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<wb99999999> I think RSS should have a line saying "recommended 16 GB RAM, minimum 8 GB RAM"
<wb99999999> or maybe RO should say something similar
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<awang> Why does the RF codebase use string.Empty?
<blowfish> why not? Is there a convention?
<awang> More just curious
<awang> Since it differs from what I've seen in pretty much every other project
<awang> Although I have to admit that's not many
<awang> Also, is setValue(string, string, true) preferred over setAddValue(string, string)?
<blowfish> "" and string.Empty are equivalent, they even point to the same object
<blowfish> setValue on what object?
<awang> Right, but they look a heck of a lot different in code
<awang> "" is by far more common in my experience, so string.Empty seemed like an odd choice
<awang> On a config node, I think?
<blowfish> if you call SetValue with the last parameter false (which is the default) it won't create the value if it's already there
<awang> Right
<awang> But if the last parameter is true, any reason to prefer one over the other?
<awang> I've seen commits that changed setValue(string, string, true) to setAddValue(string, string) and vice-versa
<awang> So wondering which one should be settled on
<blowfish> I don't think there's a meaningful difference
<blowfish> I think AddValue is a bit more clear if you actually want to add
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<Rockwell> Should I use Scrap Yard with RP-1 to make recovered capsules available for KCT? Capsules take 20 times longer to build than the rockets I'm launching them with...
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<soundnfury> Rockwell: if you're using any capsule other than the mk1pod (e.g. the FASA Mercury), I think that's a bug
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<Rockwell> how do I fix it? The gemini pod (FASA) takes ~1350 days to build, the Titan II rocket I'm launching it on only takes 70 days
<soundnfury> well, the way I fixed it was: stop playing, wait for NK to come back from holiday, then nag him to fix it
<soundnfury> currently on step 2 ;)
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<Rockwell> soundfury: damn, I was hoping maybe it was just FASA capsules that were jiggered, just got mature capsules tech, unlocked the SSTU apollo capsule and it takes even longer. Turns out the soyuz capsule is reasonable though, only 1/10th the construction time of the apollo
<soundnfury> Rockwell: yeah like I say, there's a special case in GameData/RP-0/KCT_Presets/RP0_KCTPresets.cfg for the mk1pod
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<soundnfury> which I totally copypasted for FASAMercuryPod so I could at least go that far, but no idea what numbers are sensible for Gemini
<soundnfury> (/me ♥ the Gusmobile)
<Rockwell> cheers, going to do the same
<Rockwell> did you notice that you can't put RCS fuel in the gemini capsule? Whenever I add HTP it gets reset. Also the capsules don't have ablators, though maybe the heatsheilds aren't the ablator type.
<Rockwell> Has anyone running RSSVE (RC4 build) experienced insane seizure inducing screen flashing when they cross the threshold into space?
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<soundnfury> Rockwell: the disappearing HTP and Ablator is because of a bug in the crewscience (WBI based) stuff Pap added
<soundnfury> I have a PR open for a partial fix
<Rockwell> Ahhhh! Will removing WildBlueTools fix it at the expense of the crew science feature? The science changes in rp-1 are so good, I'm really looking forward for everything to be dialed in
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<Rockwell> Farewell WildBlueTools, hello functional command pods!
<Rokker> Bornholio_:
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<wb99999999> is there an engine that is roughly equal in role with the LR105, but have higher thrust?