ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
<Bornholio> soundnfury i'm making this album for my craft, agathorn blessed be his name.
<soundnfury> interesting texture on that rocket body
<Maxsimal_> Got side tracked by the girlfriend, haven't really started - will tomorrow. But I will probably fly from Kourou.
<Starwaster> having fun with EVA chutes and I decided to fly Jeb right into a nearby lander... and apparently a Kerbal has the kinetic energy to totally demolish a small spacecraft
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<Bornholio> yes thats the 80kg of radioactives that make up their brain/power cores
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<Starwaster> when is Humanity Star supposed to come down? I hear it's reentering early
<blowfish> Humanity Star?
<Qboid> blowfish: Starwaster left a message for you in #RO [23.03.2018 11:23:25]: "we'll need to get together to talk about new cryo. What time table do you have for release and what KSP versions are we targeting? Are we finally leaving 1.2.2 behind?"
<Qboid> blowfish: awang left a message for you in #RO [23.03.2018 13:12:07]: "I see. Does the lack of compiler optimizations affect performance a lot?"
<Qboid> blowfish: awang left a message for you in #RO [23.03.2018 13:12:24]: "idk what the C# compiler is capable of"
<Qboid> [#199] title: Port nextRP0 to KSP 1.3.1 | Hopefully caught everything... | https://github.com/NathanKell/ModularFuelSystem/issues/199
<blowfish> RF master left 1.2.2 behind a while ago
<Starman4308> The Humanity Star was from the guy who runs Rocket Labs: basically just a big shiny balloon he put up with "Still Testing".
<blowfish> oh, that thing
<Bornholio> No RIS for me for a couple of days, got to go to atlanta for work, off to sparkyc 's neighborhood
<blowfish> awang: I don't know how much of a difference it makes, but it's probably worth releasing release builds
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<soundnfury> aaaagh so hard to decide how early I dare accept the orbit contract
<blowfish> I say as soon as you spend the science to unlock the tech required for it
<blowfish> unless you're even earlier?
<soundnfury> the question is, am I confident I can get to orbit on a Redstone/Tank-II without repeated failures?
<blowfish> redstone isn't terribly unreliable is it?
<soundnfury> no, but two stages of bees are
<soundnfury> especially when you have to cluster them
<blowfish> true
<soundnfury> and margin is tight (sounding rocket core is heavy) so I'll have to fly it accurately
<blowfish> although I don't remember my 5x AJ10-27 stage failing too often
<blowfish> don't have Sputnik yet?
<soundnfury> sputnik is even heavier :S
<blowfish> then you shouldn't have any trouble getting it to orbit :D
<blowfish> The thing I built with those parts could send the Sputnik core polar
<blowfish> or to a 300 km equitorial orbit (but not both)
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<soundnfury> ehh, carpe diem. I'll go for it.
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<Starwaster> soundnfury what? fish of the day?
<soundnfury> xD
<soundnfury> these fish are crazy <toc-toc-toc>
<Starwaster> blowfish I committed new code into NewCryo131 ugh
<blowfish> hmm
<blowfish> is it still in progress?
<blowfish> I guess we could revert if that's the case
<Starwaster> I'm just not clear on what are plans are vis a vis 1.3.1 and 1.4.1 - it looks like we're moving master towards 1.4.1
<Starwaster> OUR
<Starwaster> are we still going to do releases for 1.3.1?
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<soundnfury> I'd suggest doing a release for 1.3.1, in the hopes that we can cut an official 1.3.1 RP-1 release
<soundnfury> otherwise we're going to be waiting _even longer_ before RP-1 gets released
<stewartx> which spacex packs have RO configs?
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<stewartx> specifically merlin engines
<Starwaster> SSTU did and then it didn't and I don't know if it does now... I had to rip them from another RO branch than Master
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<blowfish> we already have 1.3.1 releases
<blowfish> but there hasn't been one since that merge
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<Starwaster> blowfish so we're done with 1.3.1 releases?
<blowfish> unless there's a particularly compelling reason to make another one
<blowfish> I don't expect many other mods will continue releasing for 1.3.1
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<Rokker> Bornholio: finally did it
<Rokker> 3 hours 10 minutes to fly over white sands
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<stewartx> Starwaster, did you get sstu working on 1.2.2? The version i have crashes due to KSPwheel (i think)
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<blowfish> Starwaster: tuns out I was wrong, the title of that PR mislead me, it does not contain NewCyo
<blowfish> NewCyo
<blowfish> New Cryo
<blowfish> my r key is kinda broken
<blowfish> does anyone have any more thoughts about moving RF to 1.4.1?
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<Probus> o/
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<BadRocketsCo> Hii
* BadRocketsCo pokes soundnfury
<soundnfury> ohai
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<Starwaster> !tell stewartx yes I did
<Qboid> Starwaster: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<Starwaster> !tell blowfish re: moving RF to 1.4.1 - it depends on moving RO/RP to 1.4.1. I'm going to keep on with the code for cryo because that's not going to change much from version to version anyway.
<Qboid> Starwaster: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<soundnfury> yay, landed my 'plane first time :)
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<schnobs> o/
<BadRocketsCo> Hullo
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<schnobs> The XLR-99 is a miraculous ting. Throttleable, restartable...
<schnobs> "After one hour of operation, the XLR99 required an overhaul" (sez Wikipedia)
<schnobs> Can't find any proper sources quickly, though, so I'll have to take their word for it.
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<Starwaster> schnobs NTRS
<schnobs> ?
<schnobs> ah.
<Starwaster> hmmm did a quick search for you and turned up this: https://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=19710070146
<Starwaster> unfortunately it's offline, but you can request it
<Starwaster> there's a form for that
<Starwaster> other documents might be available there, just gotta root around for them
<Starwaster> NTRS used to have lots more stuff until the republicans took lots of it offline
<schnobs> I'll never quite understand why they're doing that.
<schnobs> Then again, NASA just publishing anything is amazing, too.
<schnobs> But... don't bother.
<schnobs> I'm trying to do an alt-history spaceplane-y kind of playthrough.
<schnobs> The engines we have don't lend themselves well to that kind of enterprise, what with very limited burn times and ignition count and so on.
<schnobs> XLR99 gives an interesting glimpse of what could have been done if anyone desired reusable engines.
<schnobs> But no amount of research I do would convince anyone to include that kind of speculative engine in RO.
<schnobs> So, nevermind.
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<Maxsimal_> any ideas why the TF UI would dissappear? I'm pretty sure it's still operating - I've had an ignition failure - but I don't see it in the toolbar.
<zilti> I'm trying to add some ModularFuelTanks modules to a cfg. Now I have a part that has a volume of 100 for liquid fuel and 30 of monoprop. Can I just add two MODULE{} blocks, or do I have to create a TANK_DEFINITION?
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<BadRocketsCo> Hiii
<zilti> I'm hesitant to create a TANK_DEFINITION because I'd apparently have to hardcode the dry mass
<BadRocketsCo> I have this thing where the simulation freezes for a moment every few few seconds of simulation time. What causes that?
<schnobs> Sounds like garbage collection. KSP session been going on for a good long while?
<schnobs> BadRocketsCo: Standing in VAB, doing nothing, used to suffice to inflate memory.
<BadRocketsCo> Not really. This didn't happen.
<BadRocketsCo> Err
<BadRocketsCo> Didn't happen when I used to play iy
<BadRocketsCo> I dropped my laptop a few weeks ago and I am starting to worry, heh.
<schnobs> Well. Game taking a short break every couple of seconds usually is garbage collection.
<BadRocketsCo> Hm. Okay. Maybe I'll just try reinstalling the game.
<BadRocketsCo> Thanks!
<schnobs> Hold on a sec. You might want to have a look at the in-game memory meters, for a start.
<schnobs> Not sure if GC shows up there, though.
<BadRocketsCo> Oh. How do I do that?
<schnobs> There's something in the cheat/debug menus.
<BadRocketsCo> Ah. Found it.
<schnobs> Don't really know how to make sense of it. GC used to be a hot topic a while ago, there's bound to be plenty of forum posts and whatnot.
<schnobs> If NK was around, he could give you a good earful, too. Possibly several other coders as well.
<BadRocketsCo> Hmm.
<schnobs> zilti: what's this about tank definitions, what are you trying to do?
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<schnobs> zilti: dry mass can be set to -1 in order to make it a massless tank (say, the service module on a capsule)
<schnobs> The tank contents will still have mass.
<schnobs> Check any cockpit for examples.
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<zilti> schnobs: Well, there is a part that has a monoprop tank and a "normal" fuel tank, and I want to make it work with RealFuels
<schnobs> zilti: I like to check parts in GameData/ModuleManager.ConfigCache to see what they're like when MM is finished with them.
<schnobs> In your case, there will probably be resource definitions for monoprop, liquidfuel, and oxidizer.
<zilti> schnobs: hmm, I only seem to have ModuleManager.Physics and ModuleManager.TechTree
<schnobs> dang. MM will refuse to build a configcache if it encounters any errors. (and says so on game load)
<schnobs> Now, without having seen what parts you're working on, my guess is that you need to remove all the pre-existing resource configs: !RESOURCE[*], *
<schnobs> And then you wanto to add in a MODULE { name = ModuleFuelTanks
<zilti> Yes, I'm at that point currently.
<zilti> schnobs: Here's what I currently have: https://qbin.io/lunar-nag-8gmx
<schnobs> is that a procedural tank (variable size)? or just a bog-standard part?
<zilti> schnobs: it's a bog-standard part from a mod (from Contares)
<schnobs> Cockpit, station module, that kind of thing?
<zilti> No, just fuel tank
<zilti> I took the basemass so it would match with the mass defined in the mod
<schnobs> Great. in that case, all you need is basemass = -1 (that is, the tank doesn't affect that part mass)
<zilti> Otherwise, the definition is fine? It takes my game like 10 minutes to start
<schnobs> type = something that RF recognizes (structural or fuselage come to mind)
<schnobs> and volume = whatever you think is credible.
<schnobs> "type" defines what you're allowed to pour into the tank, and if it will be pressurized or not.
<zilti> schnobs: for now I've taken the volume straight from the mod itself, I'll look up the stats from the real-world counterparts later
<zilti> schnobs: I used the types from the list at the end of this comment https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/58235-14-modular-fuel-tanks-v5110/&page=3&tab=comments#comment-893966
<schnobs> if you're doing this for RO, you might better check GameData/RealFuels/Resources/RealTankTypes.cfg
<schnobs> zilti: back to https://qbin.io/lunar-nag-8gmx
<zilti> Ahh that's a handy file
<schnobs> better not to create your own definition (drop lines 1-18)
<schnobs> at 23-25, set type to a common type as applicable, add a line for basemass -1, and that should be it.
<zilti> schnobs: Hmm, but then there isn't a fixed max amount for monoprop in the tank
<schnobs> Yes. It's empty and has 130l which can be filled with anything the tank type allows.
<schnobs> Hydrazine or HTP or MON3+NTO or...
<schnobs> Usually there's no point in pre-filling tanks, except perhaps battery charge on probe cores, or life support resources for crew modules.
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<schnobs> reading comprehension bad. Sorry.
<schnobs> The maximum amount is set by volume, of course. 130l is rather small, less than a 30cm cube.
<schnobs> math skillz also bad. more like a 50cm cube.
<zilti> schnobs: yes, but I wanted to keep the separation of RCS fuel and liquid fuel. I've just seen there's no tank type for solid fuels?
<schnobs> zilti: hrm. You might get that by setting two ModuleFuelTanks; one of a type that allows typical RCS propellants and one that doesn't.
<zilti> schnobs: Ah, so that works? Good to know. I assumed two modules with the same name would overwrite each other
<schnobs> You can't stop the user from using the RCS part of the tank for standard propellants, I think.
<schnobs> zilti: I'm afraid you're right, it wouldn't even work.
<schnobs> But seriously, what kind of miraculous part is this, that it needs to have two compartments?
<zilti> schnobs: it's described as "orbital tank"
<zilti> Ahh there's a separate cfg for SolidTanks, heh
<schnobs> zilti: just because the stock definition has a fraction of Mono and a fraction of standard fuel doesn't mean that you have to dutifully clone this to RO.
<schnobs> Keep in mind that the stock user's only way of changing a tank's content is to tweak down what's already there.
<schnobs> While with RF, it's "here you have volume X, use it however you like".
<schnobs> There's some limitations like tanks being un-pressurized or lacking insulation, but other than that, you can set it up as you need it.
<schnobs> Heck, you can even swap out fuels for electric charge.
<schnobs> (* on tank types that support it)
<zilti> schnobs: Yes, I'm aware. It just kinda makes sense for me though to separate monoprops from "biprops"(?).
<schnobs> You're aware that a lot of RCS types are bipropellant?
<zilti> I only really know there are pressure RCS and catalysator-driven RCS
<schnobs> Well, later on they used "proper" propellant. After S-IV was gone, all Apollo engines used the same storable propellants: Aerozine and NTO.
<schnobs> Not from the same tanks, though, that first happened on Space Shuttle (I think).
<zilti> Ahh yes, the hypergolics they had to pump off after landing before the crew could disembark?
<schnobs> Yep. Both the OMS engine and RCS used the same stuff, and it was possible to crossfeed between the tanks.
<schnobs> So. Now I'm having a MM problem:
<schnobs> HAS[#tags[foo]] works.
<schnobs> HAS[#tags[foo|bar|baz]] does not work.
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<schnobs> What am I doing wrong?
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<zilti> Hmm, I don't know MM all that good, but that looks sane
<zilti> schnobs: maybe HAS[#tags[foo]|#tags[bar]|#tags[baz]] ?
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<schnobs> Splitting it into three separate patches solved the immediate problem, but still...
<zilti> Yeah "triplicating" the code can't be the solution
<Starwaster> Guys I need a rough materials and installation cost for MLI per m2 per layer count
<Starwaster> dont see anything online of that nature (and it would likely be 'contact us')
<Starwaster> ideas?
<schnobs> Starwaster: I've seen these on my proc tanks but don't even know what it means.
<zilti> Starwaster: This seems to be used for some satellites: https://catalog.cshyde.com/viewitems/films/kapton-polyimide-film-type-hn
<schnobs> Starwaster: you're thinking of tanks, I presume?
<Starwaster> schnobs what do you mean?
<Starwaster> yes tanks
<Starwaster> you saw what?
<schnobs> On my proc tanks, there's tweakables for MLI. Don't do nothing, can't be tweaked, but are there.
<Starwaster> oh wait you saw the MLI slider on your tanks you mean?
<Starwaster> that's insulation
<schnobs> I never bothered to chek what it means.
<Starwaster> for cryo
<schnobs> Yeah, figured that out in the mean time.
<schnobs> asfor your Q, I just found something about effectiveness for insulating Cassini. Seems as if MLI comes prefab from suppliers and they could easily procure a few m² of this and that for their tests.
<schnobs> So my guess is that "cost per layer" doesn't scale madly, but there's bound to be a huge cost increase for having it at all.
<schnobs> I presume it's service-module only? Wrapping a Centaur in MLI doesn't seem right.
<Starwaster> zilti that helps a little... I think I'll keep it simple and give it a base cost of 0.1 / m2 - but I need to assign some kind of installation cost... and should it be linear per layer... or it would probably get more complex and therefore more costly as the layer count rises
<schnobs> Starwaster: in case you haven't come across it already (was among my first hits)
<schnobs> Comparison of different MLI blankets. Apparently they tend to leak at the seams, so two mediocre ones have a better effect than a single many-layerd blanket. Which I gather would at least double the integration cost.
<Starwaster> schnobs centaur is occasionally wrapped, yes
<Starwaster> one caveat here is that the way I implemented it is that it's always going to act like it's externally installed and unprotected. It can result in parts overheating so you should really protect it in an aeroshell or be very careful with your ascent
<zilti> Well, that sounds like the sane thing to do with blanket-wrapped stuff on ascent
<Starwaster> one thing I want to do is to make the layers destructible upon overheating, as much to protect the part from unrealistic destruction as anything else.
<Starwaster> (if the layers burn off when it's on fire then that means heat doesn't build up and destroy the part)
<schnobs> can you distinguish between heat and aero forces?
<schnobs> As I see it, that stuff should be good for 600K or thereabouts, but rip off as easily as extended solar panels.
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<Starwaster> schnobs my main concern is that since it's highly insulated it tends overheat on the skin
<Starwaster> also, the equation I'm using takes into account the effects of multiple layers
<schnobs> As in, several blankets? Seeing as each blanket is already multi-layered.
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<Starwaster> no I mean layers as in the total number of layers insulating the tank part as a whole
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<Starwaster> blowfish I'm about 2/3 of where I want to be with MLI right now
<blowfish> makes sense
<Qboid> blowfish: Starwaster left a message for you in #RO [24.03.2018 08:47:11]: "re: moving RF to 1.4.1 - it depends on moving RO/RP to 1.4.1. I'm going to keep on with the code for cryo because that's not going to change much from version to version anyway."
<Starwaster> assuming my latest code doesn't have any bugs in it; I'm testing my latest now
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<Starwaster> getting hard to read the tabs on my browser again... and why? Because I have too much NTR / HIAD / Cryo crap clogging my browser
<blowfish> I think RF stockalike peeps are going to ask for a 1.4.x release soon ... and I really don't want to maintain two branches again
<Starwaster> and by getting hard to read I mean that I can't seea goddamn thing on any tab
<Starwaster> blowfish ok then you guys better make sure to push hard on a 1.4 release for RO and RP
<Starwaster> I mean honestly I don't give two squirts either way, it doesn't affect my coding
<blowfish> well, given that there wasn't really evan a 1.3 release...
<blowfish> the bottleneck seems to be mods whose authors have gone awol
<schnobs> Yeah. Maybe I'm naive, but wouldn't skipping 1.3 be the obvious thing to do?
<Starwaster> no idea
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<Raidernick> i wouldn't skip it
<Raidernick> ro is 1.3.1 ready already
<Raidernick> i was talking about this the other day
<Raidernick> we should just do a 1.3 release and be done with it
<Raidernick> then we can concentrate on 1.4
<Raidernick> there are a ton of people still on 1.3
<Raidernick> i mean we could literally make a 1.3 release right now, the current dev branch works perfectly fine
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<blowfish> there are dependencies you still have to download the DLL from some Github issue, I wouldn't call it quite release ready
<Raidernick> the dll is not in an issue, it's in the dev branch and already recompiled for 1.3
<Raidernick> and what dependencies aren't updated?
<Raidernick> i made a working 1.3 install just by downloading all the required mods from their respective releases
<blowfish> have TestFlight and KCT had releases?
<Raidernick> testflight is not a dependency
<blowfish> not for RP-0/1?
<Raidernick> why would those matter for a ro release
<Raidernick> neither are dependencies of ro
<Raidernick> testflight IS needed for rp0 though yes
<Raidernick> but neither are needed for ro
<blowfish> if someone wants to make a release right now I'm fine with that, I certainly don't have the required access
<Raidernick> for ro all you NEED are aje, far, kjr, rc, rf, rh, rp and smokescreen
<Raidernick> all are updated with official 1.3.1 releases
<Raidernick> some even on 1.4 already
<blowfish> the original question is do we keep RF on 1.3.1
<blowfish> and I don't see a compelling reason to do that
<Raidernick> i have the access but I'm hesitant to do it because i know someone to going to throw a fucking fit if i do it
<Raidernick> because of so and so reason
<Raidernick> is going*
<Raidernick> i would need a general consensus to do it to avoid any fights
<blowfish> The RO repo also has a lot of open PRs that probably contain important fixes
<Raidernick> yeah i know which can be merged and which cant
<Raidernick> i made notes in the fucked up ones not to merge them
<Raidernick> the rest are good to go
<Raidernick> all the ones by phineas and schnobs are ok
<Raidernick> the docrockwell oens are FUBAR
<Raidernick> he needs to close them and redo them
<Raidernick> the dude made his changes on deprecated ro branches and is trying to merge them into master
<Raidernick> look at all the commits in them
<blowfish> so who's job is in the end to actually press the merge button on the ones that are good?
<Raidernick> i can do it on the working ones
<Raidernick> i won't merge phineas's unless he gives the go ahead
<Raidernick> i can leave him a message
<Raidernick> i can merge the schnobs ones now
<Qboid> [#1771] title: RN_Soviet Probes | Request: ... | https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/issues/1771
<Raidernick> look at that
<Raidernick> that's one of rockwells MANY prs
<Raidernick> that are totally fucked up
<blowfish> yeah that needs to be rebased
<Starwaster> how are they fucked up?
<Raidernick> the dude used patch branches that he didn't pull before editing then wants to merge into master
<blowfish> might be a lost cause...
<Raidernick> i think it is yeah
<Raidernick> it would be easier to just remake it
<Raidernick> he only made changes to 1 file i think originally
<Raidernick> he has several other pr's with the same issue
<Raidernick> blowfish, is your pr ok to merge?
<blowfish> should be
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<blowfish> thanks!
<Raidernick> Bornholio, did you finish testing that pr you left a messag ein?
<Raidernick> message in*
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<Mike`> i think rockwell fucked it up by branching from dev but submitting the PR against master...
<Raidernick> Mike`, actually he used random RO branches
<Raidernick> we changed it to dev after that
<Mike`> okay, interesting :)
<Raidernick> but the branches used to say patch-4, patch-5
<Raidernick> etc...
<Raidernick> then he wants to merge them into master
<Raidernick> but they haven't been updated in like 2 years
<Starwaster> uh schnobs what was I supposed to look at in here? https://trs.jpl.nasa.gov/bitstream/handle/2014/33058/94-1317.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
<Raidernick> ok blowfish i merged everything iwas comfortable merging, phineas will merge his stuff and the rest of the prs are either conflicts or are completely fucked
<blowfish> sounds good, thanks for doing that!
<Raidernick> blowfish, should i just close docrockwells and tell him to redo them?
<blowfish> probably yeah
<blowfish> nothing we can fix easily
<Raidernick> Starwaster, do you agree that it's not worth trying to rebase his and he should just resubmit?
<Raidernick> want to make 100% sure before i cause a ruckus
<Starwaster> raidernick if they're based on incorrect configs then yes. ARE they incorrect? Even if they are two years old, will it actually result in incorrect data on the parts?
<Raidernick> yes it will
<Starwaster> then reject it
<Raidernick> it's conflicting with the up to date data
<Raidernick> ok
<Raidernick> closed all his broken pr's
<Raidernick> and left him a note why
<Starwaster> well this is weird... considering the partial class nature of ModuleFuelTanksRF I thought it best to write some partial method versions of GetModuleMass and GetModuleCost and call those from MFT... and it works fine for cost when I add/remove insulation layers but MASS changes randomly every time
<Starwaster> and I'm handling it the same way for both
<Raidernick> ok blowfish down to 23 prs
<Raidernick> better than before
<blowfish> nice!
<Starwaster> crap except that MFT itself isn't handling mass delta the same as for cost delta...
<Raidernick> half of those are phineas's
<blowfish> Starwaster: something to talk to taniwha about?
<Starwaster> taniwha I choose you!
<Starwaster> probably have to send him a tell, I bet he's not realya round right now
<Starwaster> or.... I could just force a mass recalc... it's an editor only issue...
<Starwaster> !tell taniwha I'm adding some new partial methods to ModuleFuelTanksRF for GetModuleMass and GetModuleCost for added mass/cost for insulation. - and cost is working fine but mass changes randomly when I add/remove insulation. I'm thinking I need to just force a CalculateMass() before touching massDelta, what do you think?
<Qboid> Starwaster: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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BadRocketsCo has joined #RO
<BadRocketsCo> Howdy
<TonyC1> oh hecc
<TonyC1> its you
<BadRocketsCo> TonyC1!
<TonyC1> hey BadRocketsCo !
<BadRocketsCo> How ya doing?
<TonyC1> quite well right now, how are you ?
<BadRocketsCo> Pretty good too.
<BadRocketsCo> KSP got weird so I am doing a reinstall
<BadRocketsCo> The game got pretty choppy
<TonyC1> it's been ages since i didn't touch ksp. did you get the DLC ?
<BadRocketsCo> Nah. I don't do stock anymore, heh
<TonyC1> RO ?
<Qboid> TonyC1: [RO] => Realism Overhaul
<Starman4308> I'm... not sure the acronym needed to be clarified, dear bot Qboid.
<BadRocketsCo> Hahah :D
<BadRocketsCo> Yup
<BadRocketsCo> And RP0 to be more specific.
<TonyC1> alright
<TonyC1> still on 1.2.2 ?
<Starman4308> That's where the RO/RP-0 release still is AFAIK.
<BadRocketsCo> The stable version, anyway
<TonyC1> okay
<BadRocketsCo> Some people are putting together 1.3.3 installs but they're unstable to say the least
<BadRocketsCo> The installs I mean, the people are probably okay :D
<Starwaster> what's 1.3.3?
<BadRocketsCo> Err
<BadRocketsCo> 1.3.1*
<BadRocketsCo> .tell soundnfury d
<BadRocketsCo> Err
<BadRocketsCo> .tell soundnfury does your space race contest require the RP1?
<BadRocketsCo> Uh
<BadRocketsCo> Fine
<Starman4308> Isn't it !tell ?
<BadRocketsCo> Oh
<BadRocketsCo> !tell soundnfury does your space race contest thingy require the RP1?
<Qboid> BadRocketsCo: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<BadRocketsCo> there we go
<BadRocketsCo> I'm still used to the old bot, heh
<Maxsimal_> Yeah we're using RP1
<Maxsimal_> 1.3.1 installs aren't unstable, in terms of the game running - they're a bit hard to put together, and there's still working being done on RP1 and RO I think, but it's working fine fo rme
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BadRocketsCo has quit [Quit: Bye]
blowfish has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<travis-ci> Build #5499 - dev - passed
<travis-ci> Merge pull request #1822 from PhineasFreak/RO-RealEngines-2.0
<soundnfury> o/
<Qboid> soundnfury: BadRocketsCo left a message for you in #RO [24.03.2018 20:43:09]: "does your space race contest thingy require the RP1?"
<Raidernick> we are down from 40 prs to 15, the rest need to be looked over one at a time to check them for merging
<Maxsimal_> o/ You're really far along. I've been building and testing rockets, but not a lot of time put in.
<soundnfury> Maxsimal_: for some reason I seem to play way faster than most people
<Maxsimal_> soundnfury: That you do.
* soundnfury checks EK records...
<Maxsimal_> Might help that you have a crapload of ships ready to go :P
<soundnfury> I've already done 36 launches :o
<soundnfury> No, I build fresh every game
<soundnfury> (admittedly inspired by designs that have worked in the past)
<Maxsimal_> Well yeah, hard not to use what's worked before.
<Maxsimal_> But yeah that's a lot - I'm sure I've simmed 30 launches, but I've only do 7 at this point. Well, I'll be getting on it tonight more.
<soundnfury> I don't sim at all since KCT stopped supporting it
<Maxsimal_> Oh? You don't use KRASH?
<soundnfury> (except sometimes with planes)
<soundnfury> nope
<soundnfury> I'm _just that good_ ;)
<Maxsimal_> lol
<soundnfury> it's ok, I'll just have to play my non-ris campaign for a bit while I wait for you two slowpokes :D
<zilti> Does KRASH work again in 1.3.1? When I tried it a week ago it would fail to set the game state back to normal after the sim
<Maxsimal_> well at least I'm past bornholio now
<soundnfury> heh
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