NathanKell changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread ! RO Spreadsheet ! Code of Conduct ! | [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator" with a rocket-flying minigame
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<Bornholio> well i don't have a model of that :P
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<schnobs> How is crew science supposed to work?
<Bornholio> manage operations in VAB, add experiments, then run in orbit
<schnobs> Ah. So it's something I should have prepared in VAB?
<schnobs> (just launched the pod and looked for context menus in space)
<schnobs> thanks.
<Bornholio> make sure you have enough power too
<schnobs> talking about which...
<schnobs> As per part description, my CO2 scrubbers are supposed to draw power. In space, they don't.
<schnobs> Also, only the one on the cockpit seems to work, while KerbCan doesn't.
<Bornholio> turned off for lack of CO2 fuel flow?
<schnobs> Is it necessary that the part itself has CO2 storage?
<Bornholio> probably
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<schnobs> In the department of good news, it looks as if I might actually come down somewhere in florida for once.
<Probus> Gonna try and catch a launch?
<schnobs> SDI is eeeeaasy... See, i just did it by accident!
<Bornholio> rokker look at that shiny.... where is the tail!
<soundnfury> Bornholio: wouldn't've got out the door with it on
<Bornholio> my hanger we could!
<Bornholio> hangar
<Rokker> Bornholio: I liked the XB-52 cockpit
* soundnfury zzz
<Rokker> soundnfury: they got the B-52 in my museum's hangar with the tail on
<Rokker> granted they had to gut a massive chunk out of it
<Rokker> cut
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<schnobs> Alright, after landing I went into VAB and had a look. No "Manage" button.
<Bornholio> have wild blue tools 1.41?
<Bornholio> or 1.19 with KSP 1.2.2
<schnobs> Ah, that might be it: v1.19 with KSP 131.
<schnobs> Just to be on the safe side: I'm trying it on a custom pod (KerbCan). Just added that one to the list in CrewLabAdder.cfg -- would that do or is there more to it?
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<saabstory88> So who here has the steam version of KSP and has not bought the expansion
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<Bornholio> my care is low and my agreement with shitty eula's also low, love for KSP high, = gonna wait till i care
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<Starman4308> I haven't yet bought the expansion. No need to buy it until I migrate to 1.4.X, and that is unlikely to happen until RP-1 releases for 1.4.X. In the minute event that peoples' fears about the new EULA actually come to be, well, then I'm not buying it at all.
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<awang> What does BARIS provide over KCT?
<awang> Also, totally forgot about 1.4.1
<awang> Anyone here buy the expansion?
<awang> "Fixes music briefly playing in loading screens after exiting the Editor"
<awang> What am I going to do with my super long wait times then :(
<awang> Also, why in the world is the expansion its own game mode?
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<awang> Seemed like it was perfect for integration into career
<awang> I'm also slightly relieved that I'm not really missing out, since the engines would get RO-ified
<awang> Just missing models, and I'm not a huge design nut
<awang> Yet
<Starman4308> Anyways: are some of the low-detail patches of some of the outer moons when viewed from space a bug, or is it because NASA/ESA/Roskosmos hasn't totten good imagery of those patches of terrain yet?
<Starman4308> s/totten/gotten
<Qboid> Starman4308 meant to say: Anyways: are some of the low-detail patches of some of the outer moons when viewed from space a bug, or is it because NASA/ESA/Roskosmos hasn't gotten good imagery of those patches of terrain yet?
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<wb99999999> hey guys
<Starman4308> Heya.
<Starman4308> (also, finally gotten flybys of all four Galilean moons with a flyby of Europa! Took far more than usual to set up due to impatience, nearly 115 m/sec. Naturally, I can get another Europa flyby for approximately three puffs of delta-V)
<Starman4308> (and if I read the map correctly, that flyby, costing 1.5 m/sec, puts me within a hair of a third flyby!)
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<wb99999999> been playing stock and missing RF intensely
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<ProjectThoth> Well, shit.
<ProjectThoth> 1.4 overwrote my RO install.
<blowfish> Steam?
<ProjectThoth> Manual install and me not being very bright.
<ProjectThoth> Should've renamed it before bringing the new one in. :/
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<BadRocketsCo> Howdy
<BadRocketsCo> I remember there was a mod that helped with gravity assists. Can anyone remind me what it was?
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<wb99999999> oh god
<wb99999999> the parts in the dlc is so inconsistent with the stock aesthetics...
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<Probus> Did anyone even play test these new parts? Just try putting RCS on the Apollo service module. Good luck getting it to work and look right.
<Probus> There must be a trick to it.
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<awang> !tell BadRocket* For gravity assists, there's the KSP Trajectory Optimization Tool. Technically not a mod though
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<awang> btw, anyone heard of any severe bugs that would require a 1.4.2?
<awang> If not, it's recompiling time
<taniwha> awang: I've heard 1.4.2 is on the cards
<awang> taniwha: Wonderful
<awang> Uhhh
<awang> Are those kethane hexes?
<taniwha> yes
<awang> ....Why are they visible in the title screen?
<taniwha> they have been for a very long time
<taniwha> it's a "hey, you've got kethane installed and it's working" sign
<awang> Oh
<awang> Sort of like KAS/KIS backpacks?
<awang> Did you need to make major changes to get things compiling on 1.4.1?
<taniwha> remove one line of code, rebuild shader assemblies
<taniwha> but also added a new assembly loader so windows and mac users don't have to delete the other bundles anymore
<awang> Looks like the macOS version of KSP came with .mdbs for the Unity dlls? Is that normal?
<awang> Other bundles?
<taniwha> kethane-linux.ksp, kethane-windows.ksp, kethane-macosx.ksp
<taniwha> linux users didn't run into issues normally, but kethane-linux.ksp would load first, blocking the windows and macosx ones
<taniwha> so they had to delete the ones not for their os
<taniwha> I was being too clever and made them autoload. they they don't and I manually load the correct one
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<taniwha> now they don't...
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<awang> taniwha: Ah, I see
<awang> Sounds like a useful fix
<awang> How hard is it to write your own assembly loader?
<taniwha> not terribly, but I swiped it from EVE
<taniwha> with modificiations
<awang> EVE uses it for a similar purpose, I'm guessing?
<taniwha> yeah
<taniwha> asset bundles are the only way to get custom shaders into Unity games :(
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<Pap> Lolololol, as I guessed would be the case, the mission editor does not work in career mode.
<Pap> Maxsimal:
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<taniwha> Pap: I'm sure it won't be long before there's a mod for that
<Pap> Yep, just don't know why they wouldn't have it work there as well.
<Pap> They are probably working on a DLC for career mode
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<awang> taniwha: Asset bundles are not fun to work with?
<awang> Pap: Yeah, it's disappointing
<awang> It's pretty much perfect for that
<awang> Especially if non-DLC players could play missions built by DLC players
<taniwha> awang: yeah, you /need/ unity
<awang> vendor lock-in ftw
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<Starwaster> hmmm MJ can't deal with engine spool time at all can it...
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<Maxsimal> Pap: Sorry I went super afk, I'm at work, what's up?
<Pap> Maxsimal: the mission builder doesn't work in career
<Maxsimal> Pap: What is the point of it then? :( :( :(
<Pap> Online message board challenges I guess?
<Maxsimal> Thanks for the heads up though - I was really hoping they'd be making a nice user friendly version of CC.
<Starwaster> a mission builder that you can't use in career? lolwhut?
<Starwaster> actually interpreted literally that doesn't seem so bad unless you also mean you can't even import created missions to career?
<Starwaster> like at all???
<Maxsimal> I assume that's what he meant
<Maxsimal> Unless Pap is trolling, and that doesn't seem his style
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<Starwaster> Why is there a Martian war machine overlooking the launch pad?
<Pap> No importing from what I understand
<Maxsimal> :(
<Maxsimal> Well I have to head out to dinner, but hopefully this is not some stupidity that will persist
<Maxsimal> Cause - yeah I mean, I guess the idea of building 'challenges' but why not connect it to modding career mode too
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<schnobs> o/
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<Starman4308> You know... Titan throws the definition of a "sea" for a loop.
<Starman4308> Here on Earth, a sea is characterized by high salt content. Titan's hydrocarbon bodies are unlikely to contain much dissolved salt due to being hydrophobic.
<Rokker> Bornholio: wooo, they just moved the Belle into the public hangars from restoration
<Rokker> Starman4308: but would you call them seas? I always thought of them as oceans
<schnobs> And, just btw: provided Titan has a evaporation-precipitation cycle, the seas are bound to be the place where less volatile stuff is more concentrated.
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<schnobs> need patching help:
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