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<awang> How do I tell what version a SmokeScreen dll is?
<awang> Since SmokeScreen doesn't provide an AVC file
<blowfish> you can inspect the DLL in windows explorer
<blowfish> also KSP will print the versions in the log
<awang> On mac :(
<awang> But didn't know about the log
<awang> Hmmm, interesting
<awang> git says the dll is different
<awang> Versions match though
<blowfish> git? DLL isn't stored in the repo for SmokeScreen
<awang> Er
<awang> I have my KSP install in git
<awang> I replaced the SmokeScreen DLL I had installed with the version included with RaiderNick's deps zip
<awang> And git says that the SmokeScreen DLL has changed
<blowfish> oh, no idea what's packaged with RaiderNick's
<blowfish> should download from Jenkins probably
<awang> Now that's an idea
SirKeplan is now known as SirKeplan|ZZZ
<awang> ....Also, KSP's eating up nearly 19GB of RAM
<awang> That's a ton more than it used to take up
<Raidernick> 2.7.4
<Qboid> Raidernick: Theysen left a message for you in #RO [16.09.2017 10:52:06]: "I was playing around with USProbes and the TDRS in particular, I had an issue with the deployment of the thing, it has 3x "Activate" which toggles the animation but upon clicking it it gets stuck in an endless animation loop of deploy and retracting, in between there is a split second of "Extend Solar Panels" button which vanishes i
<Qboid> nstantly. Is that assumably a RT quirk?"
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<ProjectThoth> jclishman: Adorable!
<ProjectThoth> Where'd you get your engines from?
<jclishman> ProjectThoth: attempting to get 300kg comsast to 850x4500 35°
<ProjectThoth> Nice!
<jclishman> ProjectThoth: not sure
<ProjectThoth> I tried to go to the Moon today.
<jclishman> Lower stage is H-1, upper is RD-105
<jclishman> Satellite thruster is the 1Kn
<jclishman> ProjectThoth: Yeah that's where I stopped last time i did RO
<ProjectThoth> jclishman: Got stuck in orbit.
<ProjectThoth> This is my newest launcher, just a humble 10 tons to LEO.
<jclishman> YES IT WORKED \o/
<ProjectThoth> Upper stage is like a five-engine Centaur.
<ProjectThoth> jclishman: SWEET
<jclishman> > humble 10 tons
<jclishman> bitch u wot
<ProjectThoth> Well, I started with ~7 tons to LEO.
<jclishman> I think my highest is this thing, 0.3t
<ProjectThoth> This is the upgraded version of the 7 ton launcher, it's only able to do about 8.
<ProjectThoth> jclishman: You might find this interesting.
<jclishman> ProjectThoth: I've done several attempts at RSS/RO, havent gotten as far as lunar flyby yet
<ProjectThoth> My conclusions at the end are pretty wildly far off, because the way procedural tanks works results in rounding errors, but the idea's there somewhere.
<jclishman> ProjectThoth: thats more numbers than i know what to do with
<jclishman> thats stupidly cool though
<ProjectThoth> jclishman: Basically, the LV has a delta-v of 9.336 km/s, and the Hohmann transfer means that the true delta-v to orbit is about 9.274 km/s.
<jclishman> Hohmann transfer for.. orbit?
<ProjectThoth> jclishman: I assumed a Hohmann transfer between my target orbit and my actual orbit.
<jclishman> ah, ok
<ProjectThoth> I still have yet to nail the accuracy of the calculator, because it's currently predicting a 9.149 km/s delta-v for insertion, and I expended 9.274 km/s in getting the test vehicle to orbit.
<ProjectThoth> But an error of like 125 m/s isn't too bad, right?
<jclishman> yeah i'd say that's pretty good for an excel spreadsheet :P
<ProjectThoth> More tests are needed!
<ProjectThoth> But I think it works more than well enough to make something work in RO.
<ProjectThoth> I'm going to go double-check that, see if my guesses are somewhat close to right, because this could easily be a fluke.
<jclishman> man this game takes good screenshots
<ProjectThoth> It really does!
<jclishman> I can't wait until I get a new graphics card so that I can crank the settings
<jclishman> Also am I the only one who really likes the way communication relays look?
<ProjectThoth> Great news! The more stringently designed vehicle works!
<jclishman> woo
<jclishman> ProjectThoth: Do you do planes in RO, or just rockets
<jclishman> I really don't like them
<ProjectThoth> Just rockets.
<jclishman> I don't know what to do with these X-Planes contracts
<jclishman> the runway is glitchy af
<Hohman> mosey on over to the literal ocean of grass next to it?
<jclishman> I'll land a kerbal on Triton and there'd still be "X-Planes (Supersonic)" in my available contracts list
<jclishman> Hohman: even that's not perfect
<ProjectThoth> When's the best time to do a lunar launch?
<jclishman> at night, so it doesn't see you coming
<ProjectThoth> lmao
<jclishman> serious answer: I wait on the pad, and timewarp until "relative inclination" is close to 0°
<ProjectThoth> Relative inclination?
<ProjectThoth> Is that one of the characteristics that comes up when you set the Moon as a target?
<jclishman> should do
<jclishman> it's buried somewhere in mechjeb
<ProjectThoth> Off we go again...
<jclishman> is that a lander
<jclishman> I really wished ksp supported multi monitors
<jclishman> would be great to have all the windows on my other screen
<ProjectThoth> Well, hopefully, it'll land...
<Rokker> ProjectThoth: are you playing with RP-0
<ProjectThoth> Deorbit burn initiated...
<ProjectThoth> Sandboxing for now.
<Rokker> LOSER
<Rokker> <3
<ProjectThoth> Nuts, out of gas.
<jclishman> ProjectThoth: like, RCS gas?
<ProjectThoth> jclishman: Landing gas.
<jclishman> what landing engine are you using
<ProjectThoth> The Gemini lander one.
<jclishman> neat
<ProjectThoth> Got pretty close!
<jclishman> how close is pretty close
<ProjectThoth> Within about 200 m/s of velocity and about a 1000 meters above the surface.
<jclishman> nice!
<jclishman> better than I've ever done
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<jclishman> What does "Descent Mode" on capsules do?
<ProjectThoth> Take three, not interactive...
<jclishman> quick question
<jclishman> how much Δv should i bring to deorbit from LEO
<jclishman> is 110m/s too much?
<jclishman> not enough?
<ProjectThoth> 110 sounds about right.
<jclishman> ty
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<SpecimenSpiff> jclsihman, descent mode moves the center of gravity of the capsule, so that it angles more like a lifting body
<SpecimenSpiff> it then kind of "flies" a bit, staying in the higher atmosphere longer
<SpecimenSpiff> assuming you're not using rcs to fight it, of course
<jclishman> ah, thanks!
<jclishman> also nice username
<SpecimenSpiff> thx
<SpecimenSpiff> result of using descent mode is usually that you have less g's, lower peak temperature, but you burn longer and use more ablator
<SpecimenSpiff> so keep that in mind
<jclishman> noted
<jclishman> First attempt (this run) at putting a man in orbit
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<ProjectThoth> jclishman: Nice!
<jclishman> forgot to pressurize second stage >_>
<jclishman> mad to abort
<jclishman> *had
<awang> ...When did Texture Replacer replace the KSP logo on the starting screen?
<jclishman> and, now that it's pressurized, not enough fuel
<awang> s/replace/start replacing
<jclishman> fak.
<Qboid> awang meant to say: ...When did Texture start replacingr replace the KSP logo on the starting screen?
<awang> Dangit Qboid
<awang> I thought you were case-sensitive
<ProjectThoth> jclishman: You know, I've got a spreadsheet that might help you...
<jclishman> ProjectThoth: haha
<ProjectThoth> Got another LV on the drawing boards that should be interesting. Projected to be 30 tons to LEO, liftoff weight is in the 800 ton raenge.
<ProjectThoth> *range
<jclishman> is 4 AJ-10s on an upper stage excessive
<ProjectThoth> (why? because i'm sick of running out of propellant to go to the mun)
<ProjectThoth> *moon
<ProjectThoth> jclishman: Check ur twrs
<jclishman> ProjectThoth: still not enough >_<
<ProjectThoth> Kerelox not an option?
<jclishman> for other engines? yeah'
<ProjectThoth> What's your payload?
<ProjectThoth> In tons.
<jclishman> 2.100Mg
<ProjectThoth> Hmm.
<ProjectThoth> Do you have NK-33s yet?
<jclishman> nope
<ProjectThoth> Failing that, I'm gonna suggest stretching your first stage.
<jclishman> maybe i just don't have the tech?
<jclishman> I've got both Staged Combustion and Mature Orbital Rokketry, that should be enough
<ProjectThoth> Hm.
<ProjectThoth> I stick with "S1 stretch."
<jclishman> i'll try that
<jclishman> why does mechjeb suck so much at launching in RSS
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<ProjectThoth> jclishman: I just fly by hand.
<jclishman> ProjectThoth: yeah i try to too, its just finnicky
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<BadRocketsCo> Howdy
<BadRocketsCo> Is the upgrade speed of a building related to the RnD rate or the rocket build rate?
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<Maxsimal> !tell BadRocketsCo: Looks like noone answered you - upgrade speed of buildings is directly proportional to build rate of all VAB lines + build rate of all SPH lines
<Qboid> Maxsimal: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<awang> Is there anything like a memory profiler for KSP?
<HebaruSan> Kind of:
<awang> Hmmm
<awang> It just tells me how much memory is being used, right?
<awang> Not what the contents of that memory is?
<HebaruSan> Right, there's no way that I know of to identify which mod is using RAM
<awang> :(
<awang> Does anyone know if memory consumption has changed between 1.2.2 and 1.3.0?
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<lamont> objects don’t have any association to modules. objects don’t have any explicit concept of ownership at all. just some objects point at other objects. that makes ‘what module is using RAM’ a complicated question to answer. it gets worse when you consider memory pressure where stuff like slinq creates tons of garbage and pressure but via piles of transient objects.
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<awang> lamont: Good point
<lamont> debugging memory on shared-heap languages (ruby, C#, java, etc) is annoying in general
<awang> Wait, aren't heap profilers a thing?
<lamont> yeah, typically those just dump out a count of how many instances there are of classes that are live and how much memory they use
<lamont> so if its all MechJebModuleBlahDeBlah then you’d know it was mechjeb, but most likely you’re going to see a ton of Part and List<Part> and such
<awang> That'd at least help, right?
<awang> I assume there's nothing like VisualVM for mono?
<lamont> there might be memory profilers that would do a “partial mark and sweep” starting from a set of classes, but that’s also likely problematic if KSP classes (like parts) have pointers to other memory structures in which case every module would also mark most of KSP, but IDK, just speculating…
<lamont> and no that wouldn’t help
<lamont> “there’s a billion Parts… okay… now what…"
<lamont> doesn’t tell you which mod is abusing the crap out of linq to walk the part tree a hundred times a tick
<awang> I thought LINQ was more or less removed?
<awang> Unless that was only from KSP itself, not mods
<lamont> from ksp itself
<lamont> RT still uses piles of linq
<awang> Ah
<Rokker> Bornholio: oi
<Rokker> Bornholio: oi, plane man
<HebaruSan> Is there an issue filed on RT's Github repo for Linq abuse? It would be nice to have some form of tracking for it if it's a known problem...
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<lamont> no idea
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<Maxsimal> o/
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* Rokker squints at google image search
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<wb99999999> oh hey rokker
<Rokker> wb99999999: o/
<Rokker> wb99999999: how are you
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<wb99999999> college so ya know it
<wb99999999> I started reading the ULA manual for Atlas V
<wb99999999> hoping to fing something interesting
<wb99999999> can't say it's wrong
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<awang> I may have figured out a way to reliably crash my computer
<awang> Step 1: Start KSP
<awang> Step 2: Quit KSP
<awang> Step 3: Crash!
<wb99999999> insert more RAM here
<Rokker> "Air Force responds to claim fighter jets killed toddler's pony"
<awang> For once, more RAM may actually help
* Rokker squints and stares at headline
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<wb99999999> this internet this crap
<HebaruSan> Is ".SelectMany(l => l)" just a no-op?
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<awang> wb99999999: What college are you at that has terrible internet?
<wb99999999> some local college in Vancouver
<wb99999999> really not worth metioning
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<wb99999999> so what does it mean when they say "alpha-biased" steering?
<wb99999999> (it refers to the initial phase of the Atlas V ascnet)
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<wb99999999> geez i hate this...
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<awang> What RP-0-specific changes were made to RF?
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<Starwaster> hey folks
<jclishman> whats a good TWR for an upper stage
<jclishman> 0.7?
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<soundnfury> jclishman: depends on context
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<soundnfury> combination of "how close to orbit does the first stage get" (i.e. 'effective g' during the upper-stage burn), "how far beyond orbit does the upper stage have to go", and maybe-relatedly upper-stage Isp
<soundnfury> so Vanguard has an Able starting at TWR > 1 and then a >>1 solid kick stage, whereas some modern hydrolox uppers start at <0.3.
<awang> Who says that only ion engines get 20+ minute burns? :P
<soundnfury> awang: ion engines get 20+ _week_ burns :P
<awang> soundnfury: Meh, close enough
<awang> Just a few seconds' difference with timewarp
<jclishman> soundnfury: thanks!
<jclishman> soundnfury: So, for example if I was trying to do a lunar transfer burn, higher TWR would be recommend
<soundnfury> uhh, no
<soundnfury> once you're in orbit, you can take longer over things
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<soundnfury> also: the further you want to go (in dV terms), the less engine mass you can afford to lug around, which pushes you to a lower optimum TWR
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<soundnfury> so for instance if you're launching Surveyor on an Atlas-Centaur, the Centaur can start out at a pretty low TWR, because it's circularising from nearly-orbit (Atlas being 1.5 stages rather than just 1)
<soundnfury> and that gives you the low dry mass you need to get a goodly amount of dV left for the TLI burn
<soundnfury> (which will, being the tail-end of the stage, naturally get higher TWR anyway)
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<jclishman> soundnfury: thank you!
<jclishman> i didn't know these things
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<Rokker> jclishman: wait, whats that mod
<jclishman> Rokker: which mod
<Rokker> jclishman: reentry effects
<jclishman> !g KSP RSS RO Reentry Particle Effect mod
<Qboid> jclishman: [[1.3] Reentry Particle Effect 1.1] (80 results found, took 0.54s)
<jclishman> Rokker: ^
<ProjectThoth> jclishman: Can you link the screenshot again?
<ProjectThoth> Woah!
<jclishman> how cool is that first one
<ProjectThoth> That's so cool.
<jclishman> also i'm reentering again now with 0 electric charge
<jclishman> pls dont die
<ProjectThoth> rip
<jclishman> CALCULATED
<ProjectThoth> noice!
<ProjectThoth> I'm gonna try and build the Excel II.
<jclishman> (not calculated at all)
<jclishman> dumb luck
<jclishman> russell taking 15G like a champ
<jclishman> christ, now i have a contract for first rendezvous
<jclishman> How do I do a direct lunar launch?
<ProjectThoth> nasa_irl
<jclishman> ProjectThoth: well, the launcher I built for manned missions conveniently has enough dV to throw something on a lunar flyby
<jclishman> but my upper stage only has one ignition
<UmbralRaptor> Uh
<UmbralRaptor> NASA generally does parking orbits, so…
<ProjectThoth> jclishman: Aim right for the Moon?
<jclishman> ProjectThoth: ?
<UmbralRaptor> Expect something silly like a 700 s burn?
<Rokker> jclishman: jeez man
<jclishman> Rokker: what
<Rokker> jclishman: from the cape?
<jclishman> Rokker: correct
<Rokker> jclishman: well, you are gonna wanna wait until the moon is... jeez idk, half way around the planet AND cape canaveral is directly below the path?
<Rokker> something like that
<jclishman> i know to wait until relative inc is 0
<jclishman> Rokker: what do you mean by "the path"
<Rokker> the path of the moon
<jclishman> which means....
<Rokker> relative inclination is 0
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<awang> Wait, does the relative inclination actually reach 0?
<Rokker> jclishman: since both the moon and cape canaveral are at 28.something degrees
<jclishman> awang: close enough to it
<awang> It oscillated between ~10 and ~45 degrees last time I checked
<Rokker> awang: close enough
<jclishman> i think it gets down to like 0.4
<awang> o_O
<awang> The heck
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<awang> Wonder what I'm messing up then
<Rokker> awang: not a clue
<UmbralRaptor> Nutation or something?
<Rokker> wheeeeee
<Rokker> and this is why russia chose a shitty place to try to launch to
<jclishman> okay
<jclishman> rocket, with 300kg payload
<Rokker> jclishman: how much wiggle room do you have in RCS
<jclishman> on the payload?
<jclishman> there's no rcs
<Rokker> ...
<ProjectThoth> Excel II has been certified for a payload of 18,980 kg to LEO.
<jclishman> i filled all available mass with battery so that it wouldnt die
<UmbralRaptor> This mission has terrifying margins.
<Rokker> jclishman: so ur just going for a single upper stage burn, hoping that you can get the flyby right the first time
<jclishman> Rokker: thats the plan
<jclishman> I just want to know how to do it
<jclishman> i can try and replace 50kg of battery with rcs
<ProjectThoth> UmbralRaptor: It's like Ryanair Space Program.
<Rokker> jclishman: and figure out how many m/s that would give you
<jclishman> stupid q: do tanks for RCS fuel need to be highly pressurized?
<Rokker> yes
<jclishman> ty
<Rokker> well
<Rokker> depends
<Rokker> nitrous oxide dont iirc
<UmbralRaptor> RCS is usually pressure fed IIRC.
<Rokker> UmbralRaptor: for the most part
<Rokker> but some dont
<Rokker> dont need to be