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<awang> ...One of my landed probes just literally _vanished_
<awang> Returned using FMRS, go back to space center after landing but after recovering due to misclick
<awang> _gone_
<awang> Also, is there a reliable way to determine how much dv you lose due to aerodynamic drag?
<awang> /r/spacex guy notwithstanding
<ProjectThoth> Well, yeah, you gotta shroud your grid fins.
<awang> Speaking of which, are there working FAR-compatible grid fins in any pack?
<awang> Seems to me that they'd be slightly more difficult to model than regular fins
<awang> Wonder if /r/spacex guy would take KSP for evidence :P
<ProjectThoth> I don't think FAR models grid fins yet.
<awang> ferram4: ^
<awang> How hard would it be?
<ferram4> Absolutely not possible without lots of extra work, and I haven't found any concise and simple way of modelling them at all.
<ferram4> Grid fins are complicated.
<ferram4> The folded configuration shouldn't be, but the extended one is.
<ProjectThoth> Just put a shroud on them, it'll add a hundred billion kilos of payload.
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<schnobs> heya.
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<Rockwell> My output log is being spammed with
<Rockwell> "Trying to create a material from string - this is no longer supported.
<Rockwell> (Filename: Line: 638)"
<Rockwell> Any idea what this error is about?
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<schnobs> Rockwell: sorry, I don't have the slightest.
<schnobs> (been looking at your question for so long, at least wanted to let you know that it has been seen. This channel is not dead.)
SigmaUK is now known as SigmaBRS
<taniwha> Rockwell: some mod is attempting to load a shader from a string which is no longer supported
<taniwha> don't know which one. look for magenta objects
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<BadRocketsCo> Woop woop!
<BadRocketsCo> Getting ready for the first ATV and Gemini docking
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<schnobs> Why is it that ckan tends to stall on downloads?
<schnobs> I know this from mass-install, but right now I even get it for a single download.
<schnobs> OK, I get it. Github just has a slow day.
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<schnobs> or maybe it's the CDN? My server can pull the file quickly, but me@home receives mere bytes per minute.
<BadInternetCo> Hmm
<BadInternetCo> I wonder what'd be the most cost-effective way of launching a Gemini to lunar orbit
<BadInternetCo> Would a fully loaded Agena do the trick?
<schnobs> IIRC, no way.
<BadInternetCo> Hmm
<schnobs> Though I only ever planned for there and back missions. If you just want to get there, Agena might do.
<BadInternetCo> Nah, I'm not a big fan of casualties :P
<schnobs> But I think I used more like a centaur to get there, and an Agena to get back.
<BadInternetCo> ah, that does make sense
<schnobs> (not the actual items, but similar stages hand-shaped to the purpose).
<BadInternetCo> Hmm, maybe I should add an AJ10 and a small fuel tank to the gemini, dock it with an agena and then try again
<BadInternetCo> I remember trying that but can't remember if that worked
<schnobs> Could someone please look in their CKAN download folder, what's the checksum-prefix for procedural fairings?
<schnobs> (
<schnobs> never mind, figured it out.
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<APlayer> Hi people! Just decided I'd have another try at installing RO, and joined in case I have problems
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<APlayer> Could anyone try downloading CKAN? Is it really slow, or do I for some reason fail to download it?
<APlayer> Okay, nevermind that. GitHub seems to be overloaded or blocked by my firewall or something, I cannot download any files.
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<taniwha> seems ok here. try again?
<APlayer> The downalod ZIP link in the master branch is kind of working (At < 100 KB/s :/ ) and releases don't download at all
<APlayer> Let me restart my computer, perhaps that helps
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<APlayer> Nope, no effect
<schnobs> APlayer: had the same issue two hours ago.
<APlayer> What solved it?
<schnobs> Apperently something's odd about amazonaws (the github CDN) -- it will happily deliver to some network but not others.
<schnobs> I solved it by using enother network.
<schnobs> If you have some way of connecting to the internet through another provider? Cellphone vs cable perhaps, or ask a neighbour?
<APlayer> Uh, I don't know. May I use one of those browser based bouncers?
<APlayer> I am not very knowledgeable with networking, forgive me if I am misunderstanding that
<schnobs> No, you're gtting it right.
<github> [RealismOverhaul] h0yer opened pull request #1778: Maufacturer entry updates and conformalization (dev...maufacturer-update)
<APlayer> Uh, I don't think I can connect through a neighbour, I am living in a stand-alone house. Cellphone could work, but I have a 100 MB monthly flatrate, I don't think that's enough.
<APlayer> Is the issue gone for you?
<APlayer> Or did you switch networks?
<APlayer> What I /may/ do (but it's a headache) is try to get the files from my shared hosting space and download them from there via FTP :P
<schnobs> That's basically what I did :)
<schnobs> I just needed a single file, though.
<APlayer> I mean, I can just make it get files given the URL, shouldn't be too hard
<schnobs> (bites tongue)
<schnobs> It *is* easy if you know how. I don't, though, and inventing that particular wheel would probably take me a while.
<schnobs> All I know is that "it shouldn't be too hard". But I still remember the last time I said that.
<APlayer> Oh, I've been working with PHP just recently, I think I know how to do it... Let me have a try, I believe it won't be more than two or three lines
<APlayer> There we go. Code: <?php copy($_GET["url"], basename($_GET["url"])); ?>
<APlayer> Request files using file.php?url=requestedfileurl
<APlayer> Now I realize I have a problem, though. I downloaded CKAN, but it's completely useless because I have to do things by hand with this script
<APlayer> Unless my host is okay with me running a Windows .exe on his server and downloading thigs this way :P
<APlayer> Ooh, the "normal" download just went past 100 KB. I guess I'll keep my now-downloaded CKAN and attempt the thing another time
<APlayer> Ah, no, CKAN seems to work for some reason. Perhaps it has its own server?
<APlayer> Anyway, does it affect my GPU strongly which RSS textures I select? I have devent (8 GB) RAM, but a crappy GPU.
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<APlayer> '
<APlayer> And that is easily explained by clicking on that link
<APlayer> What mod needs that?
<APlayer> Ah, nevermind, RP-0 depends on SXT and SXT depends on that
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<schnobs> Ahhh! Are there any fairings that do not suck?
<schnobs> Procfairings at least allow for the desired size, but don't hold the part above them. And as I just noticed, they don't decouple either.
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<schnobs> OK, decoupling was my fault. Sorry about that.
<schnobs> Anyway, how's this for an ugly duckling?
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APlayer has joined #RO
<APlayer> Hi again!
<APlayer> I still have trouble with installing RO via CKAN (not mentioning by hand)
<APlayer> It gets stuck downloading B9PartSwitch, however I managed to download it by hand directly. May I cancel this process and trick it into thinking it has already downloaded and cached B9PartSwitch?
<APlayer> I installed it by hand already, but it keeps downloading (and failing) anyway
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<APlayer> To be exact, I found the cache folder myself, but there is some hex before each file name. Probably a checksum of some sort? How may I recreate this?
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<APlayer> Also, GitHub is working again! :-)
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<APlayer> Okay, I am off for today then. See you!
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<github> [RealismOverhaul] AlphaMike741 opened pull request #1779: New AdjustableCoMShifter class (master...master)
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<Rockwell> Thanks schnobs and taniwha
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<ProjectThoth> Has anyone here done high-powered rocketry?
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