<awang> Should the Ranger probe core have avionics?
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<github> [RP-0] aw1621107 opened pull request #778: Add more science cores (master...add-more-science-cores) https://git.io/vdMK3
<github> [RP-0] aw1621107 closed pull request #778: Add more science cores (master...add-more-science-cores) https://git.io/vdMK3
<github> [RP-0] aw1621107 opened pull request #779: Add science cores to some Bluedog probe cores (Developmental...add-more-science-cores) https://git.io/vdMKG
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<awang> taniwha: I just realized... Is there a way to change the text of a GUILayout.button after the fact?
<awang> Er
<awang> After the button is first created
<awang> Something like "if the button is "active", use green text. Otherwise, use red"
<taniwha> awang: OnGUI stuff is immediate mode which means you create the button every time
<taniwha> so yes, it can be changed just by changing the text when you need it to change
<awang> Is GUILayout for OnGUI?
<awang> (I'm working with Principia, so there are some intermediate layers, I think)
<awang> But it sounds like I'll need to keep track of state elsewhere?
<taniwha> GUILayout and GUI
<taniwha> GUILayout just provides automatic layout stuff for GUI things
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<awang> I see
<awang> This just reminds me why I dislike GUI work :(
<taniwha> you and me both :/
<awang> Uh
<awang> Kind of a stupid question
<awang> if I have
<awang> foreach(var pair in <dict>)
<awang> Is changing pair.Value correct?
<awang> Or does that just change a temporary copy that will be lost?
<awang> I think it's right, but just want to make sure
<taniwha> I don't know, but I suspect it might be
<taniwha> (correct)
<taniwha> test it :)
<awang> Never mind
<awang> Apparently it's read-only
<awang> Who knew
<taniwha> hmm, maybe what you want is foreach (var key in dict.Keys) { dict[key] = newval; }
<awang> That looks much better
<awang> Uh
<awang> So I'd like to do something like part.Modules.any(m => m is Moduleengines && (m as ModuleEngines).engineIgnited)
<awang> But apparently Modules doesn't support Any
<awang> Is there some other equivalent that is relatively concise?
<awang> Or wait
<awang> I'm dumb
<awang> That's not necessary
<awang> Never mind
<blowfish> awang: problem is PartModuleList doesn't implement IEnumerable<PartModule>
<awang> I see
<taniwha> iirc, you can get at the list anyway
<awang> C# dictionaries aren't like maps in that operator[] creates the value if it isn't already there, right?
<awang> Er
<awang> C++ maps create the value if it isn't already there
<awang> C# ones don't, right?
<awang> That's what I meant
<awang> I think
<blowfish> if the key is not yet in the dictionary, []= will create it
<taniwha> c# ones do
* taniwha slow
<awang> Oh
<awang> So .Add() is redundant?
<taniwha> yeah
<awang> Dangit
<lamont> bill i may need to ping you about inverse rotation again
<awang> So apparently you can't edit any of the pairs of a Dictionary when editing over it?
<awang> I thought it would have just complained about adding/removing things
<awang> Not changing values
<blowfish> ehh, it probably was just simpler to make KeyValuePair immutable
<awang> Wait what
<awang> KSP uses XKCDColors?
<blowfish> heh yup
<awang> Is Part.partName the right way to get a part name?
<awang> I appear to just be getting "Part" as the string
<blowfish> I think part.name gives what you want
<awang> Indeed it is
<awang> I have no idea how I missed that
<awang> Could have sworn that partName was the only thing in the API
<awang> Man, KSP is so snappy without all those mods
<awang> Can you not create GUILayout.Buttons in a loop?
<awang> Also, is there a way to programmatically set the state of a GUILayout.Button?
<awang> Never mind the second question
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<blowfish> damn, I definitely made something in MM slower
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<wb99999999> hi world
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<Maxsimal|Work> Hey 9's
<Maxsimal|Work> Btw, anyone get the new version of ckan, I've been having trouble with it & RP0, wondering if anyone else has
<wb99999999> no idea, spent the weekend playing a Japanese MMO
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<wb99999999> why is the ESO narrator's voice so...shady
<wb99999999> she sounds like someone from a video game evil cooperation
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<Bornholio> spam spam spam spaam spammity spam. Hi Seven, yes she does.
<awang> I just realized, part.name provides the internal name for the part
<awang> How do I get the "user-friendly" name?
<xShadowx> title?
<xShadowx> part.title or part.prefab.title somewhere around there without lookin
<xShadowx> awang: or part.partname
<xShadowx> oh part.partinfo.title is what i was thinkin :|
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<awang> xShadowx: Yep, that's it!
<awang> Thanks!
<awang> I tried part.partName, but that just gave me "Part"
<awang> Not really helpful :(
<xShadowx> ya i dont get the purpose of that
<xShadowx> ohhhhh
<xShadowx> its the name field in cfg i think, and its Part for all but fuel line / strut i think
<taniwha> it's the type
<taniwha> Part for most parts, CompoundPart for fuel lines and struts
<xShadowx> so im right ;3
<xShadowx> taniwha: i was just given some kind of japanese dessert thingies, 'gluten free' and tastes like a flavorless sand-textured jelly ball -.-
<Bornholio> mochi?
<xShadowx> no name on it
* xShadowx googles
<xShadowx> yep thats it
<Bornholio> rice candy, made from pounded or ground rice
<xShadowx> and no flavor
<xShadowx> i like rice pudding...it has flavor
<Bornholio> flavor to suit , green tea is a good one for traditional, i like caramel, but yes kind of grainy
<xShadowx> .....now i want rice pudding -.-
<Bornholio> now? or more "i want rice pudding" as a state of being
<xShadowx> this one is red pastey ish inside, almost flavorless, but almost a hint of ground up bean
<Bornholio> red bean ice cream... weird texture thing in Nihon sweets
<xShadowx> aint no icecream......
<xShadowx> these are room temp
<Bornholio> sweet been sauce and filling is common in a bunch of dishes
<Bornholio> bean
<xShadowx> everything i see on google says these are sweet
<xShadowx> this thing aint sweet
* xShadowx gives the rest to Bornholio
<Bornholio> i've never had a mochi that was very sugary, justa mild seet
<Bornholio> sweet
<Bornholio> .NOM
<xShadowx> i dont like grainy stuff :D
<xShadowx> i like things that taste like fire
<xShadowx> though i have yet to try hot sauce on icecream o.O
<Bornholio> certain ones are good but i prefer pepper & vanilla for wweird hot icecream flavors
<Bornholio> so how about them gravity waves. pretty cool getting pictures of exploding neutrons stars in my inbox today