ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
<Rokker> so basically a centaur on top of a series of shuttle boostera
<lamont> yeah BE-4 is methalox, BE-3 is hydrolox, and BE-3U is hydrolox vacuum...
<Rokker> boosters
<Rokker> i like it
<lamont> kind of like ares I
<Rokker> lamont: a little
<lamont> (ish)
<Rokker> lamont: and Liberty, don't forget that weird monstrosity
<Rokker> "let's stick an Ariane V core on top of an SSSRB"
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<Bornholio> rokker you have burny link?
<Rokker> Bornholio: still in progress lemme find some stuff, reports of Israeli planes crossing into Lebanon headed north and of attacks on a Russia/Iranian/Hezbollah/Syrian base in Homs, yhen reports of an explosion in Golan Heights
<Bornholio> yeah seeing the attacks on iranian controlled targets now
<Rokker> Bornholio: every report I see from Syria about missiles getting shot down makes me thing of Baghdad Bob
<Bornholio> no problem, everything fine
<Rokker> Bornholio: American missiles are committing suicide in the hundreds
<Bornholio> plunging to their doom eh
<Bornholio> and now isreali and UK and french suicidal missiles
<Rokker> only thing I can find about golan
<Bornholio> saw something about angry iranians and a drone control base they had squelched
<Rokker> Bornholio: I like israel
<Rokker> they just don't care
<Bornholio> they care, and if play ball, they throw three back
<Rokker> Bornholio: mmmmmm 7.9 tons GEO, 10 tons GTO
<Rokker> 10.1
<Rokker> lamont: ^
<lamont> damn
<lamont> okay so bit more than expendable F9FT
<Rokker> lamont: casings will be about the same diameter as shuttle/SLS boosters, segments slightly longer and composite casing
<Rokker> lamont: about the same GTO, but I'm not even sure F9 can do GEO
<Rokker> I remember they definitely used to not have the battery life or something
<Rokker> might have changed that for FH
<lamont> oh right
<lamont> yeah that’s the thing the starman test was supposed to prove though wasn’t it? they tossed the upper stage into an elliptical orbit and let it get zapped by radiation and burn down its battery and then it still did the mars injection burn awhile later… same upper stage as a F9
<Rokker> perhaps
<Bornholio> F9 they won't even openly spec geo/gto rating in the user guide so
<Bornholio> if you have the money to buy a launch they will tell you
<lamont> so 10t to GTO is more than Ariane 5, which means like delta IV heavy and falcon heavy are the only bigger lift vehicles right now?
<Rokker> lamont: so they beat F9 expendable by 2 tons GTO, and my money is on somewhere in 3 to 4 tons GEO
<Rokker> if not possibly more
<Rokker> because... hydrolox v kerolox
<lamont> yeah
<Starwaster> Gunny died
<Bornholio> rest in peace staff sgergeant Ermey
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<Rokker> Starwaster: little late to the party, chief. I already broke out the sackcloth and ashes like yesterday
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<zilti> I presume there isn't a way to manually load a .cfg file after the game has already been started?
<blowfish> zilti: you can reload the game database with ModuleManager's UI, but it's only somewhat faster than loading the game from scratch
<blowfish> and some mods that read configs don't listen for when that happens so their configuration won't get reloaded
<zilti> blowfish: in my case it would be "just" stuff like removing a MonoPropellant resource and adding a fuel tank in its place. Hmm. How do I access that UI?
<blowfish> alt+F11 from the space center or main menu
<zilti> Aw, that opens the Scatterer menu in my install...
<zilti> Ah, second try it worked ^^
<blowfish> yeah, I think there's a conflict with Scatterer there
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<zilti> Ah. Reloading from ingame is broken.
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<rsparkyc> so, i understand that the current version of RSS is incompattable with the new version of kopernicus
<rsparkyc> does anyone have a good overview of what needs to be changed to make in compattable?
<rsparkyc> (perhaps @Raidernick?)
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<Rokker> Bornholio_: well damn, someone died in the Southwest 737 incident
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<zilti> "People don't pay attention to safety instructions" - in other news, a bag of rice toppled in China today.
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<wb99999999> hmm
<wb99999999> do ppl know that more than half of China by area mainly eat wheat or milletÉ
<Rokker> zilti: also that guy took about 10 selfies
<Rokker> stop taking selfies when ur about to die
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<wb99999999> err, I just saw the actual pic
<wb99999999> it's a *mask*
<wb99999999> how could someone don't know how to put on a mask...
<Rokker> wb99999999: how could a whole fucking plane of people not know
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<wb99999999> I really don't know...
<wb99999999> it's a face mask with a strap...it's hard to get it wrong even by accident
<wb99999999> at this rate when there's a water landing a whole bunch of dumbass will inflate their life vest inside the cabin and cause a trample
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<lamont> i swear everyone who posts comments on news sites should undergo forced sterilization
<lamont> it was not “hit by a heat seeking missile”
<UmbralRaptor> What is TWA flight 800?
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<Bornholio_> really rokker. ded?
<Bornholio_> rsparkyc oceans file needs a fix
<Bornholio_> rokker i've done the hypoxia thing in the atltitude chamber
<Bornholio_> cool part is the one where they do explosive depressurization and the whole compartment goes white
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<Rokker> Bornholio_: first us commercial aviation death since 09
<Rokker> first SW passenger death
<Rokker> Bornholio: and I still hate how they put on masks
<Bornholio> not sure how having a capitol freak out (heart attack) counts as accident related :P
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<Rokker> Bornholio: nah, hit by glass or fanblade
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<Rokker> Bornholio: also, an F-35 was squawking 7700 about 2 hours ago
<Bornholio> yeah any word?
<Rokker> nope
<Rokker> I haven't heard anything
<Rokker> Bornholio: my money is on something like this https://imgur.com/MCihzX9
<Bornholio> not that 7700 is a guarantee of real problems, maybe he was being hot redirected looks like a nice u turn he flipped there
<Rokker> but seriously tho no news is good news, if it was a major crash, someone would have talked about it by now
<Bornholio> yes, he was boating
<Rokker> Bornholio: when I heard it was gonna be a joint project, I thought they just meant navy planes, not patrol boats
<Bornholio> i see you there "Joint" project lets call it (Money) "Up in Smoke"
<Rokker> Bornholio: isn't Joint just military jargon for expensive
<Rokker> JSF, JASSM, Joint chiefs
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