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<wb99999999> god I'm sick...
<wb99999999> I feel like a barrel of nuclear waste
<soundnfury> well don't drink any water, it's a moderator and you might explode :P
<wb99999999> lol
<wb99999999> you reminded me to boil some hot water for my runny nose
<wb99999999> any of you guys recognize this kind of things?
<wb99999999> If so what is its name?
<wb99999999> technically it's an insulated bottle for storing hot water, common in China where 24hr hot water is uncommon and drinking warm water is preferred
<wb99999999> but does it have a name?
SirKeplan is now known as SirKeplan|ZZZ
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<soundnfury> wb99999999: thermos flask?
<soundnfury> (that's a genericised trademark, other names are vacuum flask, Dewar flask/Dewar bottle)
<wb99999999> how is it vacuum?
<wb99999999> oh you mean the space between the inner bottle and the jacket?
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<soundnfury> !w dewar flask
<soundnfury> !wp dewar flask
* soundnfury stabs Qboid
<soundnfury> !g dewar flask wikipedia
<Qboid> soundnfury: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vacuum_flask [Vacuum flask - Wikipedia] (2510 results found, took 0.59s)
<soundnfury> wb99999999: ^
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<Bornholio> .poke
<awang> Is that a bot command?
<Bornholio> no just me poking the qboid
Bornholio is now known as borntosleep
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<UmbralRaptor> !slap Qboid
* Qboid puts Qboid as a stamp on his next application letter
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<Rockwell> hi
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<wb99999999> hello
<Rockwell> What kind of load times do you get when starting KSP with RO? It takes my game over 8 minutes to fire up and it's loaded on a SSD. Is that normal?
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<awang> Rockwell: Depends on how many mods you have installed, as well as whether the MM cache is up to date
<awang> And depends on OS throttling, I think
<awang> Takes me anywhere from 15 minutes to over an hour to boot KSP
<Rockwell> holy crap, an hour?
<Rockwell> Does the MM cache automatically stay up to date as long as there have been no changes to the KSP files since the last time the game ran?'
<awang> Yeah. That's on the longer side of things though
<awang> For some reason my computer likes to throttle KSP when it's in the background
<awang> So it takes FOREVER to load if I'm doing something else
<awang> From what I was told the MM cache doesn't need to change as long as the contents of the files haven't changed
<awang> I keep my KSP install versioned using git, and if I switch to another branch and back the MM cache doesn't need to be regenerated because although the files changed their contents did not
<awang> And I have a bajillion mods, so it takes a while for MM to work through its patches
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egg is now known as egg|zzz|egg
<Rockwell> How do you use github to manage your ksp install? I just make copies of my KSP folder for different mod loads.
<borntosleep> use the git client and make a repository then as you do updates it will revision control it. Won't speed you loads, bigest thing for loads is when module manager has to rebuild a cache SSD or not its going to take a while
<borntosleep> your
borntosleep is now known as Bornholio
<soundnfury> Bornholio: I do the same thing as Rockwell, even though I freaking _love_ git.
<Bornholio> lol
<awang> Rockwell: I don't use github, just git. Make a commit for significant changes, like upgrading versions or installing new mods
<awang> Bit more hassle than just making copies, but it's a heck of a lot more convenient for figuring out what went wrong
<awang> I don't think Github would be happy with the larger assets KSP uses