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<awang> Ahhhhh
<awang> RealFuels why
<awang> literalZeroIgnitions
<awang> Sum types would be the best solution
<awang> But why not use negative ignitions for unlimited
<awang> Instead of 0 ignitions for both zero and unlimited
<awang> Hmmm
<awang> Half curious
<awang> Does anyone use F# in the KSP modding world?
<awang> Is RFSettings.Instance supposed to hold game/save-wide settings?
<awang> Or is it per-part?
<Bornholio> not using negatives can keep sloppy progamers slightly farther from overflows
<Bornholio> what i really want is tanked TEATEB so i can pick ignition number
<soundnfury> awang: ahh, that one is partly my doing (literalZeroIgnitions)
<soundnfury> I added it because negative already meant something like "use value from techlevel"
<soundnfury> silly people in the past used valid values as flags instead of having a _proper_ flag, so I had to add a flag so I could use the valid value as a value -_-
<Bornholio> snark inception
<awang> Grrr
<awang> Y'all need sum types
<xShadowx> except using 0 for 0 and unlimited makes resetting the value tricky :|
<xShadowx> cant check if its ment to be 0 and thus not reset
<awang> soundnfury: Ah, I see now
<awang> ConfigIgnitions, if ignitions is negative then ignitions = techLevel + ignitions
<awang> Also, this split between ModuleEnginesRF and ModuleEngineConfigs is annoying :(
<awang> Also, do any of you think that having engine TWR displayed somewhere be useful info?
<Bornholio> I don't think so but newer players may find it useful to compare engines
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<awang> What's a good way of getting the sea level acceleration of the home body?
<awang> Planetarium.fetch?.CurrentMainBody?.GeeASL seems to be the closest thing, but I have to multiply by 9.81 or something?
<awang> Is there a way that takes into account the possibility that other planet packs would use a different constant?
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<awang> And this is for the RF right-click engine config window, so I don't think PartModule.vessel.geeForce would work?
<awang> Or PartModule.vessel.gravityForPos or PartModule.vessel.gravityTrue?
<awang> I guess the best alternative is Planetarium.fetch?.home?.GeeASL
<awang> But I'm not sure exactly what to multiply by?
<awang> 9.81 or 9.80665?
<awang> Something else?
<awang> Is there a way of getting that programmatically?
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<Bornholio> awang is there not a global g0 (gravitational constant) value that is acurate out to a double? Also sure you need g not G (6.673×10−11) or μ=GM
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<Bornholio> unless i'm not reading deep enough the planets are defined by only a few things gravParameter = and radius =
<awang> Bornholio: idk, I haven't been able to find one, but I'm not sure if I'm looking in the right place
<awang> And yeah, I'm sure I need g. Trying to calculate TWR
<Bornholio> awang maybe a public static float globalGravity is defined and you can divide or multiply using that more accurately I see it in some other code snips for unity 3d
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<awang> !tell Bornholio idk if Physics.gravity is right, since it's a Vector3 and g should be a scalar.
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<awang> !tell Bornholio I'd imagine that it'd be a KSP-specific thing, since Unity in general wouldn't deal with surface gravity
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<awang> !tell Bornholio Or so I think
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<awang> Ullage seems strangely nonfunctional to me
<awang> Staging during a launch at around 60km and ~2000m/s, apparently propellant remains "very stable" for at least 10 seconds
<awang> After burnout
<awang> lamont: Is PEG supposed to try to go to a heading of ~135 when trying to launch into the plane of the Moon from the Cape?
<awang> Seems to try to go to 135 degrees, then gradually move towards 90
<awang> But can't turn as fast as it wants due to limiting AoA
<awang> Also, do you think that it would make sense to have booster pitch rate be calculated from liftoff TWR?
<awang> Or liftoff TWR + first stage burn time
<awang> Or some other combination of factors
<awang> Also, is it just me or did MJ stop compensating for engine spool up time?
<awang> It definitely worked at some point
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<awang> lamont: More correctly, seems PEG wants to go to a heading of ~150 first
<awang> Gradually decreases during the flight though
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<awang> Hmmm
<awang> Something appears to be sucking all my electric charge up instantly
<awang> 5000+ EC gone before physics loads
<awang> Anyone here familiar with the proc avionics code?
<awang> Got a fun bug I'd like to track down
<Qboid> [#793] title: Changing proc avionics tech level changes tech level for *all* proc avionics parts | I have a rocket with two proc avionics parts, both set to the "upper stage" type. The one corresponding to the TLI stage should stay on the `avionicsPrototypes` tech level, since its stage is only ~1.5t and the `avionicsPrototypes` tech level has a minimum avionics mass of 3t compared to the mini
<Qboid> mum of 5t for the `earlyAvionics` tech level. This allows the `avionicsPrototypes` part to be smaller and lighter.... |
<awang> Also, I'd really love it if proc avionics had lower min supported masses
<soundnfury> awang: eh, it's already possible to build some ridiculously light probes compared to historical analogues
<soundnfury> and, I think I've also seen the bugs you report; the other one is really annoying when trying to test a vehicle in Sandbox
<awang> Oh, really?
<awang> Guess I need to learn more about historical probes then
<awang> Yay, glad to hear I didn't break something
<awang> Is the "other one" the reseting to most modern?
<awang> s/reseting to most modern/"resetting to most modern" issue/
<Qboid> awang meant to say: Is the "other one" the "resetting to most modern" issue?
<awang> I'm doing way more dev these days than actual playing...
<awang> It's play for a few minutes, notice something annoying, go bug hunting, repeat
<soundnfury> yes, that's the 'other one' I meant
<soundnfury> for historical probes: just comparing to the Ranger cores is instructive
<soundnfury> e.g. my early Venus & Mars probes tend to be much lighter than Mariner ≤ 4
<awang> How much lighter?
<awang> Sorry, haven't progressed that far, so I don't have a point of reference
* soundnfury shrugs
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<soundnfury> awang: while you're being spectacularly industrious: the Tree/RFTechLevels.cfg looks wrong, the PARTUPGRADE for RCS TL2 isn't in the tech that actually unlocks it
<soundnfury> (idk which one is correct)
<awang> soundnfury: Could you explain a bit more? I don't get it
<soundnfury> awang: line 31 of GameData/RP0/Tree/RFTechLevels.cfg reads "%TLTECH2 = earlyDocking"
<soundnfury> whereas line 144 has "techRequired = improvedFlightControl"
<awang> Ohhh
<awang> I missed line 31, saw line 144
<awang> Wondering what was wrong
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<awang> Hmmm
<awang> Does RP-0 really need to get all proc avionics configs every frame/tick/whatever?
<awang> It spams the log like nothing else
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<QuantumSwag> Hi
QuantumSwag is now known as QuantumFalcon
<QuantumFalcon> .nextlaunch
<Bornholio> o/
<Qboid> Bornholio: awang left a message for you in #RO [19.11.2017 14:31:35]: "idk if Physics.gravity is right, since it's a Vector3 and g should be a scalar."
<Qboid> Bornholio: awang left a message for you in #RO [19.11.2017 14:32:30]: "I'd imagine that it'd be a KSP-specific thing, since Unity in general wouldn't deal with surface gravity"
<Qboid> Bornholio: awang left a message for you in #RO [19.11.2017 14:32:36]: "Or so I think"
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<xShadowx> isnt gravity vector3 to denote direction, and g_force the amount? (havent toyed that area for like 2 yr ;x )
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<awang> xShadowx: I have no clue
<awang> Would that even work in the VAB?
<xShadowx> i wouldnt think so o.o