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<github> [RP-0] ctiberious opened pull request #783: Fix NewCrewStations.cfg (master...patch-38)
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<awang> Does wing dihedral affect what angle of attack a plane flies at during cruise?
<awang> Also, would winglets/raked wingtips/etc. have any effect with FAR?
<awang> If it's even worth it beyond asthetic purposes?
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<ProjectThoth> awang: The cooler it looks, the faster it goes.
<soundnfury> awang: I think dihedral slightly reduces effective area, which increases the effective t/c without (for a delta) changing the leading-edge sweep. Which is complicated.
<awang> ProjectThoth: Hmmm... Wonder if anyone has made an "Awesome flames" texture pack for proc parts
<awang> soundnfury: t/c?
<soundnfury> sorry, I meant aspect ratio
<soundnfury> t/c is thickness/chord
<awang> I see
<schnobs> "Awesome Flames" being like "Gofasta Red +2"?
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<soundnfury> schnobs: the UK term is "go-faster stripes"
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