<xShadowx> \o/
<awang> Why in the world would "partName" be the field for the part type?
<awang> Naming things...
<taniwha> awang: because "name" is unity field
<taniwha> and because... legacy
<awang> Wouldn't "partType" be better?
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<awang> Hmmm
<awang> I have something like UnityEngine.GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect().Contains(UnityEngine.Event.current.mousePosition)
<awang> But it seems to alternate between true and false when the cursor is actually over the corresponding rect
<awang> Rect created by a button
<awang> Huh
<awang> The most recent rect appears to be alternating between the "real" one and some dummy one
<awang> One update: x: 4, y: 4, width: 475, height: 21
<awang> Next update: x: 0, y: 0, width: 1, height: 1
<awang> Then back to the first one
<awang> Any idea(s) why?
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<awang> Does the KSP console actually have any useful commands?
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<taniwha> awang: you need to check which OnGUI phase it is
<taniwha> awang: yeah, /vessels, /rendezvous :)
<taniwha> also, should be easy enough to add your own
<awang> taniwha: What is this OnGUI phase you're speaking of?
<taniwha> OnGUI is called several times per frame, once for layout, once for drawing and once for event handling (I think, might be more)
<taniwha> awang: I suggest reading the unity docks on immediate mode gui code
<awang> Working on it
<taniwha> as for console commands, there's one very useful one: /help
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SirKeplan is now known as SirKeplan|zzz
<awang> Ah, so they start with slash
<awang> That's what I was missing
<lamont> just got caught up and now i’ve got a craving for mochi
<taniwha> mochi's ok, I guess
<taniwha> xShadowx: it /is/ sweat, just not to diabetic levels :P
<awang> It's sweet
<awang> Just not American sweet
<taniwha> er, sweet
<awang> ewww
<awang> Sweat-flavored mochi
<taniwha> bah, two very difficult words
<taniwha> awang: might be ok if it's pocari sweat flavored mochi
<taniwha> (maybe)
<awang> TIL about Pocari Sweat
<awang> Sounds worse than it appears it would be
<taniwha> slightly bitter sweet. (overly sweet imo)
<awang> You've had it?
<taniwha> I have it during the summer when I'm feeling particularly affected by the heat
<awang> Also, sort of off-topic: Does KSP have a Stage class or anything like it?
<taniwha> (it's a "sports" drink)
<awang> Hmmm
<taniwha> dunno, but there's StagingManager
<awang> Doesn't seem to be available in the States, unfortunately
<awang> Or at least not easily
<taniwha> it's great for those times when sweat is literally dripping from my hands
<taniwha> (after running down my arms)
<taniwha> I prefer Green Dakara to Pocari Sweat, though
<taniwha> or even better, the fruit flavored Irohas water (has a bit of salt in it along with the fruit flavor (apple, orange or peach so far), and not much else)
<taniwha> oh, right, there's some yuzu? lemon? (don't remember, something yellow)
<awang> I'm so lost now :(
<taniwha> ?
<awang> Drinks I'm not familiar with
<awang> I just know Gatorade and Powerade
<taniwha> guess that's what you get living in a country where "international" means "Canada and maybe Mexico"
<taniwha> though all those drinks are native to Japan (and Japan isn't much better with it's idea of "international")
<awang> True
<awang> I'm not even sure where the nearest "specialty" store (for lack of a better phrase) is
<awang> Does KER still not really work with RO?
<taniwha> no idea
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<xShadowx> taniwha: nay not sweet, and dont even need much for me to sense sweet -.-
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<mdjseymour> hi all
<mdjseymour> where should I post stuff relating to RP-1 ?
<awang> mdjseymour: "Post stuff" meaning...?
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<blowfish> Reasons I use HyperEdit: 0% I can't actually do the mission, 100% I can do the mission but am too lazy to calculate the exact launch window
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<soundnfury> awang: KER works well enough for me, just one or two things not to trust it on ;)
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<Probus> Good Morning o/
<taniwha> hi, Probus
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<awang> soundnfury: What do you not use KER for?
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<awang> I remember reading somewhere that Custom Asteroids isn't compatible with the Kopernicus version of RSS
<awang> Or something like that
<awang> Is there any truth in that?
<awang> I can't seem to find the original claim, unfortunately
<xShadowx> awang: i seem to remember kopernicus makes asteroids now i think, so my bet would be redundancy conflict
<xShadowx> verify in #kopernicus
<awang> It does make asteroids, but idk if that means a conflict
<awang> Could be that they just both end up spawning asteroids, so you get even more than usual
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<awang> Oh hey, there's a 40th anniversary celebration for the Voyager missions this Thursday at my university
<awang> Exciting
<awang> And a Golden Record will be on exhibit!
<soundnfury> awang: KER can't show burn times / delta-V of a stage whose engines are currently running; it displays as 0 for some reason
<soundnfury> oh and it has the overcounting-kerbal-mass bug
<soundnfury> (though possibly only in the VAB)
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<soundnfury> other than that it's fine
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<soundnfury> that said, nowadays I use it mainly just for two things: Ap/Pe in HUD on vessel view, and quick'n'dirty delta-V estimation in the VAB
<soundnfury> (anything else I mostly get through konrad now)
<awang> soundnfury: That sounds like it could be problematic
<awang> I thought *everything* had the overcounting-kerbal-mass bug
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<awang> You should change your nick to soundnKONRAD
<awang> :P
<soundnfury> awang: hey, it's not my fault it does everything
<soundnfury> ... wait, it is
<awang> :P
<awang> Is there anything Konrad *can't* do?
<UmbralRaptor> Runge-Kutta methods.
<soundnfury> ^ true. Send patches.
<awang> Does it do RCS balancing?
<soundnfury> (it can't do multibody gravitation, because wtf is a simplex)
<soundnfury> uhhh, it doesn't know any of anything relevant to that, so no
<awang> :(
* soundnfury |zzz now
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<egg|zzz|egg> soundnfury, you don't *need* symplecticity for multibody gravitation, it's merely a nice property to have, but plenty of mission planning ephemerides are made with nonsymplectic methods (you need a decent integrator though)
<UmbralRaptor> Gradient descent integrator!
<UmbralRaptor> (okay, not really. Also I have a weird feeling that getting Konrad a better integrator would be harder than it looks?)
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<rsparkyc> o/
<rsparkyc> does Realism Overhaul work on 1.3.1?
<rsparkyc> :P
<awang> rsparkyc: Probably with some amount of recompiling, yes
<rsparkyc> maybe i should find more time and get around to doing that
<awang> I have it running on 1.3.0, at least
<rsparkyc> excellent!
<rsparkyc> stratochief, anyone make a new golden spreadsheet yet?
<awang> Should be PRs open for the things that haven't been updated to 1.3.0
<awang> Haven't tried 1.3.1 yet
<rsparkyc> i probably need to updated some of my mods soon...
<rsparkyc> i actually haven't opened up KSP in months
<rsparkyc> stupid real-life stuff
<awang> NathanKell and Pap are both in the same boat
<rsparkyc> NathanKell got hit with real life again?
<rsparkyc> i know he was out about 6 months ago
<awang> Yep
<rsparkyc> ugh, must be whatever he's doing a valve
<awang> He was out for maybe a month or two recently?
<rsparkyc> s/a valve/at valve
<Qboid> rsparkyc meant to say: ugh, must be whatever he's doing at valve
<awang> Showed up again maybe a week ago, but been MIA since then
<xShadowx> Pap died too?o;
<rsparkyc> last i heard Pap was making some real progress on the tech tree
<rsparkyc> but didn't he just have a kid?
<awang> Yep
<awang> Pretty much
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<xShadowx> thats what wives are for
* xShadowx ducks
<rsparkyc> haha
<Probus> Ha!
<xShadowx> im horrible ;p
<Pap> Woah, I just showed my wife. She says I'm not allowed to hang out with you guys anymore ;)
<Qboid> Pap: soundnfury left a message for you in #RO [07.10.2017 00:10:18]: "is the crewed orbit repeat contract meant to pay enough for the launch? 'cos it doesn't, now that man-rated rockets are expensive"
<xShadowx> :(
<xShadowx> sorry mrs pap i was kidding! o;
<Pap> rsparkyc: tech tree has been done for a while
<awang> HE LIVES
<rsparkyc> Pap: see, that's how long i've been gone
<xShadowx> see bad jokes revived him ;p
<Pap> Bornholio created a new golden spreadsheet
<awang> Wonder if that works with NathanKell
<Pap> Dunno how updated though
<rsparkyc> (but do a get a "Hey, welcome back!!!", nope)
<Pap> NK logged on a few days ago
<xShadowx> for 2 sec to say dont qboid him ;3
<Pap> Yay, rsparkyc is back!
<awang> Golden spreadsheet?
<rsparkyc> haha, thx pap
<rsparkyc> awang, i made a spreadsheet that got pretty popular back when we were trying to get RO/RP-0 to run on 1.2.2
<rsparkyc> it got nicknamed the golden spreadsheet
* xShadowx gives Pap a fresh home made pumpkin pie
<xShadowx> i been making a lot of pumpkin pie lately ;3
<rsparkyc> isn't that what a wife is for?
<rsparkyc> *also ducks*
<awang> rsparkyc: I see
<xShadowx> nah i avoided that trap ;p
<awang> Used for tracking what needs to be updated?
<rsparkyc> lol
<rsparkyc> awang: exactly
<Pap> rsparkyc needs to fix Procedural Avionics... (ducks)
<awang> Ah
<rsparkyc> Pap: for real
<rsparkyc> that was the old one
<awang> What's wrong with Proc Avionics now?
<rsparkyc> i think one of the big issues is i added a battery to it
<rsparkyc> and that throws off some calculations
<rsparkyc> really, i just need to make people add their own batteries
<awang> ...wut
<rsparkyc> that would be the easiest at least
<awang> How in the world does that break things
<Pap> awang: Balancing, cost, density and weight were all thrown off
<rsparkyc> yep
<rsparkyc> some people wanted the avionics core to take fuel too, which would be cool, but a PITA to implement
<Pap> awang: You have been the most involved with RO and RP-0 recently, correct?
<awang> Found the 1.3 golden spreadsheet
<rsparkyc> really the big issue is reducing part count
<awang> Pap: Ehhhhh, idk about that
<Pap> rsparkyc: I did something bad and added a bunch of science experiments to increase part count
<Pap> I am the Yang to your Yin
<rsparkyc> really, we all just need better computers
<rsparkyc> awang: someone totally stole the format to my spreadsheet for 1.3
<rsparkyc> i like it :)
<awang> Yes please
<awang> rsparkyc: That "someone" is Bornholio
<awang> Bornholio: You might want to duck :P
<rsparkyc> i'm not complaining
<rsparkyc> docker
<rsparkyc> ugh…wrong window
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<awang> rsparkyc: btw, what is "utilization" for proc avionics supposed to mean?
<awang> And what does going over 100% utilization do, if anything?
<rsparkyc> it's in the readme :)
<rsparkyc> i spend some time trying to describe it, let me find it for you
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<rsparkyc> basically: low utilization means the part is really cheap
<rsparkyc> but kinda heavy for what it can control
<rsparkyc> high utilization means that you're getting a very mass-efficient probe core
<rsparkyc> but the cost is 4x as much (at 200%) than normal (100%)
<rsparkyc> the battery kinda messed that up
<rsparkyc> but that's the short version
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<rsparkyc> but you can see the formulas I used in that link
<rsparkyc> on that note, i gotta run
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<awang> !tell rsparkyc Ahhh, I had no idea that info was hiding in the README. Thanks!
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<Bornholio> yeah sparkyc
<Bornholio> rsparkyc
<Bornholio> crum swing and a miss
<Bornholio> !tell rsparkyc thank you , yes that was me the theif if only I had time to do something about it
<Qboid> Bornholio: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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