raptop changed the topic of #principia to: READ THE FAQ: http://goo.gl/gMZF9H; The current version is Galileo. We currently target 1.5.1, 1.6.1, 1.7.x, 1.8.1, and 1.9.1. <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out | https://xkcd.com/323/ | <egg> calculating the influence of lamont on Pluto is a bit silly… | <egg> also 4e16 m * 2^-52 is uncomfortably large
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[Principia] eggrobin labeled pull request #2677: Add support for unbounded arrays - https://git.io/JJdt8
[Principia] pleroy closed pull request #2677: Add support for unbounded arrays - https://git.io/JJdt8
[Principia] pleroy pushed 10 commits to master [+6/-0/±23] https://git.io/JJFBy
Derple Purp. — well axial tilt currently doesn't exist in RSS and it really screws with things
Joco223. — Yeah I know, KSP doesn't support axial tilt at all currently
Stonesmile. — Axial tilt does indeed not exist in RSS, *but principia*
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scimas. — Doesn't Principia do some trickery to simulate axial tilt even if the stock game thinks there is no axial tilt? Otherwise it could never accurately represent the real solar system dynamics.
Kirk. — Principia supports axial tilt just fine
Stonesmile. — IIRC the epoc principia provides for RSS has the entire solar system tilted (like it usually is), but it also correct all the other tilts
egg. — that sentence does not make much sense. Anyway, « the solar system tilted » is meaningless ; it is a statement about how the camera is oriented. That in turn depends on the chosen frame.
Stonesmile. — would my last message be more correct prior to Fréchet?
egg. — not really, because it depended on the current main body.
egg. — In any case, this is simply a question of visualization, not one of physics. Tilt truly exists with Principia, since Cardano.
egg. — (it is imposed upon the unsuspecting game in horrible ways, but that is an internal detail.)
Stonesmile. — Since it is a simulation there has to be an 'up'. What is that defined as (just curious)
scimas. — I think the disbelief comes from the oft heard statement on the forums that all body axes have to be parallel to each other at all times in the stock game, and people not knowing how principia gets around that.
egg. — > Since it is a simulation there has to be an 'up'
egg. — wat.
You know, -\nabla U
Stonesmile. — isn't there a base coorninate system?
egg. — The underlying calculations are made in some coordinate system, but that system is never directly accessible to the player. The transforms to the reference frames accessible to the players are based on the orientations of the bodies and their axes.
Stonesmile. — Yes, everything I can see depends on the reference frame, but you, the dev, must have something else to base everything on right?
egg. — I already answered your question, please read the answer again.
egg. — The underlying system for our RSS config is the ICRS. This is not something you can determine without looking at the numbers in the config.
scimas. — What would it take to create a simple two body system that has the bodies orbiting close enough to clearly see the bodies rotating around non-parallel axes in a single viewport, and making short video of it that I could link people to whenever this question is raised?
Stonesmile. — Maby just change the rotation axis of the moon to be 90 deg off?
scimas. — I wonder how much of a deep dive I would need to take into Kopernicus for that.
scimas. — Simply tilting the Moon might be simple enough, but then you have to make sure the textures map onto it correctly.
egg. — you can probably fairly easily lower the Mun
egg. — and then tilt Kerbin, and you should have your scenario set up
scimas. — The textures automagically do the correct thing?
Kirk. — Why wouldn't they
Kirk. — The you aren't changing the mun
scimas. — No idea, I have no clue how the game decides which graphics go where, hence the question.
Kirk. — kerbin is a model, and the textures are mapped onto it
Kirk. — If you tilt it, the textures aren't effected
egg. — the main body exists more than the other bodies (it can have terrain etc.)
Kirk. — That'd be like the textures on your parts staying still when you rotate them
egg. — so we tilt the universe so that the main body is aligned with the Unity world axes
egg. — and then we tilt the other bodies, since they don’t exist very much this is easy
egg. — and then we tilt the camera independently from all that so that nobody notices that the universe is being tilted around
egg. — and since we now control the orientation of the vessels, they tilt with the rest of the universe ; they used to keep alignment with the world axes, much to @Damien’s dismay
scimas. — Okay, so for me only the principia_gravity_model is of concern, the rest should be handled by the game, Kopernicus and Principia accordingly. Thanks!
egg. — (the persistent rotation, in a sense, naturally comes as an extension of the mechanisms needed to do all aspects of the tilt correctly, and the tilt is immediately necessary to do inhomogeneous gravity even remotely correctly, and inhomongeneous gravity is needed if you want to have a chance at getting the moons of Jupiter even close to correct, so it sort of all follows from the basic « multi-body
scimas. — Yes, I was thinking about the accurate predictions of eclipses on Jupiter by principia someone posted on forum a while back.
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