ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
<Raidernick> yes
<Bornholio> crum is it logs time then?
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<ferram4> Raidernick, do you happen to know what version of MFI Kopernicus is distributing? Is it 1.2.4?
<Thomas> Yes
<Thomas> Is there a newer one?
<Raidernick> yes
<Raidernick> 1.2.4
<ferram4> Excellent
<Raidernick> Pap, nope doesn't work at all still white with both dx9 and 11
<Raidernick> only earth and the moon are ok
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<Mike`> Raidernick, shouldn't the old textures fail because they lack the new planets/moons? I think they did for me, while it works with pap's textures - i'm still on kopernicus-3 though
<Raidernick> they didn't
<Raidernick> but the log is intereseting
<Raidernick> kopernicus errors for all the missing texture
<ferram4> egg, Raidernick, and there is nothing else to do, yes?
<Raidernick> it's still looking for them in the parent directory
<Raidernick> ferram4, nope it should be good
<egg> ferram4: for realheat? I think that's all
<Raidernick> Pap, ../GameData/RSS-Textures/PlutoColor.dds texture oes not exist
<Raidernick> and for all other missing
<Bornholio> MM problem?
<Raidernick> using kopernicus -7 now
<Raidernick> and the latest mm for 1.3.1
<Raidernick> the issue is RSS
<Raidernick> rss configs are still pointing to the old textures
<Raidernick> why were those not updated when it was recompiled for 1.3.1
<ferram4> There. Be happy.
<Raidernick> thanks ferram4
<egg> thanks :-)
<Raidernick> useOnDemand = false this should be true correct
<egg> no idea
<egg> Thomas?
<Raidernick> what i dont get is how it works correctly with paps textures for everyone if they need load on demand and rss has it disabled
<Raidernick> that should be impossible
<Thomas> Well, the textures still load if ondemand is disabled
<Raidernick> from plugindata?
<Bornholio> texture = RSS-Textures/PluginData/JupiterColor.dds
<Bornholio> normals = RSS-Textures/PluginData/Flat_NRM.dds
<Raidernick> Bornholio, where does it say that
<Bornholio> bah that from G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\KSP 1.3.1 RORP0\GameData\RealSolarSystem\RSSKopernicus\Jupiter Jupiter.cfg
<Bornholio> afk bit
<Raidernick> texture = RSS-Textures/JupiterColor
<Raidernick> normals = RSS-Textures/Flat_NRM
<Raidernick> mine says that
<Raidernick> and i have -7
<Raidernick> how is that possible
<Raidernick> Thomas, how is that possible
<Raidernick> i just downloaded -7 again from scratch
<egg> Bornholio: so, for RSS the people who are active and have the powers of release and pull request merging are Pap, phineasphreak and myself
<egg> Bornholio: do we want https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealSolarSystem/pull/125 in that RSS release?
<Qboid> [#125] title: [Bugfix] Triton pressureCurve | **Change Log:**... | https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealSolarSystem/issues/125
* egg meant to ping Raidernick in both of the above
<Raidernick> yes definitely
<egg> Raidernick: wait shouldn't it change the derivatives also?
<Raidernick> does it not?
<egg> Raidernick: well, look at the diff, it only changes column 2
<Raidernick> ok yeah that should be changed
<Raidernick> um, i don't know if phineas has been around lately
<Raidernick> i pinged him about several other prs and didn't get a response
<Bornholio> they should be offset by three orders, and look like that. I haven't dropped in a probe to test it tho
<Mike`> Raidernick, that planet config file is from RSS!? are you sure you're on the latest git version? because it includes "plugindata" there aswell
<egg> Raidernick: let me just check whether the derivatives were OK to start with or whether they need to be changed
<egg> Raidernick: yeah they need dividing by ten too. I'll comment on the pull request, but it won't make it into that release unless PhineasPhreak acts quickly.
<Raidernick> egg, as long as it's getting done
<Raidernick> I am still waiting on responses from 7 people on RO prs before i can release that
<Raidernick> hopefully they hurry the hell up
<Raidernick> but i can wait a bit for rss if he doesn't respond immediately
<Raidernick> just not like a year lol, we are already really behind
<egg> Raidernick: well, we're going to tag RSS for 1.3.1 anyway so that release won't last long; I'm fine with that fix waiting until the 1.4.x release
<egg> also I cannot into github so I approved and then I requested changes :-p RSS#125
<Qboid> [#125] title: [Bugfix] Triton pressureCurve | **Change Log:**... | https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealSolarSystem/issues/125
<Raidernick> egg, did you test them or should i test them?
<egg> Raidernick: test what?
<Raidernick> the changes
<egg> which changes? the Triton changes? I didn't test them, I just stared at them
<Raidernick> ok
<egg> but they're bad, don't test them yet
<egg> like they're negative-pressure bad
<Raidernick> ok
<egg> if you don't scale the derivatives things will get silly
<egg> Raidernick: anyway, I'll look into bumping the version number and that sort of thing for RSS tomorrow, and make a pull request with that for you to review, and then I can tag RSS 13
<egg> Raidernick: can you draft a change log for RSS 13? there's probably a bunch of stuff
<egg> Raidernick: also if we're going to do the releases ourselves maybe we should switch to a regular release schedule like principia
<Raidernick> egg, i can look at making a change log but I'm not sure of everything that was changed even with the commit list, my speciality is NOT programming
<Raidernick> but i can try lol
<egg> that really helps with things getting stuck
<egg> s/regular/lunatic/
<Qboid> egg meant to say: Raidernick: also if we're going to do the releases ourselves maybe we should switch to a lunatic release schedule like principia
<Bornholio> pap can you interject on update notes?
<Raidernick> the person who made 90% of the prs should do the changelog
<Raidernick> like phineas
<Raidernick> lol
<egg> actually Pap has RSS powers too, they can even do the release if they want
<Bornholio> https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealSolarSystem/issues/109 this is half the change log :P
<Qboid> [#109] title: Updates for 1.3 | With #108 PhineasFreak has fixed many of the updates to make RSS compatible with the new version of Kopernicus and 1.3.... | https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealSolarSystem/issues/109
<Raidernick> Bornholio, like i said lol
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<Raidernick> there he is hey blowfish
<egg> !wpn blowfish
* Qboid gives blowfish a centrifugal Hermitian line
<egg> blowfish: RealHeat has been released for 1.3.1!
<egg> and we're working on RSS
<blowfish> nice
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<blowfish> need anything from me?
<egg> ask Raidernick, he's the great coordinator
<Raidernick> blowfish, all the stuff you maintain in relation to ro is good to go right?
<Raidernick> or rather that ro needs
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<Bornholio> egg should i manually inspect that Pressure PR, see if teh pressure curve is wonky?
<blowfish> yeah, should be
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<blowfish> mostly just SolverEngines, RF, AJE
<blowfish> which all had 1.3.x releases ages ago
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<Raidernick> ok cool
<egg> Bornholio: I can prove it is wonky
<Bornholio> okay :)
<egg> Bornholio: but if you want, this should be fairly visible and amusing
<Bornholio> done on my way
<egg> Bornholio: go from 0 to 2000 m :D
<Raidernick> egg, tested it, yep it's really screwed up lol
<egg> the power of cfg file review!
<egg> also understanding splines
<Raidernick> also egg you are right we should start releasing ro more often
<Raidernick> once per ksp update is not acceptable
<Raidernick> there are TONS of prs inbetween, some that fix really important stuff
<Raidernick> or add new popular mods
<egg> every new moon, like principia!
<Raidernick> i'm thinking of doing this big 1.3.1 release, then in like a month or so doing 1 more
<Raidernick> then working on 1.4.50
<Raidernick> or w/e taketwo is on by then
<Raidernick> with all their weekly releases now
<egg> Raidernick: from an extremely selfish point of view I'm happy if the release after 1.3.1 is 1.4.x already because releasing principia for multiple versions is tedious :-p
<Raidernick> egg, so what you are saying is releast 20 versions for 1.3.1 then
<Raidernick> release*
<egg> >_<
<egg> Raidernick: I mean that would still be better than being stuck with having to make a 1.2.2 build, but yeah, let's move on from 1.3.1 too ;-p
<Raidernick> egg, that won't be for a LONG time
<Raidernick> most dependencies aren't even beginning to be updated yet
<egg> ferram4: how is it on the FAR front for 1.4.x?
<ferram4> Should be relatively simple, I think.
<ferram4> Haven't been putting too mcuh focus on it right now though. Real life stuff to focus on.
<egg> ow
<egg> perhaps awang can take a look
<egg> awang, upgrader of all the mods ever
<Bornholio> yup sawtooth profile on triton P curve
<egg> :D
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<xShadowx> pesky life stuff, so annoying
<xShadowx> i wonder how many years until we can scan a brain and run it as an app
<xShadowx> if i talk to it, would that count as being schizo?
<Bornholio> yes, is that a problem? ;)
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<xShadowx> Bornholio: hell no! finally someone to talk to as smart as me :P
<soundnfury> xShadowx: yeah, 'cos everyone else you meet is smarter
<xShadowx> ouch
<soundnfury> :)
<Bornholio> I am so jealous of scott foster. Off to get 'nother beer
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<Raidernick> hey does anyone here know if they changed the way node scaling works between 1.2.2 and 1.3.1
<Raidernick> for every RO config i've ever made when i scaled the @model and @scale it would scale the attach nodes up or down with the scale of the part
<Raidernick> now for some reason everytime i scale something in mm it doesn't scale the nodes anymore
<Raidernick> i need to manually change them all 1 by 1
<blowfish> I thought it was the same
<blowfish> scale and rescaleFactor should reposition nodes
<blowfish> (scale on the PART, not in a MODEL node)
<Raidernick> blowfish, my ro configs no longer work for some reason
<blowfish> strange
<Raidernick> i have to multiply all the damn nodes by the scale
<Raidernick> to fix them
<Raidernick> it takes forever
<blowfish> very strange
<blowfish> I really don't think anything changed
<Raidernick> did something change in mm maybe?
<Raidernick> from 1.2.2 to 1.3.1?
<Raidernick> blowfish, also i thought rescalefactor was bugged and it HAD to be set to 1
<Raidernick> otherwise weird shit happened
<blowfish> I recall that being fixed
<Raidernick> i would ask if you could test my config and see if it happens to you also
<Raidernick> but i'd need to release my mod updates
<Raidernick> cause i made a bunch of new parts
<Raidernick> and i haven't pushed any of it yet
<Raidernick> but i KNOW this should work
<Raidernick> i've been using it for years
<Raidernick> and all my stock configs are 0.80 scale
<Raidernick> and the nodes are from my 1:1 scale models
<Raidernick> i got directly from blender
<Raidernick> and the game appears to be scaling them to 80%
<Raidernick> but it's not working with my mm ro configs suddenly
<blowfish> size or position?
<Raidernick> position
<blowfish> does everything look correct in ModuleManager.ConfigCache?
<Raidernick> well it shows the incorrect node placement
<Raidernick> it's showing what's in the stock config
<Raidernick> unless i override it
<blowfish> which would make sense, MM doesn't do the scaling
<blowfish> but scale and rescaleFactor are both what you'd expect?
<Raidernick> yes
<Raidernick> 0.9305
<Raidernick> the game is doing something weird
<blowfish> mind if I see the stock config and the patched entry in the config cache?
<Raidernick> hold on
<Raidernick> it's huge can i just copy you one part?
<blowfish> yes
<Raidernick> top part is from the stock config
<Raidernick> rest is out of cache
<Raidernick> now to make it work, i need to overwrite them all in the ro config and multiply them all by the new scale
<Raidernick> otherwise they are still 1:1
<blowfish> ohh
<blowfish> I think there's an order dependency with scale and nodes
<Raidernick> for real?
<blowfish> yeah :/
<Raidernick> i thought it didn't matter where it was in the config
<Raidernick> but wait
<Raidernick> the scale IS first
<Raidernick> why it mm applying it last?
<blowfish> how are you patching it?
<blowfish> just %scale = xxx ?
<blowfish> (or @scale)
<Raidernick> %scale
<blowfish> let me look at MM's code
<Raidernick> if it really was an order thing, you'd think mm would always load scale first
<Raidernick> i can't think of any reason you'd ever want to load it last
<blowfish> ugh
<blowfish> if you use % (replace), MM removes all existing values then adds a new one at the end
<Raidernick> but I did use @ for MODEL and the scale in there
<Raidernick> and i did that BEFORE %scale
<Raidernick> and it's still loaded last
<Raidernick> that doesn't make sense
<blowfish> nodes are always after values
<blowfish> just how KSP parses things
<Raidernick> so, is there any way to make it work
<taniwha> mostly accurate. more, by the time anything sees a config node, the interleaving of values and nodes is lost, and the code extracting data from config nodes has to choose whether to process values first or nodes first
<Raidernick> basically what you are saying means i'd need to put the node overrides in the mm config even if i don't change them
<Raidernick> they just need to be after scale
<blowfish> by nodes I mean {} things, by values I mean = things
<taniwha> Raidernick: it means you're hosed
<blowfish> this can work
<Raidernick> that fucking sucks taniwha
<taniwha> though possibly not entirely
<Raidernick> how did i never notice this before
<blowfish> just use @scale = 0.9305 rathe than %scale = 0.9305
<Raidernick> but how does that work
<blowfish> since it's a specific part you know it already has a scale value
<Raidernick> that will cause scale to load first
<blowfish> because %scale puts it after the node_ things
<Raidernick> but you said that nodes are after values
<blowfish> whereas @scale keeps it in the same place
<Raidernick> and the "node = " is going to be loaded before the MODEL {}
<blowfish> nodes meaning SOMETHING { }
<blowfish> mixing terminologies here, sorry
<Raidernick> this is super confusing
<taniwha> blowfish: not your fault
<Raidernick> since you have part nodes
<Raidernick> and node nodes
<Raidernick> lol
<taniwha> whoever named them NODE :P
<Raidernick> i have no idea what you are talking about
<taniwha> and node_
<blowfish> node_stack_top = xxx is a value ;)
<Raidernick> but it's also a node
<Raidernick> cause it's literally "node"
<Raidernick> lol
<blowfish> okay, I'm going to start over
<blowfish> when I say NODE, I mean a thing with brackets (for instance MODEL { })
<Raidernick> and which is always loaded first
<blowfish> yes
<Raidernick> yes what?
<Raidernick> nodes or values
<blowfish> yes, NODE is always loaded first
<blowfish> sorry VALUE
<taniwha> blowfish: but what about NODE { ... } :)
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<blowfish> ugyh
<blowfish> ugh
<taniwha> but yeah, talking about confignode is hard
<blowfish> let me finish the setup
<blowfish> when I say NODE, I mean a thing with brackets (for instance MODEL { })
<blowfish> when I say VALUE, I mean a thing with = (for instance, rescaleFactor = 1)
<Raidernick> ok so if values are always loaded first, then @MODEL {} is ALWAYS going to be loaded after node_stack_top =
<blowfish> when KSP parses, it puts the NODE and VALUE entries into separate lists, so the relative order between them
<Raidernick> so it doesn't matter what i do
<blowfish> let me finish
<blowfish> now, you have node_x = x,y,z,a,b,c and scale = w at the part level
<blowfish> those are both VALUE entries
<blowfish> if scale = w appears first, any node_x = x,y,z,a,b,c that follows it will have w scale applied
<blowfish> in the reverse order, it will not
<Raidernick> i get that
<Raidernick> i am talking about the order in mm patches
<Raidernick> it doesn't matter right
<blowfish> you have %scale = 0.9305, which will remove the scale entry and remove it at the end
<blowfish> it does matter
<blowfish> *remove and inset
<blowfish> insert
<Raidernick> the way i have it now it is breaking anything or just uneccessary
<blowfish> so just change that %scale = 0.9305 to @scale = 0.9305 and it will appear before the node_x entries
<Raidernick> i can keep that in mind for future additions
<Raidernick> but i don't want to reedit 150 part entries
<Raidernick> can they be left as is and still be ok?
<taniwha> Raidernick: learn the power of sed or awk
<Starman4308> Or scripting in general, I suppose.
<taniwha> yeah
<Starman4308> (though yes, sed and awk are powerful tools from a more refined age)
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<blowfish> okay, just checked, this is not a change in behavior between 1.2.x and 1.3.x
<Raidernick> blowfish, i guess i just never noticed before because i've never used anything but 1:1 scale
<blowfish> I filed a bug with Squad for what it's worth
<blowfish> we'll see where that goes
<Raidernick> well blowfish everything is fixed now thanks
<blowfish> glad I could help
<blowfish> sometimes these issues just need a little digging
<blowfish> lots of moving parts in KSP, it can be hard to disentangle them
<Raidernick> that's just the first time i've ever rescaled a part so i've never run into that before
<Raidernick> on stock configs i ALWAYS put node_x = after scale
<Raidernick> and for mm configs i always used 1:1
<Raidernick> so it didn't matter that scale was being loaded after
<Raidernick> but i fucked up when modeling this and the scale was slightly too big
<Raidernick> so i had to make it smaller than 1:1
<taniwha> why not fix the scale at the source?
<Raidernick> taniwha, i could but what's easier, changing 1 value in the config, or rescaling every single part on the entire rocket, all adapters, engines, payloads, fairings and then also rescaling all the node values again
<Raidernick> also if you rescale a part with nla strips and then bake the scale it breaks the animation
<Raidernick> so i'd have to reanimate all parts that are animated
<Raidernick> i think i'll stick with changing the single value
<Raidernick> it's 10 minutes of work vs like 15 hours of work
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<taniwha> that's a good reason
<Raidernick> if it was just like a few parts it'd be no big deal
<Raidernick> but apparently when i made these rocket parts something happened to the scale and it came out wrong
<Raidernick> i didn't notice for 3 years
<Raidernick> and single then i've added hundreds of parts and payloads to it
<Raidernick> all to that wrong scale
<Raidernick> lol
<taniwha> ouch
<Raidernick> yep not too happy about it
<taniwha> I had to reanimate EL's launchpad2. that was rather painful
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<blowfish> is that ... camlost?????!!!!!
<camlost> yes
<camlost> I'm making a new algorithm for helicopters
<taniwha> so, nick change to camfound?
<camlost> using blade element theory
<camlost> made a demo in Unity, looks promising
<blowfish> taniwha: :D
<camlost> so when an engine gimbals, does its thrustTransform rotate?
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<Raidernick> camlost, depends
<Raidernick> the thrust transform will move if it's a child of the gimbal transform
<Raidernick> and it won't if it's not
<camlost> Raidernick: what is the best way to tell?
<Raidernick> try and gimbal and if the engine bell moves but the flame doesn't then it's not set up roperly
<Raidernick> properly*
<blowfish> generally yes, because othewise the gimbal would be pointless
<blowfish> thee are engines where some thrust transforms rotate and othes don't though
<blowfish> *there
<blowfish> gotta sleep, night all
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<camlost> night
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<egg> meow
<schnobs> wags tail
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<egg> !tell Raidernick so it seems rsstimeformatter got added to the realismoverhaul team overnight, I assume by Agathorn; Agathorn is one of the people who can mutate that particular team, and is still here, so it's just RSS and RealHeat that are in a weirdly wedged state
<Qboid> egg: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<egg> !tell Raidernick as for regular releases, we're close to the full moon so maybe we can make it every full moon from now on
<Qboid> egg: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<egg> !tell Pap, Raidernick so, I have control over RSS-Textures as well as RealSolarSystem, I guess we should bump that one for the new bodies
<Qboid> egg: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<egg> !tell Pap can you make a pull request to https://github.com/KSP-RO/RSS-Textures so that the textures are found there rather than in https://github.com/pap1723/ScaledRSS-Textures ?
<Qboid> egg: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<Maxsimal> o/
<Qboid> Maxsimal: soundnfury left a message for you in #RO [30.03.2018 23:41:28]: "yeah I think basically right now non-proc tanks just aren't really supported in RP-1. Unlock costs are wrong too..."
<Maxsimal> !tell soundnfury: Ok I'll stil using them, didn't know that.
<Qboid> Maxsimal: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<Maxsimal> !tell soundnfury: Stop using them, I mean
<Qboid> Maxsimal: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<Qboid> egg: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<Qboid> [#133] title: Preparations for version 13. | Do not merge this pull request until both of the following conditions are met:... | https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealSolarSystem/issues/133
<Bornholio> working on a fork for textures egg, i'll PR after changing all the files i Understand and comment on the issue 133 with anything i don't
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<Bornholio> okay egg and pap, take a look at my PR whenever just note i did not change the build.pl since i think i may be missing intent. https://github.com/KSP-RO/RSS-Textures/pull/16
<Qboid> [#16] title: Replace Existing Textures with Pap's Scaled RSS Textures | NOTE: CHANGE \RSS-Textures\bin\ build.pl ... | https://github.com/KSP-RO/RSS-Textures/issues/16
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egg is now known as egg|tea|egg
<egg|tea|egg> !tell Raidernick if you want I can tag a release of KSP-RO/RSSTimeFormatter, that should not require any changes
<Qboid> egg|tea|egg: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
egg|tea|egg is now known as egg
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<Bornholio> Is egg all waxy and colored yet :P
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<UmbralRaptop> Dye egg, dye!
<egg> easter me!
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<soundnfury> happy eathyl eathanoate, all
<schnobs> Wanted: storable propellant rocket engine, rated for a service life of perhaps 20 ignitions and one hour total burn time.
<schnobs> IOW, a tug that could arguably get to the moon and back several times.
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<Bornholio> .poke
<Maxsimal> ?
<Bornholio> juske poking qboid for messages :)
<Bornholio> just
<Maxsimal> gotcha
<soundnfury> o/ Bornholio
<Bornholio> hello to yall in gmt+0
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<Bornholio> i'll try a quick catchup to you max
<egg> !wpn Bornholio
* Qboid gives Bornholio a down scandium exception
<Maxsimal> No worries at all.
<Raidernick> egg, that changelog looks good to me
<Qboid> Raidernick: egg left a message for you in #RO [31.03.2018 09:26:21]: "so it seems rsstimeformatter got added to the realismoverhaul team overnight, I assume by Agathorn; Agathorn is one of the people who can mutate that particular team, and is still here, so it's just RSS and RealHeat that are in a weirdly wedged state"
<Qboid> Raidernick: egg left a message for you in #RO [31.03.2018 09:27:54]: "as for regular releases, we're close to the full moon so maybe we can make it every full moon from now on"
<Qboid> Raidernick: egg|tea|egg left a message for you in #RO [31.03.2018 15:25:46]: "if you want I can tag a release of KSP-RO/RSSTimeFormatter, that should not require any changes"
<Raidernick> also, yep about rsstimeformater, i asked it be added to the group
<Raidernick> i can also do a release there now
<Raidernick> but yeah you should be the one to do the release there
<egg> Raidernick: ok will do that
<egg> let me just fix something on a principia pull requset and I'll get tho it
<egg> s/tho/to/
<Qboid> egg meant to say: let me just fix something on a principia pull requset and I'll get to it
lamont_ has joined #RO
<egg> lamont_!
* egg pokes lamont_ in the underscore
<lamont_> !
CommandoDiamond has joined #RO
<soundnfury> ¡
<lamont_> _ means i’m on a plane
<lamont_> although i thought i logged out at home
<soundnfury> lamont_: and words_joined_with_underscores are called "snake_case"...
<egg> lamont_: so we're doing a 1.3.1 release under the auspices of Raidernick in the absence of NathanKell|AFK
<soundnfury> (fill in the rest yourself)
<lamont_> im_a_ruby_programmer_so_snek_case_is_best_case
<lamont_> 1.3.1 RO/RP-1 release?
lamont_ has quit [Quit: lamont_]
<Raidernick> egg, I plan to do the Ro release next saturday
<Raidernick> i'm holding off for one more huge pr phineas is finishing
<Raidernick> if he doesn't finish by then i'm going to just do it
<egg> Raidernick: if we're going to say regular releases I'd advise not holding off the release for this kind of thing, and saying it'll be in next month's release
<Raidernick> ok
<egg> otherwise you end up stacking delays and people disappear
<egg> currently drafting the RSSTimeFormater release notes
<egg> (actual new features there!)
<Raidernick> ok then
<Raidernick> as soon as everything is done ill release
<Raidernick> for the dependencies
<Raidernick> i told him he can get in on the next release
<egg> Raidernick: OK I drafted some release notes, does this look reasonable? https://github.com/KSP-RO/RSSTimeFormatter/releases
<egg> Raidernick: afaict there are no config files mentioning the version so no changes to be done there
<Raidernick> that looks good to me
<egg> awang I summon thee
<egg> !wpn awang
* Qboid gives awang a Laurent edge
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<egg> Raidernick: yeah so there's something to be done after all
<Raidernick> is that for ckan?
<egg> blaaaaargh and it involves a makefile
<Raidernick> oh shit i completely forgot about ckan
<Raidernick> i need to push out all the dependency updates there first
<Raidernick> before RO
<Raidernick> or it won't index
<egg> yeeeeaah fuckit I'm going to wing this, not going to make this makefile work but I can run some bits by hand I guess
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<Raidernick> egg, are we still waiting on rss right?
<egg> Raidernick: RSS is waiting on Pap to review something in RSSTexture
<Raidernick> ok
<egg> but it has a pending pull request to update all the versions in config files once that is done
<Bornholio> I din't change the build file so that should be all thats left
<Raidernick> Bornholio, did you test this: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/pull/1813
<Qboid> [#1813] title: Enable fuel crossfeed for boattails by default | | https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/issues/1813
<Bornholio> yes, i crap forgot to say that.
<Raidernick> ok so it's good to merge?
<Raidernick> can you make a post there saying that before I merge it for reference
<Raidernick> ok nvm lol
<Raidernick> merging
<Raidernick> thanks
<schnobs> Hold on a second -- ran into an issue I wanted to investigate later, but...
<Raidernick> schnobs, ?
<schnobs> Purchasing Apollo SPS engines crashes my game.
<schnobs> Have no price.
<Raidernick> is it something i fucked up?
<schnobs> I expect it to be a two-line fix, but haven't tracked down the issue yet.
<schnobs> Nope, I got my stuff from github perhaps two weeks ago and didn't update since.
<Raidernick> does anyone here use sstu and want to test a config?
<Raidernick> cool thanks egg
<egg> it has a .version file that I hand-patched, the release process was a bit silly but it should be correct
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<schnobs> Regarding the SPS issue, it crashes the game without a trace in the log. MM configcache lists an entry price (which I don't see in the game).
<egg> Raidernick: wait no it's not
<egg> Raidernick: because this script still refers to RSSDateTime everywhere :D https://github.com/KSP-RO/RSSTimeFormatter/blob/master/makeMeta.py
<egg> (I'll try to patch this up
<Raidernick> egg, I'm going to open a PR for netkan updates for this stuff but say not to merge until rss is released
<egg> ack
<schnobs> It will take me longer than a few minutes to find out what's going on. Which also means it won't happen for the next two days, at least.
<Raidernick> schnobs, I can wait if it's that big of a deal
<egg> Raidernick: do you need to do something in netkan? I thought this was indexed automatically from new tags?
<Raidernick> egg, no the netkan files are listed by ksp version
<Raidernick> i need to update that
<Raidernick> or the changes won't be indexed
<Raidernick> only RO has it's own netkan file
<schnobs> Oh, nyancat!
<Raidernick> ok egg rssdatetimeformat has it's own version file
<Raidernick> so no need to update anything there
<Raidernick> you updated that file correct?
<Raidernick> realheat does NOT have a version file and needs it's netkan updated though
<egg> Raidernick: yeah I updated that file
<egg> it should be mostly correct
<egg> yeah the DOWNLOAD link is correct; the CHANGE_LOG_URL link is broken and has always been afaict, but also nobody uses that link so it's fine
<schnobs> On the off chance that it's just me, could anyone with a working install please have a look at the 1967-68 rocketry node? For me, the SPS engine has no price there.
<Raidernick> egg, can you do kscswitcher releases?
<egg> the full RSSTimeFormatter .version: {"NAME": "RSSDateTime", "URL": "http://ksp-avc.cybutek.net/version.php?id=294", "DOWNLOAD": "https://github.com/KSP-RO/RSSTimeFormatter/releases/download/", "CHANGE_LOG_URL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KSP-RO/RSSTimeFormatter/master/RELEASE_NOTES_RAW.txt", "VERSION": {"MAJOR": 1, "MINOR": 2, "PATCH": 0, "BUILD": 0}, "KSP_VERSION": {"MAJOR": 1, "MINOR": 3,
<egg> "PATCH": 1}}
<Raidernick> i don't have access to that either
<egg> nope
<Raidernick> i think RSS needs that to work
<egg> seems thats NathanKell|AFK and rsparkyc
<Raidernick> which means we cna't release rss without it
<egg> !seen rsparkyc
<Qboid> egg: I last saw rsparkyc on [29.03.2018 19:27:34] in #principia saying: "np"
<egg> he exists
<egg> sometimes
<Raidernick> i can't ping him on git because there is no issue forum for that repo
<Raidernick> dunno why
<egg> huh that's really weird
<egg> good lord NK what nonsensical state did you leave this in
<Raidernick> ill ping him using the rss one
<Raidernick> since rss needs it anyway
<egg> yeah that makes sense
<Raidernick> ANNNDDD i can't ping him there
<Raidernick> since he's not part of that organization
<Raidernick> lol
<Raidernick> fml
<Olympic1> You should be able to ping him anyway. doesn't matter if he is in the org or not
<Raidernick> Olympic1, it won't let me
<schnobs> In a much earlier savegame, the engine costs $700 to unlock. I have a hunch that some carry-over depresses the procurement price into the negative.
<schnobs> Which file deals with unlock costs and carryover, again?
<egg> Olympic1: you can't create an issue on that repo
<egg> for whatever demented reason
<egg> Raidernick: you can still say @rsparkyc on an RSS issue
<egg> Raidernick: even if it doesn't autocomplete it works
<egg> other channels include, but are not limited to: forum DMs, pigeons, ICBMs
<Olympic1> what repo? RSSTimeFormatter
<egg> nah KSCSwitcher
<egg> Raidernick: if nothing else works you can just fork it and change RSS to have a dependency on your fork, but I'd like to avoid that if possible
<egg> let's try to reach rsparkyc
<Raidernick> yeah egg trying to avoid that I pinged him on rss git
<Raidernick> i'm updating the RO dependencies now, linuxgurugamer took over several dependencies and made continued versions of them
<Raidernick> i'm switching the old broken ones over to his new ones
<Raidernick> egg, there are 16 ro dependencies that haven't been updated in years
<Raidernick> some since before ksp 1.0
<Raidernick> we can probably remove them right?
<egg> Raidernick: ferram4 will have to tag something for 1.3.1 too I guess? or is the current one 1.3.1-compatible? it says 1.3.0 on the fora
<egg> Raidernick: what are those?
<egg> (I never install via ckan so how would I know)
<Raidernick> b9 aerospace procedural wings, semi saturable reaction wheels, aies, forgotten real engines, 3 laztek mods, near future, habitat pack, rla, soviet engines, rocketdyne engine, space shuttle system, tweakable everything
<Raidernick> those to start off
<Raidernick> then we have stuff like rcs build aid, teset flight which SHOULD be updated
<Raidernick> but haven't been
<egg> uh the pwings are really useful
<egg> check on the golden spreadsheet, some of this stuff is on there
<Raidernick> it says 1.0.5
<Raidernick> for those
<Raidernick> kinda outdated lol
<egg> if it's not mentioned in the golden spreadsheet then Bornholio is living without it so that works
<Raidernick> i don't have that link
<egg> Raidernick: you're checking the wrong version, the b9 pwings say yes for 1.3 on the golden spreadsheet
<egg> Raidernick: if you're going to do a release refer to that always, that's how the testing has been coordinated
<egg> otherwise you have no chance of having the same setup as others
<Raidernick> egg, ok some of these have been changed to "continued"
<Raidernick> the originals are abandoned
<Raidernick> i need to change that
<egg> yeah
<egg> Raidernick: see the bornholio's install order sheet it has everything with sources and order
<Raidernick> that fork is outdated
<Raidernick> it says 1.3.0
<Raidernick> so ckan won't install it
<Raidernick> even if it works
<egg> yes that's documented in the golden spreadsheet
<Raidernick> i can't fix that
<Raidernick> it's not a netkan thing
<Raidernick> he has his own version files there
<Raidernick> he needs to push a new update
<ferram4> egg: I have something that I can get out for 1.3.1. Are we waiting on just me yet?
<egg> ferram4: no, we're not at that stage yet
<ferram4> I would prefer a little more time to make sure that it works right. Technically it does already, but there are a few improvements in the dev build.
<egg> ferram4: we may be near that stage for hard deps
<egg> b9 pwings isn't quite as hard a dep as FAR
<Raidernick> ferram4, we are waiting for kscswitcher and rss
<Raidernick> and you 3rd
<egg> yeah those are hard deps
<Raidernick> so you have a bit of time
<egg> rss is waiting on rss textures which is waiting on Pap's review
<egg> kscswitcher might get interesting
<egg> Raidernick: you may want to ping rsparkyc by forum DM as well as github issue, in case he doesn't read his github spam
<Raidernick> Bornholio, looking at your spreadsheet are there any mods that are so old that we can lose them as recommends or suggests?
<Bornholio> community tech tree for RP0
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<Bornholio> persistent rotation is skipping 1.3
<Raidernick> Bornholio, what about procedural fairings for EVERYTHING, aies, atk propulsion, atomic age, near future electric(it's not even indexed), habitat pack, rla, rocketdyne engine , space shuttle
<Raidernick> some of those are very old
<Raidernick> or not even indexed on ckan
<Raidernick> or are abandoned and have licenses that prevent updating them
<Bornholio> Nertea's stuff is supported in RP1 but not needed until way late
<schnobs> I'm playing without procfairings for everything, without ill effects.
<Raidernick> schnobs, then it needs to be updated
<Bornholio> don't think i have PF FE either
<Raidernick> the laztek stuff i'm removing
<Raidernick> it's from ksp .25
<Raidernick> the colliders will be bsuted
<Raidernick> busted*
<Raidernick> since they are concave
<Raidernick> and not convex
<Bornholio> i have a list in an issue
<schnobs> Raidernick: I was trying to say that we can do without PF FE.
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<egg> Raidernick: I think you're misreading what schnobs is saying
<Raidernick> yes i did lol
<Raidernick> my brain ignored the without
<Raidernick> lol
<Qboid> [#1796] title: Remove dead mods or tree them off to reduce waste patching | Ignoring anything 1.1.3 and above: Also ignoring ones I can't ID easily... | https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/issues/1796
<Bornholio> what i'm suggesting is quite a bit of work but yeah having tehm rec or dep is silly
<Raidernick> Bornholio, i'm going to use that list you have in the issue and remove
<Raidernick> i don't even need to test pre 1.1 mods
<Raidernick> if they are older than that they won't work
<Raidernick> the colliders will be fubar
<Bornholio> actually some are now LGG'd and ressurected but they don't reference the same mod
<Raidernick> Bornholio, that doesn't help though lol
<Raidernick> they still should be removed
<Raidernick> as the part names can be different
<Bornholio> !tell Rsparkyc would you be able to edit the RO thread a bit paring off some of the dead mods see #1796
<Qboid> Bornholio: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<Raidernick> Bornholio, the thread is by theysen
<schnobs> Repeat Q: could someone please check the Apollo SPS (AJ10-137) entry cost?
<Raidernick> i talk to him every day
<Raidernick> i'll have him edit it
<Raidernick> once ro is ready to release
<Bornholio> ah cool
<egg> Raidernick: oh theysen exists?!
<Raidernick> on discord yes
<Raidernick> he doesn't use irc
<Raidernick> RO has a huge active discord
<Raidernick> you guys should really be there too
<Raidernick> lol
<egg> eh, never figured out how that worked
<egg> IRC is nice :-p
<egg> also we have Qboid
<egg> !wpn Raidernick
* Qboid gives Raidernick a ferromagnetic fluent bifurcation
* schnobs refuses to sign up for yet another service.
<egg> !wpn schnobs
* Qboid gives schnobs a war-surplus cotangent monad
<Raidernick> schnobs, i can't check that maybe someone else can
<schnobs> I was hoping for Bornholio perhaps?
<Bornholio> who what where?
<schnobs> My apollo SPS has no unlock price, crashes the game when I try to buy it.
<schnobs> Can't see why.
<Bornholio> ok, i'll try it out
<schnobs> Want to make sure if it's just me.
<Raidernick> egg, can you check the code here and see if you see anything obviously wrong: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/pull/1779
<Qboid> [#1779] title: New AdjustableCoMShifter class | AdjustableCoMShifter is derived from CoMShifter and features a slider to limit the CoM offset.... | https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/issues/1779
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<egg> I am not competent to review this, also on this kind of stuff I'd like some manual testing to be done
<egg> Bornholio, do you want to look at it?
<Raidernick> i don't use that module so i'm not familiar with it either
<egg> I don't use any modules :-p
<egg> (well, I use one ScenarioModule and that's it)
<Raidernick> i marked all the conflicting pr branches as invalid
<Raidernick> so we know not to merge those
<Raidernick> the rest are just waiting on the authors to reply
<schnobs> Bornholio: as far as I'm concerned, it's enough if you can tell me whether your SPS shows up at $24500, or $700.
<egg> Raidernick: there's a "good to merge but conflicts" label for that
<egg> invalid isn't really appropriate
<Raidernick> there is?
<Raidernick> i don't know if it's good to merge though
<Raidernick> i wanted a label for just conflicts
<egg> well just create a label "conflicts"
<egg> "invalid" sounds weird, we're not saying the change isn't good
<Raidernick> how's that
<Bornholio> what tech is the A-SPS under
<schnobs> rocketry 1967-68
<Raidernick> egg, "conflicts - not tested
<Raidernick> that way it's not mistaken for ok to merge
<Raidernick> even if conflicts are fxied
<egg> sgtm
<Bornholio> schnoobs i don't see it listed in my RIS install
<schnobs> Bornholio: right next to Astris and F-1?
<Bornholio> astris and F-1 yes, ASPS no
<schnobs> AJ10-137 is the proper name.
<schnobs> It has a stock model, so not seeing it at all is...odd.
<Bornholio> loaded a again its showing , no purchase cost, build cost 700
<schnobs> Bornholio: OK, thanks. As per MM configcache, it should cost 24,500.
<schnobs> I can't figure out why it doesn't show up -- there's no entry cost modifier except from sister models.
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