NathanKell changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread ! RO Spreadsheet ! Code of Conduct ! | [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator" with a rocket-flying minigame
<Bornholio> egg,float*,double,754,binary32,binary64,Kahan,round*,integrat*,numeric*,RK*,Runge*,oblate,oblateness,n-body,lagrange,principia,prolate,*zygote,๐’‰ญ,๐“†‡,่›‹,๐ จก
<Bornholio> nice
<egg|zzz|egg> ...
<egg|zzz|egg> stabbity
<Bornholio> pingyness
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<Starwaster> dammit I can't get my chute to go off on impact
<Bornholio> sometimes i have that problem also
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<stupid_chris> Starwaster: RC being problematic?
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<Bornholio> hi chris
<Bornholio> thoughts for you NathaKell|AFK how about RP1 seperation of features into a RP1 Folder, or maybe just a Folder activated swtchy like NoNonRP0 folder does
<Starwaster> stupid_chris no, just me being stupid about chutes in general. (you know... go off on impact)
<stupid_chris> heh, can relate
<stupid_chris> hi Bornholio o/
<Starwaster> have you done any work on updating RC to 1.4.0? I can't seem to get ApplicationLauncher buttons to work anymore
<Starwaster> which is really bizarre because Deadly Reentry for 1.3.1 toolbar actually WORKS in 1.4.0. It only stops working when I compile against 1.4.0
<Bornholio> quick question you have probably looked at long ago, can chute material be technode bound, like Kevlar to a later material science node?
<Bornholio> lol starwaster
<Starwaster> stoneageTechnology - burlap chutes!
<Bornholio> did you install the DRM :P
<Starwaster> DRM?
<Qboid> Starwaster: [DRM] => Design Reference Mission
<Starwaster> uh no? why?
<Starwaster> TWR?
<Starwaster> DRE?
<Starwaster> Qboid?
<Starwaster> huh
<Bornholio> be nice to poor qboid he is tired
<Starwaster> so is that the DRM you're referring to? I thought maybe you meant Digital Rights Management
<Bornholio> or that
<Starwaster> but... neither of which has any bearing on the Application Launcher toolbar that I can see
<Starwaster> I'm talking about the stock toolbar button API btw
<taniwha> Starwaster: most mods have the stock toolbar API wrong
<taniwha> EL's seems to be working fine so far
<taniwha> Yeah, just checked SC, VAB, and flight: fully functional
<taniwha> oh, and filters
<taniwha> tested in 1.3.1 and 1.4.0
<Starwaster> taniwha I'll have to go through the code, but at first glance I'm only seeing superficial difference between what I have and what you linked to
<Starwaster> it's really like OnGUIAppLauncherReady just isn't firing at all
<taniwha> I had trouble at one stage, let me check my logs
<Starwaster> except maybe that I'm calling GameEvents.onGUIApplicationLauncherReady.Add in Awake instead of Start
<Starwaster> I WAS doing it in Start originally but I stopped for some reason and I don't remember why
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<Starwaster> taniwha this is the current toolbar code, do you see anything off there?
<taniwha> [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.EveryScene, false)]
<taniwha> that
<taniwha> mine: [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.MainMenu, true)]
<taniwha> don't forget to add GameObject.DontDestroyOnLoad(this);
<Qboid> [8b1bc] title: Fix the multiple EL app buttons. by Bill Currie | Additions: 44 | Deletions: 48 |
<taniwha> wow, this github-dark theme is nice :)
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<Starwaster> taniwha oh... SHIT I am so stupid... I totally forgot that the compatibility checker is shutting shit down and I was too lazy to go update the version numbers....
<Starwaster> I was fooled by the fact that Kerbals are still screaming when they catch fire so the checker isn't disabling everything
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<taniwha> heh
<taniwha> btw, bad news and good news re Kerbal chutes
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<taniwha> bad news: level 3 is hard-coded
<taniwha> good news, kerbalEVA.cfg
<taniwha> (change the module to one that gives better control but derives from ModuleEvaChute)
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<taniwha> Starwaster: btw, I took that shutdown code out of EL (and MFT?) a long time ago
<taniwha> it was there only for the win-64 fiasco
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<Starwaster> I thought I had taken it out of DRE but apparently not
<Starwaster> damn reentry FX looks ugly now
<taniwha> ah, yeah, you get that
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<Starman4308> Hm. Built the obligatory Saturn V replica with the FASA parts, and now I have one serious question. Do I make it bigger?
<Starman4308> I mean, with the F-1A upgrade, the first stage has 1.37 TWR, I can add more propellant to it...
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<Starman4308> I think I have a 2-launch solution more similar to my usual double-LOR shenanigans, involving a "Saturn 3": 3 F-1A engines, then a trio of NK-43 engines, then the standard S-IVB.
<Starman4308> (though, funny enough, the regular S-IC-to-S-II interstage happens to be perfectly sized for the NK-43s)
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<BadRocketsCo> Hello!
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<BadRocketsCo> Hullo
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<schnobs> o/
<Qboid> schnobs: Starwaster left a message for you in #RO [08.03.2018 04:09:09]: "btw, assuming you were still on KSP 1.2.2 with your earlier X15 incident yes?"
<schnobs> !tell Starwaster sorry no, that X-15 incident happened on 1.3.1
<Qboid> schnobs: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<schnobs> Now I wonder how I can make the X-15 work without turning off heat entirely...
<schnobs> Perhaps I should start by finding out why DRE assumes 450K. (Checks config cache) that's nowhere in the part stats, after all.
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<schnobs> 90 minutes later: I guess I need to re-learn how to land a flyer.
<schnobs> Most gentle touchdown, bounce, giant leap, loss of control. Boom.
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<BadRocketsCo> I'm back!
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<BadRocketsCo> Err...wrong channel...
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<leudaimon> lol
<schnobs> Anyone else having planes bounce on landing?
<Starwaster> only when my airline has a bad pilot
<Qboid> Starwaster: schnobs left a message for you in #RO [09.03.2018 14:06:19]: "sorry no, that X-15 incident happened on 1.3.1"
<schnobs> Touching down at 150m/s (~1m/s vertical), I take a violent bounce. Happens every time.
<schnobs> Well, twice so far.
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<Probus> egg, is oeuf egg in another language?
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<Maxsimal> If anyone wants to sign up for another race into space, created a signup doc here -
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<taniwha> Probus: french
<Probus> Merci beaucoup taniwha
<Starwaster> +1 for Module Manager thread title
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<soundnfury> Maxsimal: re the rules, 'Hard difficulty' normally forbids reverts and quickloads, but I think we should remind people to have them enabled for working around bugs
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<soundnfury> also I'm not sure it's right to forbid someone e.g. building up KSCs at both the Cape and Vandy (they do have to pay a bunch of extra points for that)
<soundnfury> it's more them taking advantage of having dozens of lvl1 pads and 0.05BP/s VABs dotted around the world that's the problem
<soundnfury> (though I'm not sure how you translate that into actual rules)
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<Maxsimal> Don't have to do hard difficulty, I guess.
<Maxsimal> But yeah that is the problem. It'd kind of be best if you had to invest points to build up build rate at all.
<lamont> 4xF-1 liquid strapon boosters
<lamont> i want to see those land back and the launch site
<lamont> *at
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<egg> !wpn lamont
* Qboid gives lamont a specific โ€  with a singularity attachment
<egg> lamont: have you toyed with the endpoints?
<egg> they'll be in Coxeter
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<egg> well, there's only one, the other returns not implemented :-p
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