NathanKell changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread ! RO Spreadsheet ! Code of Conduct ! | [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator" with a rocket-flying minigame
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<Starman4308> Gazing upon my rocket at night, with how high it sat relative to the VAB, I was impressed by the majesty of Saturn-class rockets. Then, as I waited for my Moon launch window, day broke, and I realized I'd forgotten to move the whole thing on its launch clamps back down to the ground.
<soundnfury> uhhhhh... I updated to top-of-tree RO & RP-0, now engine configs' techRequired aren't having any effect
<Bornholio> top-oftree?
<Bornholio> master?
<soundnfury> as in 'tip of Developmental branch'
<soundnfury> the only other thing I changed was that I installed WBT 1.41 instead of the old, broken 1.19, about the same time
<soundnfury> in my MM ConfigCache, the CONFIGs don't have a techRequired key, which is probably why I'm seeing them all unlockable in the engine GUI...
<Bornholio> i'm running 1.41 now without too much pain that i can tell
<Bornholio> RF replacement DLL?
<soundnfury> nah
<soundnfury> hmm, Pap's latest change to TREE-Engines.cfg slightly changed the MM bits
<soundnfury> from @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleEngineConfigs]]:BEFORE[RealismOverhaulEnginesPost]
<soundnfury> to @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleEngineConfigs]]:FOR[RealismOverhaulEngines]
<Pap> Does the syntax need to be rewritten? I know MM changed some from 1.2 to 1.3
<Bornholio> pap ran crew science in orbit, mercury withj WBT 1.41 no problems
<soundnfury> Pap: idk what's wrong with it
<soundnfury> all I know is that the old one ("from") above worked before, and now the new one doesn't
<soundnfury> I have yet to re-test with the old one
<Bornholio> strange what did it break fo you?
<soundnfury> the engine tech locks, like I say
<soundnfury> as for WBT versions, 1.41 seems ok in the VAB, I haven't tested in flight yet
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<stewartx> o/
<Pap> soundnfury: please let me know your findings and I will make the fix
<soundnfury> Pap: will do, dunno when I'll get it tested though (time for zzz now)
<soundnfury> nn all
<stewartx> so i've been away for 2 months and ckan is claiming my ro install only has 2 updates?
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<Bornholio> there are lots of github updates :P
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<Starwaster> Elon Musk: Why Falcon Heavy & Starman? Life cannot just be about solving one sad problem after another. There need to be things that inspire you, that make you glad to wake up in the morning and be part of humanity. That is why we did it. We did for you.
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<Bornholio> is way in MJ to see current dynamic pressure?
<awang> Bornholio: There should be something
<awang> Might have to use a custom window
<lamont> yeah custom window
<lamont> i think it records max as well
<Bornholio> thanks
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<Rokker> Bornholio: you on
<Bornholio> barely
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<Bornholio> rokker?
<Rokker> Bornholio: how do I get rid of memgraph and what is earlybird
<Rokker> also do I just use rp-0 settings for kct?
<Bornholio> delete folder, adn early bird makes ure you get KSC morning not GMT morning when you push the morning button, See Taniwha :P
<Bornholio> yes
<Bornholio> KST RP0 settings
<Bornholio> KCT
<Rokker> ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
<Rokker> neat
<Rokker> Bornholio: thanks, I'm gonna play the crap out of some ksp until I get frustrated in 20 minutes and ragequit
<Bornholio> then sounding rockets it is :P
<Bornholio> night
<Rokker> Bornholio: oh jeez, you don't have editor extensions, you poor bastard
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<schnobs> o/
<Qboid> schnobs: Starwaster left a message for you in #RO [11.03.2018 18:50:46]: "+PART[LifeSupportEngine] and then in the body of the config you have to rename it (@name = whatever)"
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<schnobs> Starwaster: doing it as a single MM patch just wouldn't work. I've had success with emulating the RO config structure, though.
<schnobs> For anyone interested:
<schnobs> Not great, but serviceable. Feedback welcome.
<schnobs> I'd also take hints on how to move it away from the engine tab and into life support.
<schnobs> Power demand of 1kW amounts to one unit of electricity per second?
<taniwha> I believe so
<schnobs> thanks.
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<Rokker> Bornholio: you should definitely download editor extensions. its a 100% necessary mod for KSP in general imo
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<awang> Just be careful about Editor Extensions sometimes unbinding the symmetry/angle snap keys
<Rokker> wait
<Rokker> is testflight dead?
<Rokker> or has it been integrated to RO
<Rokker> cause im not seeing burn times in ere
<Rokker> here
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<lamont> my 1.3.1 RSS/RO build has it
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<awang> Rokker: There should be a 1.3.1 build floating around
<awang> Have you checked Bornholio's golden spreadsheet?
<Rokker> awang: I have bornholios actual build
<Rokker> or one he gave me
<Rokker> but it doesn't have test flight afaict
<awang> You need to get the one from the dev branch
<Rokker> ah
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<soundnfury> Why does the Sun-Synchronous Weather Satellite only pay a tiny sliver more than the Second-Generation Weather Satellite contract?
<soundnfury> you'd think that quintupling the payload would raise the rewards more than a thirtieth part, which is what I see
<soundnfury> btw Pap: I've tested with that change reverted (i.e. use the :BEFORE[RealismOverhaulEnginesPost]), and it seems to be working for me
<soundnfury> however, I don't know why that change was made, so it's possible reverting it isn't the right fix
<Pap> soundnfury: I am guessing that someone made the change directly to the CFG for the 1.3.1 version of MM and then when I pulled from the Spreadsheet it broke it
<Pap> I'll have to look through the history
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<Rokker> remember when landing gear werent utter shit?
<soundnfury> Rokker: No. That never happened.
<Rokker> soundnfury: they used to be only somewhat shit
<Rokker> but i could at least land a fucking plane
<awang> Are wheels in Unity just hard in general or something?
<awang> Or is this a Squad thing?
<soundnfury> awang: Why not both?
<soundnfury> (Why not Zoidberg?)
<awang> Touche
<awang> s/e/é
<Qboid> awang meant to say: Touché
<Rokker> this is retarded, fuck landing gear i hate everything
<Rokker> how is .8 m/s not enough to stop the wheels from messing up
<lamont> wheels were fucked up in unity / physX
<lamont> someone did an analysis of wheels on the unity forums and found some idiotic effects with lots of friction when there shouldn’t have been any or something like that
<Rokker> id rather have fucked up than landing gear that dont work at all
<Rokker> my plane shouldnt randomly bounce up 10 meters in the air during takeoff roll
<Rokker> i might as well just resort to ZLL and parachute landings
<Probus> Rokker, you shouldn't have installed those JATO rockets. :)
<Rokker> Probus: im gonna make a B-52-alike and launch it using SRBs since apparently i cant just take off like normal
<soundnfury> oh one other thing Pap, any idea why Mercury
<soundnfury> s/Mercury/FASAMercuryPod has ModuleTagEngineSolid?
<Qboid> soundnfury meant to say: oh one other thing Pap, any idea why FASAMercuryPod has ModuleTagEngineSolid?
<Pap> No idea soundnfury I'm guessing just an error
<Probus> Rokker, I guess you can use that bounce with your SRBs for an extra kick
* soundnfury wonders if anyone knows where our RTG cost numbers came from
<soundnfury> because they're so high that there's essentially no point in using them for anything other than outer-planets probes.
<soundnfury> (Even then I'd think twice and try to Juno it)
<Rokker> Probus: it almost killed the plane I was just flying, lucking it bounced at 45 m/s and my stall speed is 50 m/s so I was just barely able to hold out long enough to gain that speed
<Rokker> I should just make all my planes storches or something. just super stols
<soundnfury> needs moar bachstelze
<awang> ZLL?
<Rokker> awang: Zero Length Launch, AKA stick a massive rocket near the ass end of a plane and launch it from a platform
<awang> !acr -add:ZLL Zero Length Launch
<Qboid> awang: I added the explanation for this acronym.
<awang> Rokker: TIL. Thanks!
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<BadRocketsCo> Hulloo
<Rokker> awang: they tested it with a bunch of different aircraft, but ultimately it was killed by the increasing effectivness of guided ground missiles and logistical concerns
<awang> Rokker: Makes sense
<awang> Don't need to risk pilots with missiles
<awang> Less maintenance, too
<awang> So "logistical concerns"
<awang> I'm good at repeating things :P
<Rokker> lol
egg is now known as EGG\ZZZ\EGG
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<Rokker> well my first attempt at a storch-alike hit a 30-25 m/s takeoff and landing speed
<Rokker> which is still like double what I need
<Rokker> i guess I can't really get it light enough until I have a command seat, and even then it might be hard
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<schnobs> o/
<schnobs> have a look, give it a try, tell me what you think.
<schnobs> Also, how does life support deal with partial load these days?
<schnobs> Like, a module of four-person capacity but only three inside.
<Bornholio> rokker i broke TF so had not replaced it yet. Plus just know what the burn times are and don't exceed them :P
<Rokker> :(
<Rokker> Bornholio: altho I will appreciate the lack of random failures in the early stage
<awang> That reminds me
<awang> I looked at a profile for TF in 1.4
<awang> Didn't notice any particularly alarming amounts of CPU being used
<awang> With 24 engines, I think?
<awang> Might only become an issue with more mods?
<Rokker> wait
<Rokker> where is the XLR-11
<Rokker> it's not in supersonic flight
<schnobs> It's grouped amoung early engines IIRC.
<schnobs> Next to the XASR upgrade?
<Rokker> awww
<Rokker> schnobs: guess i gotta go to my old twin derwent design then
* schnobs isn't too fond of planes.
<schnobs> at least not aeroplanes.
<schnobs> All they do is deprive the VAB of upgrades.
<schnobs> but, regarding that life support engine:
<schnobs> tank set up in under a minute (and that was because of HTP and electricity, not LS)
<schnobs> notice that i could hove done better... refreshed picture so you can see the engine setup screen.
<schnobs> sadly, FuseBox seems to be unaware of TacLS Converters. So defining the battery still requires one to browse the part descriptins and figure out if the CO2 scrubber needs power (some do, some don't).
<Bornholio> rokker see that big green thing next to the runway, it works just fine :P
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<Rokker> Bornholio: I don't care about the runway
<Rokker> my big issue is the crappy landing gear
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<schnobs> landing in leaps and bounds myself. Tempted to give up on wheels entirely (same mass could afford a lot of parachute, btw)
<ProjectThoth> Pfft, who *really* needs wheels?
<schnobs> How massive can a big can of runway foam really be, anyway?
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<schnobs> Can the LR-105 still be used as an upper stage? I recall having heard that a mechanism has been put in place to prevent this...
<soundnfury> schnobs: I put in a mechanism, but when I tried to configure the LR-105 to use said mechanism, everyone said no so my patch never went in :(
<schnobs> soundnfury: don't get me wrong, but I'm glad to hear it :)
<Rokker> soundnfury: but why wouldnt you wanna use the 105 as an upper?
<Rokker> thats basically what its designed for
<Bornholio> 105 was no ignitor not becasue it could not , but it didn't need it by design
<schnobs> The Atlas was as it was becaue people didn't trust it to ignite later.
<soundnfury> ^
<Rokker> the 105 was basically an upper stage in an era when we didnt trust staging
<soundnfury> Rokker: if you want it as an upper, you should have to develop the S-4.
<Rokker> disagree
<schnobs> I'd be onboard with an inhibitor for the early versions, but not throughout.
<soundnfury> schnobs: that's effectively what I had, roughly
<Rokker> the only thing stopping the air force from using it as an upper was the fear of two stage ignition