokker> excellent small museum
<Rokker> Bornholio: NERVA nozzle rather
<Bornholio> is not nerva, nerva is paper
<Bornholio> .Kiwi, Pheobus, Pewee, NRX ...
<Rokker> yeah yeah yeah
<Rokker> whatever
<Bornholio> .shakesangry fist
<Rokker> NASA and the air zoo called it nerva
<Bornholio> and NASA killed nukes in space so...
<Rokker> Bornholio: it was either kiwi b or phoebus 1
<Bornholio> yeah! :)
<Rokker> or the nozzle from it at least
<Rokker> Bornholio: anyways, the air zoo has a really neat F-1 display and a rather irreverent nuclear engine display
<Bornholio> yeah i want to go fondle it, that and the engine in vegas oh and the XE' in hunstville
<Rokker> literally just sitting on the floor
<Rokker> I almost knocked it over cause I didn't notice it when I was gawking at the F-1
<Bornholio> yeah i saw your pics
<Rokker> oh yeah
<Rokker> Bornholio: I need museum's with railings. I have a habit of running into stuff when I dont
<Rokker> museums*
<Bornholio> you should see our poor apollo capsule :(
<Rokker> Bornholio: I refuse
<Bornholio> come out and see my SAC
<Rokker> sooner or later
<Bornholio> i'm doing DC in June
<Rokker> bony best friend is moving out to KC this summer
<Rokker> I might just visit him and make a trip to SAC
<Rokker> at some pojnt
<Bornholio> tell me when and i'll join you if you come
<Rokker> Bornholio: you know what saddens me
<Bornholio> sadness?
<Rokker> nobody at all pays attention to the Apollo capsule at the nmusaf
<Rokker> I mean sure the valkyrie and titan iv are on either side of it
<Rokker> but come on, it's an Apollo capsule that went to the moon
<Rokker> at least devote 10 seconds of your time to worship it
<Bornholio> well around... but yeah its sad that people dont understand the importance
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<blowfish> Was the RD-0105 the first pump-fed air-lit engine to fly?
<blowfish> Looks like it predated Agena (LR81) and Titan-I (LR91) by a bit
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<lamont> blowfish: which repo has the simple xUnit example with the .travis.yml file again?
<blowfish> lamont: B9 Part Switch
<blowfish> there's a fair bit of setup required, but I can walk you through it
<lamont> ahhh yes, that is in my browser history
<Qboid> [218d7] title: (mostly) empty test project by blowfishpro | Additions: 134 | Deletions: 2 | https://github.com/blowfishpro/B9PartSwitch/commit/218d7d4c95bcb4eca65858d0a21f9a0babf84d60
<blowfish> yep, more or less
<blowfish> if you want to compile and run tests on Travis though, the KSP DLLs have to get there somehow though
<lamont> yeah i’m not certain i care yet
<lamont> but the ultimate target is mechjeb and sarbian has some kind of solution for having jenkins compile builds already
<blowfish> ModuleManager already has some tests, they aren't running on Jenkins yet though
<blowfish> Sarbian was going to look into if after getting back from vacation
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<blowfish> but the setup for the test project should be the same as B9 Part Switch
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<schnobs> are there known problems in getting RO 1.3.1 via CKAN?
<schnobs> Because I'm running into SSL errors.
<schnobs> After downloading most stuff, CKAN stalled, and now all I get is certificate errors.
<schnobs> I wonder if I've run into some kind of poor man's load balancing / abuse prevention.
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<rsparkyc> I saw Kopernicus has a 1.4.2 release, has anyone tried to do a compile of RSS against 1.4.2 yet?
<rsparkyc> (if not, i might try)
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<Starwaster> Suddenly a Starwaster appears!
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<schnobs> Hello, Starwaster.
<Raidernick> did some testing to find out when that time warp ship jumping forward in orbit bug happens
<Raidernick> it doesn't happen if you are less than 250m or so from a ship
<Raidernick> as soon as it goes further away if you time warp or physical time warp it jumps all over the place
<Raidernick> Thomas, you wouldn't happen to know if it's kopernicus or rss that does that would you?
<Raidernick> it's been a bug forever i thought it had been fixed
<Raidernick> but i'm seeing it again
<Thomas> My guess is that it is a KSP bug triggered by changing the solar system
<Raidernick> so it is kopernicus then? is it fixable because it makes docking and rendezvous almost impossible unless you want to wait hours in real time
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<Starwaster> Principia thing maybe? Do you have it installed?
<Raidernick> nope
<Raidernick> i have a base rss/ro test install
<Raidernick> with only the absolute required mods
<Raidernick> the bug has been around forever though
<Raidernick> it shows up randomly in ksp versions
<Raidernick> i thought it had been fixed since 1.2
<Raidernick> but it's shown up in 1.3 again
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<Raidernick> i find it hard to believe nobody else who uses ro/rss has seen this problem or actively has it
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<schnobs> Raidernick: Well, I only attempted rendezvous once in the past several months. Problem as I experience it:
<schnobs> As I enter timewarp (even 2x physicswarp will do), the other vessel shifts by what appears to be several hundred m.
<schnobs> leave warp and it goes back to where it ought to be.
<Starwaster> lamont is it normal for PEG to want to launch to rendezvous when the target is 90 degrees around the bend of the planet?
<Starwaster> I'm letting it try this bizarre thing but I don't see how that can work
<lamont> launch to rendezvous is still all the old code, it probably does whatever it did before, which i think requires a launch-reset-launch sequence
<Starwaster> yeah but even the first time it's usually in the right ballpark at least
<Starwaster> wow and now it just dove right back into the atmosphere...
<Starwaster> just 90 degrees right down to the planet
<soundnfury> Bornholio: update your RIS pics imgur, I want to know what your orbital launcher looked like :P
<lamont> it may just also be entirely broken
<schnobs> Starwaster: from my (very limited) interaction with PEG, it seems to require a full stage to make orbit.
<Starwaster> uhm whut?
<schnobs> Starwaster: put differently: if you give it a Atlas-Agena, it will try to utilize all the Agena's fuel. Weirdness ensues.
<Starwaster> oh... just make sure the earlier stages have enough dv... and dont let it have the agena. disable crossfeed
<Starwaster> if it can't see it it cant use it
<Starwaster> that's how I make it leave 32 tons of reserve for my Falcon/Falcon Heavy
<schnobs> yep. Only that the rocket doesn't work that way... you need about half of the agena to make orbit. The other half could (and is supposed to) propel a small satellite to the moon.
<schnobs> Just got the all-new RO. Whoa! Is that the sea?
<Raidernick> hey can you set fuel flow priority in the cfg?
<schnobs> Raidernick: I don't think I've ever seen such a flag.
<Raidernick> how does ksp determine what the priorities of parts are then
<schnobs> Which is no guarantee, but priority only really makes sense in the context of an assembled vessel.
<Raidernick> it is randomly setting priorities wrong on my soyuz and such
<Raidernick> making it drain from the descent module first
<Raidernick> isntead of the service module
<Raidernick> there has to be a way it determines what to set higher
<schnobs> Wellll. In my stock experiece, it mostly does a good of giving higher priorities to later stages.
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<schnobs> Except sometimes when it spazzes out, but that's only ever happened on large builds with lots of editing.
<Raidernick> it is giving my soyuz service modules priorities of 10 and the descent module 20
<Raidernick> totally the opposite of what it should be
<schnobs> Descent should remain full until needed?
<Raidernick> yes
<Raidernick> i have to use the old method of locking it
<Raidernick> because it REALLY wants to drain from that first
<Raidernick> itll use descent > orbital > service
<Raidernick> the exact wrong way to do it
<schnobs> Is there staging involved? At all?
<schnobs> (don't know soyus, sorry)
<Raidernick> yes
<Raidernick> those parts all separate
<schnobs> Well, you can of course fix it on the pre-built craft file. But I'm not aware of any method that would give the editor a hint.
<Raidernick> damn
<schnobs> In my experience it starts with 0 (or even -10) on the root part and anything attached to it. Every decoupler adds +10 (and sometimes even more). Without decoupler, you're on your own.
<Starwaster> goddamit into the ocean again
<schnobs> Would anyone happen to know what the TACLS "specialist bonus" is about?
<Starwaster> shit, part of my problem is that since I'm not getting a successful launch it can't populate the angle fields
<Starwaster> hmmmm and my target is in a 6 degree inclined orbit... it's way off mark
<soundnfury> schnobs: Engineer XP levels?
<schnobs> soundnfury: I honestly do not know. But I don't like the prospect of Bill cranking the converter up to eleven.
<soundnfury> heh
<Starwaster> using Classic guidance to try to train it... at least populate the field with something reasonable
<Starwaster> and holy fuck instead of a -6 inclination, PEG is doing +45...
<Starwaster> why....
<Starwaster> sorry I guess my ascent problems must pale in comparison to your own
<Starwaster> and... it seta circularization at 165km for a 400km altitude target?
<Starwaster> and a final inclination of +6 instead of the -6 I requested
<Starwaster> so do I have to use reverse psychology on it? If I tell it +6 will it do -6 for me?