ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
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<Bornholio> nice
<Rokker> Bornholio: nice
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<Starwaster> was the lunar module held down to the SLA? If so by what and how did they release it?
<ProjectThoth> Starwaster: The LEM was affixed to the bottom (non-moving) portion of the SLA where the upper part of the landing gear was attached with explosive bolts.
<ProjectThoth> Oh, hmm, that sentence wasn't very clear.
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<Rokker> Bornholio: AA missiles on B-21?
<Rokker> stealth missile truck
<Rokker> yay
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<Bornholio> rokker b-52 has outboard pylons that "could" take AA and other standard mounts but never has to my knowledge. same thing will happen for the 21
<schnobs> Ain't those pylons standardised so they "could" hold a lot of different items?
<Bornholio> yes, but the cabling is not nessecarily. also if they are wet (have fuel lines to them) is also non-standard
<schnobs> The X-15 ServiceModule is driving me crazy.
<schnobs> It can hold no resources at first. Presumably something to do with SM becoming life support capable at some point in the tech tree.
<schnobs> Can't point down when, where, and how, though.
<schnobs> The tech node is clearly labeled, don't get me wrong.
<schnobs> But it doesn't seem to have any effect.
<Bornholio> what are you trying to do ?
<Qboid> [#1875] title: X-15 resources fix | ServiceModule doesn't work in RP-0 (no food, oxygen, ...). Changing to Fuselage works around the issue. | https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/issues/1875
<Bornholio> if you don't have life support tech of course not
<schnobs> That's the rub. I do have life support tech.
<schnobs> Unlock life support, unlock X-15 cockpit (in that order): no resources on the cockpit.
<schnobs> Aaaahhh. got it.
<schnobs> Early Human Spaceflight Materials Science does the trick. It unlocks the Service Module tank type.
<schnobs> Whereas "Crew Survivability" only unlocks the Life Support tank type.
<Bornholio> if you don't have that then the service module tank won't have the LS types either
<Bornholio> The cockpit description should really tell one about what techs add things
<schnobs> Sorry, no, it doesn't work out that way.
<schnobs> Well, not quite.
<schnobs> Unlocking SM tank type will equip the cockpit with all resources.
<schnobs> But if you remove tanks, you find that you cannot re-add the LS stuff.
<schnobs> Actually, if you open the tank UI once, it becomes effective. Other parts you pull from the list into the editor after having looked at the UI will have oxygen removed.
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<schnobs> OK, next up: RO-ProcTankSpaceplane still uses the old resizing scheme depending on techlevel.
<schnobs> The techlevels no longer exist in the new tree. Well, except "basicRocketry".
<schnobs> What would be a good figure for utilization? That's not set either.
<Bornholio> I would say somewhere between 92-95% since at that point common bulkhead is known and It is not assumed to be multi tank interior like SM, but it needs a layer of TP and fuselage structure
<Bornholio> Could be as low as 88 if end caps needto include a radial stiffener and TP
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<BadRocketsCo> Howdy!
<Bornholio> hey
<BadRocketsCo> Did a unmanned lunar landing and return!
<Bornholio> good job. ready for mars and venus landings then
<Bornholio> well as long as you have the antenna :)
<BadRocketsCo> Almost ran out of fuel on the escape stage but managed to get a retrograde pass of the moon that slowed me down enough to get into earths atmosphere.
<BadRocketsCo> Had like 30 m/s of dV left in the stage
<schnobs> Just another day at the office, then.
<BadRocketsCo> Bornholio: pretty much. I'll just have to get a few coms sats into orbit around them.
<schnobs> Seriously, no matter how much fuel I bring, I tend to use nearly all of it.
<schnobs> then again, 30m/s on lunar g, doesn't that resolve to like 20 seconds of hover time? You're good!
<BadRocketsCo> schnobs: so either you are a really efficient rocket builder and flyer or you really overengineer and do crappy burns? :D
<schnobs> BadRocketsCo: not sure of either. It's just that if i have extra fuel, I find ways to use it.
<BadRocketsCo> schnobs: that was the lunar escape burn. I didn't even reach geosat altitude but a flyby of the moon slowed me down
<BadRocketsCo> It was like a 33 day orbit :D
<BadRocketsCo> So my mission duration went from the planned two weeks to a month :D
<BadRocketsCo> Actualy overengineered my landing stage. Had like 300 m/s left after landing
<Bornholio> landing should always have margin
<BadRocketsCo> Yup, true
schnobs is now known as schnobs|afk
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<Starwaster> does MJ have trouble with landings with upscaled planets?
<Bornholio> lol, i'd say it can land great 30% of the time, 50% of the time it will slam you, and 20% pf the time waste a ton of fuel
<Starwaster> just had the landing AP try to put me down and.... it seemed to think it was doing ok but I hit the ground at over 450m/s
<Starwaster> killed six tourists
<Starwaster> goddamn touristm issions
<Bornholio> sounds like my experience
<Starwaster> oh look real plume broke when I reloaded
<Bornholio> i only use it for guidance anymore
<Bornholio> but, sometimes it works great
<Starwaster> pilot survived btw... his cockpit was a separate part and he was catapulted into the lunar sky
<Rokker> Bornholio: missile truck hype
<Starwaster> ah did they fix the issue with maneuver node dV resetting itself if you target something mid-burn?
<Starwaster> in 1.4.x that is?
<Bornholio> rokker I want to see ASM hype before that. Buff's with 20 harpoons scare the crap out of certain entities
<Rokker> Bornholio: let's just buy DF-21s off china
<Starwaster> dead again. GOD DAMMIT
<Bornholio> kerbsplatter
<Starwaster> not sure what I'm doing wrong... maybe my engine is just too weak? oh ffs.... I selected an engine comparable to the lunar module... but my lander is probably a hell of a lot heavier than that
<Starwaster> I just can't kill my horizontal velocity in time from this altitude like that. dammit
<Bornholio> yeah maybe not enough impulse to use all the dV
<Bornholio> you can point down some and power glide then if you have just enough
<Bornholio> if you have enough dv then you can raise your AP and kill horizontal velocity there
<Starwaster> no I think my options are too limited... probably have to hook back up with the command module and abort...
<Bornholio> rokker yeah i don't think they could hit more tha 3-5 targets with all launchers volley launching before we destroyed the targetting capability totally
<Starwaster> I not only have to touch down I have to take off again... in a single stage lander
<Bornholio> yeah been there before. its a hard lesson since it looks like you have the dV to do the mission
<Starwaster> yeah I should have the dV but I'm having to use too much to control my vertical
<Starwaster> this has been an ill fated mission from the start
<Starwaster> I just realized though... I have a tanker nearby
<Starwaster> (that's how ill fated it was; the right move would have been to return the tourists home and try again later but I sent up a tanker to refill from)
<Starwaster> I'll just use the tanker to kill my horizontal
<Bornholio> good luck
<Starwaster> bornholio, just for shits and giggles I decided to maintain this last landing attempt... I smashed my engine to bits but all tourists are alive!
<Starwaster> doesnt matter about the engine because they wouldn't have had enough to escape anyway
<Starwaster> not enough oxygen to wait for rescue either.... unless some of the tourists meet with an... accident.
<Starwaster> I don't know if this is a stock thing or a raster prop thing but if I try to click on controls with one of the tourists selected in IVA, it tells me 'STOP TRYING TO PRESS BUTTONS <tourist-name-here>!!!'
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<Starwaster> hmmm later lunar landings did just what I'm about to... they would use the CSM to lower perilune to 16 km before the lander separated ... to save some of its propellants
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<schnobs|afk> Starwaster: if you have a surface TWR of ~1.5 at the end of the landing, the constant-altitude approach doesn't waste all that much dV.
schnobs|afk is now known as schnobs
<schnobs> IIRC I brought 2000m/s and needed 1900, but it's been a while.
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<Starwaster> uhm... PEG says it has stable guidance... but it has LESS than half the dV available. that it says it needs. How is that possibly stable?
<Starwaster> I mean, if available dV < vgo.... how the hell can it think it's going to make orbit?
<xShadowx|2> Starwaster: thats stock, tourists arent posed to fuck with things ;p
<Starwaster> I love the tone of it... STOP PRESSING BUTTONS!
<Starwaster> tourist is like WOOO HOOO HOOO!!! JAB JAB JAB
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<Bornholio> s&G fun
<Raidernick> Bornholio, want to test RO 12.1
<Raidernick> or anyone else here?
<Raidernick> getting ready to release it
<Bornholio> sure i can today for a small time
<Bornholio> git master?
<Bornholio> k'
<Raidernick> you should be able to download that
<Raidernick> hopefully
<Raidernick> its just a draft
<Bornholio> for some reason get a 404
<Raidernick> use that then
<Raidernick> i guess only ro admins can see the drafts
<Raidernick> Bornholio, does that link work i hope
<Bornholio> yes
<Bornholio> note 1.) It loads
<Raidernick> well that's good
<Bornholio> looks good so far
<Raidernick> can you check the x-15 cockpit
<Raidernick> apparently it was exploding too easily
<Raidernick> or something
<schnobs> Raidernick: AVC already nags me about RO 12.1
<Raidernick> probably
<Raidernick> cause it gets the avc info from the git
<Raidernick> it's already ready to release
<Raidernick> just test it and ill release then it won't warn you anymore
<schnobs> Raidernick: got 40min left in the day, wouldn't know what to check beyond "it loads"
<Raidernick> check your changes to those parts
<Raidernick> i've never eve used the stock x-15 cockpit
<Raidernick> even*
<Raidernick> also need to test is SSTU still causes mm errors when loading
<Raidernick> if*
<Bornholio> 1.25m cockpit display temps 850/1530
<Bornholio> i had to push it pretty hard to burn it up
<schnobs> No SSTU here, Bornholio beat me to the cockpit.
<Bornholio> raidernick casual check i'd say nothing is broken that i've noticed in 12.1 release schnobs are you running rp-0 with the test?
<schnobs> yes. just plopped in on my RP-0 install.
<Raidernick> well that's going to add bugs right
<Raidernick> you should be testing it at a minimum
<Bornholio> i think if a cockpit problem is happening its RP-0 configs
<Starwaster> raidernick what kind of SSTU errors? shader errors? That's normal and unavoidable (according to Shadowmage)
<schnobs> Nah, it was that issue: http://ksp.schnobs.de/stuff/foo.txt
<Raidernick> mm errors with sstu related to RO
<Raidernick> it was a syntax problem in the configs
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<BadRocketsCo> Hi again
<schnobs> All I can say on the quick: it loads for me, despite RP-0, and I don't get a lot off errors in the log.
<schnobs> "ERROR: no sound file found for sound_Titan_srb" and "*MFT* ERROR: overrides already stored for FASABigGeminiRetroModule" are the only ones that could conceivably be traced to RO. Not exactly showstoppers, IMO.
<schnobs> No obvious breakage.
<schnobs> Then again, very few merges affect stuff I even have, so...
<Raidernick> k
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<Raidernick> i'm going to release then
<Raidernick> since you all said it was ok
<Bornholio> .thumbsUp
<soundnfury> Raidernick: explodey x-15 cockpit was/is caused by DRE's own cfg patches
<Raidernick> that's apparently been fxied
<Raidernick> fixed*
<soundnfury> last few days, or earlier?
<soundnfury> 'cos the earlier fix didn't seem to work for me
<soundnfury> (sorry, have been afk all weekend and just got back)
<travis-ci> Build #5665 - v12.1.0 - passed
<travis-ci> Merge pull request #1874 from raidernick/master
<schnobs> soundnfury: the DRE things wasn't merged until a few hours ago.
<soundnfury> ok, that's alright then
<schnobs> I didn't discover the real reason until yesterday.
<Raidernick> it's released
<Raidernick> no turning back
<Raidernick> if anything is busted we are stuck with it for another 30 days
<Raidernick> lol
<Raidernick> you guys had the chance
<Raidernick> lol
<schnobs> Well, even if there's trouble every once in a while... I think it's better than waiting years for a realease.
<schnobs> 'night all!
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<Starwaster> wow, twice in a row I had some kind of FlightIntegrator or rigid body problem that stopped my craft dead in space. RF interpreted the sudden momentum as resulting in unstable ullage causing my engine to shut down but none of that mattered since I was frozen in place anyway
<Starwaster> though I did find it mildly humorous that MJ's course of action to resolve the unstable engine was to cycle it on and off rapidly. Bye bye ignitions...
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<soundnfury> Starwaster: I keep telling people that MJ's rubbish, but they don't believe me...
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<taniwha> convince them with a patch and show the before and after
<Bornholio> starwaster negative mass part? maybe from Tweakscale + some other mod setting basemass
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