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<awang> What's the liftoff TWR for Vega?
<awang> Seemed like it might have been on the high side?
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<xShadowx> \o/
<xShadowx> now land, and make a colony, and not cut space funding ;p
<jclishman> xShadowx: bahaha
<jclishman> yeah i'll get right on that
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<lamont> MechJeb with Space-Shuttle PEG, proper yaw steering: https://github.com/lamont-granquist/MechJeb2/releases/tag/jaggers1
<Qboid> lamont: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<awang> lamont: Woah, what's this
<awang> How does it differ from PEG in MJ-dev?
<awang> Oh, btw, FAR changes got merged into MJ
<lamont> yaw steering and space-shuttle PEG, better convergence, should handle things like titan-2 better, targetting orbits below your lattitude works correct
<awang> So hopefully drag numbers make sense now
<lamont> ooooo
<lamont> i should pull that in
<awang> How was titan 2 not handled well by MJ-dev PEG?
<awang> Wait, PEG allows for targeting orbits below latitude?
<awang> How does that work?
<lamont> math magic does the jog south for you
<awang> Does it do something like a combined circularization + plane change?
<lamont> although in testing it, it looks like if you manually punch in an inclination below your latitude it doesn’t quite work correctly, or didn’t for me — but setting an actual orbit target and doing launch-into-plane-of-target works
<lamont> no
<lamont> PEG just targets end conditions and then figures out how far you are away from them and then integrates a trajectory (with an optimal steering law) and tries to reduce that delta to zero
<lamont> one of the end conditions is the tangent vector to the orbit you want to hit
<lamont> rebased to pull in your FAR fixes
<awang> \o/
<lamont> note that this is on 1.2.2 tho, you’ll probably have to build a 1.3.x
<awang> I'm on 1.3.1 though, so I'm going to need to recompile anyways
<awang> Dangit
<awang> ninja'd
<lamont> right
<lamont> =)
<lamont> !tell NathanKell or with awang’s FAR drag fixes+such as well: https://github.com/lamont-granquist/MechJeb2/releases/tag/jaggers2
<Qboid> lamont: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<lamont> okay i think i’m done for the night
<awang> idk if the FAR drag things actually do anything besides provide correct drag readings, to be honest
<awang> \o
<lamont> yes, but having that be zero has annoyed me to no extent, because its so close to being useful data
<awang> Glad I could help with that at least then
<awang> Hmmm
<awang> lamont: Are ConicStateUtils and MechJebModulePEGController the only new files?
<lamont> yes
<lamont> shit i was gonna stop playing but now i need to do a launch to see the drag numbers
<awang> :P
<awang> im in ur head stealing ur sleep
<lamont> nah not yet
<lamont> its only 11pm
<lamont> but i was gonna wind down and watch some nu-nu-trek
<awang> Ah, you're on the west coast?
<awang> 2 AM here
<lamont> yeah i’m another seattleite
<lamont> oh there we go 0.1 m/s of loss
<lamont> and climbing, rather rapidly now
<lamont> Drag Loss: NaN m/s <— awang
<lamont> as soon as i went exoatmospheric
<awang> Uhhh
<awang> Oh, I can guess why that's happening
<lamont> i thik it was about 43 at that point though and the numbers add up nearly perfectly
<lamont> 7796.5 - 400 + 818.1 + 848.6 + 43 = 9106.2 which is very close to 9103.3 expended
<awang> Probably FARAPI.CalculateVesselAeroForces returns NaN when out of atmo, whereas stock aero gives 0
<awang> Or something along those lines
<awang> I'll take a look at the FAR source code
<lamont> yeah it may just expect you don’t poke it at all out of the atmosphere… ‘cuz...
<awang> Glad to hear that things seem to be working tough
<lamont> also validates i wasn’t smoking crack about the steering losses either
<awang> Hmmm
<awang> Looks like FAR returns Vector3.zero if pressure, temperature, atmospheric density, or speed of sound is not positive
<awang> So it should return a zero vector for out-of-atmo
<awang> Interesting
<awang> lamont: I'm not seeing NaN?
<awang> Just took a Kerbal X and went straight up
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<lamont> dunno
<lamont> RSS?
<Qboid> lamont: [RSS] => Real Solar System
<lamont> i’m on a RSS/RO install
<awang> FAR, MJ, and RSS
<awang> No RO, since I just went to the earliest point in my git history that had both MJ and FAR
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