<darsie> If it's not, you'll have shit chamber pressure.
<Bornholio> rokker ?
<jclishman> another stupid question
<darsie> OTOH, how does HTP get to power a turbine?
<jclishman> how do you get calculate ISP with exhaust velocity
<Bornholio> lol best guess
<darsie> jclishman: Don't multiply with 9.81.
<Rokker> Bornholio: i posted a picture on reddit
<darsie> ahh
<jclishman> darsie: thats what i thought, thanks
<darsie> Do multiply with 9.81
<Rokker> its an oldy but a goody
<jclishman> ik
<darsie> fuck, no, divide.
<darsie> First I thought you wanted to calculate dv.
<Bornholio> var' pretty
<jclishman> darsie: wait wut
<darsie> Isp=v_e/9.81
<jclishman> right, so then v_e = Isp(9.81)
<jclishman> which is what i'm trying to find
<darsie> Isp*9.81
<jclishman> yes
<darsie> dv=Isp*9.81*ln(m0/m1)
<jclishman> !wa 2083.644(ln(0.27/0.295))
<Qboid> jclishman: 2083.644 log(0.27/0.295): -184.514...
<jclishman> well that's not right.
<darsie> nope
<darsie> m0/m1
<jclishman> !wa 2083.644(ln(0.295/0.27))
<Qboid> jclishman: 2083.644 log(0.295/0.27): 184.514...
<jclishman> that looks more right
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<jclishman> Rokker: 185m/s
<awang> Rokker: Is MJ's rendezvous info window busted or something?
<awang> Sitting on the launchpad, targeted moon, those are the numbers I saw
<wb99999999> I think it's a common bug
<wb99999999> wipe the whole thing and get Lamont's latest build maybe
<wb99999999> worked for me
<awang> Hmmm
<awang> I'll have to check next time I actually get around to planning a lunar launch
<wb99999999> oh, if you're talking about launch windows
<wb99999999> get his build
<wb99999999> REALLY get it
<wb99999999> I had this exact problem
<Rokker> Bornholio: you should visit Dayton, I'll give you a tour
<wb99999999> Rokker do u know any museum that has mk108 cannon?
<wb99999999> The big ass german air cannon
<Bornholio> gonna be a while, new job is kicken my butt rokker
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<Rokker> wb99999999: the 30 mm autocannon?
<wb99999999> Yeah
<Rokker> wb99999999: yeah, my museum has one or two
<Rokker> wb99999999: RAF Cosford has 2
<wb99999999> sweet
<Rokker> wb99999999: there are probably a lot out there since they were so widely used
<jclishman> Rokker: RCS added
<wb99999999> right, they use to be put on absolutely everything in Luftwaffe
<jclishman> i think i'll go into a sandbox, throw it at the moon, and see what happens
<Rokker> wb99999999: the NMUSAF also has a BK-5
<wb99999999> crazy
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<Rokker> wb99999999: and of course a buncha big cannons off of things like the B-25H and the AC-130
<wb99999999> have you ever play Elite Dangerous?
<wb99999999> the cannon weapons in that game looks very much alike to Mk108
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<Rokker> wb99999999: I've played it but not much at all
<jclishman> okay, so it has enough fuel
<jclishman> it took 2 orbits to intercept though
<Rokker> jclishman: and how useful was that RCS?
<jclishman> Rokker: trying again now
<jclishman> Rokker: i had 400m/s left in upper stage
* Rokker squints at jclishman
<UmbralRaptor> Research a restartable upper stage?
<jclishman> UmbralRaptor: nope
<jclishman> direct intercept from launch
<jclishman> just need to wait for two orbits and then i've got an encounter
<jclishman> i'd rather not do that th ough
<Rokker> jclishman: well the problem is you are waiting for two separate factors for your launch window
<ProjectThoth_> Crap, I Ranger'd my Moon probe.
<jclishman> Rokker: relative inclination to moon, and what else
<Rokker> jclishman: you gotta launch into the right plane and the true anomaly has to be in the right spot
<Rokker> if you wanna do it in the first orbit
<jclishman> ELI5 true anomaly
<Rokker> jclishman: basically where the moon is along its orbit
<jclishman> right, right
<UmbralRaptor> A complete PITA because there's no good analytic way from mean to eccentric anomaly.
<jclishman> could just timewarp until it looks like the next time i launch it'll be in the right spot
<jclishman> if that makes any sense
<Rokker> UmbralRaptor: i did get my term right, right?
<Rokker> jclishman: but the problem is you are waiting for two right spots
<UmbralRaptor> Rokker: yep
<jclishman> right, but once the true anomaly is where it needs to be, after that I can go when its the lowest relative inclination, right?
<UmbralRaptor> True anomaly is conceptually simple, but weirdly hard to calculate for a given time.
<Rokker> UmbralRaptor: right?
<Rokker> UmbralRaptor: ive tried and given up many a time
<UmbralRaptor> jclishman: yes, though they're both varying simultaneously,
<jclishman> but I just need the anomaly to be at a spot so that when the probe gets to apogee, the moon is there too
<Rokker> UmbralRaptor: i mean i think he should be fine when launching when the moon is at opposition from the cape should put it in the right spot
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<jclishman> Rokker: yeah thats what i'm saying
<Rokker> jclishman: but thats hard to hit
<jclishman> yeah ik
<jclishman> is there any "easy" way to do it
<HebaruSan> True anomaly would be easier without argument of periapsis: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/eb/Orbit1.svg
<HebaruSan> I have to open that graphic whenever I need to use those terms
<jclishman> god all this is hard to wrap y our head around, isn't it
<HebaruSan> I guess it's how far away you are from your periapsis
<jclishman> I still don't know what "argument of periapsis" is
<HebaruSan> It's the angle between your ascending node and your periapsis
<jclishman> ...ok
<ProjectThoth_> Failed landing number four. >__<
<jclishman> ProjectThoth_: dont worry we did at a lot IRL
<jclishman> aight, attempt #1
<jclishman> just going to ignore this https://i.imgur.com/u9m89re.png
<ProjectThoth_> Good news is that the upgraded Excel II (with a LOX/LH2 third stage) works beautifully.
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<jclishman> FUCK YES IT WORKED
<UmbralRaptor> Nice!
<UmbralRaptor> Estimated flyby distance?
<jclishman> was able to fine tune it with rcs
<jclishman> so whatever i want :)
<jclishman> currently set to 500km
* UmbralRaptor will be greatly amused if jclishman pulls off an impact.
<jclishman> o shit i could do that
<UmbralRaptor> Hah!
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<jclishman> god thats cool
<jclishman> Rokker: ^
<ProjectThoth> Nice!
<jclishman> ProjectThoth: How cool is that‽ :D
<Rokker> jclishman: nice
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<jclishman> lunar periselene 70km
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<ProjectThoth> Should I give this landing another go?
<soundnfury> damn! every year!
<soundnfury> every fscking year I remember about TLAPD a couple of days after it happens!
<ProjectThoth> !remindme 364 days Happy International Talk Like A Pirate Day!
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<soundnfury> ProjectThoth: are you in some shitty time zone where it's still Wednesday?
<ProjectThoth> soundnfury: ye
<jclishman> soundnfury: ...you mean the entire united states?
<HebaruSan> *western hemisphere
<jclishman> yeah them too
<soundnfury> jclishman: like I say, shitty.
<soundnfury> (where shitty is, of course, defined as "not British")
<jclishman> soundnfury: fite me
<soundnfury> I will accept the Commonwealth as "not very shitty"
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<soundnfury> actually, all civil time zones are shitty, because they're all defined as offsets from UTC
<soundnfury> whereas something something #TAImasterrace
* soundnfury gives egg|zzz|egg a TDB
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* soundnfury |zzz
<jclishman> anyone have a link to a tutorial on Rendezvousing in RSS?
<jclishman> Or is it basically the same as KSP, only harder
<wb99999999> basically the same
<wb99999999> since your dV budget is a lot more strict you'll need to make less mistakes and maneuver more precisely
<jclishman> right
<jclishman> whats the recommended amount to bring?
<jclishman> 500m/s?
<wb99999999> just launch some probe with plenty of fuel and try it out
<wb99999999> everybody have different margin
<wb99999999> but you shouldn't need more than 1km/s
<jclishman> ok, ty
<wb99999999> I mean Soyuz does this with like 200m/s at most
<wb99999999> wat?
<ProjectThoth> jclishman: https://i.imgur.com/5E6DL5a.png
<jclishman> ProjectThoth: NICE!!!!! :d
<ProjectThoth> Literally landed with 0 kg of prop left in the tanks, I wound up bouncing.
<wb99999999> oh btw jclishman
<wb99999999> you want to contentiously adjust your heading during your launch
<jclishman> how do you mean
<wb99999999> so that when you insert into orbit, the relative inclination is minimized
<wb99999999> cuz your final relative inclination is a function of your time to orbit
<wb99999999> so there will always be some inaccuracy
<jclishman> so basically try to have the relative inclination as low as possible
<wb99999999> yes
<jclishman> ntoed
<jclishman> s/to/ot
<Qboid> jclishman meant to say: noted
<wb99999999> during the launch, since on orbit plane change is VERY expensive
<jclishman> right, right
<jclishman> just upgraded R&D lab
<jclishman> 45k spesos remaining
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<ProjectThoth> I'm probably gonna upgrade the Excel II with a 5-meter LOX/LH2 upper, 5x J2s.
<ProjectThoth> Aiming for 50 tons to LEO.
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<wb99999999> do you have other hydrolox?
<jclishman> dear lord http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/155785-wip122-et-extreme-textures-overhaul-for-rss/
<jclishman> I think that would make a 1080Ti cry
<wb99999999> memory has proven to be more of a problem
<ProjectThoth> wb99999999: I'm sandboxing.
<wb99999999> oh
<wb99999999> try Angara-100
<wb99999999> XD
<jclishman> ProjectThoth: how long until kerbal on venus
<jclishman> and back, ofc
<ProjectThoth> jclishman: I dunno, maybe another four or five weeks?
<jclishman> wait srsly
<wb99999999> Angara-100 is basically 4x RD-170 boosters and 1x RD-180 core
<wb99999999> RD-0120 upper
<wb99999999> yep, they have conceived this
<wb99999999> 100 for 100 tons to orbit
<ProjectThoth> Good lord.
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<wb99999999> or just build Energia since you're using 4 RD-170s anyway
<jclishman> ProjectThoth: do you really think you could send a kerbal to the surface of venus and then back to earth
<wb99999999> someone did it
<jclishman> yeah macollo
<jclishman> !g flags and footprints on venus
<Qboid> jclishman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONP9jS14toE [KSP: Flags and footprints on Venus in RSS - YouTube] (28500 results found, took 0.72s)
<wb99999999> yes
<jclishman> crazy bastard
<wb99999999> and it's with stock parts
<jclishman> no?
<jclishman> there was most definitely a rotating hab in there
<wb99999999> I mean stock-massive parts
<jclishman> whats that mean again?
<wb99999999> in stock most engines and tanks are a good few times too heavy for their thrust/capacity
<wb99999999> I think the number is 4 or more for engines and at least 2 for tanks
<wb99999999> real life engines are extremely powerful for its mass and tanks are very light
<jclishman> ProjectThoth: i highly recommend that video
<jclishman> it's probably my favorite KSP mission video ever
<wb99999999> I am surprised you got into RO without knowing about this tho
<jclishman> talking to me or thoth?
<wb99999999> you my friend
<jclishman> well i know that stock parts are super heavy to balance with Kerbin being 1/10 scale
<wb99999999> yeah
<jclishman> I just wasn't sure that "stock parts" meant in that context
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<wb99999999> I don't think macollo used any thing that'd change the mass
<wb99999999> so it's even crazier
<wb99999999> pretty sure SMURFF wasn't a thing when he made that video
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<wb99999999> is it a rd-0107 upper?
<jclishman> 0109
<jclishman> but close!
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<jclishman> whats the difference between level 1 VAB and level 2
<jclishman> hovering over the upgrade button doesn't show anything changing
<awang> jclishman: Each VAB level gives you another KCT build rate thing
<jclishman> oh, so you can build more than one vessel at a time
<jclishman> thx
<awang> Yep
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<awang> Anyone know how compatible 1.3.1 is with 1.3.0 mods?
<HebaruSan> I've seen one incompatibility so far, but SQUAD promised to fix it
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<blowfish> heh, I think my rocket overheating and exploding actually benefitted me
<blowfish> the telemetry unit survived and slowed down a bunch, allowing me to transmit science before I hit the water
<blowfish> (this was on the way down)
<jclishman> whats the best altitude for RADAR altimetry
<jclishman> 250km?
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<awang> jclishman: Shouldn't the part itself say what min/max/ideal altitudes are?
<jclishman> awang: yeah it does
<jclishman> im just stupid and cant read
<awang> jclishman: Heh, don't worry, we've all been there
<awang> How bad is a message in my KSP.log saying "ScenarioModule is null"?
<jclishman> well, doesn't sound good
<awang> Nope
<awang> Hold on, my computer may or may not crash
<awang> It didn't
<awang> But yeah, basically I can't actually load a game
<jclishman> sd\o/
<awang> Get to the main menu fine
<jclishman> er
<jclishman> \o/
<awang> Either my hardware is dying or I need to wipe/reinstall
<awang> Graphics except mouse freezes
<awang> YouTube audio keeps playing
<awang> Screen stays on when closing the lid, but sound stops
<awang> And resumes when the lid opens
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<awang> Is Engine Group Controller still a requirement for RO?
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<github> [RealismOverhaul] aw1621107 opened pull request #1775: Update for KSP 1.3.0 (dev...update-for-KSP-1.3.0) https://git.io/v5jMx
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<github> [TestFlight] aw1621107 opened pull request #176: Recompile for KSP 1.3.0 (dev...update-for-KSP-1.3.0) https://git.io/v5jSy
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<CobaltWolf> o/
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<ProjectThoth> What's the largest base diameter Procdural Fairings goes up to?
<ProjectThoth> Basically, I'm looking for a 6 meter diameter base.
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<Probus> o/
<regex> Anyone have any tips for launching a Delta II 7000 with the 9 GEM40s? MechJeb can't seem to handle the high TWR 6 booster launch but does okay once it's on the 3 booster phase.
<regex> Which isn't really an issue because I don't mind manually piloting it that far, but if I can handle it, why can't MechJeb?
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<blowfish> regex: what do you mean "can't handle"
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<regex> It tips the rocket over, doesn't react with full authority and lets it slip too far.
<blowfish> huh
<blowfish> limit AoA maybe?
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<regex> Basically it doesn't react with full authority fast enough and allows the rocket to go out of control. With this thing it's a very fine balancing act.
<regex> Already had that set to 3 degrees
<blowfish> strange
<regex> Well, the GEM40's drag the COM towards the bottom and I think it's behind the COP.
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<regex> If that's what the stock aero thing shows for FAR
<blowfish> rockets are usually unstable though
<regex> I've run into this a few times.
<regex> mainly with high TWR on-pad
<blowfish> by "doesn't react with full authority" you mean in the control indicators on the bottom left, MJ isn't using 100% even when the rocket starts to flip?
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<regex> Yeah
<ferram4> MJ is a bit overly-gentle with the controls.
<ferram4> Great when the vehicle is stable and too much control can make it fly apart, terrible when the vehicle isn't and it needs aggressive control.
<regex> Hrm...
<regex> Well, I'm muscling it through the thick part of the atmosphere, seems to work.
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<regex> Damn, need a bigger rocket anyway
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<soundnfury> !tell NathanKell* mk1pod by itself has 37k rollout costs. FASA Mercury pod has 83k. Build time also more than 2x. Is this intentional?
<Qboid> soundnfury: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<wb99999999> for boosted rockets with high on pad TWR I'd suggest flying a pure gravity turn in the initial phase
<wb99999999> just like what they do with Atlas V
<Theysen> Atlas V 501 doe :P
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