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<Starwaster> ferram4 MJ has a default limit of 5% of its maximum rotational rate - something that probably shouldn't apply in atmo. Also I don't think it properly accounts for accumulated errors when checking if it needs to limit its rotation. (might be wrong on that but that's how it feels to me)
<Starwaster> regex ^^^^ I suggest you up the limit when launching your rocket. Give that a try
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<chatz> Hey - I'd like to play around with rp-1 are there any docs on how to build from source?
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<jclishman> Is there any difference between the Flyby finder tool and the transfer window planner mod?
<jclishman> both work, right?
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<blowfish> well, it's June 1 1963 and I achieved orbit with the Sputnik core
<blowfish> still room for improvement but not too bad
<blowfish> awang: you're right that upgrading the launch pad takes about 3 years at lower build rates. I had to take the first orbit contract and sink a bunch of upgrades into the VAB to get it where I wanted.
<blowfish> okay, crazy idea
<blowfish> I don't think I can get the SSO or solar satellite contracts with this LV/probe, and still more than a year before I unlock lighter probes
<blowfish> this LV is redsone based, I can strap a couple of A-4 boosters to it to add delta-v/reduce drag losses
<blowfish> should I do it?
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<blowfish> I think imma do it
<blowfish> damn, the boosters add 900 m/s in addition to increasing liftoff TWR substantially
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<wb99999999> parallel staging is good
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<blowfish> okay, interesting
<blowfish> I can do the solar contract with my smaller LV, but not the SSO contract (testing in sandbox)
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<blowfish> 300km and polar is a tall order
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<blowfish> heh, managed to avoid any failures until going to polar orbit
<jclishman> hey ProjectThoth o/
<ProjectThoth> Hey, jclishman!
<ProjectThoth> I saw Kingsmen 2.
<jclishman> how was it
<jclishman> ProjectThoth: so, i'm trying my first rendezvous
<ProjectThoth> It was pretty sweet.
<jclishman> any tips for matching inclination and stuff?
<ProjectThoth> Read Buzz Aldrin's paper.
<jclishman> no but really
<awang> chatz: You mean on KSP 1.3?
<awang> You shouldn't need to build from source with 1.2.2
<jclishman> ProjectThoth: o shit i did it
<ProjectThoth> yay!
<jclishman> that was easier than I thought it would be
<awang> jclishman: From what I understand, the transfer window planner (and those built into KAC/MJ) are just for transfers from one body to another
<awang> Flyby finder is for more complex missions involving visiting multiple bodies
<awang> Like if you want gravity assists
<jclishman> right, right
<awang> Assuming I'm thinking of the same flyby finder tool
<awang> The Matlab-based one?
<awang> blowfish: Nice! What was your LV?
<awang> And that'd explain why I had to wait so long for the launch pad... Guess I shouldn't dump everything into R&D any more
<ProjectThoth> jclishman: Oh, I made a parachute for the RU rocket.
<ProjectThoth> Square meter in area, cruciform. Worked like a charm.
<awang> egg|zzz|egg: Is there a good way to plan multi-year missions involving multiple gravity assists in Principia without using an external tool?
<awang> I'd assume that the flight planner would time out well before getting to the later parts of the trajectories
<ProjectThoth> jclishman: Nice!
<ProjectThoth> Anyway, I'm off to sleepland. \o
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<blowfish> awang: Redstone -> 5x AJ10-27 -> 1x AJ10-27
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<blowfish> 3rd stage is unguided
<riocrokite> I wonder if this concept is viable in RL
<riocrokite> basically nose = air intake for engines thus nosecone and engines have almost no drag
<riocrokite> the drawbacks I can think off is increased mass and complexity compared to standard design
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<wb99999999> hello
<blowfish> yo
<wb99999999> I was thinking on the bus that a R-7 based booster paired with a Centaur would be a dream combo for interplanetary missions
<regex> You want the bottom two thirds of an R-7 with a Centaur plopped on top...
<regex> Block I is roughly the same mass, would probably work. Throw a Fregat on top and you've got a plan.
<regex> Huh, Centaur is actually a bit lighter.
<wb99999999> The worry is on stability
<wb99999999> R7 needed fins
<wb99999999> now you made it even more tail-heavy
<regex> Only by a bit. Plus, the payload would increase.
<regex> Naturally you'd have to adapt the airframe but Blok-A is almost the right size already, so you're slightly shortening it.
<blowfish> bbl
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<regex> So just some back-of-napkin, replacing Blok-I with an SEC can either give you 2.2 more tons of payload with 630m/s or the same payload with @1280m/s, assuming Soyuz-FG with 6,900kg payload.
<regex> Of course, SEC has one third the thrust of Blok-I so you'd have to change the launch profile. DEC is probably better.
<regex> in which case payload gain is about 2 tons with 630m/s or 1200m/s more.
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<wb99999999> what about...DEC with a kick motor, for planetary flyby/landers?
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<regex> Just incluse it as part of the payload.
<regex> Also, those stats came from Soyuz-FG, if you use Soyuz-2.1b You lose delta-V if you up the payload.
<regex> but the gains for SEC/DEC are about the same if you stick with 8.2 tons to LEO.
<regex> maybe a handful of m/s less.
<regex> It's an interesting thought experiment but Blok-I with an RD-0124 is a fantastic second stage to begin with. Even with the RD-0110 it's pretty competitive.
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<wb99999999> my original thought is to stick the centaur ON TOP of the block I
<wb99999999> but that might be a bit too heavy
<regex> Way too heavy. I doubt the rocket would get off the pad.
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<Kiwivogel> Is AF-M315E in realfuels yet?
<Kiwivogel> never mind, I guess not 'snot in the config anyway
<regex> Need to add it to CRP
<Kiwivogel> 's not properly tested anyway (in space that is) first craft to test it is going up on the second falcon heavy flight
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<regex> *second Falcon Heavy, is that going to be four months after the first one? HAHAHA
<regex> lolchrist, no need to add it to CRP it'll never fly
<soundnfury> regex: what makes you think so?
<regex> It's scheduled for a Falcon Heavy launch.
<soundnfury> regex: just because FH is eleventy years late doesn't mean it won't fly
<regex> Oh sure, but by the time it does KSP will be defunct and CRP will be the fuirthest thing from our mind. We'll be playing some new space sim what is light years better than KSP.
<soundnfury> regex: uh, FH has an actual date with a launchpad and it's only about five weeks away. We are no longer in "perpetually six months away" territory
<soundnfury> or to put it another way: Falcon Heavy is no longer Nuclear Fusion
<regex> I'll believe it when it leaves the pad. In the meantime I reserve the rights to mercilessly joke about it.
<awang> What exactly has been holding up Falcon Heavy so long?
<soundnfury> awang: F9 kept stretching and eating its market
<regex> No one needs a "kind of superheavy" LV.
<soundnfury> and also they allegedly didn't want to start actually building FH while F9 kept changing
<soundnfury> now that they've supposedly settled on the final "block 5" design, "gluing three F9s together" is no longer a moving target
<soundnfury> oh and the business case for FH starts making a lot more sense when you're not throwing away three boosters every launch
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<soundnfury> oh and there were the structural integration and vibration issues etc. that you'd expect from doing a multibody LV with 27 engines
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