<blowfish> probably helps that I used delta wings instead of the X-1's straight wings
<soundnfury> Mmm.
Technicalfool_ is now known as TechnicallySleeping
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<blowfish> although the wings have to be pretty big for it to take off on a full fuel load
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<blowfish> yeah wow ... about 2:30 of supersonic flight including a 180 degree turn. Am I missing something because that seems too good
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<github> [RealismOverhaul] PhineasFreak closed pull request #1772: [Bug Fix] CMES Orion parachute pack (master...RO-CMES-Orion-Parachute-Fix) https://git.io/v5WRc
<github> [RealismOverhaul] PhineasFreak closed pull request #1750: [Maintenance] Coatl Aerospace RCS updates (dev...RO-Coatl-Aerospace-RCS-Updates) https://git.io/v7PuT
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<BadRocketsCo> Howdy
<BadRocketsCo> So uh
<BadRocketsCo> Are the DMagic science modules SUPPOSED to be that gigantic?
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<schnobs> Sorry for being quite OT, but this is the only place where i know some knowledgeable people to hang out.
<schnobs> How difficult would it be to apply the crew cabin textures to the 2.5m-Mk3 adapter part?
<schnobs> Is it possible to handle this by MM?
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<wb99999999> ahoy
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<Rockwell> Has the procedural solid rocket motor been removed from RP-1?
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