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<Rokker> ferram4: mmmm, draggy
<Bornholio> fun
<Bornholio> i'm a mekanicum enjiner
<Bornholio> in the chair farce i wus old crow
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<SpecimenSpiff> o/
<SpecimenSpiff> Anyone around this fine evening?
<taniwha> I seem to be around this reasonable afternoon
<SpecimenSpiff> I finally got tired of the odd bug I was having with rockets all wanting to spin madly if I turned off sas, and Im assuming my isntall or save is borked
<SpecimenSpiff> So: new isntall, new career. Joy!
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<xShadowx> taniwha: evening! stop trying to spread your silly propoganda about the world being round!
<xShadowx> speaking of which, i can never find that squad post appologizing for the round earth deception
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<awang> ferram4: Displaying flux seemed like a good idea to me since it'd give some sort of context as to where the 1135 W/m^2 came from
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<awang> taniwha: For what it's worth, Debug.LogFormat does not appear to work in KRASH
<awang> I'll just stick with Log.Info
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<awang> Can anyone here answer a question about the proc parts codebase?
<awang> lamont: Thermal heating changes to MJ have been merged to dev
<awang> Er
<awang> Thermal heating for determining when to jettison fairings, that is
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<awang> Hmmm
<awang> How do I check for a particular PartModule without having the actual PartModule definition available?
<awang> For context, I'm trying to make KRASH assume that all toolings have been purchased when checking costs
<awang> So I'd like to iterate over all parts of a ship, check for ModuleTooling, and if ModuleTooling is present, check whether the tooling has been purchased and subtract the tooling cost if it has
<awang> Er, *has not
<Maxsimal> I've no idea but I hope you get that working, that'd be great
<awang> I actually have it working, but it's without reflection
<awang> So it requires that the RP-0 dll be there
<awang> Or at least I think I have it working
<awang> That build also disables TF during simulations
<Maxsimal> Cool. I'm working now but I'll drop it in later. Haven't been playing too much KSP lately tbh, kinda waiting for NK to come back and RP0 to start moving along again
<soundnfury> awang: don't have time to look at your PRs right now, but from the summaries I like what I see
<awang> soundnfury: That's fine, I'm not in a hurry
<awang> Let me know before you merge the PRs, though. I haven't added the recompiled DLLs to them, since they'd result in a merge conflict
<awang> So it's gotta be merge, rebase, recompile, push, repeat
<awang> Unless we can assume that anyone playing off of Developmental is willing to recompile themselves
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<awang> Hmmm
<awang> If someone were around that worked on the KSP codebase, would they be allowed to answer questions about it?
<awang> *cough* NathanKell *cough*
<awang> To make up for the woefully inadequate API documentation
<awang> ferram4: Would it be correct to say that the FARAPI VesselRefArea returns the "drag surface area"?
<awang> I'm trying to figure out if I screwed up the MJ/FAR integration by setting MJ's areaDrag variable to VesselRefArea
<awang> MJ describes areaDrag as "Product of the drag surface area, drag coefficient and the physics multipliers"
<awang> Seems I might have neglected to multiply what VesselRefArea returns by the drag coefficient and physics multipliers, unless FAR already takes those into account?
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<ferram4> awang, That is literally the vessel reference area for calculating the coefficients.
<ferram4> Multiplying that by Cd would give you drag area
<awang> Ah, ok
<awang> I screwed it up then
<awang> Thanks
<awang> lamont: don't merge MJ dev yet; got a FAR integration fix I just PR'd
<awang> !tell blowfish I found why I wasn't getting the new MM behavior. Turns out I was symlinking a MM build from the master branch, since the output dll moved
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<awang> Will PartModule.moduleName always match the name of the PartModule in code?
<awang> For example, if I have a class ModuleFoo that derives from PartModule
<awang> Will PartModule.moduleName for that module be "ModuleFoo"?
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<lamont> awang: my PEG implementation is a hot mess right now anyway
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