NathanKell changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread ! RO Spreadsheet ! Code of Conduct ! | [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator" with a rocket-flying minigame
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<Bornholio> nice rokker
<Rokker> Bornholio: it took them 15 years to fix the damage done to her in Memphis
<taniwha> salt is not /required/ for "sea" or "ocean"
<taniwha> at least from my quick reading
<taniwha> when "ocean" is used, "sea" is a section of a larger ocean, and "ocean" is "a large body of water constituting a principal part of the hydrosphere"
<taniwha> and rather than salts, I imagine Titan's seas have various dissolved waxes
<schnobs> "wax" sounds much too refined.
<taniwha> so does "salt" :P
<schnobs> anyone around who happens to know a thing about how procparts work?
<taniwha> sorry, I don't
<schnobs> I'm afraid it's rally only a small handful of people.
<schnobs> Well, nevermind.
<taniwha> time to study the code, I guess :)
<schnobs> I just tried to make a procedural cargo bay by just handing a cargo bay model to PP.
<schnobs> Lo and behold, it didn't work.
<taniwha> gotta start somewhere, and starting somewhere you did :)
<schnobs> Not exactly the start of a great unraveling.
<taniwha> my first program was a human language translation program. it consisted of a series of "print 'english word = other langauge word'"
<schnobs> More lowering the head and running against the wall, in hope of a breakthrough.
<taniwha> shockingly, it didn't do much :)
<schnobs> I guess I'll resort to proc fairings and a KIS screwdriver.
<schnobs> Oh, and a winch so the fairing side won't float away in the mean time.
<Rokker> taniwha: eh your description ain't entirely accurate
<taniwha> Rokker: tell that to the dictionary :P
<Rokker> for example, see the Dead Sea and the Caspian Sea
<schnobs> What makes a part "non-RP0"?
<Bornholio> its not tech tree'd or costed by RP0
<Starman4308> I'd assumed that meant the Grand High Lords of RP-0 hadn't gotten around to balancing it yet.
<Bornholio> ie its not in pap's spreadsheet
<Bornholio> cost = convert to 1965 dollars/1000
<Bornholio> also it has tag that says its RP0 part
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<schnobs> Can't seem to be able and find those flags. Nevermind, at least I get the pieces into the game,.
<schnobs> Bornholio: just btw, I get the "Manage" button to show up but no experiments. Apparently these require the Mercury/Gemini/Apollo tech nodes to unlock.
<schnobs> "basicCapsules" for Mercury, don't know the other names off the top of my head.
<Starman4308> I remember it's "Mature Capsules" for Apollo.
<Starman4308> (probably not the config-node-name, but that's what it is in the tree)
<schnobs> then in all likelyhood it's "matureCapsules" -- Pap's not cruel.
<Pap> I am plenty cruel, just not in that way
<schnobs> Pap: remember me to apologize some day -- I started that tech tree workover myself and got utterly fed up about half of the way through.
<schnobs> (never mind that my workover wouldn't have been half as comprehensive as yours)
<Starman4308> All I can say is this: thanks to both of you. It's a pretty good tech tree, part of an enormous body of work.
<schnobs> Yet all you get from me is complaint about the occasional rough edge here or there. It's not fair.
<schnobs> Anyway, In order to move them to another tech node, in bulk, I try to catch them with
<schnobs> @EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION:HAS[tags[basicCapsule]]
<schnobs> success.
<schnobs> Is that totally wrong from the outset, or do I only lack a AFTER[Whatever) flag?
<schnobs> And is there a way to dry-run MM patches without firing up the whole of KSP?
<Pap> schnobs: I honestly don't remember, but the Crew Science works very differently from the other sciences. However, they should work with Basic Capsules
<Pap> Let me look
<Pap> So if you have a part that is not configured to have Crew Science in it, it isn't going to work. Have to go into CrewLabAdder and add it to the right spot
<schnobs> Pap: just for lulz and giggles, I'm bypassing the capsules and go spaceplanes all the way. Adding labs to (say) the KerbCan does me no good if I still need to research basicCapsules in order to unlock the experiments.
<Pap> Otherwise, need to go to Science/CrewScience/Experiments and make the changes in there
<schnobs> That's what I'm trying to do ATM: come up with a MM patch that catches all basicCapsule experiments and reassigns them to materialsScienceHuman.
<Pap> Ah, yeah, no clue how that syntax will work
<Pap> I know MM changed some of the functionality, does AFTER still work?
<schnobs> I honestly do not know.
<schnobs> Most of my MM knowledge comes from looking at RO/RP-0 do it, and copying those methods to my needs.
<Pap> schnobs: I have been away from it for too long to be sure, but I think you are missing some # modifiers on what you posted above
<schnobs> I think the whole of RP-0 would come falling down without AFTER.
<schnobs> Success! You were right, HAS[#tags[..]] did the trick.
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<wb99999999> hellow
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<awang> Anyone mind testing a TF DLL for me?
<awang> Mac and Windows have different sets of DLLs
<awang> Windows works on Mac, but idk about the other way around
<awang> Can't test it myself since I'm at work and firing up KSP is probably frowned upon
<awang> But I can at least look like I'm working if I'm coding C#
<soundnfury> *snerk*
<awang> Hey, at least I'm not counting it towards my working hours
<awang> That'd be just mean
<awang> Apparently referencing MonoBehaviour on mac requires that you reference *two* DLLs
<awang> UnityEngine.dll and UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll
<awang> Seems like a rather odd design
* soundnfury raises eyebrow
<awang> Same with Vector2, apparently
<zilti> Well, it's Unity, what did you expect? ^^
<zilti> Also, MJ really can't handle rendezvous with a space station with RSS/RO/Principia :/
<zilti> "On intercept course" - yes, MJ. What you made here is indeed an intercept course. WITH EARTH.
<Starwaster> zilti so it works then?
<Starwaster> :P
<zilti> Yeah, there goes my 45k rocket-with-station-modules :\ :P
<Starwaster> holy shit so I'm working on updating mods for 1.4.0 and during final descent, my pod suddenly DIES with all hands lost.... afteraction report says 748 Gs..... W T F
<Starwaster> I can't even rightly apprehend the kind of forces that could do that short of a black hole
<Mike`> awang, so, why don't you do work work and thus leave work earlier to do ksp stuff, or isn't that possible? :)
<Starwaster> not pissiable
<Starwaster> possible
<Starwaster> cargo bays apparently have a failure system where the doors can get stuck...
<Starwaster> in 1.4.0
<Starwaster> seems well developed but I don't know if anything is actually using that code or if it works
<awang> Mike`: I usually use KSP stuff for my mental breaks
<awang> Or at least that's what I tell myself :P
<Mike`> :D
<awang> Do actual work for a while, get stuck, go to KSP stuff for a bit, repeat
<awang> Haven't mastered the Richard Feynman way of solving problems
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<Starwaster> Wow, it used to be that if you just linked to a forum thread by its number, then that link would always work regardless of what changes you made to the title. NO MORE.
<Starwaster> zilti wtf is that icon in your toolbar that looks like a kerbal with a goatee?
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<Starwaster> ah nvm I figured out how to make it work
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<taniwha> yeah, you need a tag
<taniwha> (the -el)
<Starwaster> looking at a forum thread and it suddenly informed me that there were 200+ new replies... o.O
<Starwaster> omg the hydrazine lines on the new stock Mk3 capsule run right through the crew cabin.... what could possibly go wrong?
<zilti> Starwaster: which one do you mean? The one below the alarm clock is TextureReplacerReplaced
<zilti> Starwaster: "What could possibly go wrong?" - Jeb's life motto :P
<Starwaster> We're astronauts... what could possibly go wrong?!
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<zilti> Gahh rendezvous is a nightmare...
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<Rokker> Bornholio: i just discovered a french fighter bomber that i can only describe as a tiny B-47
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<awang_> soundnfury: You play KSP on linux, right?
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<zilti> Yeah, I'm officially too stupid to do a rendezvous
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* zilti ragequits KSP
<ProjectThoth> me_irl
<Starman4308> Unfortunately I went with a hard-mode campaign and can't revert to quicksave IRL.
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<Bornholio> rokker was it painted white?
<Bornholio> zilti, adjust plane at AN/DN, make Hohman Node to match target PE/AP move node forward until closest gets "Close" preferable <150m, fine tune.
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<Bornholio> simple mode, load MJ, target, press go
<Rokker> Bornholio: no, but it had a white flag mount
<zilti> Bornholio: did that. An hour later the relative inclination went up to 0.6 degrees, the closest approach was back up at like 200km. Principia gives ridiculously wrong orbit informations.
<zilti> Bornholio: also, I tried MJ. It launched my spacecraft into earth.
<Rokker> Bornholio: the Sud Aviation Vatour. it's literally just a tiny twin engine B-46
<Rokker> B-47
<ProjectThoth> You hit my battleship!
<Bornholio> playing on graph paper?
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<zilti> Good grief what have the MJ devs been smoking? Without Principia, it at least makes it to 200m from the target. But the docking autopilot... good grief.
<egg> zilti: hey be nice with Sarbian
<Sarbian> zilti: write a better one or put up.
<egg> also maybe show him your vessel, sometimes the docking autopilot gets confused
<zilti> egg: The docking autopilot really is garbage though. Without principia, ascent guidance and rendezvous autopilot goes fine
<egg> and talk to lamont for ascent guidance with principia
<egg> zilti: re. the docking autopilot, its weirdness is vessel-dependent, you can probably ask Sarbian (*nicely*) for details
<Sarbian> Too late. If he ain't happy he can fix it himself
<Bornholio_> ha
<zilti> Thing is, it will never work properly with Principia due to how incorrect the values are Principia gives of the future and mj plans the node hours in advance
<egg> talk to lamont, there's a feature request in principia about that, there's an API...
<egg> principia#1659
<Qboid> [#1659] title: Principia endpoints for mods implementing closed-loop guidance | To do accurate state vector projection this would be useful, and would be very useful for things like PEG. The general problem is to take state vectors (r0, v0) at t = now and integrate them forward to (r1, r1) at t = now + deltaT (not under thrust).... |
<Bornholio_> nice looking releases Egg