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<soundnfury> mornin' awang
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<Probus> mornin' soundnfury
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<Rokker> more rocket engines should use solid propellant cartridges to spool up
<schnobs> why?
<Rokker> schnobs: because it's cool
<Rokker> schnobs: and it makes a cool sound
<Rokker> bwooooop
<Rokker> schnobs: BWOOOOP
<schnobs> Not sure if that sound necessarily comes with the method...
<Rokker> schnobs: except it does
<schnobs> *always*?
<TheKosmonaut> HIIA still the coolest sounding lifter on earth
<Rokker> schnobs: prolly
<Rokker> I don't see why not
<Rokker> most likely
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<schnobs> making an oldey timey rocket is hard.
<schnobs> Problem is the proprtions. Cockpit + crew module + a bit of cargo bay is already too long.
<schnobs> Toss in the necessary diameter adapters and it becomes a needle.
<schnobs> The LV can be easily made with proctanks. I'm only talking about he tactual spacecraft on top.
<soundnfury> Schnobs Will Conquer Space Soon!
<schnobs> trying to.
<schnobs> I'd really like to do that 50's mars mission.
<soundnfury> heh, you might find there is a bit too much Realism in RO for that to work xD
<schnobs> never mind RO. I'm happy enough if i can pull off a lookalike in stock.
<schnobs> (though frankly, what would prevent it from working in RO?)
<soundnfury> schnobs: I was under the impression that those designs were a bit... impractical
<schnobs> Nothing you couldn't fix with enough fuel
<schnobs> *cough*
<schnobs> Mars atmosphere could prove a real spoilsport, though.
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<awang> soundnfury: Sorry, opened up irssi, minimized it, and didn't open it up again until just about now
<awang> I was asleep for most of the time, too
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<blowfish> well, hell froze over and Squad is upgrading to 2017.1
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<Bornholio> lol, name the new plaent snowball
<awang> Unity upgrade already?
<awang> Just how much do new Unity versions tend to break things already?
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<schnobs> Not quite as I like it, but...
<schnobs> will that do?
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<blowfish> awang: not much as far as i can tell
<blowfish> but Squad has only done 1 unity upgrade so far