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<awang> Bornholio: What about Kopernicus should I check?
<Sigma88> that doesn't sound like a kopernicus issue to me
<Sigma88> do you have the output_log.txt?
<awang> I don't think KSP has ever generated an output_log.txt
<awang> Would KSP.log be an equivalent?
<Sigma88> yes that's fine
<Sigma88> btw, the output_log is in
<Sigma88> Kerbal Space Program\KSP_x64_Data\output_log.txt
<awang> I don't have a KSP_x64_Data folder
<awang> I'm on mac though
<Sigma88> ah
<Bornholio> do you have it set to not generate the log? -NoLog switch or something?
<Sigma88> !link logs
<awang> I'm starting the application directly
<awang> Not through Steam
<Sigma88> Mac OS X: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log ( Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log )
<Sigma88> but the KSP.log should work just fine awang
<awang> Based on a quick look
<awang> I'm probably going to want to retry after turning on the verbose log setting
<awang> And the "flush to disk immediately" setting
<awang> Er, brb
<awang> Sorry
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<Sigma88> !tell awang you have no errors from kopernicus, you do have errors from TAC and Scansat
<Qboid> Sigma88: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<awang> \o
<Qboid> awang: Sigma88 left a message for you in #RO [25.09.2017 00:34:48]: "you have no errors from kopernicus, you do have errors from TAC and Scansat"
<awang> I created a blank file where SCANsat was trying to find its settings file, so hopefully that fixes that
<awang> Sigma88: ^
<awang> No idea why it couldn't create it itself
<awang> And where were the TACLS errors?
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<awang> \o
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<awang> Does reputation currently do anything?
<blowfish> when launching to an inclined orbit with MJ, is there a way to force it to go south intead of north?
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<blowfish> been noticing that occasionally the launch pad doesn't actually upgrade when KCT finishes it ... anyone else seen this?
<Sigma88> !tell awang at the very beginning you had tac errors, not sure if they were tacls
<Qboid> Sigma88: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<wb99999999> anyone here?
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* xShadowx starts to think NK died again
<xShadowx> !seen NathanKell
<Qboid> xShadowx: I haven't seen the user NathanKell yet.
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<wb99999999> morning
<Maxsimal|Work> Hey 9's - how'd you come by that nick anyway?
<Maxsimal|Work> And Shadow, afaik this is a planned hiatus by NK - I'm sure we'll be back in business soon enough. I hope so at least, - I want to do another RIS when that gets going
<wb99999999> wb is something to do with my actual nick used in some places and when I tried to register for an Email this one is taken
<wb99999999> I was angry so I added as large a number as I am willing to type
<wb99999999> cuz you know people add numbers after used names for new names
<wb99999999> following the principle of one-up-manship I just had a big clunky number
<wb99999999> So I have a question
<wb99999999> when it comes to super-heavy launchers, is there anything to gain by not using a parellel parallel staging?
<wb99999999> and yes I typed parallel twice with a spelling error
<wb99999999> you see Saturn and N-1 both used pure tandem staging, but parallel staging is so much more efficient
<Maxsimal|Work> in RO/RP0, no, nothing to be gained. In the real world, I imagine there were reliaibility and simplicity issues that tandem helped with - for instance, starting 2 different types of motors like the Space shuttle did might have been a bigger challenge than hitting space bar
<Maxsimal|Work> anyway, gotta run, bbl.
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<Maxsimal> Goin on vacation tomorrow - hopefully this place wakes back up after I get back, not before
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<wb99999999> err, college wifi
<wb99999999> good afternoon ppl
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<regex> Is RP-0 the mod that handles the "avionics"
<regex> I want to get rid of that, makes zero sense to me and there isn't enough of a probe core variety to make it worthwhile in sand box.
<awang> regex: Should be, yes
<Qboid> awang: Sigma88 left a message for you in #RO [25.09.2017 06:00:24]: "at the very beginning you had tac errors, not sure if they were tacls"
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<regex> Thanks. tbh though I should just make a sandbox install...
<awang> Sigma88: Pretty sure I'm blind, because I don't see any TAC errors? What line number(s) did you see them at?
<awang> I think I may have some kind of texture corruption problem...
<awang> On the plus side, this makes it really obvious why a skybox is called a skybox
<awang> It's literally a box!
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<wb99999999> I agree with the avionics idea
<wb99999999> design constrains should be applied to sandbox so ppl can build useful and meaningful LVs
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