<wb99999999> hmm, how much can that Grumman hybrid airship haul again?
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<soundnfury> note that that's about equal to the lift capacity of the R.101
<SpecimenSpiff> wait, there is a ModuleRangeSafety in RP-0. Was someone already working on this, or is that dead orphan code?
<soundnfury> SpecimenSpiff: that's the Range Safety action (abort button -> bang)
<wb99999999> com'on fusion energy, we're running out of helium...
<SpecimenSpiff> wow, it's been so long since I left the RP-0 playground that I didnt realize that wasnt standard
<Slavi> I just noticed the RD-108 config is being weird in my "integration" save
<Slavi> there are no swappable configs for it
<Slavi> just the defaul
<Slavi> the part called "RD-108 Series" from the SXT mod isn't letting me select engine configs for it.
<Bornholio> can confirm
<Bornholio> looks like its config got banged up
<Slavi> ¯\(ツ)/¯
<Bornholio> vens acts the same way
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<Slavi> anything I can do to fix it?
<Bornholio> probably a missplaced brace { }
<Slavi> I shall dig!
<Bornholio> extra } on line 566
<Slavi> Oh, I also wondered if there was a way to make Mechjeb control rockets a little better - I can't quite figure out how to keep the engines from shutting off early [short of a BAJILLION METER APOGEE]
<SpecimenSpiff> are you using the branch version with powered explicit guidance?
<SpecimenSpiff> and if you aren't, why not?
<wb99999999> Bornholio: poor friend, what's with braces causing so much trouble lately?
<Slavi> no?
<Bornholio> tune your final Pitch in the ascent profile window if not using a PEG from lamont
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<Bornholio> not sure, they are the easiest error to introduce especially if your not using an aware editor
<Slavi> I don't know what PEG is. But I want it?
<Slavi> so do I just replace MJ with this folder
<Slavi> or do I merge them
<Bornholio> replace
<Slavi> sweet
<Slavi> oh and Bornholio you said the error was on line 566?
<Bornholio> yes, i'll make an issue on git for that also
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<Slavi> right but I can fix my install in one fell swoop if you just tell me where exactly it is :P
<Bornholio> RD108_RD118_Config.cfg
<Bornholio> in the EO engine configs folder
<Bornholio> RO
<Bornholio> ah just a sec what version of RO are you running?
<Slavi> no no I found it
<Slavi> same version as you, I presume
<Bornholio> dev?
<Slavi> before updating to dev my rd108 worked fine.
<Slavi> and now it should work fine again
<Bornholio> yeah master is ok
<Bornholio> k should have asked before assuin=mng dev :)
<Slavi> I think other than the Titan II, the Soyuz is the first rocket I make whenever I get a new RO install, so it had better work :P
<Slavi> titan 2 only takes top billing because it's a 6 part rocket - coupler, tank, engine, coupler, tank, engine
<github> [RealismOverhaul] Bornholio opened pull request #1767: extra } breaks config (dev...patch-10) https://git.io/v5m2H
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<wb99999999> man, the math for guiding an upper stage to orbit insertion is just crazy
<wb99999999> for the booster it's simple: clear the tower, pitch over, follow vector
<wb99999999> but upperstage...
<Bornholio> its not rocket science man
<wb99999999> exactly
<Bornholio> first time i used lamonts 1 stage+boost PEG it knocked my socks off it was so smooth
<Bornholio> can't wait for Shuttle PEG
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<soundnfury> wb99999999: I found the maths for konrad wasn't so hard once I got keplerian<->cartesian conversion sorted
<soundnfury> but that's probably because it's human-in-the-loop rather than a closed-loop autopilot
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<SpecimenSpiff> o/
<github> [RealismOverhaul] pap1723 closed pull request #1767: extra } breaks config (dev...patch-10) https://git.io/v5m2H
<github> [RealismOverhaul] pap1723 closed pull request #1766: Update SNTPPFE_Config.cfg (master...patch-9) https://git.io/v5kjl
<github> [RealismOverhaul] pap1723 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5mwF
<github> RealismOverhaul/master 0326963 Bornholio: Update Phoebus1_Config.cfg (#1765)...
<github> [RealismOverhaul] pap1723 closed pull request #1765: Update Phoebus1_Config.cfg (master...patch-6) https://git.io/v5kjW
<github> [RealismOverhaul] pap1723 closed pull request #1763: Update KIWIA24_Config.cfg (master...patch-2) https://git.io/v5kjn
<github> [RealismOverhaul] pap1723 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5mwb
<github> RealismOverhaul/master abe4e24 Bornholio: Update KIWIA24_Config.cfg (#1763)...
<github> [RealismOverhaul] pap1723 closed pull request #1760: Update NERVAXE_Config.cfg (master...patch-5) https://git.io/v5kjO
<github> [RealismOverhaul] pap1723 closed pull request #1758: Update Phoebus2_Config.cfg (master...patch-7) https://git.io/v5kjt
<github> [RealismOverhaul] pap1723 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5mwA
<github> RealismOverhaul/master ecb67cd Bornholio: Update Phoebus2_Config.cfg (#1758)...
<github> [RealismOverhaul] pap1723 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5mwj
<github> RealismOverhaul/master 93079fd Bornholio: Update RD-0410NTR_Config.cfg (#1759)...
<github> [RealismOverhaul] pap1723 closed pull request #1759: Update RD-0410NTR_Config.cfg (master...patch-8) https://git.io/v5kjm
<github> [RealismOverhaul] pap1723 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5mrv
<github> RealismOverhaul/master e6c6083 Bornholio: Update NERVANRX_Config.cfg (#1761)...
<Bornholio> thanks pap
<github> [RealismOverhaul] pap1723 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5mrT
<github> RealismOverhaul/master 3b115aa Bornholio: Update KIWIB48_Config.cfg (#1762)
<Pap> YW Bornholio
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<Slavi> Is it fixed now? Can I just download the new master?
<Slavi> Or the new dev, or what have you?
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<NathanKell> so, special deal: two for the price of one
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<NathanKell|TwitchSarbs> Pap: Anything change?
<NathanKell|TwitchSarbs> Anything I should know about before firing up?
<Pap> NathanKell|TwitchSarbs: Updates from yesterday, couple of bug fixes
<NathanKell|TwitchSarbs> coolz!
<SpecimenSpiff> twitchsarbs?
<Pap> Crew Science is now done for all Earth orbits up to Apollo
<SpecimenSpiff> sounds like some kind of affliction
<NathanKell|TwitchSarbs> SpecimenSpiff: You’re getting a 2-for-1 deal
<NathanKell|TwitchSarbs> both of us streaming
<SpecimenSpiff> cool. your channel?
<NathanKell|TwitchSarbs> yep
<NathanKell|TwitchSarbs> he’s here staying a week
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<Starwaster> NathanKell|TwitchSarbs are we still building RF for 1.2.2 or are we fully switched over to 1.3?
<wb99999999> is there some any idea for a Uranus orbiter mission that doesn't take 60 years nor have to be launched with a Saturn V class rocket?
<Pap> wb99999999: Gravity assists
<wb99999999> that the "60 years" thing
<Bornholio> nukes
<wb99999999> nuke sounds good
<Bornholio> 1 pewee class like kenedy asked for
<wb99999999> I did a conventional one with a few slingshots in sandbox, launching when Eisenhower were the US president; when I arrive, the soviet union dissolved...
<wb99999999> sad
<Bornholio> for basic ro engines that role would be a BNTR, which can also power a lot of electric drive/rcs for modern era
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<wb99999999> you're right. Back then I was just not thinking about nukes at all
<Bornholio> its still a hefty lift though, flyby shot doesn't add mass to the mission
<wb99999999> 1 or 2 less slingshots is a big save in time
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<Slavi> hey everybody - I made my RP-0 install right before all those pulls got closed - should I re download the dev branch of Realism Overhaul?
<Bornholio> they are mostly NTR fixes and the one engine that you pointed out
<Slavi> But is that a yes?
<Slavi> re-downloading takes like, 8 seconds
<Bornholio> patching takes longer :P
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<wb99999999> I wonder will RO ever have Chinese stuff in it
<wb99999999> it's kind of insignificant,but some Chinese LVs do fill niches
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<NathanKell> blowfish: I need either tech or a pad upgrade for lunar orbit
<NathanKell> (because I need a controllable final stage, or an LV big enough so there's a guided TLI stage)
<NathanKell> for reentry, I need heat shields and a way to transfer data (ECC has storage, 20in does not)
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<blowfish> ah yeah, doubling the 2nd stage probably isn't enough for lunar orbit
<blowfish> 60t is painful ... imagine if you were doing a Soviet career and actually trying to get at an R7
<NathanKell|AFK> Yep that won't yield 12200 for 80kg
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<NathanKell|AFK> That just means going for orbit later
<NathanKell|AFK> With a lighter infrastructure
<NathanKell|AFK> It's probably 15 upgrades less?
<NathanKell|AFK> ( i.e. 450k funds or so spent on pad not upgrades)
<leudaimon> you can also do quite a lot with the RD-103(M) going soviet...
<blowfish> sure, if you're willing to use capitalist kick stages (XASR-1 and/or solids)
<leudaimon> this is a doubt I always had... what engines did the russians use for sounding rockets?
<leudaimon> they surely had something similar to the aerobees, right?
<leudaimon> cool Pap, as always, huge rockets lol
<SpecimenSpiff> They actually had one that looks very much like an aerobee, and they launched tons and tons of them, like 1000 in a single year in 1958, I think it was
<leudaimon> the one they call MMR-5 in that link SpecimenSpiff?
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<blowfish> nothing early though it seems, hard to get to orbit on russian tech until you have R7 engines and pad capability
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<leudaimon> this is very weird
<SpecimenSpiff> if you follow the rockets that lead up to the r-7, the r-4 and r-5 and such, they probably could have done a juno/explorer equivalent
<blowfish> they didn't have the solid tech though did they?
<blowfish> bbiab
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<leudaimon> those were single stage right?
<SpecimenSpiff> r-5 was single stage, yes. but it's basically jupiter
<leudaimon> yeah
<SpecimenSpiff> r-3 is cool, I hadn't seen this picture before, kind of like a cross between atlas and aggregate http://www.russianspaceweb.com/r3.html
<SpecimenSpiff> I may have to make that one...
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<wb99999999> sad, why am I the only one having the procedural RF SRB burn time bug
<Starwaster> are you?
<wb99999999> you said RF should be rather immune
<Starwaster> should be, it uses different code than for non RF
<wb99999999> ikr
<wb99999999> and not many people other than me are having this
<Starwaster> I think I've said before though that thrust calc should be ripped up and done the way real SRBs work
<Starwaster> maybe one day I will but I worry about backwards compatibility... it would break craft
<wb99999999> I have myself to blame...I tend to launch small sats with vega style launcher
<wb99999999> so maybe others just don't do this often enough to see this as a problem
<wb99999999> again I can't represent anyone but I'd rise both hands for a better thrust calculation
<leudaimon> weird... adding a boattail to a V-2 raises build time by 50%
<leudaimon> and I don't get it why you need to tool both fairing/interstage bases and the fairing/interstage part
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<wb99999999> damn PEG is smooth
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<SpecimenSpiff> o/
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<github> [RealismOverhaul] PhineasFreak opened pull request #1768: [Maintenance] EAP-241 global engine config (master...RO-EAP-241-Global-Config-Updates) https://git.io/v5YoL
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<Pap> o/
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<Starwaster> hey guys, is there an integer equivalent to UI_FloatRange? Something that just handles integers?
<Hypergolic_Skunk> \o
<borntosleep> for boolean this https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/57572-the-tweakables-thread/ only see float or boolean but someone else may have
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<Bornholio> .
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<xShadowx> Starwaster: not last time i checked, but you can set stepsize = 1.0f to stick to full numbers :)
<Starwaster> and cast to int in my code, I know. Was hoping not to do that but if I have to I have to
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<soundnfury> Starwaster: remember to round, otherwise you'll get 8.99999f'd
<soundnfury> (something something floating point eggs)
<Bornholio> can you misapproriate some other module that uses Int?
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<Starwaster> don't know
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<Bornholio> maybe something silly like color, its three 0-255 int values
<Bornholio> what range do you need
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<Rokker> wait
<Rokker> NathanKell|WORK: this press release picture for the Minotaur IV is weird
<Rokker> it seems to imply that the Orion 38 is the 5th stage
<Rokker> instead of the Star 48
<Bornholio> isn't the star 48 an upgrade to get more payload mass instead fo the 38?
<Theysen> 48V was specified for it, wasn't it?
<Theysen> okay yeah that graphic is strange / wrong
<Theysen> wait, are they launching a mintaur V?!
<Theysen> 2 minutes in this channel and im confused, nice.
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<Rokker> Theysen: its an IV
<Rokker> Theysen: this is from the orbatk site ABOUT the launch
<Rokker> so...
<Rokker> idk wtf is happening
<Starwaster> well it's supposed to be a late Friday launch but I don't know how late is late
<Starwaster> hmmm late NIGHT
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<Rokker> Starwaster: 11 pm Eastern
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<Slavi> I noticed that Service Module 1 has a higher structural % than Tank 1 HP. Is there a particular reason to take SM1 over Tank 1 HP?
<Pap> Slavi: you can only add ElectricCharge to Service Module
<Slavi> as always, Pap , you are a life saver
<Slavi> and I guess part 2 of that question is "is it more efficient to use a service module + battery & fuel OR a Tank 1HP with batteries tacked on?"
<Pap> The short answer is that is depends, the longer answer has to do with what size tanks you have tooled.
<Pap> Also, you can only fill a Service Module 1 tank up to 50% of Utilization
<Slavi> True. I gotta change the way I previe vehicles though, I keep tooling things before I'm even sure if my idea will work. It's really bad.
<Slavi> Wait what? I know it started at 50% utilization but my slider let me increase it to 100%
<Pap> Check it again, it is a bug (I think) and then when you re-load it, it looks like 100%, but it is 50% shown as max
<Slavi> Well, anyhoo - glad you cleared that up because I was about to upgrade my Sprutnik 1's upper stage tank to a service module, thinking Tank 1 HP was more like fuselage than like a regular tank.
<Slavi> I call it Sprutnik because it
<Slavi> is a horrid abomination of R3 and other evils.
<Slavi> but it will be enough to get me to have a sptnik in orbit as early as 1952
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<Starwaster> does anyone remember what that document was that detailed Saturn V SIVB heat leak per section of tank?
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<ProjectThoth> Anyone got any good documents on Faget's DC-3 concept? I want a three-view.
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<Slavi> Hey guys, does anyone know if there's a way to use KRASH to simulate a rocket that you can't currently launch?
<Slavi> It says I can't simulate because my vessel exceeds the mass the pad can support
<soundnfury> Slavi: use the fill-on-pad cheat?
<Slavi> Oh true!
<Slavi> Thanks a bunch soundnfury , I forgot you could do that.
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<Slavi> Just tried to take off on the stock RP-0 runway (Baikonur, specifically) and noticed that after around 200 meters there was a huge bump in the runway and my plane exploded.
<Slavi> Is that a bad install or a known bug
<Slavi> also, unrelated, but this build of Mechjeb2 has amazing PID
<Slavi> either that's you Sarbian or you lamont but either way it's amazing
<ferram4> That's called a stock KSP bug. It's the main reason to upgrade to KSP 1.3 whenever that happens
<Slavi> thanks for the info, ferram4
<Slavi> by the way, I'm really digging this version of FAR - designing a plane feels really natural.
<Slavi> This is the one with voxel based drag, right?