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<awang> Bornholio: No clue, unfortunately. Things have been working fine on my end for a while
<awang> Bornholio: Here's everything I have installed: https://hastebin.com/raw/epubugacak
<Bornholio> cool
<awang> egg|zzz|egg: Skipping 1.3.0 sounds fine to me. I'm not the one in charge of releases, though, so I'd take that with a grain of salt
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<Bornholio> need to hunt down a pr pusher and draft them into the 1.3.1 war
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<wb99999999> what does that even mean
<wb99999999> what 1.3.1 war?
<Bornholio> get a ro/rp-0 release for 1.3.1ksp
<wb99999999> oh okay
<schnobs> as in "join the war effort".
<wb99999999> I was thinking in terms of a war with an opponent
<blowfish> ahh, need someone who can actually merge stuff?
<Qboid> blowfish: awang left a message for you in #RO [12.11.2017 09:26:50]: "Most recent startup with MM built from dev has 144540 patches applied in 975.325s"
<Qboid> blowfish: awang left a message for you in #RO [12.11.2017 09:27:34]: "No complaints about MM patch errors, though?"
<Qboid> blowfish: Sarbian left a message for you in #RO [12.11.2017 13:10:28]: "well you can have the tuple in Unity https://gitlab.com/HardlyDifficult/ValueTupleForDotNet3_5"
<Qboid> blowfish: egg|zzz|egg left a message for you in #kspacademia [12.11.2017 15:34:12]: "RFC: deprecating 1.3.0 for Principia (will keep shipping 1.2.2 builds as long as RO hasn't moved to 1.3.1, and will keep making 1.3.1 builds, but can we assume RO will skip 1.3.0?)"
<schnobs> "I have nothing to offer but..." yadda yadda.
<blowfish> awang: yeah, kinda wondered if just patching it into the System namespace would work but didn't bother trying
<blowfish> oh sorry, that was Sarbian
<blowfish> !tell egg* sure ... why is that message for me though?
<Qboid> blowfish: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<egg|zzz|egg> in case you had comments :-p
<Qboid> egg|zzz|egg: blowfish left a message for you in #RO [13.11.2017 01:57:35]: "sure ... why is that message for me though?"
<egg|zzz|egg> also I should sleep
<blowfish> yeah, I wouldn't worry about new releases of mods for 1.2.2
<wb99999999> maybe also find someone to help starwaster on PP solids
<wb99999999> I want his idea of motors having realistic length and diameter related thrust and burntime to come true so much XD
<Rokker> Bornholio: https://youtu.be/3gOJlNMuQ_I
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<awang> TIL rockets have user's manuals
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<Iskierka> ofc
<Iskierka> why wouldn't they?
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<wb99999999> man crossfeeding is even less useful than many have thought in RO
<wb99999999> most of us know it's not very useful, but I'd say it's nearly useless
<Iskierka> and how do you determine this?
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<ProjectThoth> I DID IT
<ProjectThoth> WOOO
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<Maxsimal> o/ hiya
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<awang> Does MJ autostaging not trigger sometimes for anyone else here?
<awang> I'm trying to use the "autostage once" functionality to drop boosters, but there are points where it just doesn't trigger even after the boosters have shut down
<awang> Revert flight, and it works fine the next time
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<Maxsimal> awang: Sorry I don't use autostaging with MJ. I'm always worried it'll drop my fairings too early.
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<Theysen> hey folks
<awang> Maxsimal: That's why I usually only autostage one stage at a time
<awang> Also, couldn't you just bump up the fairing jettison altitude to over 100km or something?
<awang> Maybe not necessary gameplay-wise, but seems that it's relatively common for real-life launches?
<Theysen> yes 100km is a rough benchmark for fairing sep
<Theysen> depends on too many factors though
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<awang> Maybe MJ should add a "heat flux" option for determining when to jettison the fairings
<awang> Heat flux + dynamic pressure, no need for altitude?
<Theysen> vibrations of the internal rocket :P
<Theysen> since we cant calculate it.. heat flux sounds fine
<awang> Writing a mod to determine resonance frequencies sounds... fun
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<awang> I also like how TF sometimes loads and sometimes doesn't
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<lamont> awang: there’s an autostaging bug
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<wb99999999> Just noticed some details on the Skylon
<wb99999999> the SABRE engines has like 2.9 MN of thrust in air-breathing?
<wb99999999> how is this even fucking possible
<wb99999999> someone in this chat ought to be well-read enough to answer this question...
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<Bornholio> thats the rocket mode number IIRC
<Bornholio> vacuum