ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
<wb99999999> hmm
<wb99999999> Bornholio you're digging NTR again?
<schnobs> Nah, Starwaster wants to know how much power a cryocooler draws.
<Bornholio> always NTR, but new research is very slow, ^
<schnobs> plus optional compressor.
<Starwaster> bornholio: looking it over
<schnobs> Just for comparison's sake, what's the rollout cost of a Atlas-Mercury?
<Bornholio> Standard Guide for Thermal Performance Testing of Cryogenic Insulation Systems,” Tech. rep., ASTM International, 2014. https://prod.nais.nasa.gov/eps/eps_data/165842-OTHER-001-005.pdf
<Starwaster> feral Martha is raking her claws through my hair... and sometimes holding them in front of my eye to make sure I know she's there wanting attention
<Starwaster> on the one hand, thank you Bornholio for the documents... on the other hand... I JUST got done closing enough tabs that I could start to see the text on some of them
<Bornholio> lol
<Starwaster> ah what am I looking for in that lastdocument?
<Bornholio> one chart with various Thermal efficiencies vs thermal max
<schnobs> ahm, Starwaster? Once more a Cockpit burning at 450K though it's supposedly good for 1000...
<schnobs> relevant Configs as per my MM ConfigCache: http://ksp.schnobs.de/stuff/foo.txt
<Bornholio> what c-pit?
<schnobs> Can it be due to inconsistent tech namning? hypersonicFlight vs hypersonicFlightRP0?
<schnobs> Bornholio: X-15
<Bornholio> what is your current flight tech?
<Bornholio> or is it sandbox?
<schnobs> hypersonic flight. It's where the cockpit unlocks, and supposedly also unlocks the upgrade.
<Bornholio> yeah only hypersonicFlightRP0 should exist
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<schnobs> Bornholio: how to resolve? It's carried over from the DRE stock config, not treated by RP0 in any way.
<Bornholio> probably needs a DRE specific patch
<schnobs> As it's supposedly shuttle tiles, I wonder if it should come as early as that.
<Bornholio> there should be some other tech upgrade temp things for sero cockpits
<Bornholio> aero
<schnobs> hmmm. Looking at config again, the out-of-the-box values are 1000/1800. Says so in the editor as well. But in flight, it's 450/450K.
<schnobs> ah, stop. "ModuleAeroReentry" holds the 450K...
<Bornholio> yeah i think thats the one that changes with tech changes
<Bornholio> no expert tho
<schnobs> As best as I can tell, there are no other parts with upgrades.
<schnobs> The Mk1Cockpit is patched from DRE; that's where both the 450K and the ceramic tile come from.
<Starwaster> if the hypersonic (I think) tech name changes or the node replaced then the DRE one has to be patched or the cockpit wont be upgraded. Nor will any other plane parts be upgraded. (though I think only the cockpit got that reatment
<schnobs> Starwaster: yup, only that cockpit. It gets cloned, though, so two RO parts are affected.
<Starwaster> where is the tech node being patched? RO?
<Starwaster> or is that another mod?
<schnobs> First attempt at patching it out was only half sucessful. "!maxOperationalTemp" doesn't work.
<schnobs> tech node is patched by RP-0.
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<Starwaster> FYI, maxOperationalTemp is NOT touched by the upgrade; it's the skin that gets adjusted
<Starwaster> also what is !maxOperationalTemp about? What do you mean?
<schnobs> Starwaster: the DRE patch a) sets low maxOperationalTemp (also skin), then b) has an upgrade to raise them at hypersonicFlight.
<schnobs> I'm trying to undo both so the part has a config similar to most others.
<schnobs> Most parts do not specify any temp in ModuleAeroReentry (at least not once RO is done with them), so I'm trying to remove that line.
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<schnobs> what does "leaveTemp = True" do?
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<Starwaster> schnobs leaveTemp tells DR not to balance maxTemp / skinMaxTemp. It more properly goes in ModuleAeroReentry but there is a DR config that will look for it in PART and create a ModuleAeroReentry node with it in it
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<schnobs> Starwaster: thanks.
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<Starwaster> ok somewhere along the line it seems like basemass = -1 stopped being significant (i.e. basemass = part.mass so don't touch it)
<Starwaster> taniwha would that have been a deliberate change or maybe just an oversight when we went to GetModuleMass? (i.e. mass deltas...)
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<Starwaster> taniwha nvm, looks like I was looking at a part that had both MFT and MEC (for RCS) and the MEC part had some bad mass values
<Starwaster> blowfish hi
<blowfish> yo
<Qboid> blowfish: Starwaster left a message for you in #RO [24.04.2018 17:49:30]: "to recap and answer your question: we might want to add MLI to Cryogenic/Cryogenic balloon though players can also add MLI on their own. Dewar tanks have been added to ServiceModule TANK_DEFINITION"
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<Starwaster> ah ignore that about cryo/cryoballoon I did that
<blowfish> right
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<Bornholio> rokker those antenna look so fooked, wonder what max load is for that landing
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