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<wb99999999> Probus Pincipia can calculate maneuver based on your thrust level
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<Bornholio> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCKkhZB6gJk nice little soyuz launch
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<awang> What's with the ignition sound?
<awang> sounds like a bomb went off
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<awang> You know, I love it when you load a vessel that had splashed down only for it to start vibrating at a few kilohertz and send bits and pieces of it blasting off at Mach 3
<awang> So much for getting science out of that launch
<awang> ...And one part was traveling at ~12500 m/s
<awang> Interesting
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<blowfish> yeah, ksp physics is ... very bizarre sometimes
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<Rockwell> I noticed that I can't use mirror symmetry in the VAB anymore, and can't use radial symmetry mode in the plane hanger. Any idea how to fix this?
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<Starwaster> z
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<Maxsimal|Work> @Pap - How's it going, you around here?
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<Maxsimal|Work> Anyone remember what RO bucks are? Is it 1k 1960 dollars or 1965?
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<Maxsimal|Work> Anyone see this? https://www.rocketbuilder.com/start/configure
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<wb99999999> hello guys
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<wb99999999> so does anyone have ideas on dense upperstages?
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<awang> wb99999999: What do you mean by that?
<wb99999999> space tug
<wb99999999> agena has too much thrust, delta is too heavy and Briz and Fregat have too little thrust
<wb99999999> am I just being picky...
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<awang> idk, I'm not the person that can answer those questions, unfortunately :(
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<awang> Holy crap what does it take to properly recover a science payload
<awang> Launched the same rocket 3 times for photography/biological samples
<awang> Lost the sample payload every single time for complete bs reasons
<awang> Most recent reason: Payload _vanished_
<awang> Landed it, jumped back to main mission using FMRS, jumped to space center, and it's just _gone_
<awang> The booster was there. Science payload, nope
<soundnfury> awang: FMRS is... not perfectly reliable :/
<awang> Hasn't been this unreliable before, though
<awang> It's rather disappointing
<soundnfury> (payload in atmo but out of physics range, cleaned up as debris, maybe?)
<awang> I don't think so? I definitely landed it
<awang> Showed up as landed in the GUI at least
* soundnfury shrugs
<awang> I've been wanting to avoid StageRecovery because its recovery rates were so low
<soundnfury> if you do complicated things, KSP breaks. Recover the thing as soon as it lands, maybe?
<awang> Guess I don't have much of a choice at this rate...
<awang> Wouldn't that break the other things FMRS is taking care of, though?
<soundnfury> nope, that's what you're meant to do
<soundnfury> and instead of taking you back to the SpaceCenter, recovering should take you to your other stage
<soundnfury> or something like that
<awang> Oh wait
<soundnfury> when you jumped back to main mission, you're now before the point in time at which the package landed
<awang> now I remember why I did that
<soundnfury> which might be why it doesn't exist!
<awang> There's some kind of bug with manual recovery of stages and science
<awang> The thing is that I landed *two* stages
<awang> The science core and the booster
<awang> The booster remained
<awang> The science core did not
* soundnfury just doesn't ever try to recover boosters
<soundnfury> the game balance isn't such as to necessitate it
<awang> I normally recover for ScrapYard, at least
<awang> And I guess I'm more reckless with my spending than you
<awang> Or I just don't grind as much
<awang> Or something else
<awang> I find myself low on cash far too frequently
<NCommander> Evening world
* NCommander is blowing the dust off his KSP-RO saves
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<awang> soundnfury: Guess another good thing about FMRS is that if you're intent on saving money you can use lower parachute masses, since many parts can survive 10-12 m/s landings while StageRecovery prefers 6 m/s
<awang> Although at that point it might as well be throwing away realism in favor of gaming whatever settings are present
<NCommander> THere's a fine line between realism and fun
<awang> Also depends on how neurotic you can get about optimizing things while still considering things "fun" too, I guess
<NCommander> awang, well this is part of the way I took the n-body physics mod out (without causing a hilight of people who will yell at me for that)
<egg|afk|egg> NCommander: n-body pings me too :-p
<NCommander> shit
<egg|afk|egg> muahaha
* NCommander scurries
<awang> Run, it's the eggpocalypse!
<NCommander> Part of me is tempted just to re-install stock
<awang> Prepare to be banned in 3... 2... 1...
* NCommander assumes the bankick position
<soundnfury> NCommander: is that the ban-kick moon?
<NCommander> soundnfury, lol
<NCommander> I'm trying to put my first astronaut into space
<NCommander> This likely won't end well
<soundnfury> NCommander: just space, not orbit? what're you using?
<NCommander> soundnfury, er, orbit. sorry, tired. Test flight is being problematic
<egg|afk|egg> drop testflight, reinstall principia instead? :-p
<soundnfury> you can't launch a rocket without breaking a few eggs :P
<egg|afk|egg> it is an agathorny problem
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<soundnfury> Papparently so.
<NCommander> well, it got into orbit
<NCommander> Need to see if it can return
<soundnfury> \o/
<soundnfury> what was the LV? Atlas?
<NCommander> soundnfury, some horrid mismatch of soviet and early US parts
<NCommander> Pilot died due to running out of O2
<soundnfury> :O
<soundnfury> wait, were you using a cockpit or something rather than a proper capsule?
<NCommander> soundnfury, it was a simulation in KRASH
<NCommander> soundnfury, I don't have proper capsules :P
<soundnfury> heh
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<NCommander> soundnfury, they're stupidly high on the tech tree
<NCommander> soundnfury, I'm seeing if the craft I built can survive re-entry. I think I have procedual tanks for O2
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<NCommander> soundnfury, looks like it can survive re-entry though
<NCommander> shoots deployed so yay
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<soundnfury> itym chutes
<Bornholio> or 'chutes
<soundnfury> ^ fair point good sir
<Bornholio> 'chutes for your 'nauts
<wb99999999> oh hey born
<Bornholio> hi Seven
<soundnfury> I'm surprised I made that error, given that I usually type (e.g.) 'phone and 'cello
<soundnfury> (however, there are not enough apostrophes in the world to properly punctuate "piano")
<Bornholio> .smirk
<wb99999999> Bornholio the idea of a more complete Methane ecosystem has been on my mind lately
<wb99999999> but being me I have no idea about the feasibility
<Bornholio> mainly engines? or with isru also?
<wb99999999> tbh I don't know
<wb99999999> I'm just being a keyboard developer and think "mate this will make a good alternative"
<Bornholio> If some balance work was done on RealISRU you would have a good start, I've got the RD-0410 stated with Methane configs from the iffy info i got from their runs and there is a few other bits
<Bornholio> to bad solid stats from bezos are not available, at least Elon is posting stats lately
<ProjectThoth> Sounds like a chemistry problem.
<wb99999999> If we throw the recreation aspect of RO away a little and think of it as a standalone game system
<wb99999999> Methane based engines and ships will be a rather nice addition
<wb99999999> especially to expand RP-0 mid game and sandbox
<Bornholio> I've got stats for all the nukes, but need better info on methane expansion turbo pumps to make sense of them. They seem a bit high at SL right now, and i can recreate the stats for O2 injection supersonic combustion i get from some NTRS articles
<soundnfury> wb99999999: well, when ferram's procedural engines is done, it should help
<Bornholio> yes it will
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<wb99999999> anyway, I have another annoying question
<ProjectThoth> no
<ProjectThoth> jk ask away fam
<wb99999999> actually you heard about that before
<wb99999999> but nobody answered me since
<ProjectThoth> Care to repeat it?
<soundnfury> wb99999999: upperstages?
<soundnfury> wb99999999: yes you're picky
<soundnfury> Agena all of the things :P
<ProjectThoth> Ohh.
AnnihilationRaptor is now known as UmbralRaptor
<wb99999999> no not that one
<wb99999999> the one about NK engines
<wb99999999> that they don't restart at all
<ProjectThoth> Oh, that one.
<soundnfury> wb99999999: maybe something's ablative?
<ProjectThoth> I know of a number of engines that needed parts replaced after firing.
<soundnfury> though that would be odd, because in spaceflight everything's always "nominative" xD
<ProjectThoth> (J-2S, H-1/R-27...)
<soundnfury> heck it could be a thermal expansion thing, maybe when the engine cools down the pumps seize or weld themselves solid
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<wb99999999> wait J-2S?
<wb99999999> ain't it supposed to be able to restart in flight?
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