ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
<Raidernick> ok egg back
<egg> meow
<egg> Raidernick: basically it's all yours
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<Raidernick> what about that issue you posted
<egg> which one
<Raidernick> uh
<lamont> (i think i needed a comma or two there, but i’m still tired from yesterday)
<egg> Raidernick: take a look at #133, and if it's good you can merge and you can make an RSS release
<egg> now you have the powers
<Raidernick> the pluto one
<egg> and everything should be ready in RSS and its deps
<egg> Raidernick: the pluto one will wait
<egg> it has waited since august of 2016
<egg> it will wait another month happily
<egg> it's going to be a tedious issue to fix
<Raidernick> ok there are 6 prs
<Raidernick> there are 2 for v13 release
<Raidernick> yours
<Raidernick> and one that has conflicts
<egg> the ghost one is probably safe to ignore
<egg> that seems to have been a very confused ghost
<egg> see NK's comment
<Raidernick> since it has conflicts anyway, should i close it
<Raidernick> since you pretty much covered the v13 stuff
<Raidernick> and this wont be in v13
<egg> yeah you can, it's a mess
<egg> it adds static pressures, it adds a readme, and it bumps the version
<egg> what the hell
<Raidernick> k the 1.4 one im putting on hold obviously
<Raidernick> what about those 2 custom asteroids ones
<Raidernick> the syntax looks fine
<Raidernick> but i didn't test them
<egg> they'll wait for next month's release
<egg> the train is departing, please mind the closing doors
<Raidernick> ok
<Raidernick> do i need to bump the assembly version?
<egg> no
<Raidernick> it's not 13
<Raidernick> that won't matter?
<egg> it's 0.13
<egg> it was 0.11.5 in v12
<egg> I'm aligning it on 0.version
<Raidernick> ok did you recompile the dll already>'
<Raidernick> ?
<egg> Raidernick: see the pull request you just merged
<egg> I said it all in the description, it's all good to go
<egg> Raidernick: I'll draft the release, can you build the actual zips and upload them into the draft?
<Raidernick> yes, but just to be 100% sure that compile from jan is good right
<Raidernick> i don't want to fuck it up
<egg> it's good, there have been no source changes since then and I tested it
<egg> and Bornholio tested it
<Raidernick> ok did we update the versions of mm, mfi and kop included?
<Raidernick> or should i do that
<egg> they're not included in the repo
<Raidernick> they are in the zip
<Raidernick> i downloaded the old one
<Raidernick> just to be sure i was putting the same stuff in it
<egg> yeah, you should add the latest ones to the zip I guess
<Raidernick> ok i'll add what i've been using in my test install
<Raidernick> they were the last versions released for 1.3.1
<egg> so -7 Kopernicus and whatever the latest MM etc. are
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<Raidernick> i assume they will remain that way
<Raidernick> yeah
<Raidernick> the latest mm is 3.0.4 i think for 1.3.1
<Raidernick> after that it switched to 1.4
<Raidernick> and i'm using the -7 kopernicus and w/e mfi came with that
<egg> sounds good
<Raidernick> i'll include those both
<Raidernick> zipping it up now
<Raidernick> is your draft done?
<Raidernick> can i edit it?
<egg> yup
<Raidernick> wow uh one thing quick
<Raidernick> the v12 is 20mb
<Raidernick> and my version 13 is 4mb
<Raidernick> that doesn't seem right
<Raidernick> i need to see if i'm missing something
<Raidernick> ok the old version has cache folders in rsskopernicus
<Raidernick> i need to see why those disappeared
<Raidernick> those are 14mb
<egg> huh why are we shipping cache
<egg> that might help first loading time but it seems iffy
<Raidernick> i need to figure out what pr that was in
<Raidernick> i'm checking them all
<egg> ah, NK used to check in cache files
<egg> I guess pap's rework got rid of that
<Raidernick> yep i see pap made a pr in august
<Raidernick> to remove them all
<egg> I'll call that working as intended
<Raidernick> it's because of the new textures?
<Raidernick> that pap made?
<Raidernick> makes sense
<Raidernick> the zip is uploaded
<Raidernick> egg, can you check if you can unzip it fine
<Raidernick> with no errors
<egg> yeah seems fine
<Raidernick> ok it's released
<egg> yay
<Raidernick> it'll be busted on ckan for now though
<Raidernick> the ckan file is telling it to download a specific kopernicus
<Raidernick> it NEEDS -7 to work correctly
<Raidernick> egg, so now it's just far right?
<egg> yup
<egg> ferram4: you're next!
<Raidernick> ok i actually need to fix some stuff in RO also
<Raidernick> i need to get my prs i amde merged or my parts will be broken
<Raidernick> but i haven't 100% finished them yet
<Raidernick> lol
<Raidernick> i'll work on it tomorrow
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<Raidernick> try to get it all done
<Pap> Nice job egg and Raidernick sorry I haven't been able to help out at all
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<Olympic1> Raidernick: RSS fixed and indexed
<Raidernick> thanks, textures are all good too?
<Olympic1> yes
<Raidernick> cool
<Olympic1> it will only install the 1.3 version of the textures
<ferram4> ...I have uncommitted changes.
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<ferram4> I have no idea what the last thing I changed was
<blowfish> git diff
<ferram4> And it was literally just removing a linebreak
<blowfish> heh
<ferram4> Well, I'm glad I went to the trouble of pushing it to github
<ferram4> I'm gonna blame drinking a little bit earlier for this.
<ferram4> Alright, so people have been playing around with the dev version of FAR and know it works, yes?
<ferram4> Oh, right
<ferram4> RC-lite GUI no worky
<ferram4> Need to look at that
<ferram4> Ah, right, it's April Fools. Hi Nyancat, thanks Sarbian
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<UmbralRaptor> But does nyancat use a leapfrog integrator?
<ferram4> Oh, no. I fixed that
<ferram4> Okay, you know what, I can get a release out real fast then actually
<ferram4> Lemme just do a test flight or two to make sure that everything's working and then I'll get that out there
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<ferram4> blowfish, what was the last MM for KSP 1.3.1?
<ferram4> Or should I continue with 2.8.1 for this?
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<blowfish> uhh, let me look
<Bornholio> 3.0.4
<blowfish> that
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<ferram4> Excellent, ty
<ferram4> FAR is released
<Bornholio> .cheer
<Raidernick> that's ferram
<Raidernick> thanks*
<Raidernick> man i can't type for shit
<ferram4> Are we waiting on KJR as well, or does that still work?
<ferram4> It should still work.
<Raidernick> um it needs to be updated to be indexed again i think
<Raidernick> but it DOES work yes technically
<Bornholio> KJR 3.3.3 should work
<blowfish> .version file probably says it's incompatible even if it is
<Raidernick> yep
<Raidernick> it's listed as incompatible even though it works
<ferram4> Well, I shall look at what's there and then get that out.
<ferram4> THere are a couple things I need to merge
<blowfish> that's the pesky thing - you can't know for sure in advance whether the next KSP version will work or not
<ferram4> Alright, so I'm gonna go and merge this new KJRIAware feature that a guy wants me to add, make sure it functions, and then push that out.
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<ferram4> Actually, this might take awhile to fix
<ferram4> The guy making the PR added a lot of unnecessary shit that means I need to rework the repo because it's now filled with junk
<ferram4> For some reason he made a project for KSP 1.2.2, KSP 1.3.1 and KSP 1.4.1 and everything's fucked now
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<ferram4> Alright, so I reverted those changes. I'll just push a quick version with an updated version file to make sure everything's cool with CKAN and whatever
<blowfish> yeah, if someone gives a PR like that, send it right back at 'em
<ferram4> It used to be clean, and then I figured he was just making a few quick tweaks while waiting for a merge.
<ferram4> But NOOOOOO it's something fucking stupid
<ferram4> And now I gotta nuke and rebuild my working dir for it.
<Raidernick> egg, turns out realplume needs to be updated also
<Raidernick> the max version is set as 1.3
<Raidernick> not 1.3.1
<Raidernick> i think i can just make a quick release of that
<ferram4> Wait, hold on a second
<ferram4> The version file I'm distributing for KJR is 1.3.0 to 1.3.99
<ferram4> There is no issue.
<ferram4> This is a ckan thing to change only then
<Raidernick> ok let me get that reindexed then
<ferram4> Wait, no
<ferram4> That's not necessary either
<ferram4> It's all good to go
<blowfish> huh
<blowfish> well then, should be good
<Raidernick> that's weird to have it set to 1.3.99
<ferram4> They're reading it from the version file
<Raidernick> but it's cool that it should just work
<ferram4> It should, so then I'm done here.... FERRAM AWAAAAAYYYYY
<Olympic1> I can install it just fine
<Raidernick> Olympic1, i'm about to release a new version of realplume
<Raidernick> it's set for 1.3 on ckan
<Raidernick> i'm not changing anything except the version file
<Raidernick> the mod has no plugins either
<Raidernick> there's no other way around it other than updating the entire mod just because of that file right?
<Olympic1> You can install it for 1.3.1 even if its set for 1.3
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<Raidernick> what about 1.4?
<Raidernick> it works there also
<Raidernick> since it's already using the shurikens
<Olympic1> let me check
<Olympic1> no, max is 1.3.1
<Raidernick> ok then i need to update it
<Raidernick> Olympic1, realplume is set to depend on realplumeconfigs
<Raidernick> realplumeconfigs is frozen
<Raidernick> is that going to be an issue?
<Raidernick> would would assume not as it's current working now for 1.3 installs?
<Raidernick> i would*
<Olympic1> shouldnt be an issue
<Raidernick> ok
<Olympic1> the configs aren't frozen
<Raidernick> not the stock configs
<Raidernick> just configs
<blowfish> realplumeconfigs is vitual
<Raidernick> AHHH ok
<blowfish> it's provided by RO and RealPlume-Stock
<Raidernick> i noticed that realplume doesn't distribute the .version file in the zip
<Raidernick> i thought that was required? is it ok to just have it on the repo?
<blowfish> it's not required, but then NetKAN needs another way to tell the KSP version
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<Raidernick> blowfish, it's apparently working though
<Raidernick> because it was indexing the releases
<Raidernick> and the netkan file in the ckan repo just links to the .netkan file in the rp repo
<blowfish> ahh, it's in the RealPlume repo
<Raidernick> it has no version info
<blowfish> KSP version is specified there
<Raidernick> yep
<Raidernick> i just updated that file
<Raidernick> do i even need to re-release the mod
<Raidernick> or will ckan pick that up?
<Olympic1> it will it up if changed
<Raidernick> ok cool
<Olympic1> but looks like the indexer is broken again
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<blowfish> sadfaec
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* schnobs waves
<Qboid> schnobs: Bornholio left a message for you in #RO [01.04.2018 01:23:02]: " CKAN load 1.2.2 RP0/RO everything Req/Dep/Sug. loads fine runs fine 55k patches"
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<egg> UmbralRaptop: iirc the nyancat are badly integrated, we need to find another bowl of noodles to solve that issue with Sarbian
<schnobs> has anyone found as solution to the parts cost problem yet?
<schnobs> Because even after a day off, I can't see what causes it.
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<schnobs> !tell Bornholio: I've made a LifeSupportEngine to RF fill tanks, http://ksp.schnobs.de/stuff/LifeSupportEngine.cfg
<Qboid> schnobs: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<schnobs> Testflight: what is "ignitionDynPresFailMultiplier"?
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<Bornholio> schnobs if dynamic pressure is high, such as low altitude high speed staging event, turbulent flow at the base may cause the ignition to fail, so test flight uses a simple multiplier to ignition fail chance
<schnobs> higher chance of failure at low alt / high pressure, I presume?
<schnobs> (I mostly see it with upper stage engines, where it's set to 0.1)
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<awang> I see there's been release-related fun over the weekend
<awang> Huh, I could have sworn I made a PR for 1.4 RF
<awang> FAR needs a recompile still?
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<UmbralRaptop> egg: Runge-Kutta-Nyan!
<egg> eggsactly
<egg> awang: ferram4 is working on FAR
<egg> so that's under control
<awang> egg: Ah, I thought he said he was busy
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<ferram4> egg, awang: I still need to do work for 1.4, but 1.3.1 is good. No idea what 1.4 compatibility entails though.
<egg> ferram4: awang can probably help you for 1.4 if there are issues
<egg> awang: ^
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<Starwaster> I love the way the forum will suddenly declare to me that some x new posts were just added to the forum I'm viewing... even though nothing has been added in days.
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<schnobs> hello again.
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<awang> ferram4: I don't remember having to make any changes for 1.4, but the mods I recompiled are probably less complex than FAR
<awang> egg: \o/
<zilti> And the API is different again for 1.4.1? What's up at Squad?
<egg> API is a fancy word for what we have
<egg> !wpn lamont
* Qboid gives lamont a 5-choosable gradient
<egg> !wpn zilti
* Qboid gives zilti a mercury mandelbrofl/code hybrid
<zilti> Btw, congrats on the RSS release!
<Raidernick> so egg we are almost ready for the release
<egg> yay
<egg> meow
<Raidernick> problem with real fuels though
<Raidernick> despite having a 1.3.1 release
<Raidernick> it says it's not compatible when the game starts
<Raidernick> not using avc or anything
<Starwaster> it lies
<Raidernick> it has its own class for it i guess
<Raidernick> yeah
<Raidernick> i know
<Raidernick> but it still shouldn't be there
<Raidernick> it's annoying and misleading
<zilti> Huh, I don't see that incompatibility message
<Raidernick> i get it for that and procedural parts everytime the game starts
<Starwaster> it's the mod version checker code that a bunch of mods are using. just means someone forgot to change the version number targeti n the code
<zilti> I got the one for procedural parts until I cleared my GameData folder yesterday
<Raidernick> Starwaster, can that be done to avoid the false messages?
<Raidernick> should i wait and ask blowfish to do it when he gets on
<zilti> Then again my game gets stuck loading at the CryoEngines again *sigh*
<egg> wait am I looking at the wrong repo
<egg> or at the wrong version
<Raidernick> egg, i have no idea what version it's expecting I only know it's not 1.3.1
<egg> Raidernick: if we're talking about mft, there are two tags, the 5.11 and 5.10, are you getting the right one
<Raidernick> that
<egg> ah wait no it's the rf
<Raidernick> i have that release
<Raidernick> fresh download
<egg> well yeah but that's before taniwha bumped the expected version
<Raidernick> so it needs a new release then
<egg> perhaps
<egg> honestly I can live with an annoying warning for a month or so, this isn't a blocker
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<Raidernick> egg, i just don't want to get support requests for it lol
<Raidernick> people are idiots
<egg> heh
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<Starwaster> raidernick it will require a recompile and I won't be able to get to that anytime soon so best to ask blowfish
<Raidernick> Starwaster, yeah i was planning to ask him since he did the last few releases anyway
<Raidernick> egg, i fucked something up
<Raidernick> lol
<egg> meow
<Raidernick> i forgot to change the base branch of a pr before merging
<Raidernick> i didn't see it said master
<Raidernick> how do i fix that
<Raidernick> lol
<Raidernick> i need to revet it and put it into dev instead
<Raidernick> revert*
<Qboid> [#1816] title: SSTU Orion Service Module fix | fixed bug causing GUI to freeze | https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/issues/1816
<Raidernick> i must've missed changing that one when i was going over everything
<awang> I can probably recompile this evening
<awang> Raidernick: Compile for 1.3.1?
<Raidernick> it is compiled for 1.3.1 apparently but the version files are not up to date
<Raidernick> but recompiling it again can't hurt
<travis-ci> Build #5533 - revert-1816-patch-4 - passed
<travis-ci> Revert "SSTU Orion Service Module fix"
<zilti> Well, CRS-14 is on its way. I'm curious about that space debris disposal sat
<Raidernick> ok egg i HOPE i fixed that correctly
<egg> Raidernick: you'll sort it out, it's eggspected that mistakes happen in a release process that hasn't been tested in more than a year..
<Raidernick> egg, i just made a pr to revert the changes to that branch
<Raidernick> then made a new pr on the correct branch and merged
<egg> yay
<egg> (we'll see how that merges together when you merge dev into master :-p)
<egg> hopefully it's fine
<Raidernick> i didn't want to mess with the console and roll back the entire repo
<egg> yeah that's kind of bad practice
<rsparkyc> gosh i’m so rusty on modding...
<rsparkyc> trynig to get my EMR controller up to date with 1.4.2
<rsparkyc> it’s my mod that adjusts the oxidizer/fuel mixture for engines
<rsparkyc> and apparently when i’m deserializing my configs, something’s coming back as null
<rsparkyc> phew, i’m just an idiot :)
<rsparkyc> my config file was expecting me to play with ModuleEngineConfigs, and i was playnig stock
<rsparkyc> well, “stock”
<rsparkyc> + my mod
<Raidernick> does anyone here know what specifically causes the bug in RSS/RO where when you time warp, other vessels jump around
<Raidernick> like in normal time warp each time you enter it, ships near you will jump like 100 meters forward
<Raidernick> and in physwarp things will rubberband
<Raidernick> it makes docking/rendezvous extremely difficult
<Raidernick> and it seems to happened randomly between ksp versions on and off for the past few years
<rsparkyc> i know the bug you speak of, but don’t remember what caused it
<Raidernick> it's the most annoying thing ever
<rsparkyc> haha, yeah
<Raidernick> it's gotta be either rss or kopernicus right?
<rsparkyc> phys time warp is unaffected though, right?
<Raidernick> physwarp is weird
<Raidernick> when you speed up time the ships move closer to you each increment of phys warp
<Raidernick> then as you slow phys warp back down
<Raidernick> the ships move back away in the same increments
<Raidernick> so like rubberbanding in online games where someone has shit internet
<Raidernick> regular timewarp has a bigger problem
<Raidernick> the stuff moves further away when you enter warp
<Raidernick> but DOESNT move back when you exit it
<Raidernick> so catching it is almsot impossible
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<rsparkyc> man, this is like riding a bike. I went up for a single orbit to test out my mod, and landed within 3km of my launch site
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<soundnfury> Raidernick: yeah ime you just have to be really patient :(
<Raidernick> soundnfury, i can't believe it hasn't been found exactly what is causing it by now and fixed
<Raidernick> it's been there as long as i can remember
<soundnfury> given the state of KSP's physics code, I *can* believe it, easily.
<Raidernick> is it a stock issue though?
<Raidernick> i don't recall ever seeing that in stock ever
<soundnfury> I'm not sure; I have a vague feeling I might have
<Raidernick> i know rss/ro sometimes makes stock issues more noticable
<Raidernick> but even if it only moved a few meters forward instead of 100
<Raidernick> you'd notice
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<taniwha> I would suggest the old out-by-one-frame error
<taniwha> though I thought NK fixed that
<travis-ci> Build #5547 - dev - passed
<travis-ci> Merge pull request #1847 from PhineasFreak/RO-SXT-Sputnik-Updates
<Raidernick> taniwha, apparently not
<Raidernick> someone who is more familiar with it would need to fix it
<Raidernick> egg, i'm thinking about doing the RO release right now
<egg> go ahead
* egg zzz
<Bornholio> .seconded
<Raidernick> i need one more thing tested
<Raidernick> that new com shifter code
<Raidernick> that's the only thing holding it up right now
<taniwha> Raidernick: also, I'm pretty sure I have not seen it since 1.1
<Raidernick> taniwha, just had it happen in a fresh 1.3.1 test install 2 hours ago
<taniwha> I /have/ seen navhud's velocity marker jump a bit when entering 200m
<Raidernick> it happened to dropped stages during launch
<taniwha> hmm, wonder if it's vessel order
<Raidernick> they jumped away
<Raidernick> Bornholio, can you help test that com shifter
<Qboid> [#1779] title: New AdjustableCoMShifter class | AdjustableCoMShifter is derived from CoMShifter and features a slider to limit the CoM offset.... | https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/issues/1779
<taniwha> because dropped stages are new vessels and thus later in the list
<Raidernick> taniwha, it still shouldn't happen though right
<Raidernick> that can't possibly be by design
<Raidernick> i had 2 probes that i decoupled
<Raidernick> switched to 1
<Raidernick> time warped and the other one jumped 300m away
<Raidernick> same thing happens during redezvous with an already existing station or craft
<taniwha> indeed, it /should/ not
<Raidernick> taniwha, is that something you would know how to fix
<Raidernick> i don't even know what mod it is still
<Raidernick> rss?
<taniwha> I usually don't see a jump, though, which does not help
<taniwha> used to all the time, though
<taniwha> and, iirc, it was pretty bad in 1.1
<Raidernick> it was definitely worse in the past
<Raidernick> but it IS still happening to some extent
<Raidernick> which means it wasn't fixed
<Raidernick> just had a bandaid put on it