raptop changed the topic of #principia to: READ THE FAQ: http://goo.gl/gMZF9H; The current version is Galileo. We currently target 1.5.1, 1.6.1, 1.7.x, 1.8.1, and 1.9.1. <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out | https://xkcd.com/323/ | <egg> calculating the influence of lamont on Pluto is a bit silly… | <egg> also 4e16 m * 2^-52 is uncomfortably large
<discord-_> e​gg. — (in the distant future we might have ±1 some-other-body-synodic revolution, too…)
<discord-_> e​gg. — huh, did the camera-rotates-with-the-frame thing break?
<discord-_> e​gg. — ah, it is broken in map view when KSP uses a rotating reference frame.
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<discord-_> B​utcher. — ±1 revolution would ne nice.
<discord-_> B​utcher. — ±1 revolution would be nice. (edited)
<discord-_> e​gg. — @Butcher yes, that is what I am trying to add, but ±what kind of revolution :D
<discord-_> e​gg. — I think you end up with 3 sets of ±1 buttons, 4 when we start dealing with synodic periods
<discord-_> B​utcher. — nodal is such that you're the same angle from AN/DN but one revolution further?
<discord-_> e​gg. — yeah (on average)
<discord-_> B​utcher. — Anomalistic would be to the same true anomaly?
<discord-_> e​gg. — same angle from the periapsis
<discord-_> e​gg. — so yes
<discord-_> B​utcher. — sidereal presumably nice for things like GEO sats.
<discord-_> e​gg. — sidereal is arguably both the least useful and the most general-purpose
<discord-_> e​gg. — anomalistic has weird degeneracy when the orbit is circular, nodal when it is equatorial
<discord-_> B​utcher. — What does stock give you? or is it some frankensteinian thing from patched conics?
<discord-_> l​pg. — there's some mod (could just be MJ, could be one of the Precise Something) that I remember having 3 buttons: +, -, and 'cycle through the possible things to + or -'
<discord-_> l​pg. — (and an input field for how many to + or -)
<discord-_> e​gg. — @Butcher in the world of stock there are no precessions, all periods are equal
<discord-_> e​gg. — (well, the synodic period—constant ejection angle—would still be different but it does not give you that)
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<discord-_> B​utcher. — Lunar free return, how close should I be able to get the periselene and perigee?
<discord-_> B​utcher. — I'm finding if I have a perigee that is close to reentry my periselene is 10,000 km or so, which is pretty far, can this be tweaked to be better?
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<discord-_> l​pg. — it can; contract asks for <5Mm, and I was able to satisfy it. My experiments suggested the inclination of initial Earth orbit mattered; was able to get a lower periselene with a due-east launch than a polar launch
<discord-_> B​utcher. — Yeah I was able to reduce things a lot by adding a ton of binormal into my TLI burn to get a better alignment with the earth-moon plane.
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<discord-_> B​utcher. — If I leave a sat in GEO without any adjustmenets, how bad will the latitude wobble get?
<discord-_> e​gg. — I don’t know, but the analyser will
<discord-_> B​utcher. — Hmm, maybe I'll analyse for say, 5 years.
<discord-_> e​gg. — @Butcher the flight plan easily gets unwieldy, and adding orbit-related stuff will not improve matters; should we have a way to minimize a manœuvre editor so that it just has a one-line summary (manœuvre #1729, 12 m/s or something along those lines)
<discord-_> B​utcher. — That would be handy.
<discord-_> B​utcher. — ?if you're doing more than 2 it gets scrolly.
<discord-_> l​pg. — my tiny screen would be eternally grateful
<discord-_> s​cimas. — Either a way to minimize, or just a scroll bar with the max length of the window set to accommodate 2 manoeuvres. I don't know which one will be easier.
<discord-_> e​gg. — a scroll bar sounds essentially impossible without changing the UI framework, minimization should be easy (famous last words)
<discord-_> e​gg. — we are using GUILayout
<discord-_> s​iimav. — Then you are and it should have a scroll component
<discord-_> e​gg. — huh.
<discord-_> e​gg. — collapsing might still be useful though, since individual editors are rather bulky…
<discord-_> e​gg. — (and especially if we start talking about having additional orbit-related controls and coast info)
<discord-_> S​tonesmile. — While you are at it, would it be possible to get a 'minimize' button to minimize the main window and keep flight planner open? (saves on screen space for other tools)
<discord-_> e​gg. — not trivially as far as I know. Anyway I am trying to focus on the flight planner right now, I don’t want to start going into a general UI rabbit hole.
<discord-_> S​tonesmile. — Completely understand, just something i thought of when the discussion started!
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<discord-_> l​pg. — worth logging a feature-request github issue? (if only so you can say no and point future requests at it)
<discord-_> e​gg. — not really
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<_whitenotifier-9244> [Principia] pleroy opened pull request #2663: Piecewise Poisson series - https://git.io/JJKBW
<_whitenotifier-9244> [Principia] Pending. Build queued… - 
<_whitenotifier-9244> [Principia] Pending. Building… - http://casanova.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com:8080/job/Principia/4430/
<_whitenotifier-9244> [Principia] Failure. Build finished. - http://casanova.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com:8080/job/Principia/4430/
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<_whitenotifier-9244> [Principia] pleroy synchronize pull request #2663: Piecewise Poisson series - https://git.io/JJKBW
<_whitenotifier-9244> [Principia] Pending. Build queued… - 
<_whitenotifier-9244> [Principia] Pending. Building… - http://casanova.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com:8080/job/Principia/4431/
<_whitenotifier-9244> [Principia] eggrobin labeled pull request #2663: Piecewise Poisson series - https://git.io/JJKBW
<discord-_> i​tsRyan. — In my late game save, I had numerous probes in somewhat fragile orbits scattered about, so I make a quick and dirty mod to stop warp and alarm if one was getting perturbed too low. Here it is if anyone wants it. If there's enough interest I could fancy it up with some configurable settings. Ideally I could set up a GUI to do per-vessel configs. https://github.com/ryanc55/OrbitAlarm
<discord-_> i​tsRyan. — In my late game save, I had numerous probes in somewhat fragile orbits scattered about, so I made a quick and dirty mod to stop warp and alarm if one was getting perturbed too low. Here it is if anyone wants it. If there's enough interest I could fancy it up with some configurable settings. Ideally I could set up a GUI to do per-vessel configs. https://github.com/ryanc55/OrbitAlarm (edited)
<_whitenotifier-9244> [Principia] Success. Build finished. - http://casanova.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com:8080/job/Principia/4431/
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<discord-_> e​gg. — Oh, that seems useful
<discord-_> J​oco223. — Is this for princia for use with RO/RSS or just about principia?
<discord-_> D​RVeyl. — The channel has a home on the RO Discord, but nearly anything is on-topic here, and you can [and should] discuss Principia with or without RO/RSS here.
<discord-_> e​gg. — > nearly anything is on-topic here
<discord-_> e​gg. — In particular, pictures of cats on astronomy textbooks or papers
<discord-_> J​oco223. — Ok then
<discord-_> J​oco223. — Has anyone had problems with principia and contracts?
<discord-_> J​oco223. — In particular, contracts do not recognize when you are sub orbital, in orbit, fly by etc
<discord-_> J​oco223. — But first time rewards do recognize it
<discord-_> e​gg. — @Sir Mortimer’s post https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/162200-wip181-191-principia%E2%80%94version-gallai-released-2020-07-20%E2%80%94n-body-and-extended-body-gravitation-axial-tilt/page/62/&tab=comments#comment-3789232 (and stuff earlier in that conversation) may be relevant
<discord-_> J​oco223. — Thanks 👍
<discord-_> e​gg. — https://github.com/Kerbalism/KerbalismContracts/wiki/Design if you want to read about the ideas behind KC (but that does not exist yet, mind you)
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<_whitenotifier-9244> [Principia] eggrobin opened pull request #2664: Collapsible manœuvres - https://git.io/JJKPF
<discord-_> e​gg. — @lpg, @Butcher: thoughts on the screenshots? https://github.com/mockingbirdnest/Principia/pull/2664
<_whitenotifier-9244> [Principia] Pending. Build queued… - 
<_whitenotifier-9244> [Principia] Pending. Building… - http://casanova.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com:8080/job/Principia/4432/