ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
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<Starwaster> bornholio, PSI alone won't tell me how much it has :(
<Starwaster> (5700 PSI btw for boosters and 2nd stage)
<Bornholio> yeah its insane
<Starwaster> oops 5000 not 5700
<Starwaster> looking at wrong document and got y wires crossed
<Starwaster> if I knew the tank size I could combine the two and come up with some tankage....
<Starwaster> I love how they mention that it is less contaminating than other propellants... never mind all the kerosene...
<Bornholio> Rp-1 is very clean :P
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<schnobs> OK, so Vanguard used to types of solid 3rd stage.
<schnobs> Virtually identical dimensions (who'd have thunk), but the later model carried more propellant and had a better ISP.
<schnobs> Currently we only have the later model in the game, as "Altair".
<schnobs> Trying to make it work... I see that solids can have different engine configs as well (e.g Baby Sergeant).
<schnobs> But does/can this allow for different propellant loads?
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<schnobs> Sounding rocket contracts have ever-increasing demands. This doesn't play well with tooling, and becomes patently silly at some point.
<schnobs> (eyes "launch 590 units to 1260km" contact)
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<schnobs> Or, 2056 units to 200km. That's 1t plus container, 1x3m Tank-I or 1x5m SM-I.
<Rokker> Bornholio: what is with all these people believing the tomahawk shoot down claims. I would have thought that after 1618 tomahawks with minimal losses used on iraq, people would realize using AA on a Tomahawk is like shooting a bee with a machine gun.
<Bornholio> schnobs use altiar remove tiny bit of fuel, rokker cause pantir is magic have you not heard, also see cheesewiz oh sorry CIWS
<Rokker> Bornholio: I'm pretty sure you could accidentally shoot around both wings of a tomahawk with a pantsir
<Rokker> Bornholio: tomahawks still approach super low right?
<Bornholio> they don't not work, just effectiveness is low. but as per usual the missile systems are good. they may have shot some down, doubt the claims of dozens
<Bornholio> this is my favorite AM gun https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OTO_Melara_76_mm :P
<soundnfury> hmm the lunar rover contract can't decide which spelling alphabet to use, second waypoint is either Bravo or Beta
<Rokker> Bornholio: I mean if the missile still approaches as low as it did during 91, I don't see how you would even have time to fire a missile at it much less it be effective
<Rokker> bravo
<Rokker> beta is dum
<soundnfury> agreed, Bravo is the correct one
<Bornholio> you should get more money in a do nothing contract selling the rover to lord british
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<Rokker> Bornholio: ew
<Rokker> communism
<schnobs> Man, I haven't shifted around equations in decades.
<schnobs> I have propellant mass, ISP, and burn time. How do I arrive at thrust?
<Bornholio> simpleway find dV/burntime = avg accel, find average vehicle mass multiply
<schnobs> good hint :)
<Rokker> Bornholio: i went through some complex damn equation to find the actual burn time by mass flow and it ended up being more effort than it was worth
<Rokker> well not complex, but lotta variables to mess with
<Bornholio> yes, otherwise build a spreadsheet setup your variables and work through it
<Bornholio> atleast your not doing pressure variable thrust
<Bornholio> unless you are then good luck :P
<Bornholio> schnobs is it a solid?
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<schnobs> ...much later...
<schnobs> Bornholio: yes, it's about the GCRC config for the Altair engine.
<Bornholio> ah then thrust curve also http://digitalvideo.8m.net/Rocketry/PropellantGrains.gif
<schnobs> Do we have a mapping of existing thrust curves?
<schnobs> One is a simple star, I just stole from a Castor for that one.
<Bornholio> can't say i've looked closely at the curves in existing motors but thats a good assumption, star is nice because its easy and less prone to sparkler
<schnobs> The other... I'd expect it to taper off noticably at a point between 50-70%
<schnobs> page 81 (p 65 in the original count)
<schnobs> So.. I've added an engine config, which now needs a place on the tech tree.
<Bornholio> cool they have the estimate on sparkler loss and say they had zero but actual was 1-200fps, plus it had chuffing in partial vacuum of 250lbs
<schnobs> I understood the 100-200fps to be unburnt remnants...
<Bornholio> that core looks like a slight regressive
<schnobs> I'd expect a swift start, then about constant thrust until most of the smaller chunk is gone.
<Bornholio> has a a drop off in the curve about 3/4 of the way through when the notched pair is spent early
<schnobs> In the specs, it says "shall not exceed X acceleration". I see how.
<schnobs> And, just besides, I love the name of the Grand Central Rocket Company.
<schnobs> first rule of rescaling models: don't forget to move the attachment nodes as well. Gets me every time.
<schnobs> Bornholio: Looking at it again, the chunks are consumed not only from the inside out, but are becoming narrower as well.
<schnobs> The big one should almost maintain surface area for a while but the small one shrivels; by the time the small piece is gone, the large segment is already quite small.
<schnobs> This might resolve to a nearly liear dropoff.
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<schnobs> The layer cake that is RP-0 config.
<schnobs> Can't get it to work in my game...
<schnobs> (at least in sandbox, though)
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<schnobs> After a few successful tests (thrust needs tweaking), it now explodes from internal heat. What the?
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<schnobs> solved: thrust just went way too high.
<schnobs> unsolved: can't make it a config of the existing altair -- changing the fuel tank capacity doesn't seem to be within the purview of engine configs.
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<Probus> schnobs, I was impressed with your Mars mission. I am going to try it smaller scale.
<Probus> Has anyone else tried a manned Mars mission?
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<schnobs> NK did one, so long ago it's untrue.
<Starwaster> is the use of rescaleFactor any more or less stable than the use of the size parameter in MODEL, with respect to the collider?
<schnobs> Starwaster: I've been told to scale the model whenever available, but not to worry when I have to resort to rescale.
<Starwaster> using some scaled up Falcon landing legs and I've noticed they have a tendency to collide with each other on my Falcon 18 Heavy
<Bornholio> probus, yes with isru and yes with ntr methane nukes
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<Bornholio> my isru fueling base was gruelling https://imgur.com/a/uOEvU
<Bornholio> Testing entry speeds was gruelling https://imgur.com/a/5LQD4 self contained was so much easier
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<zilti> ...wait, does RSS have ebb and flood?!? Or did Kerbal Konstructs eff up my boat launch thingy?
<zilti> There really is. Wow.