<Raidernick> and he didn't have enough money to pay
<Raidernick> so he wants you to send him some
<Raidernick> lol
<Bornholio> It might be some poor retarded bangladeshi kid on a 15 year old computer have some sympathy :P
<Raidernick> lol
<wb99999999> space tube
<wb99999999> sigh...
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<Bornholio> is it bad frm to distract him with 'tube videos? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7eZXXzLrVE
<Bornholio> form
<UmbralRaptor> Nah, I'd expect a Bangladeshi kid to speak passable English. Maybe he's from Omsk?
<wb99999999> He's from Czech
<wb99999999> I found out that earlier
<UmbralRaptor> Ah.
<Rokker> Bornholio: the Bangladeshi kid in spacex is pretty English fluent
<Raidernick> UmbralRaptor, did you read all that crap he typed?
<Rokker> Bornholio: and he's a 15 year old retarded Bangladeshi kid
<Raidernick> cause that's beyond broken english
<Rokker> so
<Starwaster> ok what the F are yoiu talking about people?
<Rokker> idk
<Starwaster> oh
<Starwaster> ok
<UmbralRaptor> Raidernick: just what was copied in here
<Rokker> Bangladeshi kids?
<Rokker> UmbralRaptor: when
<Bornholio> lol sovietrockets issues
<Raidernick> Starwaster, his floppy space tubes caused his kidneys to explode
<Raidernick> read the issues
<Starwaster> uh
<Qboid> [#12] title: broken space tube | With no help I have not fixed to work of my computer. Asking has not been received in ways understood by concentrated humans. Tylerraiz has said that beyond ways of dogma telegraph that I have seen th... | https://github.com/KSP-RO/SovietRockets/issues/12
<UmbralRaptor> dogma telegraph?
<Raidernick> dunno
<Starwaster> wow that's... either it's gibberish or it's something really profound
<Raidernick> Starwaster, he left 7 issues like that
<Starwaster> I think you should send him the reqfund he requested
<Raidernick> each one is better than the last
<Starwaster> refund
<Bornholio> I've given him a FULL refund all 0.00 USD he paid to download the mod!
<UmbralRaptor> Send him a few dogecoin?
<Starwaster> FIX IT NOW
<Starwaster> _NOW_
<Raidernick> Starwaster, he somehow got ksp with mods to run on a computer with 2gb of ram
<Starwaster> 2GB? He barely has enough to run KSP... actually he's lucky if he CAN run stock KSP
<Raidernick> ram that is part of a cartridge you insert into your keyboard
<Bornholio> chips go in keyboard
<Starwaster> oh god... I'm having gordon dry flashbacks.... but at least he speaks english...
<Bornholio> lol, that gordon guy is prolific
<Starwaster> IN. MANY.
<Starwaster> how can you people sleep at night?!??
<UmbralRaptor> … is he flying straight up to get to orbit?
<Raidernick> his building is in 9 pieces of 8
<Raidernick> obviously he needs to get out of the pirate era and get a new computer
<Starwaster> well DUH, orbit is up so you have to go up. The straighter up, the more upperer you will go
<Starwaster> unless orbit of many pieces
<Raidernick> Starwaster, nonono didn't you read the ground is up and the sky is down
<UmbralRaptor> If he's in .cs, he isn't sleeping at night.
<Raidernick> it's aprt of the telegraph dogma
<Raidernick> part*
<UmbralRaptor> er, wait. Whatever Czech Republic is.
<Bornholio> I summon the ghost of the great TYLER RAIZ!
<UmbralRaptor> And 2 gig is, uh…
<Raidernick> UmbralRaptor, i'm surprised he was able to get 2gb into a zx spectrum
<Raidernick> that's a feat in of itself
* UmbralRaptor 's ancient C2D workstation has 4.
<Starwaster> who is tyleraiz?
<UmbralRaptor> (okay, I had 1 back in the P4 days, and there's that laptop, but…)
<UmbralRaptor> Starwaster: apparently some youtuber
<Starwaster> hey I'm using a 20+ year old HP keyboard, does anyone know if RO will run on it?
<Starwaster> It's not of many pieces if that helps
<wb99999999> he streams RO stuff
<wb99999999> he's a nice person, this won't have a lot to do with him
<Raidernick> Starwaster, the pieces matter
<Raidernick> it has to be many
<Raidernick> you are out of luck
<wb99999999> you know this do started to sound like a troll
<wb99999999> the kidney part
<Starwaster> really? I think you ought to thank him for sending Markoman to us
<Starwaster> you think?
<Raidernick> i still think the guy might legitimately not speak english and is just an idiot with a bad translator
<Starwaster> maybe
<Starwaster> has anyone seen a markoman before? The name seems familiar
<Raidernick> never seen it before myself
<Bornholio> his git is a fresh as his comments
<Raidernick> yep i messaged tylerraiz and he said he gave a link to my git issues to this guy
<Raidernick> so the guy made an account just to post this
<UmbralRaptor> "I have assembled new craft but jiggle tubes have caused explosive kidney failure. Please send help or refund." -- Francis E. Dec, Esq.
<UmbralRaptor> Alternatively, explosive kidney failure from drinking liquid dynamite?
<Raidernick> he put liquid dynamite in his nosecone and attached the engine to the top
<Starwaster> dammit Raidernick send him his refund already!
<Raidernick> he wants a refund for the actual game
<Raidernick> he said he would report me to steam
<UmbralRaptor> uh
<Raidernick> for breaking his game
<UmbralRaptor> uh
<Starwaster> you're in trouble now
<Raidernick> would i even be responsible if i had posted a mod on steam workshop?
<Raidernick> and it broke his game?
<Raidernick> those are as is right?
<Raidernick> i mean i don't think there is ever a situation where any modder can be responsible for user stupidity
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<Starwaster> no
<Starwaster> I wouldn't worry about it
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<Raidernick> speaking of stupidity he responded to you
<Starwaster> hmmmm.... wonder if this is him: http://steamcommunity.com/id/markotza
<Raidernick> or Bornholio can't tell
<Starwaster> huh, no Kerbal on there so probably not him or he lied about steam.
<Qboid> [#11] title: configuration of missile blankets | I have add more chip to keyboard and now the mod cause my game to load. With load I have been see that beyond cartridge pack the computer have evolution of access in the zone of violators for the link... | https://github.com/KSP-RO/SovietRockets/issues/11
<Bornholio> For pills of suppository I have no to have taken. I believe that between 6 years and beyond the wall there are times when those who see are not. Please help as my imagery has stopped and now only black remains.
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<wb99999999> the world is mad
<awang> What version of WildBlueTools do I use for RP-0 dev?
<Bornholio> 1.19
<Bornholio> noticed that there are some broken engines right now, rd-108, 1kn Thrusters and 2kN thrusters are low thrust
<ferram4> Are we still mocking this guy?
<Bornholio> do you know how jiggle tubes work?
<UmbralRaptor> I assume jellyfish rocket syndrome/a need for more struts.
<Bornholio> to the point of EXPLOSIVE kidney failure
<wb99999999> what's wrong with RD-108?
<wb99999999> oh, I remember
<wb99999999> nvm
<Raidernick> ferram4, you are to blame for his jiggle tubes
<Raidernick> and subsequent kidney explosion
<wb99999999> let's mock him AFTER fixing the engines
<ferram4> Indeed. If we can figure out what's wrong.
<ferram4> Also, wouldn't liquid dynamite just be raw nitroglycerin?
<Raidernick> yeah which is actually a fuel
<Raidernick> ngnc
<Raidernick> well it's not really a liquid
<Raidernick> but they combine it with a binder
<Raidernick> so it's sorta the same
<Starwaster> not really, you can put dynamite in jiggle tubes without it exploding. Nitroglycerin? Not so much
<ferram4> Something something Ignition! quote
<wb99999999> if anyone's going to add liquid dynamite I figure it can be in some of the early rocket lol
<Starwaster> "hypergolic with such things as cloth, wood, and test engineers, not to mention asbestos, sand, and water "
<wb99999999> any explosives TECHNICALLY doubles as solid fuels
<Starwaster> there ya go ferram4
<Starwaster> so I've been meaning to ask, what happened to ferrams 1-3? Failures that had to be destroyed? Or are they on the loose somewhere?
<ferram4> Starwaster, I was thinking, "an oxidizing end and a reducing end separated by two crossed fingers" but the ClF3 one works too
<Starwaster> lol
<Bornholio> several of the solid fuels have high and low explosives as reaction accelerants and energy adders
<Raidernick> Bornholio, as I said ngnc was used in the aerobee srb kick stage
<ferram4> No idea. It was given to me by my school for an email address, so I kept it
<Raidernick> it's basically just nitroglycerin
<ferram4> And hey, the aluminum/ammonium perchlorate propellant used in the Peacekeeper and Minotaurs are cut with some RDX for extra performance.
<wb99999999> exactly
<wb99999999> Some of my friend describe Ariane 5 as being propelled "by military grade explosives" referencing to the EAPs
<wb99999999> not entirely accurate,but it's fun to say
<Bornholio> my biggest rocket was 24lbs of Stump remover(potassium Nitrate), 26lbs of find ground white sugar, 3 lbs of ground aluminum and 1 lb of iron oxide
<wb99999999> 3 lbs of aluminum is quite a kick
<Bornholio> never recovered to rocket :)
<Bornholio> didn't have to call the fire department !
<wb99999999> with iron oxide you basically got a thermite
<Bornholio> my best guess from testing was 110-115 isp
<wb99999999> pretty good
<wb99999999> as far as I know most model motors don't go beyond 2 digits
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<awang> Estes engines in RO plz
<Bornholio> yes but they are pretty restrictive and just gunpowder, lots of bigger guys run PBANS in the 200 range
<wb99999999> it's like that RC plane simulator all over again
<wb99999999> or that piantball video game
* UmbralRaptor recalls getting Extreme Paint Brawl instead of Half-Life one xmas.
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<wb99999999> wow I feel sorry for you
<UmbralRaptor> Fortunately it was an honest mistake, and this was an era when returns were a thing.
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<awang> ...How'd Half-Life become Extreme Paint Brawl?
<Bornholio> you run around and shoot people, same game
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<UmbralRaptor> Basically.
<awang> I see
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<awang> Uh
<awang> I can't seem to get anyone in the X-1 cockpit
<Bornholio> yeah i had lots of probs earlier
<Bornholio> try redoing the refresher training then mission
<awang> Refresher training?
<awang> Oh wait
<awang> Training is required?
<Bornholio> if you are doing dev yes
<awang> Er
<awang> How do I get there?
<awang> The pound symbol with the wrench in it?
<Bornholio> yes
<awang> Hm
<Bornholio> last tab, do a proficiency training first then do mission training
<awang> When I click it a small cross appears
<awang> No window
<Bornholio> do you have kct .dll and RF.dll
<awang> Yep
<awang> It's near the SPH/runway intersection
<awang> I could have sworn I saw the window properly at one point...
<Bornholio> weird
<awang> Lots of IOOREs in KSP.log
<awang> RP0.MaintenanceHandler.updateUpkeep()
<awang> RP0.TopWindow.DrawWindow(Int32 windowID)
<awang> UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow(Int32 windowID)
<awang> Maybe there?
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<Pap> awang: You have to update the KCT.dll
<awang> Pap: When was the last time the KCT dll was changed?
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<SpecimenSpiff> wednesday I think
<SpecimenSpiff> it was certainly this week
<awang> git says that the version I have is the right one
<awang> Assuming the Dropbox has the right one
<awang> Just checked
<wb99999999> any clue on the engine mess yet?
<SpecimenSpiff> how do you get a version from git?
<SpecimenSpiff> as far as I know, nk just compiles it puts in on dropbox, no git versioning involved
<awang> SpecimenSpiff: I have git tracking my install
<awang> So "git status" said that there were no changes after I replaced my KCT.dll with the one from the Dropbox
<awang> So I assume that means that the one I have is the same
<Bornholio> pap did a crew science branch merge earlier this week, you might want to just refresh the whole RO/RP0/dlls/Bluedogtools....https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/wiki/Setting-up-for-Development-Install-:Temp-Page:
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<borntosleep> off to dream of poor tormented markoman15
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<awang> HmThe window pops up right in a brand new save
<awang> Get a blank window upon returning to my normal save
<awang> Window has same skin as MJ
<awang> The semi-translucent one
<awang> So right window
<awang> Just no buttons/words
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<awang> Window pops up normally when going back to the new save
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<awang> So it's something to do with my save
<awang> Er, my normal save
<borntosleep> persistaent got fragged that why i always manual save
<awang> Wait what
<awang> Hmmm
<awang> Any way to get line numbers in stack traces in KSP.log?
<SpecimenSpiff> when did you start this save? there were save-breaking changes about a week ago
<awang> This was after the save-breaking changes, I'm pretty sure
<awang> since it involved RSS changes
<awang> IIRC
<awang> Guess it's time for a new save again
<awang> Reputation doesn't do anything at the moment, right?
<SpecimenSpiff> no idea
<wb99999999> I'm just going to build and launch things at random and see if I can flush out more glitches and bugs...
<awang> Hmmm
<awang> I start getting errors almost right away with a new save
<awang> including the RP-0 window bug
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<awang> Might have something to do with the difficulty settings?
<awang> Test save that worked was normal difficulty
<awang> Broken ones were custom
<SpecimenSpiff> ive been running a customized version of hard
<SpecimenSpiff> id lean in the direction of a borked install
<awang> Ooor
<awang> it's always the first save that's broken?
<awang> Second saves are fine?
<SpecimenSpiff> I had no such issues
<SpecimenSpiff> my install just runs fine
<awang> Yeah, I would guess borked install too
<awang> It's just a pain to bisect since I have too many things installed :(
<wb99999999> doesn't playing RP-0 means there's less mods to install?
<wb99999999> I mean much of the mods are not supported by it anyway
<SpecimenSpiff> lol
<SpecimenSpiff> if you normally play with more mods than rp-0 supports, I pitty your poor computer
<awang> Pretty sure my computer hates me
<awang> I have way too many mods installed
<wb99999999> I'm a bit obsessed in the aesthetics of my vehicle
<SpecimenSpiff> I have 76 mods installed in my rp-0 test install
<SpecimenSpiff> and not many of those are parts mods
<wb99999999> so I usually find replacement for parts that's in odd dimension/with oversized portions etc.
<awang> ...And now every save I make is broken
<awang> Great
<wb99999999> with PEG I can finally do an actual GTO launch!
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<awang> wb99999999: By PEG are you talking about the PEGAS thing on Github?
<awang> Just making sure, since I've seen it referenced a lot recently
<wb99999999> the one from lumont
<wb99999999> probably you're thinking of the right thing
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<awang> Ooops
<awang> The one I ran across was a set of kOS scripts
<awang> Wait, there's a MJ RO build?
<awang> So between lamont's MJ fork and MJ RO, which should I use?
<SpecimenSpiff> ive been using lamonts
<SpecimenSpiff> no idea what the RO one is
<blowfish> poking around a bit it looks like that's based on MuMech/MechJeb2/dev which is pretty up-to-date with lamont's changes
<blowfish> lamont seems to have a lot of branches so I can't say for sure though
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<awang> Hm
<awang> Too many options
<awang> Huh, this is new
<awang> Uh
<awang> The SPH walls have the navball texture
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<awang> Pap: Got to try the RealScience recompile yet?
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<wb99999999> I really started to crave a J-2-SL now
<awang> Uh
<awang> Are the RP-0 KRASH settings broken for anyone still?
<awang> The .cfg has the @KRASHCustom part right
<awang> But KRASH doesn't seem to be picking that up
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<awang> Just curious, how were the screenshots with the mobile launch platform taken?
<awang> Is there a mod that actually implements that?
<wb99999999> what are you talking about?
<awang> Uh
<awang> Should have been more precise
<SpecimenSpiff> if you have the current RP-0, the loading screen changes, and one of them shows the VAB with three saturn mobile platforms in view
<awang> One of the RO loading screenshots has a Saturn V on a crawler rolling out of the VAB
<SpecimenSpiff> and yes, WAAAAY back when there was a mod in development that had those.
<awang> Dangit, ninja'd
<lamont> awang blowfish yeah use sarbian’s for now
<SpecimenSpiff> long since broken and abandoned
<awang> Oh, is that an old screenshot?
<awang> lamont: Alright, will do
<awang> Thanks for clearing that up
<SpecimenSpiff> yeah, those all came from the Realism Overhaul forum post
<SpecimenSpiff> and most of them are years old
<lamont> i should probably clean up some of my old branches, there’s nothing i’m working on right now which is in a really usable shape
<awang> Ah
<awang> I thought those screenshots were pretty recent
<lamont> tantilizingly close, but never seems to get there…
<awang> lamont: what changes are in your fork that haven't been merged?
<SpecimenSpiff> Getting closer and closer, this is going to be so cool: http://imgur.com/a/TZiLn
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<lamont> i’m working on space shuttle PEG / PEGAS code (in lcg/PEGAS if i’ve pushed that…)
<lamont> but right now its a mess
<awang> lamont: Ah, I thought that was at least partially merged
<awang> SpecimenSpiff: Automated range safety?
<SpecimenSpiff> awang, yep
<lamont> nah its a total overhaul + near rewrite and isn’t working right now, and has about 80 debug log messages per tick
<SpecimenSpiff> I have the interface and most of the checks working, now to put in the "make it go boom" code
<awang> SpecimenSpiff: You should add in funds/rep penalties for flying over other countries' airspace
<awang> lamont: Ah, I see
<awang> 80 log messages a tick sounds like it's great for performance
<SpecimenSpiff> awang, that would require having other countries
<lamont> my hackintosh handles it fine… (its about 2 years old in terms of mobo/cpu/ssd/gpu)
<SpecimenSpiff> but I think having your rocket go boom because you messed up is enough. My name is going to be up there with Agathorn, I think
<awang> SpecimenSpiff: "I got SpecimenSpiff'd" doesn't have quite the same ring to it :P
<awang> lamont: Ah... guess my computer's age is starting to show
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<SpecimenSpiff> awang, I imagine it will get shortened to "Spiff!"
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<SpecimenSpiff> This alpha version that is just a flight corridor shouldnt be too bad, it will just hurt that first time you take a contract and realize you cant launch from your launch site
<SpecimenSpiff> but I intend to put in more conditions, for example check rotation rates for loss of control
<SpecimenSpiff> so if you have a 2nd stage flip out on you, which isn't that uncommon...
<SpecimenSpiff> And of course it could be "Darn you, Agathorn.... Agh, Spiff!"
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<awang> Uh
<awang> Should I be able to upgrade to a second VAB build rate?
<awang> SpecimenSpiff: Wonder when the complaints of "being AgaSpiff'd" are going to start rolling in
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<awang> I feel like my install is schizophrenic
<awang> KCT build rates and/or upgrades are all over the place
<awang> And the game can't seem to decide whether it wants to rename the veteran 4 Kerbals
<awang> And can't seem to decide whether the RP-0 maintenance window should work
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<awang> Also, StageRecovery may be borked
<awang> (on my install)
<awang> Says it recovered a Tiny Tim booster ~3400 km from KSC
<awang> Also, should I need to upgrade the tracking station for maneuver nodes and/or the Trajectories mod?
<awang> Didn't have to with my previous save, and apparently I have to now
<awang> Wondering if that is intentional
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<awang> Uh
<awang> Am I supposed to be getting science for flying over the runway?
<awang> Think Automated Science Sampler picked it up automatically shortly after colliding with the runway
<awang> Stripped off one side of my tail
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<awang> Pap: ^
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<awang> Is there a way to stop my sounding rockets from partially oblitering themselves upon landing?
<awang> They land, then fall over
<awang> Then go splat :(
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<darsie> awang: You could try to reduce the cut off speed of the chute.
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<awang> darsie: Did that, I think? 0.0 apparently isn't a valid value, and 0.1 m/s is apparently too fast
<darsie> recover quickly.
<darsie> It's a bit cheating, but ...
<darsie> When you can't stop cutting the chutes ...
<darsie> it's fair.
<awang> Also can't do, I think
<darsie> No? How fast do they fall over?
<awang> Combination of bad framerate and speed not actually getting close enough to zero for some reason
<awang> IIRC it hits 4 m/s right after touching the ground
<awang> idk why
<darsie> Is your ground buggy, maybe?
<awang> Probably?
<awang> Is there a way to tell?
<darsie> dunno
<darsie> But if your core is at the top it gains speed when the rocket falls over.
<awang> Yeah
<awang> That's the problem
<awang> Also, all of a sudden I can't enter any buildings
<darsie> But that's not your 4 m/s, or is it?
<awang> What is with my install
<darsie> Use the buttons at the left.
<awang> There aren't any
<awang> Oh, there we go
<awang> Had to clear input locks using the debug menu
<awang> idk why
<darsie> Or scan the screen next to the buildings.
<awang> Those buttons weren't there
<darsie> Often I can click right of buildings to enter them.
<awang> Like the GUI was offset?
<darsie> yes
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<darsie> Sometimes I don't find a place to click and I have to use the buttons.
<awang> Hm
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<awang> Depends on the buttons being there though
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<awang> The parachutes also get destroyed by aero/heat forces upon landing
<awang> Also, another bug
<awang> If I haven't purchased a part that has been researched
<awang> I can build a rocket using that part through KCT
<awang> But can't simulate that same rocket using KRASH
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<awang> Do the different conical proc tank shapes have a significant effect on aerodynamics?
<Maxsimal_> Not afaik, but you can check their numbers in FAR.
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<awang> It does change the yellow curve thing
<awang> I was just wondering if it's actually worth worrying about
<awang> !tell Pap Could it make sense to have the radial biological sample capsule from stock be more/less expensive than the capsule from SXT, since the former could be packed into a space in more creative ways?
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<awang> !tell Pap Also, should fairings occlude some science experiments, like the film return thing?
<Qboid> awang: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<awang> My god proc avionics are heavy
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<borntosleep> anyone on that can talk TF configs?
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<awang> You know, a nice feature might be a way to determine what parts in your vessel are the expensive ones
<awang> Might help with hunting down that tank that needs to be tooled
<awang> Bornholio: Can't help you there, sorry :(
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<awang> ...Entry costs aren't always working for me
<awang> Sometimes they actually deduct funds, sometimes they don't
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<Bornholio> yeah pap and NK know about the ecm problem but nobodies sure whats causing it yet
<awang> ecm?
<Bornholio> entry cost modifiers
<Bornholio> Electronic Counter Measures for me :P
<Bornholio> starwaster that do has one of my favorite space speeches in it.
<Bornholio> doc
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<awang> Ah
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<awang> Is the weirdly far recovery distance expected?
<awang> Few thousand km when launching from the cape?
<riocrokite> hello o/
<awang> For things recovered at the pad
<awang> \o
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<gazpachian> awang: do you use the launch site switcher?
<awang> gazpachian: Yeah
<gazpachian> cause I get the same issue, and I thought maybe if you didn't we could at least rule out that as the culprit
<awang> No such luck, unfortunately :(
<gazpachian> You can always do what I do and handwave the recovery amount difference as refurbishment costs :P
<awang> lol
<awang> I'm not *that* strapped for cash
<awang> Yet
<Starwaster> well the new MLI code seems to be working rather well if I do say so myself
<Bornholio> what branch are you in?
<Starwaster> newCryo or some such
<Starwaster> look on Nathan's, I'm pushing changes directly to it
<Bornholio> k, is it workable enough for testing?
<Starwaster> ah let me push my latest changes
<Bornholio> conflicts with NK's dev rp-0 .dll i suppose
<Starwaster> oh and there's some GUI elements that don't do anything
<Starwaster> I don't know, look at when it branched off
SirKeplan|ZZZ is now known as SirKeplan|NotZZZ
<Bornholio> I'll make a fresh install for testing it, no reason to bash it with all the RP-0 stuff yet :)
SirKeplan|NotZZZ is now known as SirKeplan
<Starwaster> pushing my changes now, they should show up momentarily
<Starwaster> right now it's just MLI, the Dewar stuff isn't hooked into anything yet
<Starwaster> there will be an MLI Layers # slider that you can use to select how many layers
<Starwaster> the MLI has no mass yet
<Starwaster> emissivity isn't touched either
<Starwaster> and it does not work properly with the latest branch of Heat Pumps either if you use that
<Starwaster> stock radiators will work ok with it
<Starwaster> (I'm abandoning the trick of using skin temp for uninsulated tanks)
<Bornholio> k, cool, can't wait for the combo of proper insulation and heat pumps
<Starwaster> actually, heat pump might work as is....... I just have this feeling it won't though
<Bornholio> does analytic work is all i care :P
<Starwaster> but, it could because if it chills the skin down enough, it would cool down the outer layer of hte MLI
<Starwaster> no
<Starwaster> we still have to figure out how to bash that into submission
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<Starwaster> I have a few new ideas about that but I haven't had a chance yet to try anything
<Starwaster> need to figure out how to find the solid state temp of the tank after insulation + boiloff. I think I know how to do that now
<Bornholio> thats good, i'm re-fixing NTR's again this morning, not sure how the extra {}'s get in there .sigh
<awang> MLI?
<Bornholio> NASA acronym for Multi Layer Insulation
NathanKell|AFK is now known as NathanKell
<NathanKell> o/
<Qboid> NathanKell: Starwaster left a message for you in #RO [26.08.2017 04:18:51]: "First preliminary functioning MLI in place now! Can be configured per TANK_DEFINITION and player can add layers. Pushed code to cry branch. Still needs some work but it can be tested now in-game"
<NathanKell> Starwaster: Awesome!
NathanKell is now known as NathanKell|AFK
<NathanKell|AFK> o/
<Qboid> NathanKell|AFK: Bornholio left a message for you in #RO [26.08.2017 18:30:12]: " not sure if its possible to have multiple crew space in current training system. http://i.imgur.com/EmtYhxk.png regardless it needs a lot of tuning, as well intentioned as mission training may be its cumbersome and i've missed several missions just fumbling with training crew. If i had a suggestions it would be to eliminate the
<Qboid> crew training decay. That would eliminate the need for one training type and moderate the"
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<NathanKell|AWAY> o/
NathanKell|AWAY is now known as NathanKell
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<github> [RealismOverhaul] NathanKell pushed 1 new commit to dev: https://git.io/v5sTM
<github> RealismOverhaul/dev dc3f9ef NathanKell: Fix RCS/thruster thrust
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<Slavi> I was just wondering why the verneir engines for the Atlas cost 58 million dollars to research, which is over 50% of what it costs to develop the Mercury capsule
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<SpecimenSpiff> o/
<Slavi> hi SpecimenSpiff
<github> [RealismOverhaul] Bornholio opened pull request #1770: NTR fixing, and RD-108 (dev...dev) https://git.io/v5sTd
<Slavi> I was just asking if anyone knew why the LR101 vernier costs 58000 to research, which feels like, really high
<Bornholio> it include parts cost from the LR105 and LR79/89
<Bornholio> 50k less if you research the others first, or the others drop 50k cost when 101
<Slavi> Ooooh
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<Slavi> I don't know if I like that - it makes a really high barrier to entry for some part combos...
<NathanKell> they literally run off the LR105's turbopump
<NathanKell> so you kinda have to research that. Except if you did it'd be 130k not 50k, so we made you a deal
<Bornholio> yup, but the combustion cycle work on that series of engines was all developed in tandem. Similarly the gama 2 and 8 share a portion of their costs
<Slavi> NathanKell: I don't really mind in that specific circumstance, haha
<Slavi> I dunno, I just wish the costs weren't so prohibitively high in a career mode where I'm struggling to ever have more than 80k - I keep doing these low tech satellite launches and the profit margins [especially with the exhorbitant rollout costs] are razor thin
<NathanKell> soundnfury (and whomever else mentioned this): RCS/thruster thrust fixed
<Bornholio> thanks!
<NathanKell> Slavi: what is your fund gain set to?
<NathanKell> and what difficulty level?
<Slavi> I just went with normal?
<Slavi> yeah everything is set to 100%
<NathanKell> ah
<NathanKell> that's the problem
<NathanKell> we haven't touched up the contracts for the new prices, since we want to do that only once
<NathanKell> so you want 4-5x the fund gains the difficulty preset gives you
<NathanKell> so you should be at 400% funds.
<Slavi> Oh god really?
<NathanKell> yeah
<NathanKell> To the wiki!~~~
<Slavi> Haha, I've been playing shoebox space program!
<NathanKell> :]
<NathanKell> Actually wait this is silly
<Slavi> NathanKell: but seriously, I launched a sputnik in 1952 using A9s
<NathanKell> why don't I just change the cfg
<NathanKell> Slavi: wow
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<SpecimenSpiff> NathanKell, is there a difference between ActiveVessel.MissionTime and FlightLogger.met ?
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<NathanKell> SpecimenSpiff: I don't know offhand
<NathanKell> Bornholio can you edit the wiki page to no longer talk about 4-5x funds?
<NathanKell> I'm gonna change the cfgs to default to that
<Bornholio> ok
<NathanKell> thanks!
<github> [RP-0] NathanKell pushed 1 new commit to Developmental: https://git.io/v5sk2
<github> RP-0/Developmental 8daa280 NathanKell: Default the fund multipliers
<NathanKell> Bornholio: Ah, since you're here: I'm a bit confused by your screenshot and what you were saying in the tell
<NathanKell> Can you elaborate?
<github> [RP-0] NathanKell pushed 1 new commit to Developmental: https://git.io/v5skw
<github> RP-0/Developmental 2bd8918 NathanKell: xls updates
<Bornholio> yeah i had mission trained crew but could not place then in the compartment. away for a few minutes
<NathanKell> Ah, dang. Ok. If you can repro it, give me the save?
<NathanKell> Pap: I put the multipliers in the game difficulty presets cfg, so no more telling people to increase their multipliers.
<Bornholio> yup my son is dragging me off to skateboard for a bit :0
<Slavi> Well skate with him, dude - you only got willing to do things sons for a certain amount of time
<Slavi> it's very limited, Bornholio
<NathanKell> Bornholio: :D
<Slavi> NathanKell: I got a quick question about how flybys work
<NathanKell> ya?
<Slavi> I plan on throwing one of my sputniks moonward shortly [still using the RD-103 because I'm poor] and I was wondering if an impact counts as a flyby
<blowfish> well if you used A9s that might explain why you're stapped for cash now...
<Slavi> The idea is I'd have a sputnik + antennas + science instruments mounted ontop of a service module with batteries, HTP and an avionics module. If I smash the avionics module into the moon and have the sputnik fly past, is that two birds with one stone?
<NathanKell> Slavi: The flyby contract requires you to get within 5000km of the moon *and transmit science*
<NathanKell> so as long as you transmit lunar science, and get within 5000km (which you obvs will if you impact) then yep
<Slavi> Also, how many sputnik antennas do I need to have contact from that distance
<Slavi> I was thinking of rocking 8.
<Slavi> Hedgehognik.
<NathanKell> 8 isn't enough
<NathanKell> 10 is
<NathanKell> they're 1/10th a Comm16
<SpecimenSpiff> NathanKell do you know offhand what I need to do so that my window properly dissapears when you hit f2 to make the gui go away? I mostly copied my UI from RP-0, which doesnt seem to do that, and isnt in the flight scene anyways
<Slavi> So 12 it is. I like a margin for error.
<NathanKell> there's a gameevent to listen to
<NathanKell> Slavi: Make sure to bring batteries too
<SpecimenSpiff> NathanKell http://imgur.com/a/zvPk2
<Slavi> SpecimenSpiff: that's looking pretty
<Slavi> *ahem*
<Slavi> Spiffy
<SpecimenSpiff> I just got the code to zero thrust on arm working, next up is abort, then destruct
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<awang> Anyone know how fast the X-1 was going when it landed?
<Slavi> awang: based on the Mig 21, which has the same wing loading and similar weight,
<Slavi> I would say 350 km/h
<Slavi> or so
<Slavi> Or roughly 200 knots
<awang> Slavi: Alright, glad to know I'm in the right ballpark at least
<awang> I was getting a bit concerned about having to go 100+ m/s to take off
<awang> Pap: I'm getting science from the runway...
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<awang> Stupid runway
<awang> Can't wait for the 1.3 update
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<awang> So ridiculously hard to take off
<A1Tubb> Hi there! Would anyone know a potential reason why I don't have the ability to take an eva report in space? I've upgraded the astro complex, so that's not a problem, but my kerbal/human goes on eva as normal, but then cannot perform an eva report through the drop-down menu or xscience
<A1Tubb> Am running the dev versions of RSS, RO and RP0
<awang> Not 100% sure this will fix it, but do you have DMagic Orbital Science and WildBlueTools installed too?
<Bornholio> i have that same problem, no eva report, even thoug i can eva (development RP0)
<awang> Ah, never mind then
<A1Tubb> Yeah, I do have both of those
<A1Tubb> Sorry, cooking dinner too
<A1Tubb> Glad I'm not the only one
<A1Tubb> It kinda screws up the first eva contract
<SpecimenSpiff> awang, I currently just cheat myself enough credits to upgrade the runway at the start of the game
<awang> SpecimenSpiff: Wait, the runway isn't already upgraded all the way?
<Slavi> So the current plan is to throw 225kg of sputnik and other goodies to the moon by late July 1953
<awang> SpecimenSpiff: Apparently it isn't. Do you have to upgrade it all the way, or just to level 2?
<Slavi> I don't have maneuver nodes yet, so I have to eyeball everything
<SpecimenSpiff> I think level makes it flat enough to take off from reliably
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<awang> SpecimenSpiff: Level what?
<awang> And level 2 didn't appear to change anything :(
<SpecimenSpiff> hm, last time I tried, that worked for me. Maybe I just got lucky on my take off
<SpecimenSpiff> I mostly got in that habit when you started with the dirt runway
<awang> I don't think upgrading changes the runway model?
<awang> Or at least I didn't notice a change
<patamorphism> level 3 is definitely paved
<SpecimenSpiff> you can also just ignore the runway, wheel off to the grass and then throttle up
<patamorphism> but even with level 3, you might run into this issue (https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/issues/1647)
<Qboid> [#1647] title: Bumpy runway | Even with an updated runway it appears there's an invisible ramp after some 10s of meters.... | https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/issues/1647
<Bornholio> kerbal konstructsw or wait till 1.3, nothin fixes it
<awang> SpecimenSpiff: Ah, the good old-fashioned way
<awang> I'll probably end up doing that
<awang> It seems to happen to me between runway segments
<awang> I can see a pretty clear seam
<awang> Bornholio: I do have KK installed :(
<Bornholio> need a nice big sideways runway attached
<awang> ?
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<Slavi> I will say it is hilarious that my space agency is sending probes to the moon and putting up spy satellites to take pictures of those pesky americans yet we launch our rocket planes from a grassy runway
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<Slavi> you see comrade, in 1953 we hadn't yet mastered building runways
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<patamorphism> you see ivan, when plane launch on grass, you shall always lift off because of fear of fire
<awang> I can't even launch properly off the grass on the side of the runway
<awang> Theheck
<patamorphism> awang: are you going perpendicular to the runway?
<awang> patamorphism: No, parallel
<awang> Should I be going perpendicular?
<patamorphism> I found I tended to have more success going perpendicular, its flatter for longer
<awang> Going north or south?
<patamorphism> isn't the runway north->south? so you should be going east, as west runs into the buildings
<awang> Uh
<awang> I thought planes spawned facing more or less easy
<awang> s/easy/east
<Qboid> awang meant to say: I thought planes spawned facing more or less east
<patamorphism> well I'm not sure. But just mentally draw a line perpendicular to the runway, and go the opposite direction of the buildings
<awang> Makes sense
<soundnfury> NathanKell|AFK: \o/ thanks
<awang> Uh
<awang> What series of events led you to that image?
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<patamorphism> has anyone seen a hab module for extended orion missions? i'm designing a new ship and want to get the proportions right, but can't remember the name of the design
<A1Tubb> The deep space habitat maybe?
<patamorphism> I was thinking that, but it was just a single module not the whole station, like just the MPLM
<A1Tubb> Ah, fair enough, something like eyes turned skywards' apollo mission module?
<A1Tubb> but for orion
<patamorphism> Yeah something like that, thanks
<A1Tubb> No problem, I hope you find it, but I'll keep looking too
<Asymptote> Hey guys, a quick word to let you know the survey that I've adressed to KSP modders last month is still online at https://goo.gl/forms/1vrkPYH4az8l32sb2 . Please take 10 minutes to fill it. It will help immeasurably and be much appreciated ;^)
<awang> How do I figure out what the performance of a jet engine will actually be?
<awang> Like the editor says a turbojet has ~16 kN thrust, but I get ~12 in flight
<awang> Not enough intake air?
<awang> Bad fuel mixture?
<A1Tubb> I think it may be due to altitude, but I'm not sure, I think 16KN is at sea level
<xShadowx> Asymptote: you forgot to ask SS# and mothers name
<xShadowx> whyyy would one need all that info o.O
<A1Tubb> Also, apparently as airspeed increases, net thrust decreases, due to the air coming out of the engine not being able to move faster than the speed of sound
<Bornholio> starwaster cool -tan, new mission flag for fairy flight career :)
<awang> A1Tubb: 12 kN was on the runway, interestingly
<awang> Basically right at liftoff
<awang> Didn't know about the airspeed/thrust relation, though
<Asymptote> xShadowx, SS?
<xShadowx> Asymptote: social security number ;p
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<Asymptote> lol, I was totally looking for a channel to join right now.
<xShadowx> a jok b/c you ask nearly everything else
<Asymptote> Yup. As I did last month.
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<xShadowx> whyyy
<Asymptote> A few people have completed it and thanks to Sarbian, it's stayed in the OP, but I still need more replies
<xShadowx> whyyy
<Asymptote> Because empirical evidences are the backbone of any research and only you can provide it at this point ;^)
<xShadowx> research of ?
<Asymptote> Oh I study open source strategies in the game software's industry. I'm questionning how modding communities emerge relatively to co-development strategy with an emphasis on social and technical practices. I've chosen to observe KSP as a field case study.
<Maxsimal_> !tell NathanKell: B9 wing tanks can be a pretty good cheat, early on, mass/weight ratio can be better than tank 1's.
<Qboid> Maxsimal_: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<Bornholio> !tell NathanKell|AFK save zipped up with difficulty loading a ship on the pad (1.25mCockpit+Kerbcan) https://www.dropbox.com/s/rt3j3i2o6zvt433/Fairy%20Flight%20Save.zip?dl=1 screenshots in album http://imgur.com/a/9OLcn
<Qboid> Bornholio: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<Bornholio> fully expect its something dumb i did, but i'm out of ideas
<Asymptote> Is the "!tell" command supposed to postpone a message to NathanKell so he gets it when he returns from AFK?
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<Maxsimal_> yeah, when he says anything qboid will repeat the message
<A1Tubb> That is a really great idea
<Bornholio> the name feild will take wildcard * and multiple names with comma seperation ( and no spaces)
<Asymptote> Sounds like qboid comes in handy
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<Slavi> So should I download the new RO dev branch yet? I need muh RD-108 :P
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<SpecimenSpiff> This should be fun: http://imgur.com/a/Ldp2X From the runway, you can zip up for a quick little hop and use the chutes to land. But I'm really hoping to stick this on top of an A-4 :)
<Slavi> SpecimenSpiff: that looks really sweet - just make sure you don't blow yourself up by forgetting to put big fins near the base of the A4
<Slavi> Also, use the A9 or bust.
<Starwaster> hmmmmm I wonder, do eclipses affect radiation at all?
<xShadowx> since the sun gives off radiation, and eclipses block it, yes
SirKeplan|AFK is now known as SirKeplan
<xShadowx> and magnetic field of the moon manipulating earth's field, so merely the motion of the moon effects it
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