NathanKell changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread ! RO Spreadsheet ! Code of Conduct ! | [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator" with a rocket-flying minigame
<Bornholio> he is in nihon time
<awang> Right
<awang> Dependencies AHHHHHHHHHHH
<awang> Hey, what a surprise, RP-0 doesn't require any code changes
<Bornholio> lol
<awang> Neither does RO
<Bornholio> you going to make a PR for those?
<awang> Or RSS
<awang> I think I'll wait for 1.4.1 first
<awang> RF doesn't seem to require any code changes either
<awang> Some build system shenanigans, but I think it's just me
<awang> SolverEngines didn't require any code changes
<awang> Principia does
<awang> TestFlight does
<awang> RSSVE does not
<awang> RealScience does not
<awang> KRASH does now
<awang> s/now/not
<Qboid> awang meant to say: KRASH does not
<awang> Blastwave does not
<awang> Hmm
<awang> Seems this update is relatively good in terms of breakage
<egg> yay
<Bornholio> it should be, unless they hid some structural changes for new things
<awang> No code changes for proc parts
<Bornholio> good evening egg
<Starwaster> you mean good for not breaking things or good AT breaking things, awang?
<awang> Starwaster: Good for not breaking things
<awang> At least so far
<awang> Biggest annoyance is that UnityEngine.dll has been broken up into several smaller DLLs
<awang> So you might need to fix references
<awang> But that's pretty much it
<awang> 1.4.1 needs to drop already
<Starwaster> couldn't figure out why MJ was reporting that my Delta-IV Heavy had a TWR of 7 but an acceleration of 15 m/s... I figured something had to be wrong somewhere
<Starwaster> I forgot I had turned on the gravity hack...
<Starman4308> Um... that might be true at the Moon... oh.
<Starman4308> (also, you know how players of our caliber never make rookie mistakes like "forgetting to include at least a little battery on the actual lander part of your lander"?
<Starwaster> yeah well I had turned the ravity to something like 0.25
<Bornholio> lol right, never forgot a battery
<Starwaster> uhm yeah starman4308, I never forgot a battery... I did have a friend of mine forget though
<Starwaster> actually he wasn't my friend...
<Starwaster> he was like a friend of a friend
<Starman4308> It's true. My lander is coming down to the Martian surface and the kOS script is working perfectly and why of course I have batteries.
<Bornholio> a shameful friend
<Starwaster> >_>
<Starwaster> and WOW... with REAL gravity turned on, PEG can't figure out how to get this to orbit. I KNEW something was fuxed in this design...
<Starwaster> so what's wrong with my delta? hrmmmmm
<Starwaster> PEG solid FAILED... it's not even letting me entertain a moment of hope here
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<egg> Starwaster: poke lamont?
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<Rokker> we now have footage of the center core missing the barge
<Rokker> midway through the vid
<Starwaster> egg no it's not wrong, there's no way it was going to get to orbit. I think my upper stage is too heavy
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<Bornholio> pap crew science seems to be working with newest release of WBT (1.41) in 1.3.1KSP. Orbit and try later
<awang> Oh, so it *isn't* just 1.19?
<awang> Awesome
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<Bornholio> well i'll see when i get one to orbit
<Pap> Bornholio so probably just a bug with the last version?
<Bornholio> maybe or just a bad install
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<schnobs> o/
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<taniwha> awang: am now
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<schnobs> I need a "how to de-orbit a spaceplane" how-to.
<schnobs> Also a more heat-resistant engine, but that's for later.
<schnobs> For now, my problem is coming down anywhere near the runway.
<taniwha> schnobs: time your reentry better
<schnobs> Nah, I pitching up and down even a little has a lot of effect, but it's counter-intuitive.
<taniwha> how's your plane landing in general?
<schnobs> very gentle entry, PE 80km, near-level flight most of the time. Descending at 30-50m/s.
<schnobs> Means I dip into the atmosphere over australia and come down somewhere in northern america.
<schnobs> Or, often enough, the Gulf of Mexico.
<schnobs> I think I should be able to strain it to florida, but that would require me to do something different as far back as Hawaii.
<taniwha> schnobs: if you need to "strain it", you're doing it wrong
<taniwha> er..
<schnobs> Oh, seen that just recently. Around 6min he describes the problem I'm having.
<schnobs> But yeah, my fling in general isn't too good. Circling the runway to lose speed is totally out of the question.
<taniwha> thus my question about your landings :)
<taniwha> get better at flying and landing in general before worrying about reentry
<schnobs> It works well enough in stock, where I can virtually pull the brakes over the mountains
<schnobs> (think coyote vs roadrunner falling from a cliff)
<taniwha> roadrunner doesn't fall :P
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<BadRocketsCo> Hi!
<Probus> o/
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<BadRocketsCo> Probus:
<BadRocketsCo> did another thing
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<schnobs> Hom Hum. Is it stricly necessary that gimbals are property of the engine?
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<schnobs> I know the game treats it as such, just wondering if it could be handled by RF instead.
<schnobs> ...maybe by giving all engines a ridiculous gimbal range, then clamping it down through RF?
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<blowfish> schnobs: gimbal end engine are separat modules
<blowfish> *separate
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<blowfish> they are on the same part, yes, but KSP doesn't really support one part moving another, that's IR territory
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<schnobs> I notice the absence of Titan engine, Gemini pods, and lots of Apollo gear from my game.
<schnobs> Which mod should I get? Does it need to be FASA, will BDB do? Any alternatives?
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<wb99999999> BDB is not as well-supported by RO as FASA
<Probus> Nice BadRocketsCo!
<schnobs> getting FASA from github, 1.2GB. On the upside, it's ~5k fewer MM patches than BDB.
<Probus> Good video of center stage hitting the water.
<Probus> I found out a bit ago that the boosters do not return directly over the barge but off to one side. This is because if there is a problem, the booster will hit the water instead of the barge at full speed.
<schnobs> Makes sense. One more problem I wouldn't even have considered.
<schnobs> How does one make a pull request towards the RP-0 tech tree?
<schnobs> (specific issue: gemini parachutes being placed in the Early Landing node)
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<zilti> My game ignores the water. It is rendered, but my landing capsules just continue downwards including parachute as if there was no water at all
<schnobs> zilti: Kopernicus. IIRC you need to get back to v1.6.3 or something.
<schnobs> sorry: water last worked in kopernicus 1.3.1-3
<schnobs> (which, for me, broke textures on all bodies except earth & moon, though I heard there's a workaround to *that*)
<zilti> schnobs: Ah :) I'll see what it does
<schnobs> Crew training madness, part the umpteenth:
<schnobs> Mission training of teh previous backup pilot expires a few days before the next LV is ready.
<schnobs> Can't send her into a new course before the previous one has become obsolete.
<schnobs> Trying to manually fill the cockpit brings up a list of crew rated for the kerbcan.
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<zilti> Yeah it seems downgrading Kopernicus has the very weird effect of my engines becoming completely silent and without any plume
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<Bornholio> Taniwha, awesome thanks for that video, had never seen a cockpit final descent loop
<BadRocketsCo> Anyone remember how much 1 fund was irl money?
<Bornholio> 1000 in 1965
<BadRocketsCo> Ah, thanks!
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<taniwha> Bornholio: :)
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<awang> taniwha: You remember much about writing the git-version script for RF?
<taniwha> well... I didn't do the core of it of course, but I probably remember enough
<awang> schnobs: Why would RF handle gimbals?
<awang> schnobs: PRs to the RP-0 tech tree are edits to Pap
<awang> Pap's spreadsheet
<awang> With a comment saying what changed
<taniwha> awang: what do you want to know?
<awang> taniwha: Apparently the sed s/-/\t/ part doesn't work on macOS
<Pap> schnobs: those parachutes were placed there on purpose
<awang> Or maybe it's just BSD sed being stupid
<awang> taniwha: Was wondering why sed s/-/\t/ instead of cut -f 1 -d '-'
<awang> Skip the sed part
<schnobs> I'd really wish there was a place to discuss RO -- less formal than opening issues, but not as one-off as IRC.
<taniwha> awang: a dummy wrote it? :)
<taniwha> (ie, I didn't think of that)
<schnobs> taniwha, awang : awk for the winz :)
<awang> taniwha: Oh
<awang> Guess I'll make a PR for that :P
<awang> I should see if it worked with gsed...
<awang> schnobs: How does I awk
<taniwha> seems to work here (just tried it in EL)
<schnobs> In my experice, cut syntax wasn't exactly stable these last few years (difference between redhat 5 through 7)
<awang> taniwha: Yeah, seems to be a BSD sed thing
<awang> gsed works right
<awang> schnobs: Really? That's kind of surprising, given it's in coreutils
<taniwha> the -d solution is better anyway
<taniwha> one less execution
<awang> I thought those would have insanely high bars for breaking backwards compatibility
<taniwha> and WAY clearer, too
<awang> taniwha: Agreed
<awang> Also, $() instead of `` :P
<taniwha> yeah
<schnobs> ^ hell yes.
<schnobs> awang, re. gimbals: starting point is that these shouldn't be part of an engine's definition, but it's how it is.
<schnobs> I was wondering how one could *reasonably* tackle this.
<awang> schnobs: I mean, without an "engine mount" part, why not?
<schnobs> proper swivel mounts, as blowfish said, would be InfernalRobotics stuff.
<schnobs> Which I guess would be not one, but several cans of worms.
<awang> Yeah, I'd guess so
<awang> Possibly not as friendly to more casual players too
<schnobs> The next best thing that came to mind: treating it as a configurable item in RF.
<awang> Don't think most people think about the thrust structure of an engine separately
<awang> It seems sort of out of scope for RF
<schnobs> I don't have the slightest how difficult that would be, so please treat it as question.
<awang> Not entirely sure
<awang> MEC overwrites things in ModuleEngines*
<awang> Guess an analog could be made for ModuleGimbal?
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<schnobs> Oh man. "First Orbital Flight" insists on having exactly 1 crew member on board.
<schnobs> any one time before recovery, it seems.
<schnobs> So: send two peeps to space, unboard one, finish orbit.
<schnobs> Let the other climb out as well, for Safe Return from Orbit.
<schnobs> It could be worse.
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<Bornholio> [WRN 11:14:59.642] ContractConfigurator.ContractType: CONTRACT_TYPE 'SecondGenWeather': unexpected attribute 'Remember that Sun Synchronous orbits are slightly retrograde.<b><color' found, ignored.
<Bornholio> [EXC 11:14:59.561] ArgumentException: No contract group with name 'SurfaceOutposts'
<schnobs> Who or what expects outposts in RP-0?
<schnobs> (I assume the issue isn't their absence, but that it throws an exception)
<Bornholio> yeah, i might have mangled my CC, not sure how though
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<schnobs> Hmmm. Another possibly hellish idea: would it be feasible to remove life support from most station parts and concentrate it in a single "life support module" instead?
<schnobs> The idea is to reduce the number of partmodules, also to centralize the control in one place.
<schnobs> Of course, the obvious downside is that you need one more part in any event.
<schnobs> Would there be any obvious downsides? Reasons why it can't possibly work?
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<schnobs> Would anyone happen to have a magic thrust/ISP combo that results in an engine using 1 ton/second?
<schnobs> I guess there's a 9.81 somewhere.
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<BadRocketsCo> Howdy
<schnobs> heya.
<BadRocketsCo> What's up?
<schnobs> trying to make a life support engine, that consumes resources just like a kerbal.
<schnobs> Just so I can pick it as a preset when making ServiceModules.
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<schnobs> ...and I get an MM error.
<schnobs> How do I introduce a wholly new part (not copy/clone, just a new item)?
<schnobs> %PART[LifeSupportEngine] doesn't seem to work.
<schnobs> (also, do I need it to protect from generic RO/RP-0 catchall MM patches?)
<schnobs> for the latter, I hope that :FINAL will do. No luck with the former, though.
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<BadRocketsCo> Woop woop!
<BadRocketsCo> I managed to launch a 70kg satellite on my light launcher
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<Starwaster> so exhausting dealing with everyone feeling they have to reinvent every little bit of stock module ...
<Starwaster> !schnobs +PART[LifeSupportEngine] and then in the body of the config you have to rename it (@name = whatever)
<Starwaster> !tell schnobs +PART[LifeSupportEngine] and then in the body of the config you have to rename it (@name = whatever)
<Qboid> Starwaster: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<Bornholio> starwaster i forgot how long venus descent takes .sigh
<soundnfury> Bornholio: go and make a cuppa :P
<Bornholio> yeah, I did ten manned lander missions long ago, Beer must have burned out that bad thought
<soundnfury> hmm, FASAMercuryPod shouldn't have ModuleTagEngineSolid
<Starwaster> bornholio LOL long time
<Bornholio> not to venusian explorers prov decouplers are burny
<Bornholio> note
<Bornholio> and proc
<soundnfury> all the solids in Mercury are on other parts (retro, posi, and escape tower)
<Starwaster> if you designed right you can cut the chute terminal part of the descent like Venerea did
<Bornholio> yeah it was a waste to have chutes they can't deploy with max settings
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<Starman4308> Heh. I can imagine Venus descent takes a while. Ran my first uncontrolled... I mean perfectly successful Mars descent a bit back, and I was surprised at how well it braked with just a heatshield.
<Starman4308> Granted, it was just 1 ton, but from all I'd heard about Mars, I was expecting to need to start the propulsive retrobraking while still screaming hypersonic through the atmosphere.
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