<UmbralRaptor> RD-108?
<Bornholio_> !tell rokker fun, more fun i am doing an AC unit for a satellite transporter for my next project, and a company that is to remain nameless (darn NDA) gave me pictures of the hauler compartment with a capsule and trunk inside :)
<Qboid> Bornholio_: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<Bornholio_> cool seeing live ordinance on the racks, bad seeing that much leak
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<Rokker> Bornholio: well, I mean it's pretty obvious what company that is
<Qboid> Rokker: Bornholio_ left a message for you in #RO [29.09.2017 00:20:58]: "fun, more fun i am doing an AC unit for a satellite transporter for my next project, and a company that is to remain nameless (darn NDA) gave me pictures of the hauler compartment with a capsule and trunk inside :)"
<Pap> soundnfury: I thought I had fixed that bug? No go?
<Qboid> Pap: soundnfury left a message for you in #RO [23.09.2017 02:34:20]: "interesting moire patterns at Venus http://jttlov.no-ip.org:8080/venus.png no scatterer, no EVE, just stock graphics"
<Qboid> Pap: soundnfury left a message for you in #RO [23.09.2017 02:37:28]: "closer in http://jttlov.no-ip.org:8080/venus2.png"
<Bornholio> can't wait to see one launch that my design was used on!
<Bornholio> Hi pap, tried duplicating the venus moire thing but did not get that.
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<Pap> That looks more like an RSSVE issue
<Pap> Venus is an orange color, those are the clouds
<soundnfury> Pap: which bug?
<soundnfury> (like I say, I do *not* have RSSVE installed)
<soundnfury> (I don't know why venus was cloud-coloured, it's always been orange before...)
<soundnfury> for the other one (ablator on pods), see RP-0#766
<Qboid> [#766] title: Don't remove Ablator from crew pods. They're likely to need it. | I also noticed HTP was being removed from the FASA Mercury pod, but the list... | https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/issues/766
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<blowfish> so I managed to get my TLI burn perfectly in a nice gap in my comms coverage
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<blowfish> ugh, is there a way to tell RT's flight computer to just stage at a particular time?
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<awang> \o
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<awang> Hmmm
<awang> Proc tank-Is are showing up as 86% utilization for me
<awang> Aren't they supposed to be 88%?
<awang> Also, does proc fairing shape end up making a significant difference in launch performance?
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* Theysen waves
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<stratochief> stratochief waves back at Theysen
<stratochief> I'm done my giant project today. Yaaaaaaay. Now we're just trying to title it, but that is pretty passive work.
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<Theysen> will RP-0 America return is the better question. You got... distracted. Jk, I hope the results were worth the whole effort :))
<stratochief> I doubt it; I haven't played literally any video game since around when I put out that last video, and I'm not exactly missing it. But we'll see how my time reshapes itself with this project no longer eating all my time.
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<stratochief> I might make some time to watch my last few episodes, to see if they're any good or not
<xShadowx> stratochief: what project?:)
<xShadowx> and how many watched the new star trek?
<stratochief> massive writing project for work, really took most of my time the past 2-3 months. I now have a shit-list of co-workers I never want to have under me on a project, ever again
<stratochief> xShadowx: nein, no star trek for me yet
<xShadowx> stratochief: eh technically a spoiler but not much so - they redid klingons, ugly as fk >.>
<xShadowx> acting quality of em seems crap ;/
<stratochief> xShadowx: no worries; I don't have enough personal investment in star trek to be spoiler'd
* xShadowx is happy he isnt watching it
<Maxsimal|Phone> Heard the new one sucks, haven't seen it yet though
<xShadowx> if only they didnt stick their fingers in and fuck with it -.-
<xShadowx> TNG/DS9/VOY/ENT followed what star trek is
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<xShadowx> they didnt shit on the past to do it
<stratochief> didn't they change what klingons look like during TES, or between TES and the first movies?
<xShadowx> TOS and the first movies were more 'human' looking, yes, TNG made the forehead ridges be what they are
<xShadowx> ENT and TNG covered that with episodes showing it was a virus / genetic engineering that caused some to have the more human look
<stratochief> so, they stuck their fingers in it, then ret-con'd
<xShadowx> wait...ENT/TNG/DS9 all showed that bit of info
<xShadowx> that was mainly due to TOS everything with an actor was mostly human, as makeup quality wasnt as good 20 years prior
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<xShadowx> while they mightve stuck their fingers in it, it was changing 3 years of star trek, with a well established storyline as to why, vs the corrent ingoring entire past and changing what was established over 28 seasons worth
<xShadowx> they neither fit the original look, nor the later
<xShadowx> nothing for them to fit in to
<stratochief> eh; it is a new show after like a decade since ENT (which IMO was shit) and like, what, 3-4 movies also in a different timeline. taking the opportunity to change things at this point makes sense to me.
<stratochief> as long as they don't show me Warf or someone I know, looking way different :P
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<xShadowx> nah to me changing an entire race to ignore the past is just >.> no
<xShadowx> ENT s1 was nice imo, just all the time war crap that i didnt really like
<xShadowx> their new look
<xShadowx> closer to xindi than klingons
<stratochief> nordic metal band
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<petti> norwegian heavy is the \../
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<wb99999999> so basically SpaceX is building a shuttle that land vertically and propulsively
<wb99999999> what are they smoking
<wb99999999> guess Metholox engines are really good at brute forcing?
<awang> Does fairing shape end up having a significant effect on performance?
<petti> no
<wb99999999> I think cross section is much more important
<wb99999999> and weight of course
<awang> So the various options are there just for aethetics?
<awang> Do proc fairings get that heavy?
<wb99999999> very large proc fairing get pretty heavy
<wb99999999> it's common to see a few tons of fairing for ~6m long farings
<awang> Woah
<awang> Didn't know that
<awang> Also, my x/c keys aren't working in the editor :/
<wb99999999> sorry I meant 6m diameter and LONG farings
<wb99999999> like 10m plus
<wb99999999> but you know what, usually longer fairing make a rocket looks better
<wb99999999> for small diameter rocket I even artificially enlarge the fairing just to make it look right
<awang> Jeeze
<awang> Those are HUGE fairings
<awang> No wonder they're heavy
<wb99999999> but it is common if you're launching space stations or supplying to the moon right?
<awang> That's true
<awang> Guess I need to launch larger rockets more frequently
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<Qboid> Rokker: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<Bornholio> .poke
<Qboid> Bornholio: Rokker left a message for you in #RO [29.09.2017 22:11:03]: "https://www.reddit.com/r/spacex/comments/736po1/some_quick_calculations_about_point_to_point/dnoprfq"
<Rokker> Bornholio: reeee
<Bornholio> elon tossing out big dreams eh, still all these things are just shadowrun from late eighties .sigh
<Bornholio> media dick quote "A dramatic increase in passenger safety would be needed before anyone would feel safe enough stepping on board a SpaceX rocket."