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<ProjectThoth> Anyone in here with a really good grasp of kinematics?
<taniwha> I don't know about "really good", but...
<taniwha> what's up?
<taniwha> ProjectThoth: ^
<ProjectThoth> taniwha: Okay, so I've got a rocket hanging out in freefall.
<ProjectThoth> I'm interested in kicking myself back towards the launch site. I fire the engine to do so.
<ProjectThoth> Is the net velocity thus a function of the acceleration and burn time of that rocket, or is it just the horizontal velocity minus the delta-v available?
<ProjectThoth> I would assume that it it's the former.
<taniwha> there's actually no difference
<taniwha> though the latter will be more accurate
<taniwha> (because the acceleration is non-linear, thus the ΔV equation having ln in it)
* ProjectThoth checks the spreadsheet.
<taniwha> er, sorry, not non-linear (though it is), but non-constant
<ProjectThoth> Son of a gun, look at that.
<ProjectThoth> That's not something I would have expected from just looking at the data.
<ProjectThoth> taniwha: Seems to be most accurate (vs just using the difference in velocities) when considering peak acceleration, interestingly enough.
<taniwha> any differences in actual velocity should be due to gravity
<taniwha> so higher acceleration means less time for gravity to mess you up
<ProjectThoth> I was considering a purely horizontal burn.
<taniwha> you still have gravity adding to your velocity vector
<taniwha> thus why NASA's first rendezvous attempt went badly :)
<taniwha> (I can never remember which mission it was)
<ProjectThoth> Oh, that just clicked.
<taniwha> Yeah, there's a lot of that in true 3d physics
<taniwha> (the stuff they teach in school is mostly 2d with flattened earth (for simplicity))
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<ProjectThoth> taniwha: Explains my lack of understanding.
<taniwha> e
<taniwha> oops
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<wb99999999> Good afternoon fellow rocketeers
<Maxsimal> hiya
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