<awang> soundnfury: That's a good point
<awang> Forgot about tanks + fuel
<awang> I'll need to check again
<awang> The impression I had was that they were stupidly expensive
<awang> But I didn't look into it too far
<awang> lamont: Is vmiss gain supposed to be 1.0 now?
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<awang> lamont: Does PEG require an explicit coast input? Or should PEG still work if I were to just wait before manually igniting the second stage?
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<awang> lamont: Is there a way to specify LAN or argument of periapsis to PEG?
<lamont> yeah vmiss is 1.0 now. peg will continuously update during the coast phase as it coasts, and will then takeover when you stop coasting. that isn’t the same as having peg calculate a burn-coast-burn though. and peg itself supports targetting the LAN. getting argp and orientation of the periapsis and apoapsis is harder, particularly without burn-coast-burn. and again the problem is that peg does not optimize the coast — NASA does that
<lamont> with other tools.
<awang> Might want to change MechJebModulePEGController.cs:499 then
<awang> It clamps vmiss to [0.01, 0.99], so 1.0 gets overwritten
<awang> Coasting sounds hard
<awang> I was wondering because I tried launching to a 350km x 700km orbit at 97 degrees inclination
<awang> And after first stage burnout I watched the PEG predicted dv for the second burn until it stopped going down
<awang> Then activated the second stage
<awang> Ended up in a ~250km x 560km orbit at 96.5 degrees inclination, though
<awang> So was wondering if the coast screwed something up
<awang> Tried again without the coast, and ended up with something much closer
<awang> *closer to target
<awang> Don't remember exactly what though
<awang> And can't check now because random characters are missing from the MJ display
<awang> Not a MJ bug
<lamont> yeah PEG needs to know about the coast
<lamont> if you don’t tell PEG about the coast, then you’re kind of lying to it, and the prediction side of the predictor-corrector will be off
<awang> Ah
<awang> Fair enough
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<Sarbian> Last MJ dev should handle staging of tanks that had some boiloff better
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<Theysen> o/
<Theysen> anyone knows why GitHub downloads got so painfully slow for me? It seems files are hosted on AWS servers and my download speed from those is ~ 135kb/s where every download is at the usual 15mb/s. Any clues?
<Theysen> * every other
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<Sarbian> IPv6 ?
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<Theysen> Is activated yes
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<Theysen_> could it be something to do with DS Lite or something? I'm on cable since 3 months or so but in the beginning it worked like a charm, not anymore since ~3 weeks
<Theysen_> asked my provider but that was a dead end as usual
<Sarbian> Try without it. I had speed problem over IPv6 with some operators
<Theysen_> disabeld it in the adapter settings but still the same, goes to 2MB and then drops back after 2 seconds.. annoying issue. thanks though
<Sarbian> :(
<Sarbian> It seems I fixed MJ landing prediction :)
<Theysen_> oh thanks again for that history settings for MJ
<Theysen_> Nice
<Theysen_> saw that BFR dude and his video?
<Sarbian> I did not
<Theysen_> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pxd0Rzeo98E seems it worked wonders for him even in RSS and RO :)
<Sarbian> It s nice to see it working for a change :)
<Bornholio> .cheers
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<Bornholio> engine fanatics, https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/aeronautics-and-astronautics/16-50-introduction-to-propulsion-systems-spring-2012/index.htm has a reasonablly high level discussion that is useful for us engine phreaks
<Bornholio> they also have 16.512 Rocket Propulsion and .522 Space Propulsion courses open. Internal Flow in Turbo Machines for people like me getting too far into it is .540
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<Bornholio> they have great stuff, trying to get my state board to take them as full credit CU's for my license, muhahahah
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<awang> \o
<awang> Uh
<awang> That looks mildly problematic