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<Maxsimal> o/
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<TaggedYa> Anybody home?
<Maxsimal> hi
<TaggedYa> Hi was feeling lonly in here :-)
<TaggedYa> do you know if astronaut training is RO or RP-0 or something else
<Maxsimal> There is astronaut training in the dev version of RP0 now
<Maxsimal> And yeah it's quiet here, hopefully it'll get busy again when NK's back from his hiatus
<TaggedYa> I am using dev. I am having issues with training. I want to look into it but would like to know what code it is in
<Maxsimal> Yup, dev code then, you can probably track it down from NK's checkins 3-4 months ago or so.
<TaggedYa> Tks
<Maxsimal> No worries.
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<Bornholio> TaggedYa also look at the wki for the links to the dlls that are needed and perhaps then back to their source
<TaggedYa> Bornholio thanks. I am going through the commits right now with no luck back to august
<taniwha> I'd go back as far as June or July
<taniwha> I seem to remember talk about training around that time
<Maxsimal> yeah maybe it's been longer than I thought
<Bornholio> mid august in my brain
<TaggedYa> hi guys. had to real life for a while :-(
<TaggedYa> I am back to early aug with no joy but may not have seen it. I think I need the original comit to find the problem
<TaggedYa> all I have so far are config changes
<TaggedYa> AFK
<Bornholio> ec429 did the rp-0 ui commits and about aug 14ish most of the current stuff training happened
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<TaggedYa> And we have a winner. Aug 14 NK commit led me to the right code. Now to find the problem. Thanks one and all
<Maxsimal> What's the problem anyway tagged?
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<TaggedYa> I have pushed a game to manned flight. I trained a pilot for X1 proficency, then for a mission.
<TaggedYa> I flew the mission. He went on leave for a while. He came back. When I try to train him for the next mission he isn't selectable.
<TaggedYa> He can be selected for proficency refresher trainin. When that compleats he is no longer proficent.
<TaggedYa> I repeated with a second pilot, same result.
<TaggedYa> I think they are not being marked as avalable for mission training when they come off leave.
<TaggedYa> I just checked the persistent file and they are both marked as state = Available
<TaggedYa> AFK
<Maxsimal> Tagged: Odd, yeah I've heard something similar. I haven't tested manned flight in dev, besides costing issues
<TaggedYa> I will bash at it some more tommorow. I think I will edit the pfile to make them green again and then watch every step in the logs and save.
<TaggedYa> Later and thanks for the help
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<Bornholio> lamont : HUG!
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<lamont> lol
<lamont> bornholio: did you give me this peg-test ariane craft?
<Bornholio> no sir. but firing up for the first time in a while just for peg testing
<lamont> ‘k that was one that failed on the version of PEG merged to MJ right now, but has been flying just fine on the new stuff
<Bornholio> snaity check. is the last linked peg 1.2.2 or else
<Bornholio> sanity
<lamont> 1.2.2
<Bornholio> what does it take to tune the gain?
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<lamont> gain is just the factor that vmiss is multiplied by
<lamont> its just a double value used in one place in the corrector, exposing it would be reasonably trivial
<lamont> (teaching people what it means to touch it… probably much harder...)
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