egg changed the topic of #principia to: Logs: | <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out | | <egg> calculating the influence of lamont on Pluto is a bit silly…
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<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ @sarbian If I have ConfigNode fields with keys that have parentheses, commas, or full stops (e.g.
<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ `#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Abbreviation_BodyCentredParentDirection(Earth).en-us = GSE`), will MM do magical things to me or am I safe? I forget how your fancy operators work
<queqiao-> ⟨s​arbian⟩ I am more worried about the KSP parser than MM with this. But I have no idea…
<queqiao-> ⟨s​arbian⟩ Try it and look at the cache
<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ The KSP parser works in mysterious ways, true
<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ but mostly in sloooow ways
<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ (which is why #2400 is a thing 😭)
<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ (KSP parses saves at 12 MB/s; Principia could be optimized a bit more in that regard, but it reads at 34.9 MB/s, and that includes reconstructing all structures in memory etc.…)
<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ (KSP parses saves at 12 MB/s; Principia could be optimized a bit more in that regard, but it reads at 35 MB/s, and that includes reconstructing all structures in memory etc.…) (edited)
<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ (or uses displayName without postprocessing it, since the existing zh translation has translated names but no ^ markers)
<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ (wrong channel) (edited)
<queqiao-> ⟨S​ir Mortimer⟩ Hm. That does sound like some optimization potential.
<queqiao-> ⟨S​ir Mortimer⟩ Just imagine, someone replacing the stock parser with something *fast*...
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy reviewed pull request #3092 commit -
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy labeled pull request #3092: Translate technical terms in the new frame selector UI -
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] eggrobin reviewed pull request #3092 commit -
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] eggrobin synchronize pull request #3092: Translate technical terms in the new frame selector UI -
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<_whitenotifier> [Principia] Pending. Build queued… - 
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] Pending. Building… -
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] Success. Build finished. -
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<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ body-specific terminology overrides
<queqiao-> ⟨A​l2Me6⟩ 😲
<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ (works by adding strings like
<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ `#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Abbreviation_BodyCentredParentDirection(Earth,Sun).en-us = GSE`
<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ for string
<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ `#Principia_ReferenceFrameSelector_Abbreviation_BodyCentredParentDirection = <<1>><<2>>O`,
<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ *mutatis mutandis* for any string whose parameters are all bodies)
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<queqiao-> ⟨A​l2Me6⟩ Nice, that's about how I imagined it.
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<queqiao-> ⟨A​l2Me6⟩ Nice, that's about how I imagined it, but fancier. (edited)
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<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ CelestialString has a sort of 天書 ring to it :-p
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<raptop> New shape model for 16 Psyche:
* raptop conveniently ignores the problems with non-spherical shapes in KSP
<queqiao-> ⟨c​hazzvader⟩ What are the issues?
<raptop> mostly that KSP treats things as spheres + terrain, so oblate spheroids have a lot of weirdness in terms of altitudes. I want to say that lake Baikal is especially silly?
<queqiao-> ⟨c​hazzvader⟩ Yeah
<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ you might be thinking of 青海湖
<queqiao-> ⟨A​l2Me6⟩ Those instances are due to high altitude and not necessarily oblateness, no?
<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ lake surrounded by 8 km cliffs
<raptop> oh, right, also the water level being 0
<queqiao-> ⟨A​l2Me6⟩ That is real wonky because the shore of 青海湖 is most definitely not at 8km elevation IRL... IIRC it's close to 3km?
<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ yeah something is off with the topography for some reason
<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ I recall CFIT at 10 km somewhere in the Himalayas
<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ I should fly RSS planes again
<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ in this region that is
<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ it’s been a while, that screenshot says Dedekind
<queqiao-> ⟨P​aculino (ŝi/ri/she/they)⟩ Aral Sea Jr. ?
<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ @Al2Me6 Huh, the term 近木点 seems to be used, but not 近土点 (comparing the number of search results for ["卡西尼号" "近土点"] and ["卡西尼号" "近拱点"] vs. ["近木点" "朱诺号"] and ["近拱点" "朱诺号"]
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<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ @Al2Me6 Huh, the term 近木点 seems to be used, but not 近土点 (comparing the number of search results for ["卡西尼号" "近土点"] and ["卡西尼号" "近拱点"] vs. ["近木点" "朱诺号"] and ["近拱点" "朱诺号"]) (edited)
<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ 4 papers with the phrase 近土点 in CNKI (from two first authors), vs. 43 for 近木点, 16 for 近金点, 41 for 近水点 (and 302 for 近火点, 1 251 for 近月点, 15 445 for 近地点, 5 368 for 近日点, those are beyond doubt)
<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ interestingly it seems to be a thing in Japanese though
<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ Or am I just observing the relative dearth of missions to Saturn? Venus has had than four times the number of orbiters after all
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<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ Or am I just observing the relative dearth of missions to Saturn? Venus has had more than four times the number of orbiters after all (edited)
<queqiao-> ⟨A​l2Me6⟩ I feel like this is the case, yes... especially considering the dearth of _Chinese_ missions/plans of missions to Saturn
<raptop> Saturn's had what, 1 orbiter, 1 lander*, and 3 flybys?
<raptop> *Hyugens, not the grand finale
<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ so you are saying we should put « get the CNSA to throw something at Saturn » on the Principia roadmap :-p
<raptop> Yes. Yes you should
<queqiao-> ⟨P​aculino (ŝi/ri/she/they)⟩ Starting a space race with the goal of deep space probes just to get better terminology
* raptop laughs in astronomers naming things
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<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ interestingly French tends to use *périastre* (like periastron) as the generic term (where English has periapsis)
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<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ On the other hand CNKI has one result for 近天点, a paper from 1943 titled 长期天气预告研究之现势, no results for 近冥点, and while it has 69 results for 近海点 they all look similarly highly irrelevant, so I am going to guess that these are not actually a thing (abbreviating 喵王星 to 喵 seems more of a stretch than 喵星 or 喵球 to 喵 anyway)
<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ Also 海王星 should be called 玻璃制造商星 anyway :-p
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<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ Language is weird, continued:
<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ > However, the argument of periapsis increases approximately 0.9° per orbit, sending the latitude of perijove further from the equator.
<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ perijove (rather than periapsis) is most common for a jovian periapsis, but argument of periapsis is more common than argument of perijove when talking about its argument
<raptop> By Jove, that close approach is weird!
<queqiao-> ⟨B​utcher⟩ By jove, the apojove is greater than the perijove!
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] eggrobin closed pull request #3092: Translate technical terms in the new frame selector UI -
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] eggrobin pushed 4 commits to master [+3/-3/±17]
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] eggrobin a2499f9 - l10n
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] eggrobin d9e9ffa - make it work for stock
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] eggrobin bdc760f - rename
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] eggrobin c4952aa - Merge pull request #3092 from eggrobin/frame-selector-ui Translate technical terms in the new frame selector UI
<queqiao-> ⟨(​ᴇxᴘᴇʀɪᴍᴇɴᴛᴀʟshells)⟩ tired: Ap > Pe
<queqiao-> ⟨(​ᴇxᴘᴇʀɪᴍᴇɴᴛᴀʟshells)⟩ wired: Ap < Pe
<queqiao-> ⟨(​ᴇxᴘᴇʀɪᴍᴇɴᴛᴀʟshells)⟩ inspired: 0 < Ap < Pe
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<queqiao-> ⟨§​κyℓαr ♀⟩ rewired: 0 > AP
<queqiao-> ⟨§​κyℓαr ♀⟩ rewired: 0 > Ap (edited)
<queqiao-> ⟨§​κyℓαr ♀⟩ fired: 0 > Ap (edited)