ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
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<Bornholio> https://i.imgur.com/dHQgPKk.jpg i got this patch here
<Bornholio> and yes i've been on all those planes in the pic!
<Bornholio> rokker ^^^
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<wb99999999> what tank butt?
<wb99999999> to my eyes it's just somehow the node has been offset
<Rokker> Bornholio: please tag it nsfw
<Rokker> Bornholio: I'm gonna go on a mission to convince Tory Bruno to donate the last Delta II to the NMUSAF
stratochief_ is now known as stratochief
<Bornholio> good deal rokker , luck to your cause
<Rokker> I think I've got a good case cause of the ~53 delta ii launches for the USAF including much of the GPS constellation, especially the first satellites ever launched for it
<Bornholio> does NMUSAF have a GPS mockup or test frame?
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<Rokker> Bornholio: not yet, which is surprising.
<Rokker> Bornholio: I'm betting we would get one if we got a Delta II
<Bornholio> then double good luck
<Rokker> Bornholio: of course I'm still waiting for them to put the IUS on display next to the Titan IV
<Rokker> and the DSP next to it
<Rokker> Bornholio: they should make me a curator
<Rokker> because I have the ideal museum layout all in my head
<stratochief> lay it out in autocad, or make a physical model :P
<Raidernick> hey ferram4 single part planes won't work correctly in FAR right, the wings need to be separate parts?
<Starwaster> raidernick that's just about always been the case... :(
<Rokker> stratochief: or I could just wait til nightfall and move it all around myself
<Rokker> stratochief: they released a layout 3 years ago that would have allowed them room for the Atlas F, and they still have yet to rearrange the museum in that way
<stratochief> yeah. probably good to just go in at night and shuffle it into the proper position
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<ferram4> Raidernick, that is correct
<ferram4> each control surface needs to be its own part
<ferram4> stick to stock's level of combining parts and no further. That way lies madness
<Raidernick> ok
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<Rokker> ferram4: so, you interested to see what lockmart comes up with for japan?
<ferram4> I'm sure it will be interesting
<Rokker> ferram4: actually I'm not sure what I'm more interested in seeing. this f-22/35 hybrid, or the hypersonic cruise missile
<ferram4> Hypersonic cruise missile is the more interesting one
<ferram4> Although I don't know how effective its terminal guidance will be.
<ferram4> Hypersonic things have a tendency to snuff out their ramjets / scramjets when they try to change AoA or sideslip angle at all.
<Rokker> ferram4: maybe we will get something Snark-like
<ferram4> Return-of-Snark would be awesome
<ferram4> I love Snark.
<Rokker> travels to the target and then projectile flight into target
<ferram4> It's so derpy
<ferram4> The entire thing screams early Cold War America
<Rokker> ferram4: nothing about it makes sense to me and that's why it's awesome
<ferram4> Like, literally all it needs to be complete is a propaganda picture of stereotypical white middle-class family with 2 kids on the side of it.
<Rokker> ferram4: I just realized...
<Rokker> ferram4: the Snark is probably one of the largest aircraft at the museum
<Rokker> like top 25 probably
<ferram4> It is chunky, yes
<Rokker> ferram4: and to cement your point about it being the embodiment of the early cold war, it starts off the counterclockwise path of the cold war hangar from early to late
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<ferram4> Makes sense
<Rokker> ferram4: well, that and an F-89 Scorpion with 2 Genies on the wings
<Rokker> genies are probably my favorite batshit crazy cold war weapon
<Rokker> "how do we stop a large bomb group from entering the US" "let's nuke them"
<ferram4> It's not the dumbest idea, honestly.
<Rokker> ferram4: it might not be dumb, but it's still cold war levels of craziness
<ferram4> "How do we stop a reentry vehicle on terminal approach?" "Let's detonate a nuke near it IN OUR OWN TERRITORY"
<ferram4> Granted, one with a focus on fucktons of neutrons, but still a nuke
<Rokker> I love how Russia still uses that as the most viable option
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<stratochief> the "you can't nuke russia, on russia gets to nuke russia!" option
<stratochief> I'm curious what siberia did to earn Tzar Bomba
<Raidernick> didn't we do that same thing with the sprint missiles
<Raidernick> nuking nukes
<Rokker> Raidernick: yes but we stopped using those, meanwhile Russia is simply upgrading the system
<Rokker> Raidernick: also Spartan, Sprints cousin
<Rokker> Raidernick: Spartan was even crazier
<Rokker> Sprint was low yield for close range in case Spartan missed
<Rokker> low kt range
<Rokker> Spartan otoh
<Rokker> 5 megatons
<Rokker> fuck your satellites and every electronic within a hundred miles
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<Rokker> Bornholio: Today in teaching about the fungibility of money and the costs of infrastructure projects: https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/31144160_1643227425714572_6085358085881200640_n.jpg?_nc_cat=0&oh=b9a1f65bf38ad227af88f297fe8b2b2f&oe=5B53D8AD
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<Rokker> a 1.87 million dollar missile bought in 2006 could have solved the current 1.5 billion dollar infrastructure project that is flint michigan
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<blowfish> !tell Starwaster* master is fine for now
<Qboid> blowfish: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<blowfish> !tell Starwaster* haven't made any 1.4+ changes to RF yet
<Qboid> blowfish: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<soundnfury> Rokker: don't forget the nuke-pumped X-ray lasers option for SDI
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<stratochief> soundnfury: I first heard about nuke pumped x-rays in Footfall. Does anyone else find it crazy that Jerry Pournelle worked for Reagan on SDI?
<Starwaster> !tell blowfish Ok I pushed the candidate for final 1.3.1 cryo (probably final cryo for 1.4.*) - it should behave a lot better under analytic now but that may need feedback from peoples so we'll see.
<Qboid> Starwaster: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<Qboid> Starwaster: blowfish left a message for you in #RO [21.04.2018 05:42:27]: "master is fine for now"
<Qboid> Starwaster: blowfish left a message for you in #RO [21.04.2018 05:42:45]: "haven't made any 1.4+ changes to RF yet"
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<Rokker> I can't seem to get test flight working on this RP-1 1.3.1 gamr
<schnobs> Rokker: you need the dev branch.
<schnobs> Works fine for me without any issues... ('cept missing config here and there which isn't TF's fault)
<Rokker> I thought I had the dev branch
<Rokker> but still no worky
<Rokker> where can I find the dev branch again? I'll give it another shot
<schnobs> I just did a git clone, switched branch, and copied everything over.
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<schnobs> what's "tooling" supposed to be anyway?
<schnobs> Tooling in the literal sense of "we need to set up a workshop for this"
<schnobs> Or just a balance mechanism to give unlock cost to procedural parts?
<schnobs> It seems to be too expensive for the latter, and too nitpicky for the former.
<soundnfury> it's jigs and moulds for a given size.
<soundnfury> really the unlock costs for non-proc tanks are meant to represent tooling too, but they're not done yet ;)
<soundnfury> (non-proc tanks are currently _waaay_ too cheap to unlock, they're still balanced for RP-0 funding levels)
<schnobs> Rather than juggle individual unlock cost and ECM, it would seem prudent to give them a "size" field and let the tooling mechanism handle things.
<schnobs> Though seriously, I'm still of the opinion that part unlock cost are more trouble than they're worth.
<schnobs> Basically it comes down to not having a good interface to deal with part purchases. It creates a lot of overhead in my workflow.
<schnobs> Don't know about you, but for me it's a lot of saveloading to try lots of parts and eventually not buy most of them.
<schnobs> On saveloading, I have to buy again.
<Bornholio> cheater
<Bornholio> :)
<schnobs> Tooling works reasonably well, I'm made aware of what I need when I come back into the VAB.
<Bornholio> then turn it off, lower your rewards level and go change the tooling config
<schnobs> "tool all" makes it easy to deal with.
<schnobs> But there's no editor check for unpurchased parts. I've been accidentally launching stuff i never acquired.
<Bornholio> the fix solution is to get each diameter and length of non-proc parts through the tooling calac and add the price
<schnobs> Bornholio: that's what I said, above.
<Bornholio> and saying it is like pointing at the crowd ans saying do this work, i don't wanna
<schnobs> Yeah.
<schnobs> Pap mentioned that he "still has to do this". That's fine with me, really.
<schnobs> So basically, what I'm saing is "if you do this, better make it like that".
<soundnfury> yeah until then, just don't use non-proc parts :)
<schnobs> soundnfury: with proc avionics, we're almost there :)
<soundnfury> schnobs: now we're just waiting for ferram's proc engines mod xD
<schnobs> Change of topic, to something where I could do something about:
<schnobs> Sounding rocket contracts are just ratcheting up, and up, and up.
<schnobs> Currently I'm expected to launch half-ton payloads to 1500km.
<Bornholio> on difficult...
<schnobs> What do you think about adding ceiling values?
<schnobs> Bornholio: ?
<Bornholio> if you run into a wall you can't launch the difficult anymore you can drop down to moderate or easy missions
<schnobs> Let me see... current contracts:
<Bornholio> or wait it out until you have the capability to do them after new tech
<schnobs> Difficult: 410u to 1260km
<schnobs> Itermediate: 2056u to 200km
<schnobs> easy: 1946u to 90km
<schnobs> Some limited reading about sounding rockets suggest typical altitudes <300km; with paylods of <50kg or <250kg for the big boosters.
<Bornholio> sounds like normal payloads that launched from churchill in hudson bay several hundred time http://www.esa.int/spaceinvideos/Videos/2001/11/MAXUS_4_ESA_s_Most_Powerful_Sounding_Rocket
<schnobs> V-2 could and did more, of course, and there#s alway Project highwater...
<schnobs> Bornholio: that says "4th launch in 2001"...
<schnobs> I'm looking more at thousands of Aerobees or M-100.
<Bornholio> over 3500 launches from a place people have nver heard of
<Bornholio> the problem with the mission is if you limit it then it becomes worthless even for grinding
<schnobs> Well, the reason I noticed is because I wanted to abuse these contracts to recoup (part of) the cost of AJ-10 testing.
<schnobs> I've got an altitude contract that asks for 6000km (which IMO is well beyond the scope of what should be considered a "sounding rocket")
<Bornholio> then you go close before and that contract is asking for do it higher each time
<Bornholio> got
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<Bornholio> this is one of my favorites on basic SR history
<Bornholio> You could make a series of sounding rocket contracts that match up with historical types, mainly instrumented that are repeatable
<schnobs> Nah, I'd suggest to cap it at much less, or not even have that kind of contract. There's some standard altitude records anyway.
<schnobs> Yeah, maybe a one-off for "1st pictures from space" because the early camera doesn't yield that much science anyway.
<Bornholio> I'd like to implement starting pads at .05t to stop cheating first day biome grabbing with KCS switcher and then have biome dependent SR contracts
<Bornholio> but i have not the time to do it
<schnobs> Bornholio: is that even cheating?
<Bornholio> you can do 8 or so launches on day 6...
<schnobs> Sounding rockets were launched all over the place (and from ships and whatever). The Aerobee kind didn't require much infrastructure.
<schnobs> Arguably, it's more cheaty to put a cockpit on top of an A-4.
<schnobs> Or rather, not the act in itself but that it pays so well.
<Bornholio> you can easily push a full year ahead by spectrum launching, and even if you do zero level pads its still worth building them to do that (tho grindy)
<schnobs> Bornholio: I'm generally war of of all measures that should prevent the player from "cheating"
<schnobs> *wary
<schnobs> On some RP-0 playthough, I didn't even bother with plane research. Thus had only basic wings.
<schnobs> All was fine until the day I equiped my venus lander with tiny winglets for increaed drag.
<schnobs> What I needed for the task would have been the equivalent of a spring-loaded 30x30cm stainless steel plate.
<schnobs> Bornholio: back to sounding rocket contracts, how would ceiling values make the unsuitable for grinding?
<schnobs> Design sounding rocket that's good for ceiling value, launch it a thousand times.
<schnobs> Don't see why this shouldn't work.
<Bornholio> read back to yourself what you just typed, that is ruined
<Bornholio> its already a big part of the grind complaints
<schnobs> You mean it's an improvement if you also have to re-design and re-tool a new LV each time?
<Bornholio> even early on i don't do that but once in ten
<Bornholio> and yes thats preferable to spam twelve of same rocket, kct button twice, launch button space button rinse repeat dozens of times
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<schnobs> How does one deal with a failure to ignite on the launchpad?
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<soundnfury> schnobs: by swearing
<Bornholio> yes lol : cheaty, revert to vab, redo the launch : not cheaty, zero thrust, recover craft using KCT roll back, edit, roll out repeat : Ultra Cheaty, revert to launch : learned lesson (use less engines or more reliable ones). : Mega ultra cheaty turn off TF :)
<schnobs> Bornholio: truth be told, I was angling specifically for rollback-fix-rollout which strikes as a wee bit expensive.
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<soundnfury> schnobs: it is, and that's something we need to fix
<soundnfury> but I'm hoping someone else (NK?) will have some good ideas as to _how_
<schnobs> For a good idea, how about starting with a KCT replacement?
<schnobs> Because, the only realistic thing about it is that construction takes time. Most everything else is only getting in the way.
<schnobs> It's the kinda-sorta main interface to RP-0. But that was never it's purpose, and it shows.
<schnobs> Lunar probe just ran out of juice and anyway, suppertime. See you later.
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<Bornholio> KCT is fully configurable, change or turn off antyhing you don't like
<Bornholio> soundnfury keep going on the RIS?
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<soundnfury> Bornholio: ehh I think Maxsimal's given up.
<soundnfury> if the two of you catch up to where I am I'll keep going though ;)
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<travis-ci> Build #5615 - master - passed
<travis-ci> Merge pull request #1863 from m4gus88/patch-2
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