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NathanKell|AFK is now known as NathanKell
<NathanKell> yo
<NathanKell> !tell Maxsimal,soundnfury Spaceplane wings appear in that node instead of the following (Prototype Spaceplanes) node because I didn't want to have *four* clones of the pwings, so I stuck with three. Really there should be X-15-rated pwings in the 1959 node, and the true spaceplane wings reserved for the later one. Note that the X-15 was actually *less* heat-resistant than it could have been; the
<Qboid> NathanKell: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<NathanKell> NACA design called for studying heat on airframes, so they needed it to be heat-resistant but not *too* heat resistant (see D-558-III )
<ProjectThoth> Rockets don't operate at stoichiometric ratios because it'd melt the engines, right?
<NathanKell> And for various other reasons, AIUI
<NathanKell> for example you don't lose much Isp but gain a lot of density by running lean for hydrolox.
<ProjectThoth> Ah, fair point.
<taniwha> NathanKell: o/
<NathanKell> Heya!
<taniwha> I got myself a thrustmaster hotas+pedals setup the other week. pedals are confusing
<taniwha> but having analog brake controls is very nice :)
<taniwha> (confusing, and I think superfluous on my planes (they're usually very yaw stable))
<ProjectThoth> I got myself a spray bottle at the dollar store for the moth I'm taking care of.
<NathanKell> taniwha: Heh :)
<taniwha> also, using an all-moving tail fin doesn't help :P
<ProjectThoth> His name is Jeffery.
<borntosleep> Grand Moth P'Thoth
<NathanKell> That sounds Lovecraftian.
<borntosleep> my favorite limerics summon great old ones, preferable tsathoggua
<ProjectThoth> Big ol' Polyphemus moth.
<awang> s/Grand Moth/Grand Moff
<awang> NathanKell: got any tips on choosing PEG parameters?
<NathanKell> Has it changed in the last month?
<awang> idk, I just started actually using it recently
<NathanKell> ok
<NathanKell> what's your LV?
<awang> Looked at the "edit ascent path" window, wondering if the numbers there are worth tweaking
<awang> Right now, it's a 60t vehicle with a RD-107 first stage and X-405 second
<NathanKell> Starting and ending TWRs and burn times?
<awang> Sending ~1.3t into LEO for a lunar mission
<awang> Starting is somewhere around 1.4, ending ~8.5, 2m 25s
<awang> For first stage
<NathanKell> and second?
<awang> 1.44 starting, 7.05 ending, 2m 33s
<NathanKell> ok
<NathanKell> will only be able to go to like a 150km perigee
<NathanKell> Because PEG requires a continuous burn, no coasting.
<blowfish> :o NathanKell returns
<NathanKell> Heya!
<NathanKell> Yeah, I'm still crunchy but slightly less crunchy.
<awang> Yep, that's actually what I have set :P
<awang> Was messing with 160km yesterday, but ended up making the TLI stage slightly heavier so had to decrease parking altitude
<awang> Tried a more Apollo-esque 185km, didn't make it
<NathanKell> Yeah, you'll have mad steering losses going to 185km
<NathanKell> because you have to loft high then burn off all the excess vertical velocity later.
<NathanKell> So with 1.4...probably something like 10s vertical ascent, and 75 seconds of pitch program at...say 0.75 d/s?
<NathanKell> maybe even 1d/s
<NathanKell> Hope you brought good fairings, it's gonna get hot.
<awang> Oh jeeze
<awang> That seems... low
<NathanKell> You're the one with the 5-minutes-to-orbit LV :P
<awang> I have things set at 10s pitch start, 55s pitch end, 1 deg/s, but I had no idea if that's optimal
<NathanKell> yeah, that seems pretty good actually
<NathanKell> is there much of a kick on pitch program end?
<awang> I just noticed that PEG really wanted to pitch down with the default 0.75 deg/s
<NathanKell> yeah
<soundnfury> .
<Qboid> soundnfury: NathanKell left a message for you in #RO [13.10.2017 01:58:30]: "Spaceplane wings appear in that node instead of the following (Prototype Spaceplanes) node because I didn't want to have *four* clones of the pwings, so I stuck with three. Really there should be X-15-rated pwings in the 1959 node, and the true spaceplane wings reserved for the later one. Note that the X-15 was actually *less* he
<Qboid> at-resistant than it could have been; the"
<NathanKell> because 5 minutes to orbit means a *very* shallow ascent.
<awang> I honestly don't remember
<NathanKell> Or a coast, but PEG can't
<soundnfury> o/
<NathanKell> Heya!
* soundnfury can not into sleep
<awang> Sorry, I can't help the 5 minutes to orbit... 60t and early engines means short burn times
<awang> Unless I'm designing things horribly wrong
<awang> How long of a wait between first and second stages could PEG deal with?
<soundnfury> NathanKell: the thing that really bugs me about the spaceplane wings is that you can (just) do an orbital spaceplane with tech nodes that all cost <= 25...
<awang> Well, that and the RD-108 doesn't have a TF config
<soundnfury> whereas to do a capsule you need to have upgraded the R&D building
<NathanKell> awang: 2-3 seconds? :P
<awang> And the LR-101 (or was it 105?) doesn't have enough liftoff thrust
<blowfish> I've waited 10ish seconds before
<awang> So had to go with the RD-107
<NathanKell> soundnfury: Yes, you can. But (as was true in reality) it's a dead end :)
<soundnfury> NathanKell: okay, fair enough
<soundnfury> I'll build Dyna-Rod in my career game and not feel bad about it, then :)
<NathanKell> Like, an orbital X-15 *was* possible (although it surviving reentry was kinda iffy).
<NathanKell> blowfish: True. And, I mean, awang, you *can* coast a bit, sure, but at the cost of lost delta V (effectively)
<soundnfury> (I'm in a hurry to get my starting astronauts to orbit before they retire. And yes I know there aren't meant to be starting astronauts, but there still are so far)
<NathanKell> :)
<NathanKell> awang: And you're already marginally capable, so...
<blowfish> RD-108 + X-405 would make a pretty capable early LV I think
<awang> NathanKell: Marginally capable?
<soundnfury> hmm, it should be possible to insert a coast phase into PEG, just by having a fake stage with tiny thrust.
<soundnfury> idk if it would still converge, though
<awang> blowfish: It's enough for TLI, at least
<awang> Or I guess. RD-107 appears to be an acceptable substitute
<NathanKell> awang: I thought you were talking about just barely getting your payload up?
<blowfish> RD-107 doesn't have the burn time I would want
<NathanKell> that you've all got me re-enthused >.>
<NathanKell> time to see how many commits
<NathanKell> and if my save works
<NathanKell> anyone know?
<awang> NathanKell: True... But is 1.3t considered a lot?
<awang> blowfish: And the RD-108 has effectively unlimited burn time since it's missing TF configs :(
<blowfish> NathanKell: the last commit to dev on RealismOverhaul was yours...
<awang> NathanKell: Prepare to be disappointed :P
<NathanKell> ...uh
<NathanKell> Oh, did miniPap 2.0 occur?
<blowfish> awang: yes, but to have it lift off the pad on its own it would burn for less time than the real thing
<awang> blowfish: Ah, that's a good point
<awang> NathanKell: I think so?
<blowfish> don't look at me, I've been working on ModuleManager stuff
<ProjectThoth> Don't look at me, I'm not a dev.
<blowfish> I would really love to get CobaltWolf's X-405H working in RO though
<blowfish> pain in trying to work with RO is a large part of my motivation for working on MM though actually
<awang> blowfish: Huh? Pretty sure I'm using the X-405 right now
<blowfish> since cutting the time it takes to load without cache makes things a lot easier
<awang> Unless you're talking about a different one?
<blowfish> awang: it's a config on the X-405, but CobaltWolf has an actual model that looks like the real thing
<awang> Ah, I see
<blowfish> X-405 was the actual Vanguard engine, X-405H was an upper stage version
<blowfish> which was built but never flown
<awang> Looks like I'm misusing the X-405 then
<blowfish> ehh, I did the same thing
<blowfish> the 405H doesn't unlock until 1959 and the regular ol' 405 still makes a pretty good 2nd stage
<awang> Minus the atrocious ignition rate of ~70%
<awang> >:(
<blowfish> ah, ignition failures may be a point of balance that needs to be addressed
<awang> blowfish: ?
<blowfish> since most of the play testing thus far on the new tech tree has been on builds of TF that had them borked
<blowfish> I mean, the real ignition rate is the real ignition rate
<blowfish> but funds rewards, contract timing, etc might have to be adjusted
<awang> Ah right, the bug hasn't been fixed in the current TF version
<blowfish> same for that bug where you don't pay entry costs, but I don't think that's been nailed down yet
<awang> Been playing on most up to date master for too long :(
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<NathanKell> what entry cost bug? I thought I fixed that one
<awang> blowfish: I'm actually playing on a build of RF that has the RP-0 changes ported to the current 1.3.0 version, and I think I've been paying all the entry costs
<awang> Don't know if it's RF though
<blowfish> NathanKell: I thought I was using all the up-to-date DLLs, but it's possible I missed soemthing
<awang> Bug's been fixed on my end, although by what exactly I don't know, since I like to torture myself with custom-ish builds
<NathanKell> entry costs are via RF yes
<NathanKell> blowfish: Ah. Hmm
<NathanKell> Hopefully next week I can sit down and port what I can to 1.3.
<awang> NathanKell: I've already done that :D
<NathanKell> oh, awesome!
<NathanKell> less work \o/
<awang> No idea if they're valid
<awang> And it messes with the history since I cherry-picked instead of doing a proper merge
<awang> Is that still alright?
<awang> I mean, they're valid in that they compile and KSP boots/appears to work
<NathanKell> I'm not fussed :]
<awang> idk if I introduced an accidental bug
<blowfish> awang: if it can be merged in a PR it's probably OK
<awang> Merges not working right was annoying, since I had to compare commits to make sure I wasn't missing anything :(
<awang> NathanKell: Only thing is that I ported the newCryo branch instead of nextRP0
<awang> Is that still OK?
<NathanKell> yep that's fine
<NathanKell> I don't know what progress Starwaster has made on that
<awang> I ported the KCT changes to 1.3.0 too
<awang> But that's not under KSP-RO, so...
<NathanKell> Ah nice!
<awang> NathanKell: Also, maybe some kind of bug with proc avionics?
<NathanKell> Ah. Right yeah probably rsparkyc is still busy?
<awang> That I don't know
<awang> PR sent!
<NathanKell> Woot!
<awang> KCT changes have been merged
<awang> NathanKell: Is there a way to get some kind of breakdown as to how much of the rollout costs come from what variable?
<awang> Also, rollout costs appear to be inconsistent between the VAB and space center
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<lamont> interesting NK returns
<NathanKell> awang: Sorry, missed.
<NathanKell> I don't believe there's a way to get a breakdown.
<NathanKell> As for consistency, I believe it's because the VAB uses the wrong pad level, but I'm not certain
<awang> At least as far as I remember, the cost quoted in the VAB didn't match the cost for any of the three pads I had, so if it's using the wrong pad level, it isn't picking one of the pads the player actually has
<NathanKell> I think it's using max level
<NathanKell> try cheating yourself a max level pad and comparing
<NathanKell> lamont: Heya!
<lamont> o/
<lamont> i’ve also been taking a bit of a KSP vacation
<NathanKell> Yeah, the team was all here until a few weeks ago, and then I took a week and a half off from everything to see my parents
<NathanKell> (they were here + it was crunch)
<NathanKell> I mean it still is crunchy, but lighter.
<blowfish> makes me wonder what Valve is up to these days...
<blowfish> I guess we'll fine out soon enough
<NathanKell> I certainly hope you will! :)
<lamont> i just got fried on too much calculus of variations and needed a break because KSP was burning me out…
<NathanKell> Us guys aren't working on Artifact though, in case you were wondering.
<NathanKell> That at least has been announced
<lamont> coincidentally though i started pinging a friend at Blue Origin about who he knows that does GNC and he forwarded me to an UFL professor who i fired off a few questions to, hoping that he responds...
<NathanKell> awesome!
<awang> NathanKell: I'll try, once I get this accursed lunar flyby/impact/orbit thing working
<NathanKell> :)
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<awang> First ballistic capture!
<awang> Also, MJ apparently can't calculate RCS dv?
<awang> You know what would be nice?
<awang> If KSP could not pick up keyboard presses when I'm in the background
<awang> That's twice a burn has been ruined because I dared use a capital letter in IRC
<soundnfury> here's my 1959 spessplane design btw
<soundnfury> I wanted to take a picture with re-entry flames... but there weren't any :)
<NathanKell> How the *#*%@ does that have enough L/D for a cool reentry?
<NathanKell> err, sorry, low wing loading
<NathanKell> L/D isn't meaningful
<NathanKell> [21:37] <awang> Also, MJ apparently can't calculate RCS dv? <<< yep, only supports monoprop RCS
<NathanKell> the KSP resource MonoPropellant I mean
<NathanKell> soundnfury: I'd expect to overheat if I tried that, not enough drag and wing
<soundnfury> NathanKell: body is mostly empty tankage
<NathanKell> ah yah
<soundnfury> and also it's stable at about 40° AoA, which helps :)
<awang> NathanKell: :( Any idea how hard it would be to have MJ support RF RCS?
<NathanKell> Don't know offhand
<NathanKell> I know it's hard enough that sarbian demurrs :P
<NathanKell> sorry, gotta nomz, o/
NathanKell is now known as NathanKell|AFK
<NathanKell|AFK> soundnfury: That explains it yes
<Qboid> NathanKell|AFK: soundnfury left a message for you in #RO [17.09.2017 20:29:55]: "wow, is a mercury-atlas really supposed to cost nearly 200k to roll out‽ yikes."
<soundnfury> ^ was before I discovered the pod was insanely expensive
<NathanKell|AFK> it's due to the pod not having the mult reset in the kct preset
<NathanKell|AFK> like the mk1 pod has
<NathanKell|AFK> all the other things besides mk1pod need that set
<NathanKell|AFK> ok, realz afk
<soundnfury> yeah I know, I later just copied the mk1pod's line for the mercury ;)
<soundnfury> btw one of the quirks of my spaceplane is that there's a portion of the re-entry — from maybe 5km/s down to 2.5km/s — in which roll control is effectively inverted
<soundnfury> because of weird roll/yaw/roll couplings
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<soundnfury> took me a while to learn how to fly it ;)
<Rockwell> What engine would you recommend for a Mars ascent vehicle?
<awang> Rockwell: Isn't Mars's atmosphere thin enough that a vacuum engine would probably work fine?
<awang> ...I think my KSP install may have a memory leak
<awang> It's currently eating up 25GB of RAM
<awang> It started closer to 12
<Rockwell> Yeah, I've been dabbling with Super Draco's for ascent and descent so far, good thrust to weight, multiple restarts, compact, storable fuel, but not the best Isp
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<blowfish> you probably want something pump-fed
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<Rockwell> to save on mass from having to use pressurized tanks?
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<blowfish> Rockwell: yes - better mass fraction, better Isp
<Rockwell> Ok, so I just checked out the LR-91 (Titan upper stage engine; aerozine) and the RD-0210 (Proton upper stage engine; UDMH) and the pump fed engines are giving me much better performance, gaining almost 2000 m/s delta-v plus slightly better thrust compared to the super draco cluster with the same tank volume. The only problem is they have just 1 ignition
<Rockwell> I guess I could make due with 1 ignition, but is there anything similar with multiple ignitions I'm overlooking?
<Rockwell> Is LOx boil off too severe for use on a Mars mission? There's some kerlox engines with 4-5 ignitions that would be suitable
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<awang> I think I remember reading somewhere that LOX is a heck of a lot better than LH2 in terms of boiloff
<awang> Lasting for a few weeks (or months? don't remember) compared to LH2's hours or days
<awang> But I doubt it's a good idea for a multi-month Mars mission
<awang> Unless you got active cooling and/or lots of insulation
<awang> Also, I don't get RemoteTech
<awang> I have a 4Mm antenna on my probe
<awang> Altitude ~600Mm
<awang> At least according to the RT formula, I should still have connection to Earth through the DSN antennae
<awang> But I don't
<awang> What gives?
<awang> Oh wait
<awang> Forgot about the 100x omni range part
<awang> Oops
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<awang> Woah, since when did KSP have a part overhauls thing?
<awang> By Porkjet
<awang> Has that been integrated?
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<taniwha> awang: the whole reason porkjet's overhaul is available is because it was NOT integrated
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<Probus> That's awesome awang, taniwha. Makes me sad though.
<taniwha> Probus: did you see the code link I pasted last night?
<Probus> No
<Probus> Ha! I just noticed one of the mods adds "Thanking LinuxGuruGamer" to the opening screen comments. That is hilarious but true.
<Probus> What kinda link was it taniwha?
<taniwha> github
<Probus> Well that should stop a few tumbles.
<taniwha> it does make a difference
<taniwha> right now, it's part of my AdvancedInput mod which, unfortunately, is linux-only for now :(
<taniwha> (otherwise I'd announce the thing properly)
<taniwha> (just need a windows person that can do a bit of C/C++ and C# coding to get the joystick support done for windows)
<Probus> Ask LinuxGuruGamer. (snigger)
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<taniwha> wow, using "Aim Camera" makes selecting docking ports much easier
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<Wrecker> Has anyone had issues with AmpYear or XScience? I just installed both onto my RO/RSS game and when I loaded in it appears to have deleted all of my probe cores
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* xShadowx lights taniwha on fire for making a linux only mod
<xShadowx> taniwha: oh next need antilock brakes :P
<xShadowx> if too much braking and tumble starting, auto detect and brake less?
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<awang> taniwha: I mean, Porkjet's part overhaul was available back for 1.2.something, so I wasn't sure whether something had changed since then
<awang> In any case, has Squad indicated whether the overhaul was going to be integrated sooner rather than later?
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<lamont> Wrecker: I seem to recall AmpYear issues being mentioned, although I haven’t used it myself
<lamont> Probus: “Cloning LinuxGuruGamer” would be funny, or something about a “LinuxGuruGamer cloning accident”
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<awang> Are real-life RCS engines throttleable?
<schnobs> usually not. At least not directly.
<schnobs> But IIRC they can be fired in short pulses...
<awang> Hmmm
<awang> Makes sense
<awang> No good way of modeling that in-game, though, right?
<schnobs> Between put-put-put and pfrrrrrt you should have an effect that is pretty similar to a throttle.
<awang> lol
<awang> Love the sound effects :D
<schnobs> lacking the vocabulary to say it better.
<schnobs> just btw, any MM heroes around?
<awang> Not me, unfortunately :(
<awang> Is MJ's RCS balancer still broken?
<awang> And if so, is there anything that provides balanced RCS?
<blowfish> schnobs: after wrangling with the code for a couple of months I think I've gotten a decent understanding of it
<blowfish> awang: yes, arrange it symmetrically around the CoM :trollface:
<schnobs> I hope that my problem is a case of simple oversight / stupidity.
<schnobs> I'm trying to rescale a part (make it shortwer while maintaing girth) and it doesn't quite work.
<blowfish> maybe take a look at the original part
<blowfish> it probably uses a MODEL{} node rather than mesh =
<blowfish> which means that you haven't removed the original model, you've just added a new one
<blowfish> but then if it already uses a MODEL node then there's not need to create a new one, just set the scale
<blowfish> (also, a great way to diagnose problems like this is to look at ModuleManager.ConfigCache and find that particular part)
<awang> blowfish: Gee, I wish :(
<schnobs> The latter was in vain. I wasn't aware of the model-mesh thing.
<awang> I could have sworn that once upon a time RCS automatically throttled so that you don't get weird torques/translation
<awang> But that doesn't appear to be the case any more
<blowfish> schnobs: ah, I guess that's relevant
<blowfish> both are valid ways of specifying a model
<schnobs> So in this case it would be enough to do @MODEL{%scale} ?
<blowfish> yes
<schnobs> ...restarting ksp...
<schnobs> wohoo! It works!
<schnobs> Thanks awang!
<schnobs> oooops
<schnobs> blowfish. I meant to thank you.
<blowfish> heh NP!
<blowfish> lots of nicks with all lowercase letters here
<awang> schnobs: :(
<borntosleep> awang check out apollo rcs modes to get a neat detailed answer to RCS throttle, PWM is the current method, chop on and off at variable rates at a frequency
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<schnobs> not being able to tell people apart is a major faux pas. And/or a sign of sleep deprivation.
<schnobs> Anyway, I've been sitting on that issue for two weeks now -- thanks for pointing out my mistake.
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<awang> borntosleep: That's interesting!
<awang> Rabbit hole ahoyyyyy
<awang> Just gotta get that into KSP now
<awang> Although MJ gets a pretty good approximation by hammering opposing RCS on/off
<awang> Albeit at the cost of ALL your fuel
<borntosleep> lol yes, MJ needs some easier to tune PID loop control
<schnobs> the old "use stock SAS" button has gone, sadly.
<schnobs> used to be a quick way to get to another PID preset -- between MJ and stock SAS, I could control nearly any vessel in any situation.
<ProjectThoth> awang/borntosleep Re-link?
<awang> ProjectThoth: idk if it's what borntosleep had in mind, but I found this
<ProjectThoth> Oh, wow.
<schnobs> Not sure how many pulses could be fired how quickly.
<schnobs> But i recall that the pulse thing was responsible for many a blow-up during testing.
<borntosleep> for video of pulse firing
<borntosleep> 20ms is the PWM rate minimum
<ProjectThoth> Brilliant!
<awang> That must be interesting to listen to from inside the craft
<soundnfury> you have to make sure your pulse frequency doesn't match any structural resonance modes of your spacecraft
<soundnfury> which varies as your tanks empty ;)
<awang> Now we need a mod that can change RCS sounds to correspond to the frequency for a particular throttle
<borntosleep> 50% duty cycle would rattle the ship at 25hz, probably get your teeth grinding :P
<schnobs> quote:
<schnobs> When the engine shut off in short pulse duty cycle in that kind of a radiative environment, the oxidizer entered the manifold first because it had gotten a very high vapor pressure relative to the fuel, and it went to the closest cold spot, which was at the chamber wall, and the fuel would come dribbling out.
<schnobs> It would freeze right on top of the oxidizer. We would build multiple layers of fuel oxidizer, and then, we would get a run long enough up to really do something. We’d get a really exciting event. I deemed it “pre-unplanned disassembly” at the time.
<ProjectThoth> What's the purpose of a different duty cycle?
<borntosleep> throttle
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<ProjectThoth> Throttle?
<schnobs> Useful if you want to get attitude adjustment down to a hair.
<schnobs> Also if you want to abuse the engine for a lander.
<awang> Or balanced attitude adjustments
<awang> i.e. rotate without translation
<awang> Or vice-versa
<awang> >:(
<schnobs> oh! yes, that too.
<ProjectThoth> Ohhh.
<awang> long-duration ballistic transfers really don't go well if you don't have balanced RCS to fine-tune adjustments
<schnobs> long-duration ballistic transfers?
<schnobs> (example please)
<awang> Using Principia
<awang> Single TLI burn out past lunar orbit into interplanetary space
<awang> Lots of magic later, end up in a temporary lunar orbit that is pretty easy (and cheap!) to make into a real orbit
<egg|zzz|egg> *ping*
<egg|zzz|egg> outer transfers are fun!
<egg|zzz|egg> four-body-problem :D
<awang> egg|zzz|egg: As long as you have the ability to make accurate corrections
<egg|zzz|egg> awang: yeah, otherwise they're infeasible
<schnobs> does that kind of magic IRL?
<awang> I might be a little sore about RCS balancing no longer being a thing
<awang> Might
<egg|zzz|egg> schnobs: GRAIL!
<egg|zzz|egg> hiten!
<egg|zzz|egg> ask UmbralRaptor for more!
<UmbralRaptor> ping
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<schnobs> One thing I didn't like about principia was the 100% accurate prediction.
<UmbralRaptor> Genesis!
<schnobs> In the sixties, they sent off a probe in about the right direction and planned for a 50m7s midcourse correction.
<UmbralRaptor> ISEE-3?
<UmbralRaptor> Also, Galileo and Cassini did interesting things with moon flybys?
<schnobs> No need to do that with principia -- even if you're positively slipshod with your transfer, the correction needs to be just a few m/s.
<schnobs> that is, within the capacities of cold-gas thrusters.
<egg|zzz|egg> schnobs: well, feel free to give us a design doc for maintaining a prediction ensemble with uncertain initial states,
<schnobs> The proper thing to do would probably be inaccurate directions. Early controllers being off by half a degree or somesuch.
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<egg|zzz|egg> schnobs: then that's not principia's job, it's mechjeb's
<egg|zzz|egg> complain to the right people :-p
<schnobs> So you get your perfect prediction, but can't execute it perfectly no matter how well-balanced your vessel is.
<egg|zzz|egg> schnobs: also you can't in practice execute things very well in RSS already, RCS only goes so fine
<egg|zzz|egg> (also 50 m/s sounds big for a translunar TCM, Apollo 8's corrections seem to be < 10 m/s)
<schnobs> 50m/s was mars or venus, not the moon.
<UmbralRaptor> ensemble… uncertainty…
<egg|zzz|egg> schnobs: but like in practice if you do use RSS+principia that's what you end up doing, burn + TCM
* UmbralRaptor takes a Feynman path integral of egg|zzz|egg
<schnobs> And even that number was pulled out of my nose. From fuel supply and ISP, I think the Mariners (either) had a capacity of slightly more than 100m/s. I don't know how much they actually needed.
<egg|zzz|egg> I'm not really sure what point you're trying to make though; the pattern of burning and then doing a TCM (or more) is what you end up doing if you use RSS, as a natural consequence of non-throttleable engines etc.; this applies with or without principia
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn UmbralRaptor
* Qboid gives UmbralRaptor an involutory classmethod
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<UmbralRaptor> … classmethod?
<awang> Oh, one thing I found somewhat annoying about Principia is that MJ's "point prograde" doesn't seem to work
<awang> Either that or it was so bad with RCS that it ended up pointing in some arbitrary direction
<awang> But that's not Principia's fault
<egg|zzz|egg> awang: yeah, that's kind of unavoidable
<awang> Other mods and not taking into account a more general notion of reference frame
<egg|zzz|egg> awang: sometimes the stock point prograde will work but even that is brittle
<egg|zzz|egg> in any case we certainly can't override mj's stuff, if only for licensing reasons
<awang> Licensing reasons?
<egg|zzz|egg> (can't have any MJ or FAR bindings in our code, we're MIT and they're GPL)
<awang> Ah
<awang> How are you dealing with the FAR integration then?
<egg|zzz|egg> we'd need to define some sort of common aerodynamic API above that, have FAR set things in there and us read there, same for MJ; makes communication extremely tricky
<egg|zzz|egg> awang: we're not?
<awang> I thought you're doing something about managing vessels in-atmosphere?
<schnobs> egg|zzz|egg: mostly it's a gameplay issue. knowing with high precision where you'll end up doesn't feel right when you're sending your first probes.
<egg|zzz|egg> awang: when ferram4 tears down this line, he's just going to set forces the stock way, which serves as a common API
<schnobs> But if you want technicalities... I couldn't play RSS/RO/RP-0 in a long time. Last time I did, gimbaling engines & MJ would keep the heading nicely, and shutdown was accurate down to 1/20th of a second (that is, +-1.5m/s if you were pulling 3g at the end of the burn).
<awang> Ah
<awang> So you're not dealing with FAR directly
<awang> Makes sense
<egg|zzz|egg> schnobs: ok, so then that's the issue, unrelated to principia
<blowfish> ugh, this is why LGPL
<egg|zzz|egg> schnobs: if you want inaccuracy in burn timing it's not our job
<awang> blowfish: But it's LESSER
<awang> Why would you want an inferior version?
<schnobs> The later correction was quite small, well within what you can do with cold-gas RCS. no need to bring an anctual engine and hydrazine for the job.
<awang> :P
<awang> Does MJ actually perform Principia burns?
<egg|zzz|egg> awang: nope
<egg|zzz|egg> awang: but you can make it point to the node and then you just need to do the timing
<awang> Right, that's what I've been doing
<egg|zzz|egg> (still no closed-loop but that's *hard*)
<awang> I was wondering where the auto-shutdown thing was coming from
<awang> Hard in what way?
<egg|zzz|egg> schnobs: now if you want inaccurate predictions it would be somethnig we could do in theory, given infinite staffing; in practing we'll shove it on the infeasible pile
<egg|zzz|egg> awang: even defining the problem; what do you want to optimize
<schnobs> egg|zzz|egg: I don't actually expect it to happen.
<awang> Er, crap
<awang> brb
<awang> Sorry
<egg|zzz|egg> \o
<schnobs> Just pointing out that while Principia may bring realistic trajectories, it also makes for pretty unrealistic gameplay. I will probably still insist on a proper mariner clone, but i do so in the knowledge that my vessel is overengineered and a lot heavier than it needs to be.
<egg|zzz|egg> schnobs: but I don't see how that's principia related
<egg|zzz|egg> schnobs: if your burn timing is too accurate, it's too accurate even without principia
<schnobs> good point. I never wondered why I got better results in principia than IRL.
<schnobs> (did I just say IRL?)
<egg|zzz|egg> yeah I was confused for a moment there
<schnobs> me too. It *is* getting late for me.
<schnobs> Can it be that small differences at the SOI boundary have a large effect?
<egg|zzz|egg> I don't think you can actually get the principia burns to 1/20th second btw, since MJ can't execute them (they're strictly timing-based), and we give the time in 1/10 s
<egg|zzz|egg> schnobs: not sure what the SOI boundary does in stock, tbh I'd classify any inaccuracies coming from that firmly in the "bug" category :-p
<schnobs> "works as designed" <- one of the worse insults at my workplace
<egg|zzz|egg> schnobs: also, if you want a less-accurate shutdown, you can do it strictly timing-based, without looking at map view, that way you have effectively no closed-loop guidance (whereas eyeballing it from map view gives you a sort of closed-loop-through-your-good-judgement)
<egg|zzz|egg> (and then go back to map view to plan the TCM
<egg|zzz|egg> )
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