<gazpachian> Yeah, ksp 1.1.3 + whatever version number of RP-0 is assocoated with it
<gazpachian> because I haven't bothered finishing my 1.2.2 install :P
<awang> lol
<gazpachian> and now I'm holding out for a RP-1 release before I bother going through the hassle
<awang> Given that NathanKell and Pap are MIA, that might be a while :P
<gazpachian> I've got all the time in the world, let them have theirs too!
<awang> True, true
<soundnfury> !tell Maxsimal* the Spaceplane wings come in node Hypersonic Flight, which is in the same tech tree tier as (and ~same cost as) 1959 engines. And says 1959 in its description, iirc.
<Qboid> soundnfury: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<soundnfury> awang: btw do we have an ETA for NK returning? or just "when he's ready"?
<awang> soundnfury: I haven't the faintest idea
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<NathanKell> o/
<Qboid> NathanKell: awang left a message for you in #RO [14.09.2017 00:35:23]: "KSP seems to think that something recovered a bit off the KSC was recovered 3000+ km away for ~80% recovery value. Is this a bug?"
<Qboid> NathanKell: soundnfury left a message for you in #RO [21.09.2017 21:51:49]: "mk1pod by itself has 37k rollout costs. FASA Mercury pod has 83k. Build time also more than 2x. Is this intentional?"
<NathanKell> awang: yeah I think it is.
<NathanKell> soundnfury: It's not. Only the mk1pod has its multipliers fixed (see the KCT preset cfg). That needs doing for other pods (and other things that combine lots of multipliers)
<NathanKell> soundnfury: As for ETAs: Was in crunch. Took a week and a half off (of everything) to visit parents. Back and still kinda crunchy but will make an effort to be around. :)
SirKeplan is now known as SirKeplan|zzz
<awang> HE LIVES
<awang> soundnfury: Looks like the ETA was about 25 minutes
<awang> Uh
<awang> Does the "max DSN power" thing for the tracking station actually mean anything?
<awang> Since RemoteTech has other stations spread out all over the globe
<awang> Are those affected by the DSN power thing?
<awang> And are the comms network contracts actually part of RP-0?
<awang> Or are they a RemoteTech thing?
<awang> And for the comms network contracts
<awang> Do you *have* to use different launches for each satellite?
<awang> Or can you do what Iridium did a few days ago and stick several satellites on the same LV?
<awang> NathanKell: btw, I wasn't waiting for you to show up to ask all these questions. Just good timing on your part :P
<NathanKell> awang: atm "DSN Power" doesn't matter for us
<NathanKell> You can combine all sats in a single launch for Pap's contracts.
<NathanKell> no worries :)
<awang> Does each sub-satellite need to be controllable?
<awang> Also, is the Vanguard probe core supposed to have the science core tag?
<awang> RN's core does
<awang> SXT's doesn't
<NathanKell> The SXT one is the 20in one yes?
<awang> No
<awang> They're "proper" Vanguard cores
<NathanKell> ? When was that added?
<awang> Uh
<awang> Let me load the VAB, and I'll get you the part names
<NathanKell> I'm not aware of SXT cores beyond Sputnik, Aloutte, and vanguard 20in xray
<awang> Er, my mistake
<awang> It's Bluedog
<awang> >_<
<NathanKell> Ah kk
<NathanKell> Yeah that should have science core
<awang> :(
<awang> And here I was hoping to get away with using it for a ballistic capture
<awang> Also, the SXT X405 has 3 engines, one of which still uses LF/O
<awang> And why would you put two engines on the same part with different fuel mixtures :(
<awang> Er, messed up again; it's the bluedog X-405 that has a LF/O engine
<awang> The SXT one has two engines, which use different kerolox/HTP mixture ratios
<awang> Making it impossible to tell which one is the right one in the RF UI :(
<NathanKell> Hmm, weird
<NathanKell> that one I don't recall right
<NathanKell> Maybe the global config for the X-405 got changed but it wasn't applied to the verniers?
<NathanKell> gotta run, nomz time o/
NathanKell is now known as NathanKell|AFK
<awang> There's also some funkiness with the baby sergeants, but I already opened an issue on the github
<awang> Enjoy!
<awang> Thanks for letting me bug you :P
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<awang> Also, any tips on picking PEG parameters?
<awang> since you used PEG in your playthroughs
<ProjectThoth> soundnfury: I swore he was up to family stuff.
<awang> ProjectThoth: You just missed him, actually :P
<awang> But yeah, he said he was visiting his parents
<ProjectThoth> awang: Damn, that's what I get for taking a nap.
<awang> Question about MJ ascent guidance:
<awang> Does the autopilot take into account the amount of time it takes for the engines to spin up when determining when to start the launch?
<awang> How exactly does a coasting period between stages 1 and 2 mess PEG up?
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<awang> Maybe the missing Vanguard 1 science core tag is messing up avionics?
<awang> RP-0 menu tells me "Supports: 34.788t; Vessel: 59.876t; Avionics are sufficient"
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<Rokker> borntosleep: I just got an advert for the B-52 re-engining
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<awang> The rollout costs in the VAB and in the space center don't match for me
<awang> Is this the case for anyone else?
<awang> KCT said a rocket had rollout costs of ~11.5k. Cost in space center was ~6.75k
<blowfish> haven't paid too much attention tbh, but i'll check next time
<awang> Uh
<awang> I suddenly have a sounding rocket core 242.189Tm from the Earth
<awang> Moving at 596.5Mm/s
<awang> I haven't the faintest idea how it got here
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<awang> I'd love to know what about Unity physics resulted in this monstrosity
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<borntosleep> rokker new one? or the cartoony one
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<Rokker> borntosleep: cartoony
<Rokker> borntosleep: I'm disappointed to learn that they wanna quiet the B-52
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<CobaltWolf> Gents I need help - is it possible to index engine modules in FXModuleAnimateThrottle? I have an engine with separate verniers and main engine. Or should I just try and use that new-fangled way of splitting the thrust unevenly between chambers of one engine?
<taniwha> btw, because my input mod is still linux-only (and still very WIP), I thought somebody here might be interested in this: https://github.com/taniwha/AdvancedInput/blob/master/Source/LinearBraking.cs
<CobaltWolf> aha! Found it
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<Probus> Rokker: They just want to find an excuse to change engines, even though we have a bazillion spares.
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<Rokker> Probus: i mean to be fair, an engine change would be quite handy
<Probus> Rokker: I can't argue. An upengined block release would be pretty cool and increase the range and lifting capacity quite a bit.
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<Rokker> Probus: they should make he engines even louder tho
<Rokker> get that psyops potential
<stratochief> I concur with Rokker. time to roll coal over noko
<awang> Uh
<awang> I'm currently sitting in orbit and my AJ10 says its propellant is "very stable"
<awang> I thought doing nothing meant unstable propellant?
<Rokker> awang: how long have you been sitting
<Rokker> and are you rotating
<awang> Rokker: Been there for at least an orbit
<awang> And rotating reaallllyyyy slowly
<Rokker> odd
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<soundnfury> awang: yeah I see the changing rollout costs too
<soundnfury> NathanKell|AFK: yaaaay! (I'm happy for you to take as much time as you need, but I'm glad you're talking to us again :)
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<Maxsimal> NK is talking again?
<Qboid> Maxsimal: soundnfury left a message for you in #RO [12.10.2017 00:05:18]: "the Spaceplane wings come in node Hypersonic Flight, which is in the same tech tree tier as (and ~same cost as) 1959 engines. And says 1959 in its description, iirc."
<awang> Gaahhh
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<awang> My AJ10 somehow ignited even though my throttle was at 0
<awang> So much time planning the transfer wasted :(
<Maxsimal> soundnfury: Ok gotcha. But that is unrealistic, noones really ever done non-abalative reentry afaik, have they?
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<Maxsimal> soundfury: Huh I'd always heard the shuttle tiles had to be inspected and replaced, but it turns out that's mostly due to impacts rather than reentry. N/m. still not 1959 tech though in reality
<awang> What do the numbers in degrees besides "Launch to rendezvous/into plane of target" in MJ ascent guidance mean?
<soundnfury> Maxsimal: I agree it's crazy. But with the tech tree as it is, spaceplanes (that are just-about orbit capable) can be done before Mercury can.
<Maxsimal> soundnfury: Agreed, and you wouldn't want to pay for a mercury capsule anyway
<ProjectThoth> I mean, I would, because then I could convince the RPL guys to launch me into space...
<soundnfury> Maxsimal: I mean, it's _amusing_, because it means I finally have a reason to build a spaceplane...
<Maxsimal> soundfury: So what was NK saying earlier?
<soundnfury> oh that he's still "kinda crunchy" but "will make an effort to be around" now that he's back from holiday
<ProjectThoth> Extra crispy?
<awang> How were the default PEG parameters chosen?
<awang> And is it better to err on the side of the pitch program turning too fast or too slow?
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