<Probus> Is it best to try to modify your physics warp speed or split nodes or is there another option?
<soundnfury> !tell Pap is the crewed orbit repeat contract meant to pay enough for the launch? 'cos it doesn't, now that man-rated rockets are expensive
<Qboid> soundnfury: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<awang> Probus: There's Better Time Warp Continued for messing with warp speeds
<awang> Although I've found that it also tends to reset regular timewarp speeds to that of stock, for some reason
<awang> Trivial to fix, though
<awang> Well, temporarily, at least
<Probus> I've heard of that one. I was also thinking of writing a kOS script to slow my approach to my target planet.
<Probus> I always seem to do that burn wrong.
<soundnfury> Probus: for the 'calculate the burn' part, it should be doable with konrad (probably 'mnv' console), though you might want to teach it something other than retrograde/fixed/inertial orientations
<soundnfury> (and yes, konrad IS my answer to everything, how did you guess?)
<Probus> I've never heard of it. I'll have to look that one up.
<soundnfury> ^ not sure if sarcastic xD
<Probus> Telemachus I've heard of. Don't remember KONRAD. :)
<soundnfury> you _are_ doing it on purpose :P
<awang> soundnfury: New IRC bot idea: responds to anything ending with a question mark with "The answer is KONRAD"
<Probus> There, take some of your own medicine soundnfury. :P
<soundnfury> awang: I entirely unironically approve of this suggestion ;)
<soundnfury> Probus: it's not my fault I invented a tool that can do literally everything except make the tea
<soundnfury> !tea
<Qboid> soundnfury: No teabot!
<awang> soundnfury: Any guesses as to how long it'll take before an op gets tired of the KONRAD spam and bans the bot?
<Bornholio> Just make PBAN !tea
<soundnfury> awang: I want to say "ooh, about three minutes" but literally no-one but me will know why that's funny :(
<soundnfury> stupid family in-jokes
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<xShadowx> did you guys know - pumpkin pie is nomz :D
<soundnfury> keep your pumpkini — I have dark chocolate :D
<Bornholio> in pie tin blend 6 cups sugar fine grind, add 5 cups stump remover (potasium nitrate), add three teaspoons ground rust, and 3 teaspoons powdered aluminum. bring to temperature gently roast until nice gooey brown, carefully fill 3 liter pop bottle with top portion removed. tamp around a 1.5inch dowel. add 4 peices of half round stock 1/4-1/2inch diameter around large dowel. pat surface flat with plastic wrap. pour in refractory ceramic and
<Bornholio> bake full assmbly if possible or use refractory grout. using wine cork form nozzle throat. Consume in large open area. :)
<Bornholio> nice
<Bornholio> my recipe is good though, just do the melty portion in a fire safe area. Also 3 liters of Rocket candy launched rocket is going to be illegal most places. .BigSmile
<Bornholio> well good night, lots of storms so i should shut down
<soundnfury> nn
<soundnfury> try not to explode
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<Probus__> Is the next SpaceX launch a reusable launch?
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<soundnfury> Probus__: launch Monday (Iridium, Vandy) is a new core, landing on JRTI. Following launch Wednesday (SES-11, Cape) is reused (from CRS-10), landing on OCISLY.
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<github> [RP-0] ntimpe opened pull request #770: Add more crew reports (master...patch-6) https://git.io/vdzLR
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<Probus__> Sweet! Thanks soundnfury
<awang> Wait what
<awang> The RD-103 has roll control?
<blowfish> nozzle vanes?
<awang> Uh
<awang> idk?
<awang> Are those present in the model?
<awang> Or any other way of telling?
<blowfish> typically not actually modeled
<blowfish> if you have RCS build aid you can look at where the thrust transforms are though
<blowfish> engines that have nozzle vanes IRL typically have 4 of them
<awang> Oh wait, those arrows actually mean something?
<awang> I have been enlightened
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<Probus__> Does anyone know what the land speed record actually is in stock KSP?
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<ProjectThoth> KSP Guinness wen
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<Probus> 1227.9 m/s?
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